Giveaway WINNERS!
Hey everyone! The most anticipated part of the event is finally here.
We are so excited to announce the Winners of our Giveaways.
Congratulations to all the winners!
Are you ready?
1. Abyss-of-Crazy will design a book cover for 3 lucky winners. The winners are HDINHAFIZUDDIN, Xxskater2girl16xX and AnkeLiebert.
2. AireenAryana will follow, design a book cover, read and comment on 3 lucky winners' story. The winners are thehijabiwrites, Sakada_authors and Yayanaa_.
3. aristav will review 2 lucky winners' story. The winners are Charmainegirlonfiyah and sarahikari_ska .
4. BrittanieCharmintine will give an Audiobook of MATVWLT to ONE lucky winner. The winner is ravendra8.
5. CallMeAmarfi will give critics and follow 2 lucky winners. The winners are thefatiha__ and mijapija.
6. comradenami will give a paperback, do a book review, make a book trailer for 2 lucky winners. The winners are HuzieRedzuan and SilauunPurii .
7. Dangerfield will give a creative gift, follow, read & comment on 3 lucky winners' story. The winners are Nisrinanisha, Cik_RB and spmlambatlagi .
8. EllaAffandy MizzHelena will follow, read and comment on 3 lucky winners' story. The winners are mijapija, chairosistos and daliaya .
9. flwerpsy will follow and read & comment on 2 lucky winners book. The winners are waygnies and spmlambatlagi.
10. gabycabezut will give her 'Perfectly Imperfect' Ebook to ONE lucky winner. The winner is its_a_crazy_girl .
11. GregCarrico will give a paperback ( An autographed copy of Children of the Plague) to ONE lucky winner. The winner is Ravenheart01.
12. HdinHafizuddin will follow and gift a key-chain to 10 lucky winners. The 10 winners are NurAqilahNoor, chairosistos, Nurxna_, Nvrxln, scarlet_rin, _NuR_Iffah_68, Sihijabis, CallMeAmarfi, _hoshii and spmlambatlagi. He will also follow and gift top-up cards to 5 lucky winners. The 5 winners are AmirulAmsyar, SilauunPurii, Cik_RB, HAMBALLAH07 and Kmaisarah_.
13. IniSandri will gift an Ebook, read and comment on ONE lucky winner's story. The winner is neesoft.
14. irahadeera will follow 2 lucky winners. The winners are Black_Pretiosum, uradawiyah and uradawiyah.
15. JasminAMiller will name a character of her book to ONE lucky winner. The winner is Jessa_nikie12.
16. JejakaMerah will give critics and follow 3 lucky winners. The winners are AbidahhNasir, Saptember and RyouRobin.
17. joshidhawal will give an Ebook, follow,read and comment on 3 lucky winners' story. The winners are Enchanted_Versifier, oceanwaved and sarahikari_ska.
18. KellyAnneBlount will follow ONE lucky winner. The winner is SweetAngelx.
19. Me_oMee will do book review, follow, read and comment on ONE lucky winner story. The winner is CallMeAmarfi.
20. Nablai will read & comment on 3 lucky winners' stories. The winners are DNSakina, royal888 and Quietgirlboss.
21. Niemza will give critics, do a book review and read & comment on ONE lucky winner's story. The winner is Cik_RB.
22. nitawrites will follow, read and comment on 2 lucky winners' story. The winners are Iihani and 04thegreatwarrior.
23. NumbHeart will make a book trailer for 3 lucky winners. The winners are Iihani, royal888 and sarahikari_ska.
24. Nur_Haura will do a book review, follow lucky winners, make a book trailer, read and comment on 3 lucky winners' story. The winners are Sakada_authors, HAMBALLAH07 and SyuhadaNr.
25. queenz_isya will read and comment on ONE lucky winner's book. The winner is dinarhd.
26. raatommo will gift an Ebook to 2 lucky winners. The winners are Hema3119 and me_my06.
27. royal888 will dedicate a chapter or comment on one chapter of 3 lucky winners' story. The winners are stox4story, Sakada_authors and ravendra8.
28. saptember will draw a favourite character for ONE lucky winner. The winner is azbaqiyah.
29. seventhstar will design a book cover, give story consultation via Skype Call to ONE lucky winner. The winner is krazydiamond.
30. ShaunAllan will give Ebook, downloadable audiobook of Sin and follow 2 lucky winners. The winners are HalcyonTears and amandasumrall.
31. Shieyruna will do a book review, follow and read & comments on 5 lucky winners book. The winners are Kyrinqis, ainraudi124, Angell_sky_, bts_2004 and Saraqhr.
32. SilauunPurii will do a book review, follow, design a book cover, read and comment on 3 lucky winners' story. The winners are Nrsyirhh, Student_ofdeen and NorFarahanim.
33. spmlambatlagi will give critics, do a book review, read and comment on 3 lucky winners' story. The winners are Flwerpsy, Kyrinqis and mendeskisses.
34. SweetAngelx will give a Wattpad T-shirt to ONE lucky winner. The winner is Shieyruna.
35. syanie_54 will give critics, follow, read and comment on 3 lucky winners' story. The winners are Cik_Rahsia, NFHana9 and Sara_Ismail18.
36. tamoja will give a $20 Amazon gift card to ONE lucky winner. The winner is pastelly_.
37. thefatiha__will do a book review and design a book cover for 5 lucky winners. The winners are Student_ofdeen, thedhia_, RabiatulMikhael, CallMeAmarfi and Iihani.
38. ThiyaAhmad will read and comment on ONE lucky winner story. The winner is nitawrites.
39. wolfgalaxy88 will do a book review, read and comment on lucky 2 winners' story. The winners are nurqasieh and sarahikari_ska.
40. xMizabel will give a paperback (An autographed copy of Davika published book ) to ONE lucky winner. The winner is probablyjoonkha.
41. XxSkater2Girl16xX will give critics, do a book review, follow and read & comment on lucky 3 winners' story. The winners are Dovereign, oceanwaved and SweetAngelx.
42. ____hfil will give critics, do a book review, read & comment on 2 lucky winners' story. The winners are U-mihara_sshi and ThiyaAhmad.
43. _XSH_04will follow 3 lucky winners. The winners are thedhia_, Enchanted_Versifier and dovereign
Is your name there? If so, the victory is yours. You're welcome to shout out, scream or even dance crazily! Drop a comment here if you have won, bring your most creative emoji along.
Once again,
To all participating members,
Please contact your winners via inbox to announce them the good news. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to hear from you. You may ask them the information needed such as title of story to review, address or email id to send ebook, audiobook or paperback. And other necessary information that is needed in order to fulfill the giveaway.
***Kepada semua peserta,
Sila hubungi pemenang anda melalui inbox untuk mengumumkan berita baik ini kepada mereka. Kami pasti mereka akan berasa teruja untuk mendapatkan mesej daripada anda. Anda boleh meminta mereka maklumat yang diperlukan seperti tajuk cerita untuk review/kritik, alamat atau emel untuk menghantar ebook, audiobook atau novel. Anda juga boleh tanya maklumat penting yang lain jika diperlukan.
To all winners,
Kindly answer to the message you'll receive from our participating members and provide the information they need. Give them some time to fulfill the prize. You have till 31st of January to answer the message(s) you 'll receive from our participating members. If you fail to do so, I'm afraid, your name will be excluded from the winning list and the prize(s) won will be forfeited.
***Kepada semua pemenang,
Sila jawab mesej yang anda akan terima daripada peserta kami dan berikan maklumat yang mereka perlukan. Tolong beri mereka masa untuk tunaikan giveaway ini. Anda mempunyai sehingga 31 Januari untuk menjawab mesej tersebut. Jika anda gagal melakukannya, nama anda akan dikeluarkan dari senarai pemenang dan hak atas hadiah yang dimenangi akan dibatalkan.
Thank you so much for all the love and support that you have all given us. We hope that you'll continuously support and follow us to receive more good news in the future.
Are you sad that the party is over? Are you disappointed that you didn't win anything? Don't be. Why? You'll find out in the next chapter.
Till then, have a great day!
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