Janus- Headache.
(Warnings: Terrible writing. I hope this is okay, this is kinda short but- it was the best that I could do. Requested by: PeacefulLavender I hope this is okay. Enjoy.)
(Y/n's) POV:
This headache was killing me, but I couldn't just cancel these plans I had.
I usually went to the Sanders household on Saturday. It was a regular thing, I hangout with my friends and my boyfriend, Janus.
But my head was killing me, I knew why it was giving me such a hard time.
I didn't really sleep that much last night due to a late shift at work, and to add onto that I had to come into work early this morning as well.
Of course, what kind of day at work would it be if I didn't have to deal with the normal shouting customer, Karen.
I pulled into the driveway, parking my car as my head pounded, I winced at the pain while turning off my car and getting out.
I pinched the bridge of my nose at the irritation, walking up to the front door.
I was about to knock before the door going open revealing an excited Patton, who grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the house.
"(Y/n)! Perfect timing! We were debating on what movie we were going to watch! What do you suggest?" Patton asked, his voice seeming a bit louder to me, most likely due to the headache I have.
"Ngh- I don't care, Patton, whatever you want to watch is fine.." I told him, rubbing my temples to ease the pain.
"You alright, Kiddo?" Patton asked, glancing at Janus who came into the room.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine, just have a headache." I stated, sighing as I sat on the edge of the couch.
Janus came over, sitting down next to me. He took ahold of my hand, looking at me worriedly.
"Are you sure you are alright, Love?" He asked, swiping his thumb across my hand, to comfort me.
"Yeah." I answered, smiling slightly at him.
"Lie." He stated, looking at me with a stern expression.
"...I hate that you can tell if I'm lying or not." I said, huffing a bit.
"If you were in this much pain you shouldn't have come." He told me, Furrowing his brows in worry.
"And miss out on getting to see you? No way." I responded, wincing a bit at my still hurting head.
"Stay here I'll be back." He told me, before leaving the room.
I sat there in silence, Patton and the others seeming to have left during our conversation.
He came back a few minutes later with a pill bottle, he handed the bottle to me.
"Medicine for your headache. I'll be right back with some water." He said, before once again disappearing.
He returned with a glass of water, handing it to me.
"Take the medicine I'll be back." He said, before yet again, leaving the room.
I did as I was told, opening the bottle and fishing out a pill.
I took the pill, after putting the cap back on the bottle. I set it down on the table, as I saw Janus come back with a bunch of blankets.
He set down the blankets ontop of me, sitting down next to me as he did so.
"...What are these for?" I asked, looking up at him.
"You aren't feeling well so I'm going to cuddle you." He said, as if it was obvious.
He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my temple as he did.
I smiled at the gesture.
"Thank you. I'm feeling a lot better all ready." I said, turning me head to look at him.
"You're welcome, I'm glad you are." He said, pecking my lips as he held onto me tightly.
We both laid down on the couch, my headache fading as I drifted off to sleep with Janus holding onto me, kissing me cheek every so often.
I still don't particularly like headaches, but the comforting when I have them are pretty nice.
Patton and the others looked at the two softly sleeping on the couch, holding onto one another.
The soft snap of a picture being taken and the white flash of a camera was enough to wake Janus up, but thankfully not (Y/n).
He looked at the others, an agitated expression planted on his face.
"Will you all leave us be? They are trying to sleep!" He whispered shouted, low enough to where it didn't wake up (Y/n).
"Hm- Janus- You can't and won't move will you?" Virgil asked, an idea popping into his head.
"And risk waking (Y/n) up? No way."
"And you wouldn't want us to wake (Y/n) up, do you?" Virgil inquired, his lips lifting up into a smirk.
"No. What are you getting at?" Janus asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Remus. Roman. Get a pen, and a whole bunch of other stuff." Virgil told the twins, both of them catching onto what he was suggesting.
"You two don't do that- I will kill you!" The lying trait told them.
"And risk waking (Y/n) up? I don't think you will." Roman said, after rushing into his room and grabbing a sharpie.
Janus stayed quiet, trying to think of an excuse, but he knew that he had been defeated.
"Oh this'll be fun!" Virgil said uncapping a pen.
(Word count in total: 905 )
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