Harry's POV
"au revoir!!" She giggles,making me smile,before opening the door to Zayn's car.
"God,you guys are so cute" Perrie laughs,as she gets into the backseat,along with Niall.
A small blush creeps onto my face,making Zayn chuckle. "Aw,look..Your making Harold blush.." he continues, poking at my cheeks.
This is something, that almost never happens. I don't blush. Oh, no..It's scary,how I react whenever Emily is around me,or even if it's just the thought of her,that enters my mind...
"Oh,shut up" I scoff playfully, before he drives off,dropping Niall at his place first.
"Right,lads..this is me..I'll see ya guys,soon Yeah?" He says, patting my shoulder ,as he gets out of the car.
We wave goodbye to him,before driving off to Perrie's.
Throughout the entire ride to her place the two of them, teased me about my....relationship? Was it a relationship?Or..erm..Yeah,whatever that is,with Emily...But,I'm not gonna lie,part of me wanted to slap that stupid smirk off of his face,but the other part of me,couldn't help but enjoy it. And,truthfully..They weren't wrong. I was different around her. And,in a good way. She just...brings out this part of me...that..that I never thought I'd see again.
Soon,we reach Perrie's stop,Zayn getting out of the car to walk her to her door. I'm definitely, rooting for these two..I can see,how happy Zayn is whenever he's with her..And,the same way around. It warms my heart,to know that..That could be me and Emily one day...
One day...
"So..you,going back home tonight?" Zayn asks,stopping on the side of the close to empty road.
Am I going back home tonight? Trust me when I say this,I've been asking myself the same question for the past 4 years now...Home...Home.. Feels like that word has been,washed away from my vocabulary.
"Well...erm..I.. haven't really seen him after...um..I guess I'll take my chances?" I say,my tone coming of more as a question.
I haven't told Zayn about the letter yet..I haven't told him that my dad,walked in on me snooping about...
"Harry,your not fooling anyone.." He sighs,leaning his elbows against the steering wheel . "I know something's wrong, and I don't expect you to explain everything to me right now...but,please. Just come home with me today,and we'll figure it out..I don't want to see you at my door,at 3 AM with a bloodied nose,again Haz...It doesn't only hurt you,but it hurts me and everyone who cares for you as well.. "
I take a deep breathe before answering,
"I..." ... "Are you sure? Because, I don't wanna barge into your home,without any -"
"Of course not..." he smiles softly. "Your like family,mate.." he finishes, patting my shoulder.
I give him a thankful smile,patting his hand that was placed on my arm.
"Thank's,Z..Means a lot..." I nod.
It really did mean a lot...The boys,were the closest I had to family.. the closest thing,I've felt that brings me the feeling of being home...
And now,I may have just found another person...Whenever I'm with her...Its comfortable...Calming....it feels like, what I would imagine, felt like feeling home..
"Hiya,darling" Trisha smiles,kissing Zayn on the cheek as we walked through the door.
I walk up from behind him,Trisha's smile growing as she sees me.
"Harry,sweetheart...How are you love?" She cooes, bringing me in for a hug.
"I'm doing just fine,Trisha, what about you?" I say,a genuine smile appearing on my face.
"Aw,darling I'm doing so much better,now that I've heard you call me by my name,and not the dreaded Mrs.Malik ,which makes me feel like I'm 70 already," she smiles,a light chuckle escaping her lips.
I laugh softly along with her,Zayn shaking his head beside me.
"And mum,you'll be happy to know that Harry will be staying with us tonight" he smiles,making me shift uncomfortably,out of the nervous feeling that spread throughout my body.
"Ah,my night keeps getting better,and better...Harry sweetie, we'd love to have you over tonight..."
I shake my head slowly before speaking,
"I really hope I'm not intruding..."
"Oh,nonsense...Zayn,why don't you set up the mattress in your room,and let me chat up with Harry over here.." she says,placing her hand over my shoulder.
"Alright, alright...But,don't scare him away " he jokes,before walking up the stairs.
Trisha shakes her head,laughing softly.
A sound that felt so familiar...Just like Mum's...
"Walk with me?" She asks,her heading tilting toward the patio outside.
I nod slowly,trailing behind her,my arms crossed over my chest.
I walk quietly along with her,Their dark patio lit up with small yellow lamps.
She takes a seat on one of the patio chairs, patting one beside her.
I sit down,my arms rested against my knees,as we stay in silence.
Not awkward. But,comfortable.
After what felt like ages, she speaks up softly.
"I know,Harry...."
My heart drops,my entire body going cold.
She knows?
"A-about..What?" I ask,trying my best,not to fumble over my words.
She takes a deep breathe before answering my long awaited question.
"I know about the nights,when you come over to the door,at 2 AM...Bruises and blood,scattered across your face...I know,how much you try to hide it from the rest of us,Harry..But,there's no reason to." She says,making my breathe hitch in my throat.
"I...I'm sorry,I really didn't mean -"
"No!,don't you dare apologize, darling....Never ever,apologize for what that man did to you..Its not your fault.." she finishes, taking my hand in hers.
I try so hard to get my words out,but struggle, as I'm genuinely left speechless. What do I say to this? How will I respond to this?
As if she read my mind,she sighs and speaks up once again.
"Next time it happens...If anything at all happens,Harry..If that man,lays another finger on you,I need you to come straight here..Please,sweetheart I can't stand knowing that you have to go through all if that,"
I manage to nod,as I bite my lip.
"I love you,just as much as I love my family Harry...Your like a son to me..And,just the thought of you,getting hurt,hurts me..I know everything changed, after...after Anne left,love..But,I know that she would want me to tell you this..I know,that she would want me to take care,of her entire world"
I continue to nod,trying to process all of the information that had been introduced to me in the past 5 minutes.
Words can't explain,how thankful I am,for Zayn,his family,and of course the rest of the boys..And, now Emily.
I sat there and tried to make a sentence, but couldn't. The emotions running through my head were screwing up my speech,making me fumble every now and then. The only two words I could say,and the only two words that seemed appropriate at the moment was,
"Thank you "
"You sure,you're okay down there? Cause I can take the floor mate,it really isn't a problem " Zayn asks for the one hundredth time,making me chuckle.
"I'm alright Zayn,you don't have to worry..It's quite comfortable to be honest " I nod,fluffing up the pillow,to prove my point.
"Alright Harold,but don't come whining to me,when your back begins to hurt" he states hoping onto his bed.
"Sure thing,mate" I laugh,leaning against the wall.
I take my jacket, folding it neatly,when the sound of crumpling paper catches my attention. I frown at first,but soon realize that it wasn't just any piece of paper.
I swiftly empty out the pockets of my jacket onto the floor,the letter that had only,barley been crushed falling out.
I breathe a sigh of relief, as I try to straighten it up again.
"What are you,up to mate?" Zayn questions,placing his phone down next to him.
I sigh,before answering,
"Remember how I told you,about walking in on my dad,with a bunch of letters and papers,scattered about?"
He furrows his eyebrows softly,before nodding.
"Well...I suppose, this could be one of them.." I begin,stretching my arm out, handing him the discolored paper.
"Wait,really??" He asks,clearly surprised.
I shrug,getting up off the floor,and walking over to the bedside table.
"I guess,so..I was cleaning up a couple of cabinets, and I found this...I'm assuming it is..."
"Shit,man.." He breathes out,as he reads the letter.
"...yeah.." I nod,folding my arms across my chest.
"Did you find anymore of them?" He questions, handing me the piece of paper delicately, as if it were a glass object .
"I couldn't " I shake my head,placing the letter down. "He walked in on me reading it.."
"What?!" Zayn whisper yells,making me nod in agreement.
"I escaped,some how..But,I haven't really seen him since..Its been only two days,really.."
"Oh" he frowns,looking down. "Well,you can stick around here, for however long you need,H" he says,finishing with a small smile.
"Thank's,Z.. I smile,before we exchange our "Goodnight's"..
If staying here for a bit,meant I wouldn't have to run into him for a while,again..I would gladly, take up the offer.
But,I just knew that there were more letters...And,I knew that those letters would give me the answers,to a whole lot of unanswered questions that I've had,for a long time....
And,I plan on getting those answers sooner,than I thought I would....
A/n Omg,this was one of the longest chapters I've written,aha..But,boy did I enjoy doing so ;)...Do you think Harry's gonna get his awaited answers,easily? Where do you think,Harry and Emily's relationship is going? Leave a comment you guys,because I absolutely LOVE reading every single one of them!!
All the love - V
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