Chapter Thirty Nine
"So, are you ready?" Alana said as Megan tied her in a ponytail, looking at the mirror.
"Do I look ready?" Megan said as she turned to look at Alana who was dressed in white bumshort, a blue floral crop top and a black slippers.
"Of course." Alana said as she took Megan to the long mirror, "You look like a Disney princess waiting for her prince charming." She added with a smile.
Megan was dressed in a yellow bumshort, a white off shoulder top that had a little red on it with a white slippers.
"You know it would have been more sensible, if you said that when I'm wearing a ball gown not a casual dress." Megan said as she looked at Alana.
"Hello, I'm trying to be a good friend here." Alana said with a scoff and a eye roll.
Megan and Alana got to Alex's house,they pressed the doorbell when Richard opened the door, who was in a
"Well, I'm surprised you guys came, especially you Megan." Richard said with a smirk.
Megan smiled at him as he let them in.
"Does Richard knows about what happened between I and Alex?....Of course,he should know,he is his best friend."
Megan thought as they walked inside the living room as Megan remembered the moment as she shook her head off to forget about it.
Richard opened a big glass door,which showed the outside of the house, which was really big,it had a big swimming pool.
Megan's eyes caught Alex was sitting on the floor of the swimming with his leg inside with Britteny beside him as they laughed, Megan burned with rage seeing the both of them together, she also saw Amidala and two other guys who was seated round the table as they were talking with some laugh.
"This is going to be the best pool party ever." Alana said as she walked to where Amidala was,as they both hugged each other.
"I never knew there was a swimming pool." Megan said to Richard said he scoffed.
"As big as this house is,you expect us not to have it not to have a pool." Richard said as he walked away.
"Not every big house has a pool." Megan muttered under her breath as she folded her hands and pouted her lip like a baby.
Megan walked to the swimming pool, removing her slippers as she sat down on the floor, putting her legs inside the swimming pool,as she felt the cold water on her feet, she breathed out as she looked at the dark sky, which had lots of stars.
She looked opposite her to look where Alex was seated but couldn't find him but only Brittney who was already inside the pool, swimming back and forth.
"Looking for someone?" Alex said close to her ear as she shriek timidly as Megan looked at him who had a smirk on his face.
"Instead of sitting here,why not join the group?" Alex said as he pointed to the table where Richard and others were having fun.
"At least, Brittney isn't part of the show." Megan said as she looked at Brittney who was still swimming.
"You know one thing about you," Alex said as he sat down beside Megan, putting his legs inside the water, "You are just jealous or oppressed by her." Alex said pointing to Brittney.
"No, I'm not and stop pointing." Megan said as she held Alex's hand that was pointing.
"I want to point." Alex said as he tried to shake Megan's hands off him but Megan used her strength to hold his hand.
"Why are you so stubborn?" Megan said as she looked at Alex, removing her hand from him.
"And why are you so strong?" Alex said as he pushed her into the water, "Be free, Megan..We all have one life."
Megan swam back up,as she brought her head out of the water, trying to get some breath, she gave Alex a Fuck you sign,as she swimmed closer to the Alex,as she came out of the water, dripping wet.
"You look so wet,I bet you would soon get a cold." Alex said.
"I don't get colds." Megan said proudly as she sneezed.
"And that's why we should never rush the future," Alex said as he stood up,he carried Megan in a bridal style.
"What are you doing?" Megan said as she buried her face on Alex's chest.
"I don't want you to fall." Alex said.
"I can't fall,drop me down now." Megan said as Alex looked at her for a few seconds before dropping her on the floor as Megan legs gracefully touched the ground.
"Let's get you something to wear." Alex said as he began to walk inside as Megan followed him behind.
"Be careful,tiles are all over the place." Alex said as he climbed the stairs, waiting for Megan to start walking.
Megan cleared her throat as she tried to moving her leg, when she slipped her little but held herself up.
Alex watched her movement, "You are scared monkey, you know if you are thinking so much of falling,you would end up falling, just concentrate on where you are going, visualize the future of coming here without slipping, think before you act."
"Weren't you the one who said, we shouldn't rush the future?" Megan said as she looked at him.
"Life is full of changes, Mirabel." Alex said.
"What did you just call me?" Megan said as she sneezed.
"Let's first get you something to wear." Alex said, walking close to her as he carried her in a bridal style, taking upstairs to his room.
Alex took Megan to the bathtub,as he took the shower, switching it on,as the hot water pelt on Megan's skin and clothes.
"Alex, it's hot." Megan said.
"Let's avoid cold." Alex said as he continued.
Alex did it for a few minutes before stopping,as he gave Megan who was coming out of the bathtub a towel. He then took Megan to the clothes room.
"Here." Alex said throwing a blue big cardigan to her as she catched it, "Put it on and come back downstairs." He added as he left the room, Megan scoffed at his attitude.
"What's wrong with him? We shouldn't even be talking." Megan muttered under her breath.
"Where's Megan?" Richard asked Alex,who was moving closer to Richard.
"Changing." Alex said as he sat down beside Richard.
"Yeah, I saw the way you carried her." Richard said as he gulped the cup of alcohol.
"You saw us?" Alex said.
"Everyone saw you guys, Couple goals." Richard mocked him.
"We aren't dating."
"But you like her." Richard said as Alex just looked at him, "I guess that's a Yes."
"I hate you." Alex said as he took the bottle of alcohol and gulping it.
"Ouch." Richard said painfully as he touched his heart like he was having an heart attack.
"Stop with the drama." Alex said.
"You are such a bad friend, what if it was real?" Richard said giving Alex a straight face.
"I won't still help you." Richard said when he saw Megan coming.
"Oh, you even gave her your favorite cardigan." Richard said as Alex turned to look at Megan who was looking great in his cardigan, making him smile.
"Love is blind." Richard said as Megan began to walk close to them.
"Love is just a transaction, even Hardin in After said it." Alex said as he looked at Richard.
Megan sat down beside Richard as she cleared her throat nervously.
"Are you up for a game?" Richard said making Alex scoff with a smile.
"What type of game?" Megan asked.
"Let's play Never Have I?" Richard said as Alex choked on his drink.
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