Chapter 33: A Life Out Of Love
Two red lines...
I stare at the small pregnancy test in my hands, a little shock at the moment. My whole body feels so hot due to the excitement that it is slowly burning inside me.
Tears slowly comes out of my eyes. Thanking the God above for this new blessing that I'm receiving.
Lucas will be so happy once he finds out about this. I will definitely tell him when he comes home. He's currently at the gym and he's been gone for almost an hour now and he will be here soon.
The wedding of Logan and his wife happened last week and it was a simple yatch wedding. It is a fun to be a part this party because it was fun to he while to unwind a little. Spend time with your friends and with Lucas. It was indeed enjoying. It was just a three days yatch trip and they spend their honeymoon sailing. I'm happy for Logan.
It's been already two weeks since Dad's funeral. A lot has change ever since, especially the way how our life works now. I mean, there are no more torns down our throats. And thayw as my Dad, of course. Nate and Mom feels like they are more free right now than before when he is alive and I totally get that
Actually, there are a lot revalations happened the past two weeks that I didn't expect to happen as well.
Mom is dating someone. My eyebrows dances up and down every time I recall the scene when I paid her a surprise visit in her house. She had a visitor over and I didn't caught them naked or something, since that would be so weird. I came by around noon and they were just talking and flirting a little the kitchen.
Thankfully, Mom didn't lie about their relationship and she said that the reeaon why she is still not telling us is because she doesn't want to create any misunderstandings yet. Well, gossip really spreads fast these days so I don't blame her. If someone in our relatives finds out that she is seeing someone right now, they might really call her a whore or something. Tell her things like, his husband just died and now she has a new one.
But I really am happy for her. She deserves someone that will make her happy and at her age, I really don't want her to be alone. So, this is a blessing. His name was Brenn actually, a lawyer and he is divorced for more than 10 years and has no kids. They seem like a march for me and he can make her laugh! That's a good thing too because I never seen my mom that joyful.
I don't expect him to be our new father material but I just want him to never hurt Mom. And he promised me that so, she is in safe hands.
On the other hand, Nate has a new boyfriend. They are both successful in their career and I hope they will work out together. I never met the new guy yet but he said to look forward soon so I'm hoping.
I'm not saying that he should settle down now since he's getting old. But I want him to have his own family as well. He can adopt a baby and they will be happier. I don't want him to grow old alone too. No one wants that and love is really magical and I know he deserves to be happy.
Love is the best thing in this world. My life really changes a lot because of it. And with this new life growing inside me is the product of it.
I'm so excited for this and I can't wait to tell Lucas about the news.
Three weeks from now, I am scheduled for a flight to Paris. I need to come home as well even though I'm starting a family. I got to say goodbye to my friends there and to my work. I'm gonna miss all of them and so are my students. Who understood me whenever I say a quote about love and art. Jeez, it feels so hard to do it but I got to. I chose to stay here with Lucas and our future family. They need me here and I can visit Paris once in a while too so, there will be no problem. It will forever be my home.
I was currently at the shower when I heard Lucas comes in.
"I'm here!" I shouted.
The bathroom door opens and I don't need to look behind me to see who came in. Behind these glass doors of the shower, I can definitely feel a strong gaze. Looking back seductively, I smirked at him.
My husband is just drooling at me, his eyes were ranking my whole body lust hidden in those orbs. Damn, I love his looks when he just got out of the gym. Messy hair and sweaty arms.
"You are such a tease." Lucas grunted as he slowly throws his own clothes away before joining me inside. He quickly pushed me against the glass walls and attacked wild kisses on my lips and down to my neck. My eyes closes because of the massive pleasure that I'm receiving. He's like a hungry lion who wants to eat the poor bunny.
My arms wrapped around his neck while my legs are like vines who are tightly wrapped around his waist and without any warning, he's already inside me.
I moaned out loud and it was mixed with the sound of the shower running and his husky grunts. What is more erotic than this? My arms come tighter around his neck as our lips exchange a savage kiss. Wow, I never felt so bold in my entire life. Being pregnant seems like it increase my hormones.
Our eyes locked and the only thing I see there is amusement and love and I'm sure, I share the same.
After our steamy shower scene, he still wasn't satisfied and we have to do it all over again on the bed. He doesn't care if our sheets get wet and all. Nothing new. If Lucas is in the mood, nothing can stand on his way.
And now, here we are. Tired and satisfied in our bed, covered with our sheets. I turn towards him and he had this smile on his face while staring at me.
"What's with that smile?" I asked, sheepishly.
"I'm happy." Lucas widens his smile. "I have a wonderful life, with you." his nose leaned closer to rub with mine. "I love you and how many times did I say that to you just this morning?"
I chuckled and recalled how many times. "Six?"
"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." he whispered while planting kisses every part of my face. "No more counting because I will keep on saying it over and over. Everyday and for the rest of our life."
And there's nothing else I want to ask more. Just his love is enough to make my life happy. But now, because of my little surprise for him. My life is now perfect.
"I got something for you." I smirked, getting out of the covers, putting on his shirt quickly before running inside the bathroom where the pregnancy test it.
"It's not my birthday." Lucas stated puzzled, putting back his boxers on and went back to bed.
"I know that, idiot." I laughed, coming out from the bathroom and jump back to bed I'm front of him. "Close your eyes."
His eyebrows touched in confusion. I thought he was going to comply or something but he closes them eventually. A huge grin spreads from my lips as I reveal it in front of him.
"Open them."
His eyes were first on mine but then it travels down on what I was holding.
"I'm pregnant!"
Lucas mouth opens slightly before staring back into mine as if he's shock or something but then, he just exploded.
"Oh thank God!" Lucas shouted, jumping out of the bed and cheered in happiness. I can't help but laugh at him right now. He looks like he just won his first basketball match. He quickly pulled me to him and lifted me up off the ground while he had his arms tightly around my waist. "I love you so much, Talia. Oh God, I'm going to be a Dad! God, this is amazing! Thank you, thank you!"
I laughed at him and shared one tender kiss. My heart is jumping in joy and this is moment that we have been waiting for.
"You don't know how happy you made me today, baby." Lucas hugged me again but much calmer now. "I am gonna share the news. The boys gotta know about this." he was going to bring his phone out but I stopped him.
"Wait, I still need be checked. Pregnancy tests aren't a hundred percent reliable." I reminded.
"Baby, I'm a hundr ––thousand percent sure that you are pregnant." Lucas placed both hand at each of my shoulders. "Your constant addiction to my smell, your imbalance appetite, and your actually a little moody these past few days, which I find cute." he paused for a second to just stare at me. "I know that you are carrying our baby this time."
My heart melted at the tender and softness in his voice. His happiness is overflowing to the point that he is now a teary. "Lucas..."
Before any word escapes my mouth, I was quickly been pulled into a tight hug, not squeezing me. I just felt his whole soul in that hug. "You don't know how happy you made me. I never thought that it is even possible to feel such joy." he turns to me and gave me a whole hearted kiss. Then he breaks free and brings out his phone and called Logan.
I laughed as I watch him deliver the exciting news.
"I'm gonna be a father, Logan! God, you are gonna be a godfather soon."
I can't stop laughing at their exchange. It seems like he interrupted something between Logan and his wife but he didn't care. Well, they are still in their honeymoon and the least they wanted is a phone call at this hour.
Next, he called Zephyr and Stephan. All of them seems to be happy and excited about it and I received a lot of congratulations from them. Then when he finished with his calls, he started jumping in joy with Bruno at the living room. Poor dog, he must be thinking that his master is now a lunatic.
I will let him enjoy the moment since he wanted this so bad.
We went to the doctor after we had lunch at my aparment. He says he needs to hear the things I need and good from the doctor in person.
"Oh congratulations Mrs. Saavedra. It is such a pure blessing to have a baby in a married couple's life. This right here is your baby." the doctor pointed out at the monitor. I can't clearly understand the form yet but I know that's my child right there. Tears are started to form from my eyes as the hold Lucas had on my hand gets tighter. His eyes were glued to the screen, afraid to miss a moment.
"Is it healthy so far?" Lucas asked.
"Yes, they are very healthy." The doctor announced.
But something caught our attention causing me and Lucas to exchange a confused look. "They?" we both asked in unison.
There is a grin on the doctor's face as she starts to point something again. "This right here is your first baby and over here, is the other one. Congratulations, you are having twins."
My jaw dropped and tears are now pouring down my eyes. Lucas cheered and kissed me quickly, happy that his wishes came true. We are having two blessings!
"You are about 3 weeks pregnant, my dear. And since you are carrying twins, you have to be extra careful especially you are still at your first trimester. Stay away from danger, if you can, don't drive yet and don't stress yourself too much on work." She orders while printing our the first image of the ultrasound. " Here"
Lucas quickly took the picture and we both stare at it with adore.
"I will list down the things you need to eat, the vitamins and milk that will help the mother and the baby." The doctor replied.
"Hey Doc, is it safe to also make love with my wife?"
My cheeks reddened at his question. "Lucas!!!"
Lucas just lets out a wicked laugh when I slapped his hand. "So, can we?"
The doctor laughed. "Many husbands asked that question whenever they come to their wife's checkup. To answer your question, yes. It is safe but don't overdue it. It is not safe to be adventurous with your wife." the old lady smiled. "Young couples really amaze me. Actually, your friends Stephan and Zephyr asked the same question and they kept on asking even after six months due. Such funny people."
I reddened even more. Honestly, I don't want to risk the babies but if it really safe then I'm game for the challenge. God, why am I even thinking about this?
We are going to come back for another check up next month. We left the clinic and my husband has this stupid ass grin. I can't believe this guy and it is irritating because he doesn't show any sign of shyness at all for asking the doctor about having sex! Especially when he asked before we left if it is alright to have sex at my 8th month! How cruel this man is!
"Don't pout like that, baby. It makes me want to take you right here in my car." Lucas teased as he turns to me while he drives us home.
I rolled my eyes at him. "You heard the doctor, we can't be adventurous this time. And you will not get anything from me tonight. God, it is so embarrassing."
Lucas laughed out loud. "Oh, don't be shy. Didn't you hear, all of us asked the same question. And I'm not gonna be adventurous, all you need to do is let me worship your body all night long"
"Jesus!" I snapped, running my hand through my face. My face is really burning right now.
"Come on, baby. You heard her. It's practically normal to make love even if you are pregnant. Also, Zephyr once told me that it makes the delivery easy when the couple are sexually active. See, it's normal!" Lucas is doing this on purpose because he likes it when I'm flushed or embarrassed.
"I want a normal minded husband." I retorted back, teasingly and it was his time to laugh.
But then, this conversation makes me laugh as well. Jeez, this man can make any situation fun even if the topic is irritating.
By the way, we will be moving to Lucas's house the day after tomorrow which is why we are starting to pack up our things inside the aparment, both mine and his. It is actually exciting because we are going to live together again and this is the start of our real married life. Now that we are expecting a new member in this family, my happiness is beyond measurable.
We got home after that because we are still packing out things so we need to get back early.
So, I was going to lift one box containing my painting materials and things when Lucas comes in from the kitchen. "Hey, put that down!" He snapped, running towards me and taking the box from me.
"Lucas, don't be too dramatic." I placed my hand on my waist. "It's not that heavy."
"I know, just let me handle it. You need to be resting, remember? Here, eat them all." Lucas handed me a bowl full fruits and oats. "The doctor says healthy so you should start eating them now."
I look at him in disbelief. "Seriously Lucas, just a few minutes ago you asked me for sex and now you won't just let me carry a box. You are overreacting, honey."
Lucas shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just following the doctor's orders, baby." there is that smirk again. "So, be a good girl and listen to daddy." flashing me a wink before proceeding to take the box at the corner.
This man is unbelievable. The thought just makes me chuckle and shake my head. I sat down near the kitchen counter and started eating what he made me. I watch him with amusement as he properly arrange the things that we will ne needing at the new house, he looks so serious out there reading whatever manual that he's holding. The way he frowns his eyebrows is so cute.
"You are staring, baby." Lucas snickers. "Focus on eating, you are distracting me here." he went back on packing.
Distracting, pfft. He's the one causing me a distraction. Who says he is allowed to go topless at this time of the day? God, it is a crime to have a man this hot.
And God, why am I even thinking like this? I am starting to feel what they call the pregnancy hormones because I got really addicted to my husband. I just want him to always stay beside me and never leave me alone. I know this is bad and I can't help it!
I still haven't called my Mom yet and I better deliver the good news. She would be very happy to know that she is going to be a grandma. And so is Nate, I can't imagine the scream he will let out.
God, I also need to go shopping! A huge strong crip would be nice for the both of them. Oh wait, I think it is better if they have separate crib. And I need to look for cute onesies, I still don't know their gender so it is better to buy a unisex color like yellow, a mint green sort of thing. I am too excited to the point that there is so many things that I am imagining to buy for them. Time to go baby stuff shopping, but with whom?
To be continued...
Are guys happy about this chapter? I am sorry to announce this but the next chapter is the epilogue so, final one. So sad but happy at the same time because I am excited to write my new book and it is called "Naughty and Not Nice" I hope you guys check it out.
Thank you so much for the love you gave to this book. I promise to do my best on creating more beautiful love stories. ❤️💓💓💓
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