Wild Swans Part 5 (End)
It was just a few more days until you could start speaking again. You had finished the nettle shirts and was very happy with your work. Your brothers were coming and you all would be free. Caleb could see how happy you were and was excited for your future wedding. You expressed how you wanted your family to come first and celebrate together. But fate was cruel
You were now in a prison cell, holding the nettle shirts close to you. You were accused of being a witch. The servants brought up how you never spoke and yet knit shirts out of nettle. You look at your poorly bandaged hand. They cut you. You could of screamed. You could explained everything if you just spoke, but then six years of silence would be all for nothing.
Caleb was furious that you were taken from him and how his father allowed it to happen. He was angry at the servants and how they brought up that you could of been like the witch that took over a neighboring kingdom. He was suspicious that you were the missing princess but you never said anything. Not to mention, before the princess went missing, she was known for being quite the talker. You could speak. He went to the prison cell you were being held in.
"F/n." he calls out. You look at him and see how desperate he is. "F/n. Please." he says clutching the bars that separated you from him. "Say something. Anything. They won't listen if you write. Say one word, and we can be together." You quietly make your way to him and hold his hand. You shake your head. "Why? Why are you choosing to do this?" You kneel down and write what you wanted to say. The day you were sentenced to die was the day your brothers were coming for you. You request that the nettle shirts be next to you when you are to be burned.
Caleb leaves angrily. You were choosing death instead of him. Fine. He couldn't do anything even if he wanted. But he could do something about the ones who accused you and the man who allowed it to happen.
It was the day of your burning, and you were wish was heeded. The nettle shirts were placed next to you. Caleb was watching with a heavy heart. As the executioner was saying your crimes, you look at the skies as if you were searching for something. The executioner was going to burn you, and something took a hold of Caleb. He broke away from his father. You weren't going to die. He wasn't going to allow it.
Before he could reach you, swans descended from the sky, grabbing the nettle shirts and putting them on and cutting the ropes. No one expected the swans to turn into humans. Everyone was in uproar.
"The witch has summoned them." The onlookers shouted.
"How dare you accuse Princess F/n of witchcraft." Arin yells back at the crowd. "Because of her, me and my brothers are finally fully human. She is no witch but a savior."
"F/n?" Caleb calls out. His suspicions were correct.
"I'm sorry." you tells Caleb. It felt weird hearing your voice, but you were relieved to finally hear it. "I had to keep a vow of silence for six years. If I uttered a single word, everything would be for naught."
"I saw you." Florian says. "You were going to try and save her."
"Who wouldn't try and save the woman you love?" Caleb responds.
"Regardless of feelings, F/n needs to come home with us." Brennan brings up. "Father wishes to see her and we are most finished in taking back our kingdom." Caleb was going to say something, but the smiles.
"Of course." Caleb responds. "You should F/n. Then once everything settles down, we will be together." You smile happily thinking how understanding the man you loved was. You were blissfully unaware of what Caleb intended.
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