Distraction .01
The sound of traffic had long faded into the monotony of muted, white-noise, through the thickened glass of the hotel window. The yellows of streaking lights, like false falling stars, did little to hold my attention, as I pulled the smoke into my mouth. A gentle crackling from the tip of my cigarette pulled my awareness back into my room. It was dark, save for the light pollution of the city that filtered its way from the outside. The furniture and décor was far from my pay grade, and while there would have been a time I would've found myself amused and glamoured by my surroundings, I was numbly prickled by the nervousness of the situation. Like an electricity, an anticipation, fighting the air. Ultimately I was somewhat pleased by the focus I was given. Certainly better than being directionless.
I should be at home, back at Tithe Manor, back in the Witches wood; bringing in the summer solstice with my family. I should be eating, and drinking, and laughing until my sides hurt, but instead I am here in this cold, hard, busy city.
It had been three months since that dreaded night in the garage. Jace was apparently returned to the wolf pack, not without a few bruises, the following day. I was told that he put up a valiant fight before being subdued by Bethany. Victoria managed to escape in the scuffle and that's where I am now, following her through the city. I was the first to volunteer after hearing the news, and ignored any protest that might have been given in the house.
The door clicked behind me, and some horrific part of me wished the intruder was unknown, and here to snuff the life from me: but I knew who it was, and felt twice as guilty by being disappointed.
"You should eat something." The kind voice of Simon chimed, crackling the soft paper bags of fast food that already wafted enticing fingers through my nostrils, summoning a traitorous growl from my stomach.
"I'm not hungry." I lied, pulling at the cigarette once more.
"Avery- -"
"Oh just let him be broody, and edgy will you? Eventually he'll get as tired of it as we are." The playfully toying voice of Bethany cut through, causing me to tense up a little in rebellion. I didn't here a single of her footsteps before her pale arms were tossed heavily over my shoulders. "Come on Avery." She paused, directing my fingers to her lips where she pulled at my cigarette gratuitously before letting the smoke roll gently from her mouth in smooth breaths "You can stop pretending that this isn't at least a little exciting. Who knows? You might enjoy yourself a little."
Bethany stepped away with a skip and a hum. She appeared to glow in the darkness with just how pale she was. The shadows framing her immaculately kept form, like the negative of a photograph. A pale spirit. A ghost of a memory who never forgot how to dance, and never disturbed a single mote of dust as she waltzed through the room.
I ruffled through the paper bag pulling out a warm burger, and taking a bite. It was good and I felt comforted immediately.
"Thank you." I said, curtly, looking to Simon who had already pulled out his laptop and was busily clacking away at the keys, briefly pulling himself away to give a warm smile.
I didn't know how long we were going to be waiting for, but I was ready. We'd been here for days now, Victoria had immediately settled herself in nicely, and I had no doubt she knew that she was being followed. How could I not follow her?
Regardless, she had set herself up with numerous individuals who would lay down their lives readily for her if need be. Such is her manipulations. It was going to be bloody, although I'd hoped that it wouldn't be, and it was just me, Bethany, and Simon. We weren't told to follow her and bring her in, Bethany is betting on that so that she could kill Victoria free of consequence. But we all decided to do this, for Aramis' sake. Elizabeth wanted to also accompany us, but decided that she should stay behind to listen out for any news.
I found my hand, now free of a burger, being grabbed by the cool, soft touch of Bethany. I almost snatched my hand back, as if I'd touched fire, but I hesitated as my gaze met hers. It was a neutral look, cold, yet attentive, and blatantly hiding an ulterior motive she covered with all the complacent countenance of a house cat that has the tail of a mouse beneath its paw.
"Come with me." I looked somewhat confused, raising an eyebrow in response to her words. But held no protest as she pulled me towards the door. "Back in a bit, Simon." She called out as we left, and I could just barely hear the muted:
"Hmm" in response from Simon.
Bethany pulled me up a set of cold concrete stairs which seemed like they could've been a fire exit to the hotel as opposed to a commercial flight of stairs.
"Where are we going?" I asked, as she relinquished my hand, leaving me to follow of my own accord.
"Would you just hurry up? Come on" She beckoned, beginning a light jog up the stairs, her heels clacking against the stone with raucous echoes as they did so. I followed curiously, mimicking her steps although not quite with so much energy.
Eventually, we made it to the top where a small green door opened up into a sweeping cityscape of glittering lights and frigid, night time, air. It immediately nipped at my bare arms, causing me to prickle with goosebumps.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Bethany hummed, leaning over an edge, that'd make any other onlooker lurch with a protective nervousness. "I love the city!"
"I don't. It's too crowded." I grumbled, despite being quite taken with the view of all the lights.
"You're such a sourpuss, you know that?"
"What do you want, Bethany?" I snapped, crossing my arms defensively, as I was about to turn and head back to the room. I watched as she paced back and forth playfully before putting one foot in front of the other as she messed with the balance on each side of her body. She made steps towards me, stopping a mere few inches from my chest.
"I want. You. Avery." Her voice came out so matter-of-factly, so blunt, that it barely registered in my brain. Manifesting in a confused grimace on my face.
"Pardon me?" I barely whispered out.
"I-" She pecked at my neck. "Want." My cheek. "You." And finally my lips. It was tentative at first, cautious. Testing to see the physical reaction. Again, a fraction of a second longer this time. My own mouth shakily hesitating to react to her third kiss before she began to devour my lips. My back thumped heavily against the metallic fire door, knocking the wind somewhat out of me, while her hands began to work at undoing my belt and jeans with clangs of the metal buckle.
We shifted so that she was now against the door as I became exposed to the cold air. My fingers clawed at the hem of her dress, lifting it with the legs that now hooked themselves around my waist, and I was enveloped in a hot wetness, that signalled itself with accompanied moans and the scraping of teeth on lips.
Fingers dug into my shoulder blades, carded through my hair and grabbed fistfuls like lungs gulped for air. It was skin on skin. It was hot and wanting. Each thrust was like a thunderous applause with all the shivers of something primal.
Fingers traced along limbs, trailing firey goosebumps. Mouths placed wanton kisses on jaws, necks, and anywhere else that needed attention.
It began to bubble and surmount into something greater. A boiling pot starting at the core and threatening to spill out, to consume us both in a blinding heat of release that Bethany sent screaming into the sky as her body convulsed in a million minute twitches against mine. She shuddered as we slowed, hopping off of me, and I stooped to pull up my clothes. Cold, I'd never thought such an act could be so meaningless before. That thought alone was enough to make me sad, to hurt, and yearn for what I'd had when I last done such a deed.
Bethany stretched, pleasingly tidying herself up with contented hums. Her head turned to the side coyly to observe me once again as I lit up another cigarette.
"What?" I asked, meeting her stares with an empty glare.
"Oh nothing." She giggled "Not what I meant when I once said ' I wonder what Witch tasted like'"
"Simon is probably wondering where we are." I said, pushing passed her to go back downstairs to the room, she eventually caught up, undoubtedly after rolling her eyes some more.
A/N: Woo! Another Chapter. Things are happening. Certain... Distractions. Anyway, I hope this was up to your guys' standards, even if it could be considered a bit "fillery". Let me know! ^,..,^
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