"Jeremy, you left my house to hang out with Michael? You said it was an emergency," Christine says calmly. She looks genuinely confused.
"Uh, Michael's situation is complicated so I'm giving him a place to stay."
"Oh. That's nice of you." Her eyes drift my way and widen. "What happened to your cheek?"
"I fell an-," I wince. Stupid parents.
"He fell when he was cleaning up and cut himself on a broken plate."
Christine looks skeptical but goes along with it.
"That might need stitches Michael," she says as she takes my face in her hands and rubs her thumb along the cut. I slap her hand away out of instinct and fear. She looks hurt. "S-Sorry Christine," I mumble while barely moving my mouth.
"It's fine."
"Michael, why would you do that?"
I mumble again, "Instinct?"
He sighs and glares at me. I cower away slightly and take my headphones out of my bag. I shove them over my ears and wince at the feeling of my ears folded over themselves. I hate when that happens. After taking care of my ears, I plug the headphones into my phone and start play some random late 90s to early 2000s music station. Ahh, sweet serenity. Until I decide to look up.
"Ah, come on man! You could at least ask me to leave the room!" I wince. Stupid face. Stupid cut. Stupid parents. I stand up and walk out of the room that is now holding two horny teenagers. It pulls at my heart to know that Jeremy will never like me the way he likes Christine, even if I do know him better. She doesn't even like the things he likes.
A noise takes me from my thoughts. I look up to see Christine running towards the door. I pull my headphones off my ears and around my neck then approach her. "What's wrong?"
"Family emergency. Sorry to scare you." And with that, she's gone.
I walk back into Jeremy's room to see him sitting uncomfortably on the bed. Great. He's still horny.
"Should I leave until you situate yourself?" It comes out garbled since I can't move my mouth. This should stop being and issue by tomorrow, right?
Instead of answering, he gets up and walks over to me. He grabs my hand and closes the door. He pulls me to the bed with him. "J-Jere, you're kinda f-freaking me out dude."
He leans in slowly. My breath catches in my throat. "J-Jere?"
"Please Michael."
His eyes close and he finally connects ou-
I open my eyes. Of course it was just my imagination. No wonder I could actually talk without worrying how my face moved. I let out a hum of question.
"I said could you leave? It should only take a few."
I nod and shakily leave. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did I think that was actually happening? I'm a fucking lunatic.
"Michael?" Jeremy's standing in the doorway of his room, his face flushed. "You can come back in now." He looks down as he turns around and walks back in his room.
I get up and follow him in, closing the door behind me. His dad has gotten better with the whole pants thing but we still catch him walking around in his underwear sometimes. Those are horrifying times.
I sit on his bed next to him and lounge against the wall. I send him a text.
420: Am I annoying?
ShowerNozzleMasturbationMaterial: Of course not! Why would you think that?
420: Maybe because I kinda asked you to take me into your home
ShowerNozzleMasturbationMaterial: I have no problem with this
ShowerNozzleMasturbationMaterial: You can stay here as long as you aren't safe at home
ShowerNozzleMasturbationMaterial: Or until college
ShowerNozzleMasturbationMaterial: Whichever one comes last
420: Thanks dude
ShowerNozzleMasturbationMaterial: No problemo
420: Never say or type that again
420: At least not in my presence
ShowerNozzleMasturbationMaterial: Noted
Jeremy starts laughing whereas I offer a small smile. He looks to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. My face instantly becomes a bit warmer. God I've got it bad.
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