CHAPTER 20(book finale)
*The Goliath**
Weighing at almost 10000Tons, The massive Weapon of destruction has been used only twice in history. Ibrahim was about to become only the third man in history to use it, the first two being the more popular Adolf Hitler and Sadaam Hussein. The Goliath was listed as amongst the UN Security report's Most deadly weapons. The Goliath Bomb was created by an Iranian Scientist during cross border crises with Israel. The Bomb could wipe out close to quarter of a state when launched.
It was the precipice of Ibrahim's final phase. The phase for complete domination. A plan conceived over thirty years ago,to become the Complete overlord of Africa's Most populous black nation. If he succeeded, not to mention being the only Figure in the country's history books, he could turn the nation into his birthright, Become a Monarchy, Complete monopoly of the countries wealth,willing each region of the country to his descendants. Selling off most of the countries priceless Natural resources for Billions of dollars.
Ibrahim Salisu sat at his office chair, smiling to himself, he was at the cusp of history, Pulling off the greatest assassination of all time, Eliminating close to five thousand of the country's most important figures.
The convention was his idea to The president that took over from him years ago, he even built the centre meant to hold that much people.
"Very soon.... I'll be god" Ibrahim whispered to himself. His weapon had landed and was being transported to the outskirts of Ibadan in a very large Container truck escorted by Dakar and Helen and few of his other DSS officials,Where it would be launched on his command. He looks at the big clock...
"Tick, tock,tick,tock......."
"This is unbelievable" Tolu said having grasped the magnitude of what they were up against.
"And there is almost no how we can help" Emily added, "We're being hunted by literally every Security Arm in the country"
Emily was right. It was a tall order, they'd be going up against thousands of officers, there was no way they could be succeed without one or two casualties or worse, Death. Emily couldn't think of losing tolu, not like this. she eyes him seeing him deep in thoughts. They all were deep in thoughts. They needed to do something... and quick... they were the only ones who knew what Ibrahim's intention was. oh.. and Anonymous too. The mystery account promised to drop info today, they were all sure he wanted to rat Ibrahim out. little wonder his outcry to Twitter to shut the account down.
Nojat sat thinking of umar, *is he really happy in doing this?*, *is he this coldblooded*. since knowing who he really was, Nojat had always tried coming to terms with her emotions .He loved her, she knew it. No one can fake that much emotion, can they?, or was she just another piece to The Sponsor's-Ibrahim's plans?. There was turmoil in her mind which occasionally gave her migraine. She needed to talk with him one more time. she needed to ask him what he really felt.
"We just have to hope Anonymous spills the beans" Ife speaks out. Anonymous was their only hope, their only anchor. He could save the country with just a tweet.
*Where is Anonymous when you need him?*
Dami's phone beeped in a Notification, she hurriedly checks it and her mouth is wide opened, "Oh my God" she screams. The odds were minute by minute no longer in their favour.
**Just In : Anonymous shut down by Twitter.**
[Details Shortly]
Dakar and Helen sat in the truck as it moved steadily through the tarred roads towards the outskirts of Ibadan. it was off radar and a little command centre was located there where the bomb was to be launched. It would take approximately 10 minutes for the launcher to take off and land at the venue.
Dakar was silent, thinking on how the country would become with Ibrahim Salisu as it's ultimate Overlord. This was the chief of all murders and in a grand scale almost unthinkable. He'd called Ibrahim a madman and he meant it, to wait up to thirty years to carry out his plans piece by piece was baffling. Ibrahim had promised him twenty Billion naira by the plan was executed. He constantly thought of nojat. The things that must have been going through her mind. He wished he could tell her his mind, explain things to her, ask for forgiveness. Hoping she would find a place in her heart to do so. He could only wish she wasn't anywhere near the venue where the bomb was meant to hit. He knew he might never see her again, as soon as he'd received his money, he planned on travelling out of the country to any small nation abroad. Run away from his past. start a new life, raise kids, engage in charity with the money. Would nojat be inclined on going with him. *No!*, he said to himself, *you murdered her mother, dammit*.
Helen had her eyes closed. She was basking in the euphoria of becoming an all powerful leader alongside Ibrahim. she pictured herself being the most powerful woman alive. she smiled to hersef, in forty-eight hours all will be hers. Ibrahim had promised to marry her once all was achieved, he promised her 5states and 50billion naira as a reward for being by his side. And to top it, she had Dakar. The muscular huncho who had the 'magic wand' that made her goosebumps have goosebumps.
*tick tock tick tock tick tock*
Ibrahim jubilated on hearing news that Anonymous had been shutdown. His connection had told him the account was merely temporarily suspended long enough for his the bomb to destroy all. No more obstacles. There was very little Tolu and his colleagues could do now. He had an Entire Security forces on their Trail. He stood up , walked up to the window, the DSS building was tall enough for him to see the Unity Convention Centre.
He stretches both hands out wide, breathing in glory, "What a time to be Alive!"
*tick tock tick tock tick tock*
"What!" They all screamed in Unison. Dami had just brought a whirlwind of bad news.
"You heard me" Dami reiterated, "Anonymous has been shut down".
Those five words signalled the end. Their only hope was anonymous, and now, he's been put out of commission... They where the only ones left.
" Ibrahim's a dirty bastard" Ife let out. How could one man have so much power and strings.
"guys we have to do something" Tolu said this time. There was no use getting down again, they'd been down for three days. "when is the convention".
" Friday, we have less than two days!" dami responded.
Tolu pondered on this, *two days*. what could they do in two days. no use informing the public, they already see him as a traitor. They had to handle this on their own head on.
"okay" he started, "a convention that big, there's going to be massive security in and out".
" true, meaning there would be few security to worry about as most of them would be at the convention " ife guessed rightly as tolu gave him a thumbs up.
"so dami, how many more disguises can we get" Tolu asked.
"i could make a few calls"
"we're forgetting the bomb here" Emuly noted, ''whatever we planning on goes out the window once the it's launched ".
Good thinking. he'd almost forgotten about the bomb.
" we don't even know where it is " nojat spoke up.
"true" ife said.
"dami, do you know where they're taking it to"
"honestly i don't, my source was only present when the cargo carrying the bomb delivered it".
" That leaves us with one option then, To warn them just before it hits ". Silence came upon the room they where in. How they would pull that off was still unknown to them.
" let's get to it then" Emily says.
The next day, the press had a special coverage pre-convention interview. Major key stake holders of the country where interviewed. The president was there giving glowing accolades on the giant strides made Ibrahim Salisu. On how his idea which started out as a joke is about to come into fruition, he labelled ibrahim salisu a well uniformed patriot and revealed he was going to be awarded after the convention. Ibrahim Salisu sat as he basked in the praises the president showered him.
*if only they knew*.
Ibrahim Salisu was soon called up on stage to give a speech.
collecting the mic, he started ,"i greet you the President, the stakeholders and the federal republic of Nigeria. As we all know, the country is about to host a convention never seen before, the gathering of Every single individual to have helped this country one way or another present and past in a show of oness. it's a convention of Unity, where we all discuss in one voice our vision for tomorrow. We learn from our past leaders, Their mistakes, Their triumphs as we forge ahead in this world. This convention is the first of it's kind, and i can assure you, the western world are watching. They will be shocked at our Progressive spirit and love after they left us to wallow in recent pains, they cannot crush our spirits. We are black and we are proud. My Sources tell me they are not happy with our landmark, they tried using several means to stop us by spreading wrong information, propagandas to disunite us, they deliberately allowed some twitter account predict correctly some events in order to get this nations trust,so that when they predict more false dooms they'll succeed again. I'm pleased to inform you all that they have failed", it was greeted with wild applauds from the guests, the social media sphere was buzzing as the interviews were being streamed live, "they have Failed. The account of doom has been suspended. i wish to thank my friends in the Twitter company for not bowing to pressures from the US to remain silent, we thank them for having a voice of their own. The Aftermath of this Convention shall usher in New Things, Renewed determination. The International Community sent spies in the form of Tolu Majiyagbe, a nigerian but has been brainwashed by them and Emily Clarkson . These people will be caught and justice shall prevail. Nigeria is for you and me... We shall remain United against External Forces Nigeria Unite. " he said with his arms raised to a fist, everyone get on their feet and mimic him. The National anthem plays in the background as the stakeholders exit the stage.
"That was some speech" Helen teased as soon as Ibrahim walked past them.
"For the TV my darling.... for the TV" he said smiling.
Dakar trailed them, *what an actor*! , he watched everyone exit and could only realize, *they'd be all dead tomorrow*.
They entered into Ibrahim's office as he seats on his chair.
"What a day" Helen exclaims as she sits on ibrahim laps. Dakar stands and stares at both of them, how could they all be so comfortable.
"you need the people by your side" ibrahim says, "tomorrow is going to be great day, we'll usher in a New Nigeria."
"That's my president" Helen says gleefully as she and ibrahim kiss, they killed widely as helen accidentally scatters some files on the ground. Dakar knowing they won't pick it up goes to arrange them as sees a picture. He knew the person in this picture. The last time he saw this picture was over 30 years ago when he was a kid. He sees they're still kissing and he quickly tucks in the picture and the file in this shirt. He gets up and arranges the remaining file on the table.
They both stop kissing as ibrahim had something to say, "I'll need you both you at the venue''
" why " Helen objected, "That place is going to be graveyard soon".
" I know " Ibrahim said, running his fingers across her face, "but I'll need protection. i have a feeling Tolu and his colleagues would want to make an appearance".
*Tolu and his colleagues?!. Nojat. She's going to be with them. *How do i warn her that place would be blown to bits soon?*.
" Dakar" ibrahim called out, "i need you to be fully concentrated tomorrow".
" i understand " dakar could only say.
Tolu watched fuming after seeing Ibrahim's interview. All he had done was insult the international community. And further blackmailed him.
"this is insane" Emily says, "how are people believing all these?".
" its Ibrahim Salisu" Dami says, "he's more respected than even the president. Whatever he says is usually revered".
" if only they knew he was only inviting them to their deaths ". Nojat says.
" we going to have to be at the venue " Tolu says.
"dude, you're asking to go to our deaths" ife objects.
"i know, but that's not if we can warn them in time" Tolu explains.
it was dangerous but could prove costly. The place would be surrounded by over hundreds of different security.
"okay, since we're obviously going to the venue " Dammy says, "The place is going to be filled up and large and we might need to split as time progresses, we'll need a way to be able to communicate with ourselves."
"i think i have just the thing " Emily says.. she goes in and brings out few small earpieces
we'll use this, but I've only got only four". There was five of them.
" I'm going " nojat speaks out. She's always been left out, she knew they felt she was weakling who needed to be protected. she'd gotten over her mums death. And they needed to realize that. Her mother would want her to go, she owed to her memory.
"I'm going too" Emily says. Tolu was staring at her now, "What?, someone has to keep you in check in case you try to play Superman".
" Emily " Tolu moaned
"Don't Emily me, i still haven't forgiven you for the stunt you pulled at the DSS headquarters". Emily fired back, "we went through a lot rescuing you and now we're not talking about guns here, we're talking a fucking bomb"
Oh yes, That. He'd sacrificed himself to give them enough time to escape the DSS. And she was right, any sacrifice now would mean his death. he'd remembered what Mr.White had told him, now could prove pivotal.
"I'm sure as hell going" Ife said. He hoped he'll be the one to put a bullet on Umars head as revenge for shooting him on the shoulder.
"i guess you'll need to go with them tolu" dami spoke up, "I'll help you guys from the outside, monitoring movements. one of you should hold a cellphone , so I'd communicate with you guys".
" Thanks dami, we appreciate all your help" tolu thanked.
"no problem" she eyed ife.
"okay.. lets pack up"
Dakar finally had some alone time after a couple of days. Most of his nights were spent with helen. Ibrahim wasn't aware of course.
He brought out the file he'd stolen from ibrahims office. it had a long list, apparently a long list of army officers that worked for dakar while he was head of state.
He clinged on to his fathers pic, he'd last seen that photo when he was Ten years ago. His mom always showed him that pic. His father smiling in his army uniform holding his gun. He scans through the files again, a hundred and fifty names. He saw it.
*Adamu kefir Umar*. his father.
He ran through an exercept of the report:
".....the failed mission led by adamu kefir umar under the command of Gen.Ibrahim saheed salisu".
His dad failed on a mission Ibrahim ordered him to do. He further did thorough search.
"....... **killed by a firing squad alongside four others for revolting against Gen. Ibrahim salisu**... "
Ibrahim murdered his father....!!!!
"You better don't die " Dami told ife as soon as they were alone. ife came closer to her caressing her cheek.
"i won't don't worry" he assured.
"and you should always fill me in on whats going on in there" she added.
Nojat was packing her things. she knew umar would be there, she'd gotten a glimpse of him in the interview aired. she needed to speak with him. she felt emily walk up besides her,
"i know what you're thinking Nojat, Don't do it" Emily said.
*how did she know?*
"i don't know what you're talking about" she replied not looking into her eyes she kept packing her things, emily placed a hand on hers.
"Umar works for him now" she added, "Just don't do anything radical, make sure your comm is always on... i need you out of there alive ".
" I'll be fine Emily " she managed to say.
*i just need to hear from him* .
Dakar felt his hands shake as he read through the info. His dad refused to participate in the coup that led to Ibrahim becoming head of state,alongside a few of his colleagues. They were detained for six months and after Ibrahim succeeded with the coup, were killed by firing squad.
He went through the excerpt of the text following the previous:
**Gen.Ibrahim Salisu ordered the killing of the rebel soldiers families.....** .
Dakar flashed back to the images that tormented his dreams at the early point of his life. A fire. A fire that consumed their home. he'd managed to survive through the interference of their House-help. His mother didn't make it. She died in the fire.
Dakar felt his blood boil as he realizes the truth, *ibrahim murdered my parents* .
That bastard was the reason he resorted to a life of crime. And to think that he helped him onto his grand finale.
Hell No!
**Convention Day**
The Unity Convention centre welcomed the mammoth crowd. Dignatries had travelled all over to be present. Kings, priest and everyone that mattered where present. Invited guests where thoroughly screened before admittance into the very large hall. Each seat having a seat number and the name of the invited guest meant to occupy it. Most of the guest in deep discussions, most shared laughter others shared hugs. Some hadn't seen themselves for decades due to one engagement or the other. The president was in discussion with some other previous presidents over a drink.Ibrahim wasn't present yet. They were meant to have exactly 5,146 guests. And the tally already seated was less than two thousand. There was mammoth crowd still waiting to be cleared in. Outside the venue where every security arm in the country. Helicopters numbering up to fifteen filled with armed officers hung in the air. All the officers had an id card that held their names and passport and the arm of security they represented.
Tolu and the gang watched on from the truck they hid in.
"damn, security is more than tight" he said.
"no kidding"Emily replied.
They'd worn different uniforms. Emily war an Army uniform, Tolu wore DSS uniform, Ife wore his police uniform while nojat wore a mopol uniform. They all had different names attached to the ids. Dami had explained the officers who had the names where absent.
" This is it guys " Tolu said to them, "we all know what the plan is. As soon as we get inside we split up. Get to know whats going on and on my signal we spill the information. it should cause a ruckus enough for Everyone to believe and get out in time".
They all nodded in unison.
" one more thing" Emily added, "if any one gets into trouble, alert the rest of us". she was referring to nojat.
The big screen displayed the numbers of guests trooping in, with the guest count on 3,075.
Tolu was first to go in, he was searched and his id number verified. He got in and was shocked at how large the place was, it was like a big stadium. he goes to a corner, presses the comm in his ear, " Alright guys, I'm in".
Ibrahim salisu waited in his office, he looked at the guest count on his laptop.
*we almost there*, he said to himself. History beckoned to him. He planned on being the last person to get into the venue, and planned on activating 'The Goliath' after he'd given his speech and followed his secret passage way, out of the venue and flown in the helicopter far away and high enough to witness his dreams unfold. He had a precautionary measure he'd taken. As soon as the guest count hits the allotted number of guests, the doors and windows would be sealed shut Automatically, unknown to the guests who would be busy with proceedings.
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
it took a while before the others would meet up with tolu.
"okay guys, its show time". Tolu said. They all split up and Emily took one good look back at tolu before leaving.
Guest count: 4,007
Nojat quickly made her way forward,she had a hunch umar would be around that side probably guarding salisu. she needed to look in his eyes and discern if he truly felt anything for her.
" Guys " ife called out in the comm.
"what's up?" Tolu replied.
"Dami says Ibrahim is just arriving"ife explains.
"okay thanks" Emily replies, "Nojat?!"
"I'm here.. uhmm, ife, is he alone?" she asks.
"No, umar is with him too, and a female also".
Umar is here. i knew it!.
Ibrahim got down from his car alongside helen and Dakar. He walked into The venue and is greeted with a rowsing applaud. He waves in acknowledgment as he makes his way to the podium to sit beside the president.
Nojat looked at the big screen as it displayed ibrahim being ushered to his seat. She catches a glimpse of Umar and her heart is on cloud nine. she tried using the images from the screen to navigate her way forward only for the images to cut and the guest count displayed.
Ibrahim quickly glanced at the screen. roughly five hundred guests left. *it's all good, just a little more time*.
Soon the president is making his speech. He further praised Ibrahim for his invaluable contributions to nation building and awarded him in the presence of close to five thousand guests. His speech lasted thirty more minutes.
Emily bumps into another security officer,
" I'm sorry " she apologised before hurriedly moving away. The officer was surprised at the accent. *that's not a Nigerian*. He picked up his comm and radioed The controlling officer.
Helen stepped aside to receive the information, her face changes to disgust. she hurriedly went to inform ibrahim.
"Not now helen, I'm about to make my speech". Ibrahim said as Helen tapped his shoulder.
" ibrahim " helen whiskers into his ears, "they're here".
Ibrahim shooks on his seat, *how did they make it past security?*.
" how is this possible? " Ibrahim said shockingly, "no matter. inform dakar of this development. inform every officer in the building to be on their trail , but do it quietly".
Helen nodded before briskly before whispering to Dakar.
Nojar is here. i have to talk to her.
He immediately goes off quietly searching for her.
" guys, i think they know we're here" Ife calls out.
"no kidding" tolu replied, "they've been narrowing their eyes and looking behind for a sec here".
" lets hury " emily responded.
Nojat heard all what they said as she continued to march forward, evading the prying eyes of security. No sooner had she gone forward when she felt a hand grab her wrist and yanked her, she'd been caught. The police officer is just about to radio the others when he stops abruptly, a hand held a knife and pointed it behind his back, he felt the pointed end behind his back.
"say a word and you die" the voice threatened.
"umar" Nojat squeals.
"Umar?!!!!!" All the three others echoed simultaneously, nojat obviously didn't know the comm was still on.
"Nojat get out of there" Emily voice screamed.
"Are you alright Nojat?" tolu echoed.
The noise kept on probing loudly without end, Nojat gets irritated and disconnects her comm. plugging it off her ear leaving it to dangle off her vest.
"come with me" Dakar ordered as he silently ushers both the security and nojat into the restroom. he locks the security in one of the toilets.
"Nojat, i need to talk to you"
"i need to talk to you too"
"Damn ittt" Tolu screamed at the comm.
"guys, i think umar has nojat, probably disconnected her comm" emily says.
Just as they spoke they hear a round of applauds as ibrahim was about to give his speech.
"okay guys, lets stick to the plan" tolu said.
"yea, I'll find nojat" Emily offered.
*i told you to be careful* emily says within her self.
Over twenty minutes had ibrahim started his speech when everyone's phone started buzzing, the security's, media, guests all had their phones beep of messages. Everyone was receiving simultaneously, it swept across the large hall. There was a scream at one end of the hall.. soon two... soon three... in quick succession the noises tripled and everywhere is in disarray. Guests looking at one another perplexed.
"what's goin_"
"GUYSSS!!!!" IFE screams, "You won't believe what just happened"
"What" Emily asks bluntly.
"Anonymous just sent an SMS to everybody, at the same time,I MEAN EVERYONE" Ife screamed loudly, "How's this even possible?!!"
"What?" Emily blurted out. She snatches a phone from a disgruntled guest and saw the Text
Run!!! Unity Square to be bombed in minutes. Hurry out.
Nojat couldn't believe what ibrahim had to tell her, How he'd murdered a lot of people, and how he recently found out ibrahim killed his parents, how sorry he was for everything, how he still loved her.
"look we need to get out of here" dakar said holding her hands, "Ibrahim will blowup this place as soon as he's done with his speech".
They hurried to out of the restroom only to see pandemonium everywhere, it was an uproar.
Nojat quickly puts on her comm, " Guys whats happening? ".
" Nojat" Emily replied, "thank goodness you're okay, Anonymous texted everyone"
"yes, we need to rush out, what did you do to umar?
" umar is on our side now" nojat announced.
"what the hell!!!... where are you?" Emily asks.
"I'm north of the podium, the restroom area".
" guys its no use,the doors are sealed " tolu said.
Helen handed the phone to ibrahim showing him the text. Anonymous. That bastard had done it again.
"Ibrahim we have to go" Helen ordered.
*this wasn't what i planned, 30 years planning about to be destroyed over a text*.
He immediately, brings out a tiny device, he clicks on it.
**Goliath Activated**
"Ibrahim would have the key to unlock the doors" Dakar explained to Tolu.
"And why should we trust you!" Emily fired
"because I'm your only hope" he replied flatly, if my guess is correct, Ibrahim has already fallen under pressure, and has activated the bomb, and we have less than ten minutes left before we're goners''
"you bastard" Helen screams at Ibrahim, "you're supposed to activate the bomb when we're outside".
" i have an escape route " Ibrahim announces as he begins making his way out.
Dakar hurriedly runs over to the corner of the hall, begins to spray bullets at the wall and naked wires are revealed, he takes a deep breath as he cuts all the wires. The doors of the hall begins to open slowly as everyone is on a race of their lives exiting the premises. It was a stampede as bodies where lying on the ground, bodies being stepped on.
"let's head out" Tolu screams. All five of them maneuvering the bodies. they're almost out when dakar sees Ibrahim making his way out. He stops, and runs at him.
"Umarr" Nojat screams at him.
"I'll meet you outside i promise, we've got 6 minutes left,there's something i must do"
"don't go.. waiit" Nojat stretches her arm. a large wave of rushing bodies sweep her towards the exit.
"ibrahim!!!* Dakar screams behind him on the stair. Ibrahim doesn't respond, he keeps surging forward to his office where his route outside was. Helen was carried away by the wave of bodies, she fell and he saw her get stepped on by hundreds of bodies. he got into his office , tried to lock it but Dakar barges in.
" What are you doing Dakar? " Ibrahim asked in horror, "we're going to die if we stay here".
" you killed my parents you bastard " Dakar screams at him.
"what do you mean?" Ibrahim asks.
Dakar flings the paper at him and Ibrahim realizes he'd discovered what he tried to keep buried.
"I'm sorry dakar, i intended telling you later".
Ibrahim pleaded, he looked at his watch, " look dakar, we have three minutes left, we can still make it".
"shut up" Dakar screamed, he was tearing up now as beads of tears rolled down his eyes, "it's because of the trauma of losing both parents at a tender age that forced me into a life of crime. i killed to take solace. You took my parents. Denied me having a normal life, build a family , you denied me a shot at love. You ruined me, This was done to me".
" Dakar we are going to die " ibrahim pleaded.
"Death should be a reward for our sins" Dakar straightened up, "Lets all perish".
" dakar Reconsider, one minute dakar, one minute" ibrahim asked tears in his eyes.
Dakar sat down, stared into the ceiling, he could picture the missile landing through the roof.
*forgive me father.....for i have sinned*
5.... 4...3.....2....1....
Breaking news: Unity square bombed. Over a hundred casualties.
[Details Shortly]
Tolu lay unconscious as he slowly opened his eyes, he sees a face he forgot.
"mom?" he whispers.
"My son!" his mother hugged him. "I'm so happy you survived".
He sees Emily smiling broadly, she had her left thigh bandaged.
" about time you woke up" she teased.
"what happened to you?" tolu asked.
"Shock waves from the blast, doctor says I'll be in fine in a month or so".
" ife?,, nojat?"
"they're fine too, just minor injuries"
"Didn't make it" she said, her face falling.
"how many people made it out?" Tolu asked.
" Thanks to Umar, Mostly everyone, just roughly 450 deaths and few injuries, but i would have been worse to be honest" she explained, "you've been out cold for a week"
A Week!!!!... Tolu fell back to his bed. Then slipped back to sleep.
Emily and Tolu lie side by side on the bed. Emily is fast asleep hugging tolu tightly, Tolu is wide awake though. It had been three months since The Unity Square exploded killing close to six hundred people with over two hundred casualties. He lay reflecting on the explosion, on all his endeavours before it. All missing pieces were sorted out. Umar was the Killer... Ibrahim Salisu was The Sponsor. All that was left was him....Anonymous. The Mysterious guy who predicted correctly events before they happened. Had his account not been brought down by Twitter , he would have averted the death. But he did come through in the end, but in shocking manner. How on earth was Anonymous able to send an SMS to over Five thousand guests plus security at the same time. How did he get that much information on EVERYBODY. Emily's Tracer couldn't track him. He felt he knew who it could be, or a guess.
He manages to free himself from Emily's hold without waking her, he sneaks to the bathroom and dials the number. It rings for a while before he picks.
"Hello mr.White" Tolu greeted.
"Good morning boy" Mr.white replied.
".... or should i say, Hello Anonymous?" Tolu added.
There's a pause from mr.white followed by laughter, "No tolu, no.. not me"
"really" tolu replied, Another failed guess.
"Lets just say, i know who he is... or rather What it is"
"What do you mean?"
"okay Tolu, let me explain" Mr.white started, ''You know,i was skeptical about you going. You obviously didn't know what you were running into something you were incapable of handling. So, i called the DSA"
"the DSA?"
"Yea, i needed their prototype, something they'd been working on to guide you"
" And that was?"
"An-O-ni-mus" Mr.White said laughing a little, "It's a mini version of The Eagles eye. A Computer program meant to garner worldwide information by Intercepting cellphones, Calls, Chats, Codes, Internet blah blah to further enhance the US security monopoly"
"yes, so as soon as you left, An-O-ni-mus started it's work. Creating it's personal Twitter Account, It divulged your coming, Hacked into Ibrahim's phone calls, divulged all his plans, informed a certain Hamzat about her imminent doom, which unfortunately, she didn't view. It's account had to be brought down After Twitter wrote a letter to the DSA, Asking it to shutdown it's prototype, as it was meddling in Another country's matters. Before it was Brought down though, An-O-ni-mus had intercepted information on the bombing of the Unity Square, i knew you would be there. so, i urged the DSA to involve An-O-ni-mus for the last time, It hacked into Ibrahim's laptop, getting information on EVERY guest invited, contact details specifically, The it sent that SMS."
Tolu felt his world swirling left and right, It made perfect sense, Anonymous had info no one should have or could have and the speed at which he revealed it. No wonder Emily's tracer couldn't trace him, because 'Anonymous' didn't exist. So all these while they'd been bothering themselves over a prototype....
"i hope you get it now Kid'' Mr. White Started,
"**Anonymous is a Machine**"
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