She was not prepared to have something she loved taken away from her. Never again.
That morning Evie had awoken and showered, though she had no clue what she was going to wear. She had not been this stumped as to what to wear for weeks now, ever since she had become a shadow hunter it was as though she felt there were some sort of Fashion God that were calling out what items she needed to wear at each interval. She stared at the wardrobe confused as what to pick. So she pulled her underwear and clean pyjamas on before going to find the fashion expert. She racked her fist upon the door of Izzy's room.
"Thank the heavens you answered Isabelle. I need your help. I have nothing else left to wear!" Evie stated pulling the girl by her hand back towards her bedroom, giving her no option to answer or say anything towards the other girl.
"Good morning to you too Evie sleep well?" Izzy asked sarcastically hoping that the girl would catch on. She was not wrong as Evie sent a tight lipped smile her way as a form of acknowledgement towards the brash start to the morning. The two bundled into Evie's bedroom as the younger girl directed Izzy towards the wardrobe.
"I have like no idea or inspiration for what to wear this morning. I'm stumped. I have all of these clothes and just can't find anything I want to wear. I don't even know why I'm so indecisive this morning." Evie complained watching as Izzy pushed clothing side to side trying to match together an outfit. She pulled out a pair of black shorts, a plain white t- shirt, a red flannel and a black jacket. The outfit also included a pair of thin black tights and a pair of black boots. Evie leapt up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to get changed.
"You know you don't have to get changed in there right?" Izzy shouted in a hopes to embarrass Evie. Though was more shocked when the girl came out of the bathroom in just her bra and proceeded to change in front of her. "If you say so darling" came Evie's response as she continued to change hyper aware of Izzy's eyes on her body. Evie put on an minimum amount of make up before turning towards the still staring Izzy who had yet to move since she had come out of the bathroom.
"You alright there Isabelle?" Evie questioned a smirk on her face fully aware of what the girls problem was. Izzy could not find the courage within herself to respond attempting to silence the dirty thoughts which ran through her head at the present moment. Evie then took Izzy's hand wondering what the girl would do as she pulled her out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Izzy was still in a state of shock as the two headed into the kitchen. They had even eaten breakfast without Izzy speaking her eyes still fixed upon Evie's body as she struggled to think of anything that was something she could say aloud in the presence of others. Yet her thoughts continued to roll around in the ditch as she focused on what she wished she could have done other than getting ready whilst in Evie's presence that morning. Izzy's silence had obviously been noticed by others, Alec had come downstairs to see his younger sister was completely silent. This was strange considering the two girls had always been seen talking and low key flirting. He wasn't sure whether or not it was a good reason Izzy was silent but he was not going to waste this opportunity.
Eventually, Izzy was able to get her mind out of the gutter. Instead, she began to talk about anything else, however, whenever an innuendo was made she had to pause and pull herself out of the gutter once again. Their morning seemed to be going pretty well, they hadn't heard from either Jace or Clary and at that moment of time that was no real concern to the three who were lounging around in the kitchen. For the other two always seemed to be off together causing problems for everyone else. Their quiet morning was interrupted by the arrival of Lydia. At first Evie was convinced she might just join them in the kitchen relaxing as she was soon to be join gin the Lightwood family through marriage. However, this was far from the case. Tears came to Evie's eyes as she watched them place Izzy under arrest for the saving the group had done of Meliorn the night beforehand. She knew hat her sister had once again got something to do with it. Because for some reason her sister was always at the centre of everything. Evie then watched as Alec stormed off to follow Lydia. She had no clue why but knew by the way he walked that he was on a mission. For neither of them would let anything happen to Izzy. Evie had a mission of her own, she was going to see and speak with Izzy and nothing anybody could do would stop her.
She turned the corner to where they were keeping the girl diving one sharp glance to the two shadowhunters who stood guard outside the room. They allowed her access without much of a second thought and she pondered just how frightening she must have looked in that moment. Upon entering, Izzy turned to the sound of footsteps. On her face was a look of equal shock and happiness at seeing the ginger girl in front of her. She watched as Evie threw herself at her and Izzy struggled to catch the taller girl who had a lot more momentum than first thought. Evie's arms were tight around Izzy as she clung onto her like it was the only good thing she had in the world. Which wasn't completely incorrect.
"Darling I promise you I will get you out of here. I'm not letting them rid you of this lifestyle. You go I go." Evie stated as she buried her head in Izzy's shoulder. This action made the words slightly muffled, but this did not stop Izzy from understanding each word. The term of endearment which had been used twice now in a short space of time, seemed as though it was sticking. And neither girl wanted to protest against its usage. It just seemed to fit their situation perfectly. After what felt like a long time spent standing the two girls moved onto the couch which was in the room. Despite Izzy now being a prisoner they had set her up nicely whilst she awaited the trial that determined her future in this world. Evie took a moment to look Izzy straight in the eyes, having realised this could be her only chance to say something as she could lose Izzy at any moment.
"Isabelle... I had this great speech planned out you know. I had planned to take you somewhere and get it off my chest. Or say this after saving your life in some mission so I could act all hero like. But now I realise I might lose you I just want you to know. If I've not been obvious enough I like you. Like I like like you. I know how childish of me but it's true. I'm not going to come out and proclaim that I am hopelessly in love with you as this is not one of those kinds of love story. But... I know if we have enough time perhaps this can turn into love. Because I know these feelings I have for you. They're not going to just go away. They're here to stay. I know that there's a chance that you don't feel the same way but I couldn't let anything happen to you without you knowing." Evie rambled looking at Izzy for any sign of rejection.
"That's not something you'll have to worry about, me rejecting you, okay? I mean I've never been with another girl. But we'll make this work just you watch. I believe in due time this will turn into us being hopelessly in love with each other. But for now I'm content in just knowing that we feel the same way about each other."
Original word count: 1389
2nd Edit June 2020 word count: 1392
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