??? POV
Looking around now, you would never recognize this place now. The grey walls of the revine had over time become a much redder color. Just like the walls of our home. The bricks that we had used to reinforce our home had gone from a red to a dark black. Why? For all I know about realms, I can't say.
I heard footsteps behind me, so I swung around, my sword drawn. "My Lord!" A man in a black suit with a cross stood had entered my chamber. He sunk to one knee, and I paused a moment before responding, sweeping my eyes over him, I hadn't seen him before. Looking again at him, I noticed that his left eye was covered by his hair, and the way he spoke gave on that he was used to being in charge, not the other way around. I could feel resent meant rolling off of him. I would have to watch him, I realized, and make a mental note to assign someone to watch him.
"Yes. Go on." I finally responded dryly, lowering my sword, but not sheathing it. If his reason for bothering me failed to suit me, I would arrange for him to suffer an accident.
"There has been an anomaly, sir!" The man practically shouted, still bending over in front of the door way, not looking at me.
"Yell a little louder next time. I don't think they heard you in the farthest corner of Shad's Palace." I curtly ended the conversation, sheathed my sword, and headed down the black hallway to a door marked authorized personnel only, and pushed it open violently, so that it swung back and forth in it's hinges. A purple glow hit my eyes first, as it shone into the hallway and created a patch of color on the otherwise black wall behind me, causing passing beings to stop and stare. I gave them each a look that promised a violent and bloody end before entering he room and slamming the door behind me.
"What is this I have heard about an anomaly?" I practically bellowed, causing the researchers to cower in fear. I paused for a moment to collect myself. I needed these people, and couldn't afford to scare them too much right now. I could acquire more researchers, as I had right these in front of me, but if there truly had been an anomaly, I didn't have the time that would take.
"Well sir," the head researcher got over his fear and came forward. "The dimension you had us monitoring, the p - purple one? There was an explosion along it's side. A - a large one too. This caused it to propel f - forward, and it looked like it will eventually slam into this golden d - dimension." He stuttered.
Looking at the swirling map of worlds, I smiled. "Perfect. Now I can take on my enemies all at once. My patience has rewarded me. It is TIME!"
I stepped out into the hallway, where many of the beings living in this hellhole had gathered. "Prepare my minions!" I bellowed.
Updated September 22, 2018
Hey guys! I return, and with it comes the updates! As promised, expect one more sometime soon, before October 1!
I'm so sorry it has taken so long-
But hey.... I'm writing still?
Word Count - 561 Words
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