Crowley x Partly-Nephilim!Reader - Mummy Dearest
Set after the events of Crowley gaining emotions and during season 10 just when Rowena (his mother) is introduced. The whole Partly-Nephilim thing means that your grandma/grandpa was Nephilim but the rest of your family was human. Basically you just have a hyper-sensitive awareness of peoples true colours and heal a lot faster then average.
You were adorable, fluffy, childish, innocent, naive, oblivious and most of all, you were a hunter. Although not the best traits to have as hunter, you were skilled, smart and just as good at hunting as the Winchesters themselves. On a random hunting trip, you'd run into them, they were working with Crowley at the time, and you'd managed to befriend and intrigue the Demon King. After some time you considered him your bestie and often 'hung out' with him. He however, had developed a certain feeling for you, but your obliviousness made it hard for him to flirt or anything of the like. Eventually, he helped you learn a spell that could transport you to and from Hell without a demon possessing you (shh I don't care if it exists or not) and you, being you, took it as a gift from your bestie. After a while, Crowley set up a room for you to use when you visited Hell, which you thought was a lot comfier then any hotel room and began using it whenever you weren't hunting. Under Crowley's influence, demons stopped hunting you, and you even befriended a few of them. The ones that still hunted you, however, where quickly dealt with by yours truly.
After a long day of chasing witches and demons alike, I lay down on my plush bed, Crowley walked in not a second later.
"Crowley!" I said smiling. "Hello!"
"'Ello love." He used his regular greeting. "Tough day?"
"You have no idea. First I meet the Winchesters, which was fine because their hair is soft, but then we had to track down a brothel run by demons, which I didn't kill and they didn't get the chance to attack me so don't go around hurting people ok? Anyway so when we found it, one demon had thrown himself up and the other had smoked out and a witch had done it!! A witch! Since when do witches hunt demons?" I gave a look to Crowley who just smiled a little and shrugged. "Right story, so anyway, we eventually found the witch, who was boiling peoples brains and stuff, really gross stuff, and right when Dean was about to get her, some guy with a grudge against Dean comes along and lets her go! But anyway, how was your day?"
"About as good as yours I'm afraid. The demon that smoked out, he came back here spouting nonsense about some great witch, who is evidently real, and somehow got me to send out a team to get her and bring her back here, turns out the b-, witch is my mother and now I've got to deal with this crap." I remembered all the times he told me about his mother and wandered over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist before pulling back to pat his head.
"There, there. It'll be alright." I said smiling up at him. Crowley grabbed my wrists and held them so my hands were on his cheeks. "Crowley, what are you doing?"
"Just a little recharge love, give me a moment." He looked so at peace, I couldn't refuse him. We stood like that for a while before he opened his eyes and let my hands fall back to my sides.
"100% now?" He chuckled and ruffled my hair.
"Sure am. Now get to bed. You had a big day remember?" As if on queue, a huge yawn escaped my mouth. Crowley laughed and I made my back to the huge plush bed.
"Night Crowley~" I called over my shoulder giving him a sleepy smile.
"Night love." He replied and closed my door behind him.
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~Time skip~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
I'd met Rowena exactly 7 times since Crowley captured her. Our first encounter consisted of me hiding behind Crowley before I even knew who she was. I instantly didn't like her, seeing that her soul was much darker then any of the demons in Hell. Crowley seemed amused at my reaction and Rowena put on the whole; "A human-girl! In Hell!? Oh, my Fergus, look at how low you've fallen." Which led to me hating her further, but caused me to gain enough confidence to stand up to her from then on.
Our second encounter was the day Crowley decided to let her out. The other demon in the room had turned out to be fairly nice to me, well as much as a demon could be, so when Rowena tried to accuse him of being the one to smuggle demons out, I merely scoffed at her. Crowley and everyone in the room looked at me be-whiled. After explaining that there was no way it could have been him because I knew who it was, Rowena had sweet-talked herself out of the cell, glaring at me as she sauntered past. The demon who was ferrying others out was caught, Crowley got mad for a bit for not telling him sooner but after I reminded him that he usually gets grumpy if I know more about whats happening in Hell then him, he calmed down and went back to normal.
Every time after that had mainly been her arguing with me about Crowley's decisions. Most of the time he and the other demons sided with me, mainly because I've kept a number of them alive. Needless to say, Rowena hated me, especially after I revealed a hex bag kept in Crowley throne. She tried a couple of her spells on me but for some reason, they never worked, not that I'm complaining mind you. It had been a while after that Crowley told me that he'd retrieved the First Blade for Dean. We had travelled back to Earth and after Dean defeated Cain, he gave it to Castiel. This caused a massive argument on my behalf. To say I was upset would be an understatement. Dean, of corse, got angry that I was taking Crowley's side.
"Friend or not, he's still a demon!" He'd yelled. Crowley vanished and left me standing there angry and hurt, the boys all sending me mixed emotions. Upon trying to go back to Hell, I found I'd been locked out, Rowena or Crowley, I didn't really care at the moment. I was tired and angry and all I wanted to do was sleep. Sam convinced Dean to let me stay in the bunker for the night and now here I am.
The boys gave me a room to use, it was simple and the bed wasn't as comfy as the one in 'my' room, but it was better then a hotel. A week or so later, Dean came back and told me he'd met Crowley at a bar after a mix up with his mother. Rowena had been trying to con him into killing them again and after explaining everything he wanted to see me. Even after he had ditched me for no good reason, I was still ecstatic to see him again. It felt like forever. I ran outside and got in my car, driving to the address Dean had gotten from Crowley. It wasn't to far away and I thought I recognised it. Upon arriving I realised where I was.
"'Ello love."
"Gyah!!" I spun around to meet the owner of the voice. "Crowley, don't scare me like that!"
"Sorry, but on to more pressing matters. You know where we are, correct?"
"Y-yeah, this is where we first met, on that hunt, right?"
"That it is." Crowley said as he grabbed my hand, teleporting to another location.
"And here? Do you remember this place?"
"Um... isn't this where you saved me when I got attacked by a family of Djinn?"
"And here?" This went on for about five more places, all places where Crowley and I had been at the same time. Eventually we reached our last location.
"What about this place?" He said.
"I... I don't think I remember this one."
"Try." I turned around and around, examining every detail. There were trees lining footpaths and park benches scattered across the area. A playground sat a way aways, flowers grew everywhere.
"This is... this is where... I came here for a walk once. There was a sun shower, it only lasted a couple of minutes though. What does this place have to do with anything?"
"That day, was the day I first released everything." He started. "I came here for some trivial deal and, for some reason, decided to stick around a while. After walking around, I ended up here and saw you. I would have approached you but it started raining, and while everyone put their bags over their ends and ran, you stopped, in shock almost, and smiled the most beautiful smile in history. Then you started dancing and running around like a three year old and I realised how much I had come to love you." Tears dripped from my face, my hands in fists at the end of my shirt.
"I don't expect you to love me back, but recently, someone very wise, as much as I hate to say it, told me 'family doesn't end in blood, but it doesn't start there, either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them.' And in some ways I think that applies to you too. Not once have you asked or expected anything from me, you spend your time either killing the deserving or trying to save everyone, and when your not doing that, you smile and laugh and try to make everyone happier. You don't find those traits in people very often, especially not hunters. You have no idea how much you mean to me, but I can understand whatever your decision may be."
"Crowley I- I can't..."
"It's ok, I get it."
"No!! I mean, I can't believe you like me that much. I mean, your the King of Hell, and I'm just a hunter, a nobody, I'm not even cute so I just-"
"What do you mean 'not even cute'?! You are the most beautiful, kind, amazing person in the universe!! Though you certainly are, cute doesn't even begin to cover it!"
"Crowley I-" What? What was I going to say? Did I love him? I certainly cared for him. He always seemed to be there for me, he never failed to keep me safe. Heck, I sometimes felt safer in Hell then on Earth. Did I love him though? My eyes trailed up to his. They glistened with what could be confused with tears, noticing their regular hazel-green colour and seeing all the emotion in them. I closed the distance between us and bring my hands to his cheeks, holding them there. He gazed back at me but seemed to relax a little. I stared and stared, trying to make sense of what I felt. Remembering all the days I had without him. Being cut off from him. I had missed him. I had missed him so much it hurt.
"I- I think I love you too." I whispered. I hadn't even noticed I had until I did. But it was true.
"I love you Crowley. Oh my gosh, I love you. Holy Crap, I must I did not see that coming, I mean, I probably should have but gosh. Like-"
"Love, stop." And then his lips were on mine. Crowley wastes no movement, no second with his kiss. I stood there melting, enjoying every moment. When we broke, I stood there gasping back the air my lungs needed, Crowley not actually needing to breath.
"Come on, lets go home."
"Wait, what about your Mum?"
"Oh you'll be fine Love, Mummy Dearest has taken a long service leave from my life. Forever, actually. Just you and me tonight."
And with a snap of his fingers, we returned to paradise. To our sanctuary. To Hell.
I really liked this one <3 as always, tell me what you think :)
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