Chapter two-the new goldie?
Goldie wakes up and puts his hand on his head
Goldie:oh my I seem to have been hit by a metal structure
He says looking at the pipe
Goldie:ah a 450 pound water pipe most likely a center piece due to its size
Goldie looks at the mirror within in the room as he stands up
Goldie:I look absolutely messy, talk about a bad fur day, and this purple just isn't doing it for me, maybe a blue perhaps?
Goldie walks out of the room adjusting his bow tie as he walks to the back room
Goldie:there now where's my...
Goldie looks worried about the dirty looking stature of his room
Goldie:great so 1.brush fur 2.clean yourself 3.clean room and 4.change hat
Goldie grabs the purple brush from the bed and brushes his hair until it's untangled and shines himself up before sweeping,dusting and organizing everything in his room
Goldie:uh what are those idiots doing now?
He walks out to see Freddy and monkey toes fighting
Goldie:I- who? Who left their kid here? Oh well I guess I might as well check and see where the others are
Goldie walks carefully to the other room where chica and Bonnie are calming down toy chica and foxy was just leaning against the freezer
Bonnie:Freddy was mad he wouldn't actually do such a thing
Foxy:really? Because I heard him say multiple times he wants Goldie scrapped
Chica:foxy keep talking and I'll LOCK you in that freezer
The rest of the toys were all on their stage worried about the fight and the puppet was in her room unaware of the situation.
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