Chapter Eleven: The Casket Girls
Nobody's Pov
As everyone settled down the next episode began to play.
The screen turns on and the camera shows the compound before we head inside.
We head into Kurt's room where we see him standing in front of his mirror wearing a nice tuxedo.
Sue whistled when seeing Kurt onscreen.
"Looking good, porcelain" Sue complimented, a small smile on her face.
Everyone smiled and voiced out their agreements since they had to admit that Kurt looked good in that suit.
It's a little rare to see him in suits since he normally only wears them on special occasions.
"He looks as handsome as you do in suits, honey" Carole smiled.
Burt smiled at his wife and kissed her cheek causing her to giggle.
As he admires himself in the mirror he fails to notice Klaus walking inside his room, staring at him with a glint in his eyes.
"What are you doing, love?" Klaus asked.
Kurt picked his head up and looked at his mate through the mirror.
"Today is the festival for the casket girls but since Hayley and I can't go out we decided to wander the place and we found a few vintage clothing. Hayley is currently in her room changing into a vintage wedding dress while I'm here wearing this vintage tuxedo" Kurt explained.
"What the hell are the casket girls?" Artie asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"And what festival is going on?" Mike asked in confusion.
"The casket girls were legendary since it was known as a young society of women that imported from France with the promise of marrying a proper New Orleans gentleman" Gertrude told Artie.
She then turned to Mike.
"The festival is a yearly reminder of how woman can be oppressed by selfish men and how they can triumph when brave enough to fight for themselves" Gertrude explained.
With their questions answered Artie and Mike nodded their heads in thanks before turning back to the screen.
Klaus chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"I never knew you liked to dress up" Klaus said, leaning against the wall.
Kurt shrugged as he admires himself in the mirror.
"I always loved dressing up when I was a kid. Even now I still love it. Plus, I have nothing else to do and neither does Hayley. And just because we can't go to the festival doesn't mean we can't have our own fun" Kurt smiled.
Burt couldn't stop the smile from appearing on his face.
He was happy to see his son making the most of his situation since he and Hayley have to stay inside for their own safety.
At least his son can take a break and just have fun.
Something he probably never really got to do during his highschool years and when he went off for college.
Klaus nodded in understanding as he stepped closer to his mate.
"You know, if you really want to go to the festival I would be more than happy to take you" Klaus said.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at that before turning around to face the hybrid.
"You'd really take me to the festival?" Kurt asked, a little surprised.
"I see no problem with it. Besides, I'll be by your side the entire time making sure you're safe" Klaus told him.
"Good. Because if he gets hurt it's on you, asshole" Blaine scowled.
Everyone shot him annoyed looks as a few others sighed.
He was getting on their nerves and they really wish that Gertrude conquered up something to make him shut up.
They know that he doesn't like Klaus, none of them really do, but it would be less annoying if he stopped insulting him all the time.
Kurt couldn't stop the smile from appearing on his face.
It made him feel surprisingly happy that Klaus was willing to take him out of the compound and somewhere fun since he knows that he's been getting bored of staying inside.
However, a small frown appeared on his face and he let out a small sigh.
"Nik, I appreciate the offer. I really do. But, I don't think I can" Kurt told him.
Klaus deflated slightly at that, looking visibly upset by his answer.
"You idiot!" Santana yelled in annoyance.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" the rest of the girls yelled.
This made everyone jump at their unexpected yells, some turning and shooting them weird looks.
But, of course, the girls ignored them and kept their attention on the screen.
Kurt noticed his look and hurriedly spoke.
"It's not that I don't want to go. I do. It's just...if I go then Hayley will be alone and I don't really like the idea of my best friend being alone with a bunch of vampires" Kurt explained.
Everyone couldn't help but understand where he was coming from.
Hayley and Kurt didn't really trust the vampires since they were on Marcel's side and they tried to kill them.
Not to mention Hayley is pregnant.
Any harm that comes to her will come to the baby as well.
And lets not forget that they tried killing Hayley's family.
The girls, on the other hand, were shooting glares at Kurt through the screen.
"Your bestie is a big girl, she can handle herself" Quinn grumbled.
Klaus cleared his throat and nodded his head in understanding.
"Ah, yes. I forgot" Klaus said.
"Just give me time to think about it and I'll tell you what my decision is later" Kurt said.
"Of course, love. No rush" Klaus said with a faint smile.
"No rush my ass. Just say yes" Santana scowled.
If Kurt doesn't say yes to going to the festival with Klaus, basically saying yes to a potential first date, she will throw a fit.
Kurt flashed him a small smile to which Klaus returned slightly before turning around and leaving the room.
Kurt stared after him and let out a sigh before turning back around to look at himself in the mirror.
"I swear to god" Santana groaned, burying her face into her hands.
The girls reacted the same way their latina friend did.
Everyone looked at them with raised eyebrows, wondering what they were on about.
The scene changes to the courtyard where we see Hayley, Kurt and Rebekah rifling through several old chests of clothes while they search for a Casket Girls Festival outfit to wear.
Hayley looks up and sees Klaus standing on the balcony as a few vampires walk towards him.
"So, the witch is missing huh?" Hayley asked, looking at her best friend and Rebekah.
News spread through the compound that Davina was missing and now Klaus is organizing a search party.
"Wait, she's missing?" Ms. Pillsbury asked, feeling worried about the young witch.
"Not really. She left with Josh to do something after she learned some important information that Marcel forgot to tell her" Gertrude explained.
Ms. Pillsbury nodded slightly but couldn't help but still feel worried about the young witch.
She just hopes she's alright.
Rebekah nodded as she looked at Hayley and Kurt.
"Walked right out of the front door, apparently. Do either of you know anything about it?" Rebekah asked.
"Nope" Kurt shook his head.
Hayley frowned slightly before saying, "well, I did tell her that the witch Elders were dead".
"Is she talking about Agnes?" Thad asked.
"Yeah, that elder witch that tried to force a miscarriage onto Hayley" Trent added.
"Yes" Gertrude nodded.
"Why the hell would she care about Agnes or any of the other elder witches being dead?" Sue asked, confused.
She thought the young witch would be happy that those witches were gone, especially since they were the ones that tried to kill her.
She thought the young witch would be happy that she no longer had to live in fear of being caught and killed.
So, why isn't she?
"Well, why would she care, when the witches tried to kill her in their ritual?" Rebekah asked in confusion.
"I think it was more that Marcel didn't tell her that the one thing preventing her from being free had been eliminated" Hayley explained.
Kurt seemed to catch on and nodded his head.
"Yeah and from what I know Davina has spent nearly her entire life in the attic after Marcel saved her. She lived in the attic due to the fear of being caught and sacrificed. Now that the elder witches are dead, have been for a while, but she wasn't informed definitely had to have hurt" Kurt added.
Because with them gone she was free.
But instead she was left in the dark and made to still be kept inside.
Everyone in the theater couldn't help but frown at the information they were just given.
And they couldn't help but feel bad for Davina as well as feel angry on her behalf.
The poor girl was almost sacrificed if Marcel hadn't saved her that day.
And she was made to be kept inside the attic for her safety.
But with the elder witches gone she was free and no longer had to live in fear.
But she wasn't aware of that because nobody, not even Marcel, told her and she had to find out through Hayley.
They understand her wanting to run away and get away from everyone at the compound, especially Marcel.
After all, they were the ones that lied to her and let her continue thinking the threats were still alive.
They're the ones that are using her for her power.
"So you are the reason she's run off" Rebekah said with a pointed look.
Hayley shot her an annoyed look as did Kurt who stood up.
"Hey, Hales just told her the truth. Davina's the one who realized they were just using her to keep their control over the witches" Kurt defended.
Hayley turned to her best friend and smiled softly.
She was happy that he defended her but, to be fair, he'll always defend her the same way she'll always defend him.
Everyone couldn't stop the smiles from appearing on their faces.
Kurt and Hayley's friendship was really amazing as it shows how much they care for each other.
Burt was happy that his son had a best friend in New Orleans so that way he wasn't alone.
Rachel, on the other hand, felt nothing but jealousy at the friendship between Kurt and Hayley.
Kurt was always her best friend the same way she was his and she hoped that it would stay that way.
Looks like she was wrong with the way that werewolf girl stole her title.
Rebekah sighed before looking up at the balcony.
"Yeah well, I've never been a fan of the boys club" Rebekah told them.
The three of them look up to see Marcel walk towards Klaus. The two of them begin quietly muttering to each other.
"Just wait, Elijah will join them and the three of them will be impossible" Rebekah sarcastically said.
Hayley tried to hide an amused smile while Kurt snorted.
People in the theater either laughed loudly or chuckled.
"Used by the witches, lied to by Marcel, manipulated by Elijah, threatened by Klaus. Just like a modern-day Casket Girl" Rebekah sighed, shaking her head.
Hayley and Kurt look at each other before looking at the blonde Mikaelson.
"Are you talking about Davina or yourself?" Hayley asked with a raised eyebrow.
Rebekah looked at them and asked, "does it matter?"
Hayley and Kurt just shrugged causing the blonde Mikaelson to sigh.
"Either way, the three of us have to stick together" Rebekah told them.
Hayley and Kurt nodded, small smiles appearing on their faces.
Everyone couldn't help but smile at Rebekah's words.
They could tell that the three of them were going to form a great friendship.
Just as the two girls were going back to what they were doing Kurt turned to his best friend.
"Hales, can I talk to you about something?" Kurt asked.
"Sure, what's up?" Hayley asked.
Kurt bit his lip. He glanced at Klaus, who was still on the balcony talking to Marcel, before looking back at his best friend.
"This might be stupid to ask, but, are you going to the festival?" Kurt asked.
The girls perked up at the question and glanced at each other knowingly.
Hayley frowned at the question but, nevertheless, answered.
"Well, Elijah did offer to take me if I wanted to go and as fun as that sounds I told him it's better if I don't go. Especially when him and Klaus are barely on speaking terms. I don't want to rock the boat" Hayley explained.
Kurt hummed at that while Rebekah perked her head up in curiosity.
"Why? Did you wanna go?" Hayley asked.
"No, he just asked for fun" Sebastian sarcastically said, rolling his eyes.
Thad shook his head at his friend before smacking his arm.
"Well..." Kurt trailed off.
He glanced Klaus, who was beginning to walk away with Marcel, before looking back at his best friend.
"Nik did offer to take me to the festival if I felt like going" Kurt told her.
Hayley's eyes widened at that as did Rebekah's who stood up and made her way over to the duo.
"She better convince him to go" Santana muttered.
"They both better convince him" Quinn muttered.
The rest of the girls, having heard them, nodded their heads in agreement.
They really wanted their friend to say yes to Klaus's offer but he's obviously still hesitant to accept.
Especially when he doesn't want to leave his best friend alone.
So they were hoping that said best friend, along with Rebekah, can convince him to go.
Kurt accepting Klaus's offer to go to the festival could be a potential first date for the two of them.
Which is why they really want Kurt to say yes.
"Are you serious?" Hayley asked.
"Nik offered to take you to the festival, really?" Rebekah asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah he did" Kurt nodded with a small smile.
"Well, what did you say?" Hayley asked in curiosity.
"I told him I needed to think about it" Kurt said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"What? Why?" Hayley and Rebekah asked in unison, causing them to look at each other before looking away.
Everyone couldn't help but laugh at that.
Kurt laughed in amusement before looking at his best friend.
"I just don't want to leave you alone especially with vampires in the compound that are always watching over you, and me, like a hawk. And may I remind you that we still don't trust them" Kurt said.
Hayley let out a huff and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Look, Kurt, I appreciate the fact that you're always watching over me and want me to be safe but let me remind you that I can take care of myself the same way you can take care of yourself. And you're allowed to go out and have fun. You don't always have to blow things off just for me" Hayley explained.
"She has a point" Coach Beiste shrugged.
"Yeah, porcelain is his own person that can go out and have fun if he wants" Sue nodded.
"And lets not forget that the only reason Hayley has to stay inside the compound is for her safety. Especially with her being pregnant" Mr. Schue added.
Rebekah nodded as she looked at Kurt.
"I agree with your bestie. You don't always have to stay with her and you're allowed to have fun. I say you should accept Nik's offer and go to the festival" Rebekah told him.
While she may resent her brother for many, many, reasons she has a feeling that he really wants to take Kurt to the festival.
Not to mention she can see how badly Kurt wants to go to the festival, especially with her brother.
Lets not forget that those two are mates.
Not only that but she can tell that those two are slowly growing closer to one another.
The girls shared knowing glances while trying to stop themselves from squealing.
Sue glanced at them with a raised eyebrow, trying to put the pieces together.
It didn't take long for the realization to dawn on her which prompted her eyes to widen in shock.
A small laugh escaped her lips as she leaned back against her seat with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Damn, porcelain. Looks like you're slowly getting used to the hybrid being your mate" Sue muttered.
Kurt frowned as he glanced between them before setting his eyes on his best friend.
"Are you sure?" Kurt asked.
"Yes, I am. Go and have fun. I'll be fine, I promise" Hayley laughed.
Kurt let out a small sigh before nodding his head. A smile appeared on his face as he embraced his best friend in a hug.
"Call me if anything happens and I'll be there as fast as I can, I promise" Kurt said.
"Yeah, yeah, I know" Hayley sighed, a smile on her face as she hugged her best friend back.
Rebekah watched the two of them with a small smile on her face. She had to admit that their interactions were really cute.
Everyone nodded with small smiles on their faces.
They themselves had to admit that the interactions between the best friends were really cute.
Rachel had to admit that the interactions between Kurt and Hayley were cute.
But that doesn't stop her from being jealous and wishing that she and Kurt had that kind of friendship.
The scene changes to the French quarter where the festival is being held.
The Casket Girls Festival is in full swing, with marching bands and people in costumes dancing around the streets. All of them having the time of their lives.
Everyone's eyes widened at the festival they were seeing in front of them.
They had to admit that a few of them have been to festivals but they were nothing like the casket girls festival.
"Damn" Puck breathed out.
"That looks like fun. We should go there one day" Finn commented.
"I agree" Artie nodded in agreement.
Everyone stared at the two of them for a bit before glancing at one another.
Maybe, if they were up for it, they would arrange a trip to go to New Orleans.
Just as long as they were on high alert and had weapons of their own with them at all times.
They weren't taking any chances in running into vampires, werewolves or witches.
Blaine was all for going to New Orleans since, he had to admit, the town looked cool to check out.
Minus the supernatural beings.
But he also wanted to go because he wanted to see Kurt and convince him to leave that dreadful town and return home.
The camera pans over to Klaus and Kurt who were walking side by side.
Kurt was going to wear a suit he found back at the compound but he decided against it.
So he was just wearing a simple black shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers.
"Am I the only one that finds it weird that Kurt wears normal clothes rather than the clothes he used to wear?" Sam asked.
Everyone glanced at each other before voicing out their agreements.
They were all so used to seeing Kurt wear designer clothes.
Well, not necessarily designer but he wore clothes that could pass off as designer.
It's just weird to see him wearing clothes that they would see only from the guys present in the theater room.
"Wow, this place is full. Tons of people are here and all dressed up" Kurt smiled as he looked around.
"That's the casket girls festival for you, love" Klaus chuckled.
"I've never really been to festivals before so excuse my surprise" Kurt said.
"Really? Never?" Klaus asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Nope. I went to some parties and even went to a gay club back in my hometown but that's it" Kurt shrugged.
"Wait? What gay club?" Burt asked, confused.
His eyes immediately landed on Blaine who smiled and chuckled nervously at the man.
"Let's just say it was Sebastian's idea" Blaine said, pointing over at the former warbler captain.
Burt raised an eyebrow at that and snapped his head into Sebastian's direction.
Sebastian chuckled nervously at the stare the man was giving him and sunk down in his seat.
The warblers covered their mouths in order to stifle their laughter.
Klaus hummed at that before turning his head to look at his mate.
"Just out of curiosity, love, are you ever going to tell me about your life before coming to New Orleans?" Klaus asked.
Kurt stiffened slightly since he wasn't expecting Klaus to ask that question, he never did before.
He wasn't really ready to tell Klaus anything about his life before New Orleans.
The only one that knows is Hayley.
But if Klaus were to keep asking then he might have to tell him.
"Is it really bad for him to tell Klaus his life before New Orleans?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, it's not like he's asking him to jump off a building" Jeff added.
The new directions looked at each other knowingly.
They had a feeling that Kurt was hesitant to tell Klaus about his past.
It would include all that he had to endure during highschool and they know that had it worse than any of them.
Not only that but he would also have to tell Klaus about Blaine and their relationship.
Not to mention why it ended.
And they had a feeling that if Klaus finds out what Blaine did, things wouldn't end well for him.
Kurt opened his mouth to say something when something else caught his attention.
He furrows his eyebrows together when he sees Marcel and Elijah in the middle of the street talking quietly to one another.
"Are your brother and Marcel supposed to be here?" Kurt asked.
Klaus frowned slightly at that before turning around. When he spotted them he raised an eyebrow.
"Come with me, love" Klaus said as he began walking.
Kurt just nodded and followed behind him.
When they reached them Marcel and Elijah turned to face them.
"Ah, you two look rather cozy" Klaus commented.
"Hardly. I was just telling Elijah how we're wasting time" Marcel scoffed.
"Doubt that" Santana muttered.
She could tell that Marcel cares for Davina and, maybe, Elijah does too.
She believes that those two are planning something of their own to find Davina and make sure she's safe.
Because there's no way would she be safe if Klaus is the one that finds her.
"You don't like festivals?" Klaus asked.
Marcel opened his mouth to say something when Rebekah appears.
"I don't see why not. Who doesn't love a street fair?" Rebekah smiled.
Marcel looked at her but Rebekah was ignoring him and keeping her eyes on her brothers and Kurt.
"Uh, what happened between the lovebirds?" Coach Beiste asked.
"Yeah, weren't they together since Rebekah helped Marcel?" Ms. Pillsbury asked.
"They were but since it's clear to Rebekah that Marcel is on Klaus's side she doesn't want anything to do with him" Gertrude explained.
Coach Beiste and Ms. Pillsbury nodded in understanding.
So did everyone else in the theater.
While they felt bad that those Rebekah and Marcel weren't together they thought it was for the best.
"Sister, come to help us find our stray?" Klaus asked.
Kurt glared at him and smacked his shoulder.
"Davina isn't a stray, Nik" Kurt reminded him.
Klaus rolled his eyes while raising his hands in surrender.
"We can't let your secret weapon get in the wrong hands, can we?" Rebekah asked with a tight smile.
"Ok, can they stop calling her a weapon? She's a kid for god sakes" Carole scowled.
She hated that they were treating a girl that was no older than 16 as if she were a weapon.
Treating her as if she were some sort of soldier.
She was just a kid that wanted to live her life but that clearly wasn't going to happen.
God, Carole really hopes she finds a way to leave New Orleans without getting caught.
She wants that girl to be able to live her life away from anything that involves the supernatural.
"For the record, we're moments away from retrieving her" Klaus told his sister.
Kurt narrowed his eyes at his mate, especially at seeing the look in his eyes as well as the way he spoke.
"What are you planning, Nik?" Kurt asked.
"Whatever do you mean, love?" Klaus asked with an 'innocent' smile.
Some people scoffed while others just shook their heads.
"I have to agree with your mate. I recognize that tone of voice, Niklaus. Clearly you have some diabolical machination. What is it?" Elijah asked.
The smile on Klaus's face turns into a smirk.
Without responding to his brother he looks at his mate and holds his hand out for him.
Kurt narrows his eyes at him but Klaus just waits for him to give him his hand. The Hummel male sighed before placing his hand into his mates waiting one.
Klaus nodded and together the two of them walked off, hand in hand.
Almost everyone's eyes were wide open in shock at what they were seeing.
They couldn't believe that Kurt was actually holding hands with Klaus.
They seriously wondered if they were blind or if they were actually seeing this correctly.
Especially since Kurt has never held hands with any other boy.
Only Blaine, at least when they were dating.
Meanwhile, the girls and Sue were trying not to laugh at everyone's reaction.
And they were refraining themselves from squealing as loud as they could just seeing the two mates holding hands.
"Where are we going?" Kurt asked.
"That depends on you" Klaus said.
"Huh?" Kurt asked, confused.
"Well, this is a festival and in festivals you're made to have fun. So, tell me, what do you want to do first?" Klaus asked.
Kurt's eyes widened, he wasn't expecting that if he was being honest.
"Aren't you going to put your plan in motion? And don't try to deny anything because I know you have something up your sleeve" Kurt asked.
Klaus rolled his eyes but replied anyways.
"Yes, I do have a plan to get Davina back but that plan can wait. I brought you here to have fun and I intend to keep that promise" Klaus smiled.
He then gestured to the festival with his other arm.
"Now, as I said, what do you want to do first?" Klaus asked.
Kurt couldn't believe what he was hearing and he couldn't stop the way his heart was fluttering.
He honestly didn't expect his mate to set aside his plan to get Davina back just so he can make sure he has a fun day at the festival.
For some reason, it makes his heart flutter.
The girls and Sue grinned.
Klaus sets aside his schemes to get Davina back just to put his focus on Kurt, his mate and make sure he has a great time at the festival.
This just shows how far he has come.
They hoped that those two had a great time before Klaus puts his plan into motion.
Not only that but they were hoping those two would kiss near the end.
Kurt let a small smile appear on his face as he began looking around.
"Well, there are so many things to do. It's hard to pick" Kurt told him.
"True. But no worries, love, I'm sure we can find something that you'll enjoy" Klaus smiled.
Kurt smiled and nodded his head in agreement.
The two of them began walking, hoping to find something to do, Klaus couldn't stop himself from spinning his mate around in circles.
His actions made Kurt laugh in surprise while shaking his head in amusement.
A few people couldn't stop themselves from smiling at the scene.
"This is surprisingly cute" Burt muttered, his lips twitching upwards slightly.
He's never heard his son laugh in a while nor has he seen his son go out to have fun.
He's still not keen on his son living in a dangerous place as New Orleans and being mated to someone like Klaus.
But he has to admit that he's happy to see his son happy and having fun.
Meanwhile, Blaine was glaring at the interaction between his ex-boyfriend and the hybrid.
He could tell Kurt was slowly growing comfortable around Klaus and he hated it.
The camera pans to Marcel, Elijah and Rebekah and we see how shocked all three of them look by what they just saw.
Marcel snapped out of it and turned to the two Mikaelson siblings.
"That's the first time I've seen Klaus act that way towards someone" Marcel commented.
Elijah and Rebekah say nothing and just glance at each other.
Their brother was slowly beginning to warm up to his mate and they had to admit that they were impressed and relieved.
Considering how their brother had reacted the first time around when he learned he had a mate.
"Ordering him to be killed, if I remember" Blaine muttered, a scowl on his face.
But seeing him act the way he is now towards Kurt shows that he's slowly warming up to him.
And, maybe, just maybe, slowly growing feelings for him as well.
Blaine faked gagged at that and rolled his eyes.
The scene changes to the compound courtyard where we see Klaus, Elijah and Kurt walking downstairs.
"Where's Rebekah gotten off to?" Klaus asked.
"It's not Rebekah that I'm concerned about. And how can you be so certain that Davina will come?" Elijah asked.
"One might think you've forgotten what it's like to be in the grip of an all-consuming infatuation. She'll come" Klaus said.
Kurt shook his head before looking up.
The camera pans to the rafters where we see a teenage boy, who was being compelled, playing his violin.
Everyone's eyes widened at seeing the teen boy on the rafters, somewhere he shouldn't be in the first place.
"What the hell? Who is that?" Puck asked.
"And why the hell is he up there? That's dangerous" Mr. Schue asked, worried.
"That's Timothy and he and Davina were friends. Klaus found him at the festival and decided to use him to get Davina back" Gertrude explained.
Everyone glanced at each other, wondering if they should be surprised or not.
After all, this is Klaus Mikaelson they were talking about.
But they couldn't believe he would stoop down to the level of dragging an innocent teenager into the supernatural mess.
"Wait, how did he even get him to come to the compound?" Mr. Schue asked, confused.
"Yeah, I doubt he went willingly" Coach Beiste added.
"Simple, Klaus compelled him" Gertrude replied.
Everyone looked at her with confusion plastered on their faces.
"Compulsion is an ability that vampires and hybrids have that can control the mind of another simply through eye contact. And yes, Klaus and his siblings have it too" Gertrude explained.
Everyone nodded as they let that information sink into them.
"Nik, is this really necessary?" Kurt asked, glancing up at the boy in concern.
Klaus laughed, "Ha! It's a fair point".
"What fair point?!" Thad yelled, completely fed up.
"A freaking kid is up there, compelled, and he could get hurt" Sebastian scowled.
He may not know Timothy at all but he knows that the kid is just that, a kid.
Not to mention he's literally human and has nothing to do with any of that drama.
Klaus then looks up at Timothy.
"Timothy, play something a little more upbeat, please" Klaus smiled.
Timothy nodded and did as told and changed the music to something more upbeat.
"That's a good lad" Klaus nodded.
Kurt sighed and turned to glare at his mate who just look at him with a smile.
The three of them turn around to see Marcel walking into the courtyard.
"Took you long enough to spread the word" Klaus said, annoyed.
"Have you met his nightwalkers? Not the brightest assortment" Elijah told him.
Kurt snorted at that while Marcel shot him a glare.
A few people couldn't help but laugh at Elijah's words.
It's like he's taking whatever chance he gets to make snarky comments towards Marcel and his vampires.
"All that matters is I got it covered. When Davina gets here, you three need to let me do the talking" Marcel sternly said.
Klaus opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he sensed something.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at him before turning around to see Davina walking into the courtyard.
Everyone quieted down at seeing Davina walking back into the compound.
They wanted to see what would happen now that she's back, they wanted to see just what she would do.
Especially with her friend being there and being in danger thanks to Klaus compelling him.
"Well, I'm sure you'll have your chance" Kurt said.
Marcel and Elijah turn to see Davina walking in the courtyard.
"Hello, little witch" Klaus greeted the girl as he walked towards her.
"He better not hurt her" Carole muttered, worried.
She was getting protective over the young witch, the same way she grew protective over Hayley.
She hopes that she's able to protect herself and her friend and can get them out of that situation.
Klaus then looked up at Timothy, "silence is golden, Timothy. Thank you".
Timothy stopped playing. He then looked down and Davina looked up and their eyes met.
"Davina?" Timothy asked, confused.
Davina frowned before looking at the hybrid.
"You got me here. Now let him down" Davina demanded.
"Well, first, we have to have a little chat about you returning to the fold" Klaus said.
Kurt stepped forward in order to stop Klaus from doing anything that would harm Davina.
"Why the hell does he care when he doesn't even know her?" Blaine asked, annoyed.
He was getting tired of seeing Kurt worry about others and wanting to protect them when he isn't obligated to do so.
He really should just worry about himself and leave everyone else be.
Marcel then stepped forward and looked at the hybrid.
"What did I say, Klaus? I got this" Marcel sternly said.
Klaus rolled his eyes but stepped back to which Marcel nodded before he turned to Davina.
"D, what happened? Why'd you run? Talk to me. Hey, I can make it right" Marcel told her.
"And how is he going to do that?" Quinn sarcastically asked.
"Yeah since Klaus compelled and threatened her friend. How does he expect things to be better after that?" Santana asked, scoffing.
"How, by threatening my friend?" Davina asked, scoffing.
"Actually, that was my idea. Apologies. I've been known to go too far to make a point, But I do always get results" Klaus told her.
He walked towards her with a grin on his face.
Davina smiled, sarcastically, at him and stepped forward herself.
"You pretend to be so confident, but I know the truth. You're afraid everyone can see what you really animal" Davina said.
"Well, I'd like to just call him an asshole but that works too" Sebastian shrugged.
Thad chuckled at that but couldn't help but agree with his friend.
She raises her hand and casts a pain infliction spell that brings him to his knees and he begins to scream in pain.
The three other men flinch back in shock at what the young witch was doing to the hybrid.
"NIK!" Kurt screamed with wide eyes.
Everyone jumped, clearly not expecting that, and their own eyes widened.
He, along with Marcel and Elijah, tried running towards them to help Klaus but Davina uses her other hand to send them back.
She then sends them to the ground to which all three of them fall.
She then puts her attention back onto Klaus.
"A beast" Davina said as she began to cast more pain to the hybrid.
Klaus's bones were beginning to crack and he continued to scream out in pain.
A few people couldn't help but wince at what they were seeing and hearing, that definitely looked like it hurt.
Blaine, on the other hand, couldn't stop the satisfaction coursing through his body at seeing Klaus in this position.
After all, he believed that he deserved it.
"Why don't you show us your real face?" Davina asked.
She uses more magic on him and when she forces him to look at her we see that he has partially transformed into a werewolf.
"That's enough of you" Davina said.
She uses her hand in order to snap his neck and his unconscious body drops to the ground.
Silence filled the theater room as they all tried to comprehend what just happened.
No, scratch that, they were trying to comprehend the fact that someone actually made Klaus feel pain and nearly made him transform into a werewolf.
Not only that but they were able to send him to his knees without touching him.
"Holy shit" Puck breathed out.
"I'll say" Artie muttered with a nod of his head.
"Nik!" Kurt yelled.
He quickly got up and rushed towards his mate. He knelt down and gathered him in his arms.
Davina walks past the two of them and makes her way over to Elijah.
"Davina, you don't have to do this" Elijah told her.
"You!" Davina scowled.
She raised her hand and Elijah felt himself being raised upward, his back bending slightly.
"You looked me in the eyes and lied to my face. Pretended you wanted to help me" Davina scowled.
"Listen to me-" Elijah started but he was cut off.
"You call yourself the noble one, but you're a killer just like your brother. For 1,000 years, you've fed on innocent blood. Why don't you choke on it?" Davina asked.
She casts a spell on Elijah that causes him to regurgitate all of the blood he's consumed.
If everyone was shocked at what Davina could do to Klaus they were even more shocked at what she could do to Elijah.
Not only that but they were also a little disgusted.
Elijah falls to the ground, unconscious, and Davina turns to Marcel who looked frightened at what she has done.
"Can't tell if I should applaud him for not running or call him a coward" Jeff commented.
"Maybe both" Nick suggested, shrugging his shoulders.
"And you. I trusted you. I loved you, but you were just using me to stay in power. You don't care about me" Davina said.
Marcel shook his head as he began to stand up from the ground.
"You're wrong" Marcel told her.
"When you lost to Klaus, you handed me over like some trophy. Maybe I should boil you in bronze" Davina scowled.
"I care. I took you in like you were my own blood" Marcel softly told her.
"If he cared he would've told her that the elder witches were gone. He would've told her that she was safe, that she was free" Carole shook her head.
"But he didn't and he continued keeping her in that attic" Burt added.
There's no way she would trust him after that.
Davina stares at him as her eyes began to water, she was unsure if she should believe him or not.
All of a sudden he screams out in pain causing Davina to flinch back before looking down to see an iron poker stabbed through his chest.
Everyone jumped at what just happened.
But they were confused as to who did it since it definitely wasn't Davina.
Especially when she was hesitating to inflict any type of pain on him.
Kurt, who was still on the ground holding an unconscious Klaus in his arms, turned around just in time to see Marcel drop to the ground.
He and Davina look to see Rebekah standing in the place where Marcel previously was.
"Come on now, love. Don't tell me you were falling for that. Isn't it time for us girls to have a chat?" Rebekah asked.
Everyone didn't know whether they were somewhat relieved to see the blonde Mikaelson or suspicious to see her.
One things for sure is that they were a little confused.
Rebekah looks around at the unconscious body of the three men before looking back at Davina.
"Now, that is impressive. And well-deserved, in my opinion" Rebekah told her.
Davina stares at her suspiciously, looking ready to inflict pain on her.
"Is it wrong of me to say that I'd like to see what she would do to her?" Quinn asked.
"Maybe but if I'm being honest I want to see that too" Tina shrugged.
"Now, before you turn on me, I have a surprise for you" Rebekah told her.
Davina and Kurt hear footsteps and turn around to see Josh walking into the courtyard.
"Josh, what are you doing? Get out of here" Davina hurriedly told him.
All of a sudden Rebekah speeds towards him and grips his neck.
"Bekah!" Kurt yelled, his eyes wide with confusion and worry.
Everyone jumped, startled, at seeing Rebekah choke Josh for no reason.
Was she actually going to kill him?
Does Josh actually die like this?
"What the hell is she doing?!" Sebastian yelled.
Josh was probably the only vampire he, along with everyone else, liked so far and he didn't want anything to happen to him.
"What are you doing?" Josh chokes out.
Rebekah ignores him and looks at Davina who's close to tears at seeing her friend being choked.
"Now, if I were Klaus, I would rip Josh's head from his neck, feed it to a nightwalker, and that would be the end of your friend" Rebekah told the young witch.
She then releases Josh causing him to stumble backwards while coughing.
Everyone sighed in relief at seeing Josh be released.
They were happy that Rebekah didn't kill him.
Something they were sure she was going to do, but looks like they were wrong.
Kurt sighed in relief.
Davina did too before looking at Rebekah in confusion.
"But hurting people is such a boyish thing to do, like how Klaus compelled your fiddler on the roof. And, while I am many things, I'm certainly not my brother" Rebekah told her.
She then looks at the boy who was still on the rafter.
"It's ok, Timothy. You can come down. No one is gonna hurt you" Rebekah told him.
"He told me I couldn't climb down off this beam" Timothy said, looking at the unconscious hybrid.
"Then don't climb, bud" Kurt softly told him.
"Exactly! Are Kurt and I the only smart ones in the room? Jump" Rebekah ordered.
"I love how she just says that so casually" Thad muttered.
She walks over to where he is and gestures for him to jump.
Timothy shakily does as told and jumps down. Rebekah catches him and sets him down.
Timothy turns around just as Davina rushes to him. The two of them share a quick hug before Timothy pulls away from her.
"Davina, how did you do all that? How did I even get here?" Timothy asked, confused and scared.
"Aw, poor boy" Carole frowned.
She felt bad for the innocent boy since he was just a normal person that got dragged into this mess because of Klaus.
Hopefully with him free he and Davina can run away together and never have to look back.
"I'll explain everything, I promise" Davina told him.
Timothy says nothing and just nods. The two of them hug again and hold onto each other tightly.
Kurt and Rebekah can't help but smile slightly at the two young lovebirds.
Everyone in the theater couldn't help but smile at the interaction between Davina and Timothy.
They had to admit that young love was pretty cute, especially when it comes from childhood friends that have been reunited.
The two of them pull away from the hug and look at Rebekah.
"Why are you doing this?" Davina asked, confused.
"Seems to me that you're the one holding all the cards, but you don't know who to trust. I've just proven that you can trust me. Now I'd like to show you one more thing. Won't take long" Rebekah said.
Davina is clearly hesitant to do as told to which Rebekah sighs before gesturing for Timothy and Josh.
"You can bring your friends" Rebekah said.
She walks off and Davina, Josh and Timothy look at each other before hesitantly following after her.
Kurt watches them leave before letting out a sigh as he looks down at his mate that was still unconscious in his arms.
"He's seriously still holding him? Why?" Blaine asked, annoyed.
He was annoyed when he saw the two of them interacting together at the festival.
He was annoyed when he saw Kurt so worried about Klaus when Davina inflicted pain on him.
And he was annoyed at seeing his ex-boyfriend holding the hybrid in his arms.
Not only was he annoyed but he was filled with jealousy because Kurt should only be acting that way with him.
Not with the hybrid or anyone else for that matter.
The scene changes and some time has passed and the wounds have healed from all three men that were knocked on the ground unconscious.
Klaus had been the first one to wake up and he was confused as to why there was a pillow under his head.
But he didn't dwell too much on that and decided to figure out where Davina and Timothy were.
Elijah awoke after Klaus and he too was confused by the pillow under his head.
But he was also confused at seeing that the blood on his face had been wiped away and his bloodied shirt had been changed into a clean shirt.
He looked at Marcel as he got up and walked towards him.
And, no surprise, a pillow was resting under his head and his bloodied shirt had been changed into a clean one.
Everyone either raised an eyebrow at the scene or stared at the screen in confusion.
"Did he really take care of them while they were unconscious?" Puck asked, leaning closer to his best friend.
"Yes, he did" Finn nodded, shoving him back a little.
They honestly weren't sure if they should be surprised at Kurt's actions since, from the looks of it, the Mikaelson's were beginning to grow on him.
The girls and Sue, on the other hand, were grinning at the scene.
They found it adorable that Kurt was looking after Klaus during the time he was unconscious.
Yes, they're aware that he also took care of Elijah and Marcel.
But they were more focused on the fact that he was taking care of his mate.
The camera pans over to Kurt walking back into the courtyard.
"Oh, good, you're all awake. I was beginning to get worried" Kurt smiled.
"No worries, love. We're all good" Klaus smiled.
Kurt nodded but then he saw Elijah and Marcel staring at Klaus in anger and horror.
Everyone was confused at seeing the looks Elijah and Marcel were giving the hybrid.
"Oh god, what the hell did he do now?" Burt asked.
Klaus had to have done something and after Davina literally took him down, along with the other two men.
No doubt he would want revenge.
"Uh...what's going on? What happened?" Kurt asked, confused.
Klaus rolled his eyes at seeing the looks from his brother and Marcel.
"Oh, come on. The stench of your judgment is overwhelming" Klaus chuckled.
"Nik..." Kurt trailed off.
"Need I remind you that Davina just bested the lot of us? I did what had to be done. Don't worry, Elijah. I remain as redeemable as ever" Klaus smiled.
"So you compelled that boy to poison Davina without consulting Marcel or myself?" Elijah asked.
"WHAT?!" Kurt shouted, his eyes wide in disbelief.
"WHAT?!" everyone in the theater shouted in disbelief.
Gertrude winced and rubbed her ears.
She had to admit that they all had a set of lungs.
"He compelled Timothy to poison Davina all because she wasn't going to let herself be used as a weapon?" Carole asked in disbelief.
She couldn't believe that Klaus would stoop down to the level of killing Davina, who's still a kid, just because she took him down.
Because she wasn't going to allow herself to be used as a weapon.
"That bastard is literally going to kill a child because of his pettiness" Mr. Schue scowled.
Everyone scowled and some were beginning to shake in anger.
Marcel chuckled, causing the other three men to look at him, bitterly while shaking his head.
"You know what the worst part is? It's that you're so predictable, I had to make an alliance with your brother, who I don't even like" Marcel said.
Klaus glanced at his brother who looked at Marcel before looking back at him.
Klaus gritted his teeth slightly as he turned to Marcel.
"Judging by your expression, you have something you'd like to share" Klaus said.
"Damn straight, I do. I got a call from Kieran earlier, right after Sabine and some witches almost got their hands on Davina first" Marcel smirked.
"What did you do?" Kurt asked.
Marcel looked at him, "I had Sabine cast a protection spell on Davina just in case Klaus decided to do something to harm her. Meaning, she's safe".
Kurt sighed in relief at that while Klaus bit his lip and looked away.
Everyone sighed in relief at hearing that.
They were glad that Davina wasn't going to be killed, that she was safe.
They really had Marcel to thank because if it wasn't for his quick thinking, if he didn't know Klaus that well, she would've been dead.
Some time has passed and the four men are still in the courtyard, waiting for Davina or Rebekah, or both, to return.
All of a sudden they hear footsteps causing them to turn around.
Rebekah walks into the courtyard carrying a sleeping Davina bridal style in her arms.
Marcel immediately rushed towards her, his eyes immediately going to Davina.
"Is she ok?" Marcel asked.
"She's devastated and exhausted" Rebekah told him.
She turned to Klaus and shot pointed look to which her brother pressed his lips together and looked away.
Kurt looked confused, glancing between them with a raised eyebrow.
However, realization coursed through his eyes and he looked at his mate in disbelief.
Everyone raised an eyebrow at the scene, confused as to what was wrong.
"What's wrong? What happened?" Mr. Schue asked.
"Davina is safe so why aren't they happy?" Ms. Pillsbury asked.
"Why do they all still look angry at Klaus?" Coach Beiste asked.
Gertrude sighed, wondering how they were going to take this news.
"While Marcel saved Davina he wasn't able to save Timothy. He didn't know that Klaus had Davina and Timothy poisoned. Meaning Timothy is dead" Gertrude revealed.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just heard because they didn't know Klaus intended for both Davina and Timothy to be killed.
It's no wonder Rebekah looked angry when she looked at her brother after entering the compound.
That would've been painted as normal, given that the siblings have a complicated relationship, but now it made more sense.
"Oh that poor girl" Carole gasped, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.
She felt bad for Davina because she didn't just lose a friend, she lost a lover.
She lost someone she truly cared about, someone she wanted to be with, and she wasn't getting him back.
And no doubt that poor girl is going to be feeling nothing but sadness, guilt and anger.
"Where's her room?" Rebekah asked.
"No, I got her" Marcel told her.
He tried to take Davina from her arms in order to take her to her room but Rebekah hesitated.
Marcel frowned before softly saying, "I got her".
Rebekah pressed her lips together before, reluctantly, handing Davina over to Marcel.
Marcel nods and looks down at the girl in his arms. He turns around and walks away in order to put her to bed.
Elijah and Rebekah look at each other before Elijah turns around and walks away.
Klaus crosses his arm over his chest before looking at his sister.
Rebekah says nothing and just glares at him. She looks at Kurt and nods at him before turning around and walking away.
"He deserves alot more than glares and the silent treatment" Sam scoffed.
Everyone nodded and voiced out their agreements.
When Rebekah was gone and it was just Klaus and Kurt they both stood there in silence.
The silence lasted for a good minute before Holden stalked over to Klaus and turned him around.
Klaus didn't have time to react as he was harshly slapped in the face.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Kurt yelled.
Everyone couldn't help but flinch slightly at the unexpected slap Kurt gave Klaus.
They had to admit that while they were expecting him to hit him they were expecting a hit to the head or the arm.
Not a slap.
But then again they shouldn't be surprised since Kurt did slap him a few episodes back.
Blaine, on the other hand, felt satisfaction course through him at seeing Kurt slap the hybrid.
"Deserved" Blaine muttered, a small smirk on his face.
Klaus sighed, feeling his cheek burn a little, and looked at his mate.
"Love" Klaus started but was cut off.
"No, don't 'love' me. I can't believe you not only compelled Timothy to poison Davina but himself as well! I can't believe you were so angry at Davina that you wanted to kill her and her lover! Have you not forgotten that they are both just children?!" Kurt angrily yelled.
"Have you forgotten that she was the one that ran off? Have you forgotten what she did to Marcel, Elijah and I moments ago?" Klaus angrily asked.
"Is he seriously trying to defend himself when he knows what he did was wrong?" Thad asked incredulously.
He couldn't believe the hybrid wasn't taking responsibility for his actions.
For god sakes an innocent kid was dead because of him!
"Have you forgotten that you three have done nothing but lie to her? Have you forgotten that you literally threatened her lover just to get her to come back? Have you forgotten that you almost had them both killed and while she's, thankfully, still alive Timothy isn't? And have you forgotten that she is still just a kid?!" Kurt angrily snapped.
The Hummel male stepped forward and harshly jabbed a finger into his mates chest.
"Because of you that poor girl has lost her best friend, her lover, and she isn't getting him back. You have made yourself an enemy out of that girl and if she ever tries to get back you for this you have nobody but yourself to blame" Kurt scowled.
Klaus pressed his lips together, unsure of what to say.
He was simply shocked at everything his mate had said to him.
"Good. Because everything Kurt said was true" Mr. Schue nodded.
Everyone voiced out their agreements as they all sided with everything that came out of Kurt's mouth.
Klaus was the one in the wrong and he needed to know it rather than try and act as if it was no big deal.
Kurt rolled his eyes as he stepped back and turned around to leave.
"Love" Klaus said, stopping his mate from leaving.
"What?" Kurt asked impatiently as he spun around to face Klaus.
Klaus hesitated to say what he wanted to. He clenched his eyes shut for a few seconds before reopening them.
"I'm sorry" Klaus said.
"What?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I'm sorry. I never meant to go this far. You're right, it's my fault that Davina has lost her best friend, her lover. It's my fault that one day she will get her revenge on me and when that happens there is nobody to blame but me. I know saying sorry isn't going to bring back Timothy but it's the least I can do" Klaus said.
The anger everyone felt towards Klaus for what he did slowly faded and was replaced with shock at hearing his apology.
But, despite that shock, they were also happy.
Of course they knew that the one that he should be apologizing too is Davina.
But at least he sounded sincere when speaking and that was enough for them to know that he was beginning to regret what he had done.
And he's right.
While it can't bring back Timothy it was better than nothing.
Kurt stared at his mate and he could tell he really did mean what he said.
"Nik I appreciate the apology. But you know damn well I'm not the one you should be saying it too" Kurt told him.
"I know" Klaus muttered.
"Good. So tomorrow you are to go to Davina's room and everything you just said to me you are to say to her" Kurt sternly said.
Klaus chuckled and shook his head.
"I doubt she would want to see me. She would probably try and melt my face off if I step foot in her room" Klaus told him.
"I'd pay to see that. It would be epic" Jeff commented.
Nick chuckled and shook his head as he gently slapped his boyfriend on the shoulder.
But he had to admit that seeing the hybrid's face being melt off by Davina would be epic.
"Would you blame her if she actually does it? You killed her lover, remember?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I know" Klaus rolled his eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes. Timothy was her first love and he's gone. She's never going to be able to get over this" Kurt said.
"I know" Klaus sighed, slowly getting annoyed.
"Oh, don't get annoyed with me for stating the truth. If you were in her position you would understand how she's feeling" Kurt scowled.
"Except I never would because I don't fall in love. I'm not like Rebekah that loves too easily" Klaus rolled his eyes.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at that, curious.
"You're telling me that throughout all the centuries you have lived you have never fallen in love? Not even once?" Kurt asked.
Klaus thought about it for a moment before shaking his head.
"Nope. Never. I only ever fooled around with women, and some men, but I never fell in love with anyone" Klaus shrugged.
Everyone in the theater weren't surprised.
Given all they have seen so far they believed that Klaus Mikaelson wasn't capable of loving anyone.
Klaus said it himself that he never fell in love and just fooled around, just wanting to have fun and blow off steam.
And even though Klaus and Kurt are mates they just can't see them falling in love.
Not all of them.
The girls and Sue were the only ones that didn't believe what Klaus said.
They had a feeling that there was more than he was letting on about falling in love.
They wondered if he would ever open up about it to Kurt.
"So, nobody has ever caught your attention?" Kurt asked in curiosity.
"None" Klaus shook his head.
"Not even now?" Kurt asked.
"Love, have you forgotten that we're mates?" Klaus asked.
A frown appeared on Kurt's face before he shook his head.
"No offense, Nik, but you didn't accept me that easily in the beginning. And even if we're trying to get to know each other now I doubt you'd actually fall in love with me" Kurt sighed.
He could feel his heart breaking a little at his words but he tried to ignore it.
Because as much as he could feel himself having some feelings for Klaus, he just couldn't see them falling for one another.
Mates or not, he can't see someone like Klaus falling in love with someone like him.
Everyone frowned at that, feeling sad for Kurt and the way he felt.
"Don't say that, buddy. Anyone would be lucky to have you, to love you and be with you" Burt whispered.
His son is an amazing person and anyone would be incredibly lucky to have him in their life.
And if Klaus can't see that, if Klaus really can't learn to love him, then it was his loss.
There are plenty of other guys out there that would want to be with his son.
Klaus frowned and stepped closer to his mate, stopping so that he was inches in front of him.
He hesitated before reaching his hand out to cup Kurt's cheek and gently caress it.
Kurt's eyes widened at Klaus's actions.
But he didn't pull away and slowly found himself leaning into his touch.
Everyone could feel their eyes widening at what they were seeing.
Some of them even blinked a few times, thinking that they were blind or something, but the scene remained the same.
And it was certainly weird to everyone.
All except to the girls and Sue.
Who were staring at the scene with nothing but excitement coursing through their bodies.
"I do apologize for how I reacted when I found out that you and I are mates, love. I was just scared because the thought of having someone tied to me for eternity was something I never imagined. But now that you and I have grown closer and are trying to get to know each other better, I realized something" Klaus explained.
Klaus sighed before bringing his other hand to cup at Kurt's other cheek.
"I realized that you make me feel something I haven't felt in a long time. While it may not be love, not yet, the feelings are there. And you'd be surprised at the fact that you really have managed to catch my eye" Klaus finished.
Kurt swallowed at his words as he kept silent, his eyes never tearing away from the eyes of his mate.
Klaus, on the other hand, struggled to maintain eye contact with his mate due to his eyes moving downwards to stare at his lips.
Kurt noticed this and couldn't help but glance down at his mates lips too.
The two of them tore their eyes away from each others lips to stare at each other.
The girls and Sue's eyes widened at what they were seeing as they realized what was gonna happen.
"Come on, come on, come on" Santana muttered, bouncing up and down in her seat.
"Come on. Kiss, you freaking idiots" Tina muttered, growing excited and impatient.
Klaus slowly leaned in causing Kurt's eyes to widen when he realized what he was trying to do.
So before Klaus's lips could make contact with his own he raised his hand and felt Klaus's lips on it.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just saw and they looked at one another.
Was what they think was going to happen almost happened between Klaus and Kurt?
"OH COME ON!" the girls and Sue shouted in unison.
Everyone jumped at their loud shouts ad winced.
They clearly weren't expecting that but they were also confused as to why the girls and Sue sounded, and looked, so angry.
Not to mention disappointed.
Blain scowled and curled his hands into fists, nothing but anger shown in his eyes.
Because why the hell did it look like Klaus was aiming to kiss Kurt?
Klaus's eyes widened when he realized that his mate had rejected his kiss.
Klaus looked at his mate with a frown on his face along with confusion and sadness in his eyes.
Kurt blushed, embarrassed and guilty, and tried to say something but no words came out of his mouth.
He cleared his throat and nodded his head.
"Goodnight, Nik" Kurt awkwardly said.
Without waiting for his mate to reply he turned around and practically ran upstairs to get to his room.
Leaving Klaus standing in the courtyard alone, feeling confused and disappointed.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone couldn't help but wonder what the hell just happened.
Blaine was angry at Klaus because not only was that asshole mated to Kurt, his ex-boyfriend, the boy he still very much loved, but he actually admitted to having feelings for him.
And he would've kissed him had Kurt not stopped him with his hand.
Blaine could feel his and and hatred for the hybrid grow more and more by the minute.
And this made him want to travel to New Orleans, find Kurt and drag him back home.
The girls and Sue were just as angry, that was an understatement.
But for a different reason.
Klaus and Kurt almost kissed, they were so close, but Kurt just had to block it with his hand.
They wanted those two to finally kiss because of how clear it is that they've grown feelings for one another.
Klaus literally admitted it himself.
But that moment was ruined.
Looks like they were still going to have to wait for those two to kiss a little longer and they hated it.
So, tell me, how did you guys like todays chapter?
Klaus and Kurt almost kissed but Kurt stopped it, what did you guys think of that?
Sorry if you guys were expecting them to kiss but that's not gonna happen. Not yet, anyways.
Anyways, with that being said I hope you all liked todays chapter.
See you in the next chapter. Bye!
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