Chapter 33 - Interrogation
Her outfit ^^^ I saw this and thought that it would be something that Scar would wear.
The next day I wake up a different happy than what I have been experiencing over the last couple of weeks with Hunter. I don't know if it's a happier happy, but it's different. In high spirits, I get ready for the day. I stroll into my closet, and flick through my clothes. I pick out a pair of light brown/pink pants, pairing it with a white, floaty, thin strapped vest. I look at my bags and choose a medium sized brown bag. I go back out to my room, and put it all on, accessorising it with a layered gold chain. As I look through my accessories I see a black ring which has two flowers on either side of a diamond. A smile comes onto my lips; I used to wear this all the time, but took it off and misplacing it, before I arrived on earth. My dad got it for me as a present. I slide it onto the middle finger of my right hand, before walking downstairs to have breakfast. I open the door to the cupboard under the sink, and see that I am almost out of blood bags. I only have two left, which will be gone before I arrive at school. I unlock my phone, and hit my dad's messages.
Scarlett: Dad. I need more blood. I put it down on the side as I grab a travel mug, and pour both bags into it. I'm going to take a risk by having my breakfast on the go. I run back upstairs, grabbing a pair of brown boots and my denim jacket. I pick my bag up stocking it with my phone and everything else I need, before running back downstairs. I am just locking the door behind me, when my phone's text tone goes off. I rummage in my bag, trying to find my phone. I push my sunglasses up onto my hair, and read the message.
Dad: And? Rolling my eyes as I walk, I reply.
Scarlett: And I need you to get some, I thought that was pretty clear with my first text.
Dad: Nope, you just told me you need blood. You can get it yourself, I'm not your slave.
Scarlett: Where am I meant to get that? The hospital? I just walk in and explain what I am and my situation, right? As I wait for my reply, I juggle the phone, travel mug and my keys, before unlocking the car and getting in. I place the bag on the passenger seat, travel mug in the cup holder, and the keys in the ignition, as I sit waiting for a reply.
Dad: Whatever you say will not get me to get the blood for you. Do it yourself! And as to how you get it, be creative. I know you'll think of something.
Scarlett: Thanks for all the help, dad! Groaning I start the car, putting it into drive. However, as I put my foot down on the accelerator my phone goes off again. Thinking my dad changed his mind I grab the phone off the passenger seat.
Dad: And no cheating, I'm having the guards get rid of all the blood bags down here.
Scarlett: Hate you. xx
Dad: Love you too! xx
After throwing my phone back onto the passenger seat, I return my sunglasses to my nose, and push down on the accelerator.
I pull into the school parking lot to find a familiar black motorcycle. What is Reid's obsession with the school? He can't wait until the school day is over; he has to risk what happened at restaurant happening all over again. He probably has someone at the school under his pay also. I put the car into park; retrieve my bag, travel mug, and phone, before stepping out into the sunshine. As I walk over to Reid's bike, I take a sip of the bloody concoction I made. I pull a face as the strange taste hits me senses. A mixture of two different types of blood doesn't really work. I eventually get through the cars, and curious onlookers, to Reid's bike only to find Tiffany stood with him. Furrowing my eyebrows, I walk up to them both.
"...and then I... Scar." Tiffany notices with a sneer.
"Tiff, I thought I told you only my friends can call me that." I respond keeping my attention on Reid, who is acting sheepish.
"Bu-" She starts but I cut her off.
"Goodbye." I tell her pointedly. She grumbles before stepping towards Reid.
"See you later, babe." She says kissing his cheek.
"What!?" I shout. "What did you just say?" I ask for clarification, gripping her arm. She turns around with a smug grin on her face.
"You heard me; he's mine and will always be mine." I send a glare in Reid's direction before turning back to Tiffany.
"How can he be yours, when Reid and I had a date last night?" I ask raising my eyebrows.
"Bitch back off. Won't you ever leave him alone?" She states ripping her arm out of my grip.
"No." I tell her with a smile. She makes a frustrated noise, before storming off. As she walks I see her pull out her phone muttering at the same time.
"If she won't do it voluntarily, I'll just have to force her... Daddy..." I scoff shaking my head. Bring it on Tiffany.
I turn back to Reid, putting my hand on my hip.
"Why is Tiffany under the allusion that she and you are back together? Did the date mean nothing at all to you?" I query.
"I- Uh-" He starts looking confused.
"Hm? Don't play dumb Reid! I'm not some chick you can have on the side!" I exclaim. He keeps the baffled face on.
"You would never be a side chick!"
"Really? It looks that way to me!"
"I don't know! Okay! I just know that I have to continue being with her." Reid shouts. I let my shoulders fall pursing my lips.
"Kyle, that son of a bitch!" I force through gritted teeth.
"What?" Reid asks even more confused.
"Nothing, don't worry about it." I brush it off. Reid takes my hands and gives me a small smile.
"We'll talk about this later, I should go. But, I know after the date we had, I want to give us a go." He says. I sigh cocking my head to the side.
"Okay." He leans in for a kiss, but I pull away. He doesn't show if it affects him as he turns and clambers onto the bike. It roars to life before he winks at me and drives through the onlookers. I run my hand through my hair as I watch the back of his bike get smaller. Kyle is such a pain. I let my hand fall back to my side as I see Hunter walking up to me.
"Hi." He says.
"Hey." I reply softly. I didn't tell him about my date with Reid, and I don't know how he'll react. To be fair I didn't really get a chance, I haven't talked to him since I asked for space. I take a sip from my travel mug, trying to gauge whether he knows about the date. Again I make a face as the weird mixture goes down.
"Is that coffee spiked? I need something to get me through today." He asks grabbing my mug, bringing it to his lips.
"No!" I shout, grabbing it back. Hunter gives me a weird look.
"It's not coffee..." I tell him. He looks from the mug in my hands to my face and then back to the mug.
"Yeah." I confirm when his eyes widen. "So, why did you need alcohol this morning?"
"Reid believes that the police have someone on the inside. Which they obviously do. We're trying to find a way to keep him unaware. They're thinking that Reid believes this because cops have been staying away from the house and not going after him as much."
"But they haven't, when I was in control of the gate one came along." I tell him.
"Exactly. One. It used to be nonstop. He was a one off."
"Just send more people to the house." I state confused as to why they are so worried.
"It's not that simple, Reid is smarter than that, and we would have done it already if we thought it would work." I roll my eyes, taking a bigger gulp of the mixture of blood, trying to get rid of it.
"I don't know what else you can do, maybe just come clean with him, telling him everything. You said that you want to leave the police force." Hunter sighs.
"I've thought about that." As he says this I hear the school bell ring, causing everyone to start moving towards the building.
"Come on, we should go in." I tell him. We start to walk towards the building when the screeching of tires is heard in the parking lot. Curious, everyone including Hunter and I, turns around.
A cop car has pulled into the school parking lot, and now two cops are pushing through the throng of students.
"Do you know-" I start to ask Hunter, but am cut off when one of the cops, who have both stopped pushing through the students, speaks.
"Scarlett Hades?" He inquires. Narrowing my eyes, I look them up and down.
"What happens if I confirm?" I ask. They don't respond but ask the question again.
"Scarlett Hades?" He asks again.
"Fine you got me, yes?"
"Scarlett Hades, you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law..."
"What the fuck?! What did I do?" I yell.
"We will go over that at the station..." He says before starting the Miranda rights again. I look to Hunter who is as shocked as I am.
"Please turn around." The other cop asks. I pass my mug to Hunter before I do as she says, putting my arms out sideways. She cuffs one before bringing the other behind my back, and cuffing that one.
"Wait, officer, I'm..." I see Hunter bringing out his cops badge. I bring my leg up kicking to the floor.
"Don't blow your cover, you idiot!" I hiss at him. The cop who has hold of my handcuffs pulls me back forcefully.
"I'll add assault to your charge." She warns me. I let her pull me through the students who are all gawking at me, leading me back to the cop car.
I was left in this interrogation room about half an hour ago. They had freed me of my cuffs, telling me that someone will be in shortly. I rest my elbows on the cold metal table, staring at the mirror behind the chair. A grin comes onto my face as I wave at the people behind the two way glass and point to an imaginary watch. I sit back in the chair, and wait, drumming my fingernails on the table.
2 minutes later a click of a lock is heard before a woman walks in. She looks to be in her late thirties, her red hair pulled back into a low bun. Her green eyes move to mine as she sits down in the chair opposite me, a manila envelope in her hands.
"Why am I here? What am I accused of?" I ask. She doesn't reply as she opens the envelope and retrieves its contents, laying them on the table. I lean forwards to look at what the pieces of paper are, and see photos of me and Reid before he died. Most of them are of me and him at the park before our date. I move my eyes up to the woman and sit back.
"Phew. For a minute there I thought you got my bad side." I tell her with an easy grin. I look back down at the photos. "Ooh, that one's good. Can I keep it?" I ask pointing to a random one.
"Do you think this is a joke?" She asks.
"Do you think it's nice to follow people?" I counter. "I may as well get something good from it."
"You don't deny being with Reid Brice." She asks again. I scoff.
"Well, it's pretty hard to deny hard evidence, isn't it?" I cock my head to the side before continuing. "So, what I think is happening is that you are scared, and want me to relay to Reid what happened here because you think this will make him back off your undercover cops. You don't have any reason for my arrest, other than that. You can't even pin anything on me, because all those photos show is that I was talking to him and don't prove anything else. If that's all you got on me sweetie, I think I would like my phone call now." I tell her, crossing my arms. She gathers the photos back up with a slightly stunned look on her face.
"That's not why we arrested you, but you can have your phone call." She tells me, before walking out of the room.
Here you go my little devils!
I hope you liked it!
I have a surprise for those of you who read on Radish when I post later!
What do you think of her outfit? Would you wear it?
Why was Scarlett really arrested?
What did you think?
What will happen next?
Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, sharing, and following!
CC ;)
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