insulting names
airhead n: A silly, rather unintelligent person.
a.k. n: ass-kisser.
ass n:
1. a pompous fool.
2. A vain, self-important, silly, or aggressively stupid person.
3. A dull, heavy, stupid fellow; a dolt
asshole n: A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.
asswipe or arsewipe n: A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.
ass peddler n: A pimp or prostitute.
bastard n: A person, especially one who is held to be mean or disagreeable.
biddy n: A woman, especially a garrulous old one.
bimbo n:
1. A young woman indulged by rich and powerful older men; A woman regarded as vacuous or as having an exaggerated interest in her sexual appeal.
2. A vacuous person.
birdbrain n: A person regarded as silly or stupid.
bitch n:
a. A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing.
b. A lewd woman.
c. A man considered to be weak or contemptible.
bonehead n : A stupid person; a dunce.
bozo n: A dunce; a fool. [From Bozo the clown]
bug off v: To leave someone alone; go away.
chicken n: A coward.
chicken choker n: A detestable person.
cocksucker n: A mean or despicable person.
cunt n: Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable.
creep n: An annoyingly unpleasant or repulsive person.
dick n: A penis.
dipshit n: A foolish or contemptible person.
dipstick n: A foolish or contemptible person.
ding-dong n: An empty-headed person; a fool.
dingaling n: A scatterbrained or eccentric person.
dingleberry n: An incompetent, foolish, or stupid person.
dingus n: A person regarded as stupid.
dippy adj: Not sensible; foolish.
dog n: A person regarded as unattractive or uninteresting.
doofus n: An incompetent, foolish, or stupid person.
dork n: A stupid, inept, or foolish person.
dorkiness n.
dorky adj.
drip n: A tiresome or annoying person.
dumbass n: A person regarded as stupid.
dumbo n: A person regarded as stupid.
dweeb n: A person regarded as socially inept or foolish, often on account of being overly studious.
fart knocker n: An annoying or foolish person.
fatass also fat-ass n: A fat person.
fathead n: A stupid person.
fatso n: A fat person.
fink n: A contemptible person.
floozy, floozie n: a prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets.
fuckface n: Used as a disparaging term for a person.
fuckhead n : A person regarded as inept, foolish, or contemptible.
fucknut n: A person regarded as eccentric or irrational [ A shortening of Fucking Nutcase]
fucktard n: A person regarded as stupid, foolish or socially inept. [ A shortening of Fucking Retard]
geezer n: An old person, especially an eccentric old man.
gook n: Used as a disparaging term for a person of East Asian birth or descent.
goon n: A stupid or oafish person.
half-wit n:
1. a foolish or stupid person.
2. a person of subnormal intelligence.
hoser n: A clumsy, boorish person, especially an uncouth, beer-drinking man.
jackoff, jerkoff, jagoff, jaggoff n:
1. A person who masturbates.
2. A detestable person.
jerk n:
1. A foolish, rude, or contemptible person.
2. a dull stupid fatuous person
knucklehead n : A stupid person; a blockhead.
lob n: A clumsy dull person; a lout.
lug n: A clumsy fool; a blockhead.
lunkhead n: A stupid person; a dolt.
monkey n: A person who is mocked, duped, or made to appear a fool: They made a monkey out of him.
mother n: Something considered extraordinary, as in disagreeableness, size, or intensity.
motherfucker n:
1. A person regarded as thoroughly despicable.
2. Something regarded as thoroughly unpleasant, frustrating, or despicable.
nut n: A crazy or eccentric person.
oinker n: A fat person.
palooka n: A stupid or clumsy person.
pansy n:
1. Used as a disparaging term for a man or boy who is considered effeminate.
2. Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man.
pantywaist n: A boy or man who is considered weak or effeminate.
patsy n: A person easily taken advantage of, cheated, blamed, or ridiculed.
pig n: A member of the social or political establishment, especially one holding sexist or racist views.
pisser n: One that is extremely disagreeable.
poontang n: Used as a disparaging term for a woman.
[Perhaps from French putain, prostitute, from Old French, from pute, feminine of put, foul, stinking, from Latin ptidus, from ptre, to be rotten, stink.]
porker n: A fat person.
prick n: A person regarded as highly unpleasant, especially a male.
pud n: A fool.
puke n: One regarded as disgusting or contemptible.
pussy, pussies n:
1 Used as a disparaging term for a woman.
2. A man regarded as weak, timid, or unmanly.
retard n:
1. Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person.
2. A person considered to be foolish or socially inept.
sap, saphead n: A gullible person; a dupe.
scab n:
1. A person regarded as contemptible.
a. A worker who refuses membership in a labor union.
b. An employee who works while others are on strike; a strikebreaker.
c. A person hired to replace a striking worker.
scum, scumbag n: One, such as a person or an element of society, that is regarded as despicable or worthless.
scuzzy, scuzzier, scuzziest adj:
1. Dirty; grimy: scuzzy floors.
2. Disreputable; sleazy.
schmuck also shmuck n: A clumsy or stupid person; an oaf.
shithead n : A person regarded as inept, foolish, or contemptible.
shitkicker n: A coarse unsophisticated person.
slant n: Used as a disparaging term for a person of Asian birth or descent.
slope n: Used as a disparaging term for a person of Asian birth or descent.
son of a bitch n: A person regarded as thoroughly mean or disagreeable.
stumblebum n:
1. A person regarded as blundering or inept.
2. A punch-drunk or second-rate prizefighter.
sucker n:
1. A person easily taken advantage of, cheated, blamed, or ridiculed.
2. A person. Used as a generalized term of reference, often as an intensive: He's a mean sucker.
3. An unspecified thing. Used as a generalized term of reference, often as an intensive.
tard n: Short for retard.
tight-ass n:
1. A person who is overly tense or nervous.
2. A stingy person; a miser.
3. A person who is rigidly conventional, as in manners, opinions, and tastes.
tool n:
1. The penis.
2. A person used to carry out the designs of another; a dupe.
tossbag n: A detestable person.
tosser n:
1. A person who masturbates (applies to males only).
2. A detestable person.
tosspot n: A person regarded as inept, foolish, or contemptible.
turd n:
1. A piece of excrement.
2.A contemptible person.
turkey n:
1. A person considered inept or undesirable.
2. A failure, especially a failed theatrical production or movie.
twat n:
1. The vulva.
2. A woman or girl.
3. A contemptible person.
twerp also twirp n: A person regarded as insignificant and contemptible.
twit n: A foolishly annoying person.
wack, wacko n: A person regarded as eccentric or irrational.
wanker n:
1. A person who masturbates.
2. A detestable person.
weirdo n:
1. A person regarded as being very strange or eccentric.
2. A deranged, potentially dangerous person.
wimp n: A person who is regarded as weak or ineffectual.
intr.v. wimped, wimping, wimps
To be timid or cowardly. Usually used with out: wimped out and refused to jump off the high diving board.
windbag n: A talkative person who communicates nothing of substance or interest.
wuss n: A person regarded as weak or timid and especially as unmanly.
wussy adj. [ Probably blend of wimp and pussy]
yob n: A rowdy, aggressive, or violent young man.
[Alteration of boy (spelled backward).]
zero n: A person regarded as being insignificant; a nonentity.
zilch n: A person regarded as being insignificant; a nonentity.
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