Somehow, I had mostly been able to avoid Nicholas once he moved into the barracks. I had not attended the court house the day the premier stripped him of his titles, nor had I agreed to provide them with a verbal or written statement. It all fell to the Commander's swift tongue and word, which, as usual, worked like a charm.
I had also been trying to avoid Levi, who was awfully persistent in seeking my agreement to become his number two. It wasn't exactly a matter of my answer of whether I was willing or not, but rather when I would be returning to the squad.
He was after me again, stalking the length of the barracks, and I was desperately trying to find a good hiding place. He was relentless, but I just didn't feel like I was up to going back to my supposed duties. Lady luck seemed to smile down upon me, as I spotted Reiner practicing his kicks on a dummy in the training grounds.
"I'm just gonna duck down here real quick, 'kay?!" I startled him as I skidded to a halt, crouching behind him in a final attempt to make myself invisible. Reiner cocked a brow, but he shifted so that he was blocking me as much as possible, and I sat there in absolute silence.
Please please please please...Just walk by and go look somewhere else..!
A little while passed, and I was starting to think I had succeeded, until Reiner spoke up.
"He totally knew you were here, (Y/N). He rolled his eyes and stormed off." He chuckled, offering me his hand. Groaning, I accepted and pulled myself to my feet, brushing off the dust that had collected on the rim of my shirt.
"Dammit...He's been hounding me like some kind of...I dunno...hound..."
Abandoning his dummy, Reiner started walking with me as I headed back towards the populated area of the barracks.
"Haven't seen you around much lately...Have you been doing okay?" He questioned, wiping his hands on his pants. Heaving a sigh, I looked over to him with narrowed eyes.
"I don't care how much bigger you are in comparison...If you ask if I've been eating or sleeping well, I'll headbutt you so hard we'll both end up with concussions..."
I'm over those questions...
Reiner held his hands up in mock defense, chuckling slightly at my aggressive persona.
"I don't doubt that for a second. People just want to make sure you're alright, so you can't get too mad at them. I was referring to your injuries, is all." Feeling a little guilty, I relaxed, shrugging my shoulders and barely feeling the twinge in the left.
"Oh...Well, they're healing, I guess...I'll be back to work pretty soon, once Levi manages to catch me..." It was an almost laughable game of cat and mouse. I knew if he really wanted to, Levi could corner me in an instant, but he made it abundantly clear that he wanted it to be my decision. That didn't stop him from loading on the peer pressure, though.
"He acknowledges your skill. In any other circumstance, I'd say it's an honour...but I can understand why you'd be so hesitant." Reiner hooked his thumbs into his harness and peered at me from the corners of his wheat-field eyes. "It all comes down to what you want, (Y/N). Don't let the captain push you into something you're against."
"Isn't that the exact point of our professions..?" I questioned with a bitter laugh. "I mean...We're supposed to die on command, aren't we? I dunno...I'm gonna accept, sure...but it just feels like I'm supposed to be a replacement..."
I can't replace him...I can't hold a candle to any of them...
Reiner nodded in understanding, slowing his pace to match mine.
"I get that. Try and think of it like being a successor instead...You are the most experienced and capable out of the entire graduating class, by a landslide. It makes sense that he would think you'd be the best choice. You're used to working with him, and, just between you and me, I wouldn't wanna get on your bad side. When you're angry it's absolutely terrifying..."
I couldn't stop myself from snickering, and I mirrored his form my shoving my thumbs into the loops in my belt.
"Are we talking piss your pants terrifying, or respectable terrifying..?" I asked in jest, quirking a brow as he pretended to mull it over.
"A little of both, I suppose." He finally responded with a grin, and I allowed myself to laugh.
I've missed this kind of thing...
"I'm serious, though...I'd follow you over any of the captains or commanders, no questions asked. It's like you have some sixth sense...It's unreal..." He continued, and suddenly, a rather grim thought crossed through my mind.
Slowing to a stop, I reached out and tugged on Reiner's sleeve, prompting him to turn around and face me.
"I...know this is going to sound ridiculous...and I'm really not trying to offend you or anything...but...when you stayed behind with my brother...did you..."
Kill him..?
" anything to him..?" Reiner looked a little taken aback for a few moments before he freed one of his hands and brushed it against his short blond hair.
"Well, I won't deny that I threatened to beat his smarmy little face to a pulp...but apart from giving him a bit of a scare...nope, nothing." He recalled, tilting his head. "Why? If you want me to go kick his teeth in, just say the word."
Of course...I knew he'd never do something like that...My brain's just all mixed up...
"'s nothing, I was just wondering..." I forced a smile, which gradually became more genuine. "Thank you, for that...You're always sticking up for me." I wasn't positive, but I thought that I could see the slightest tint of pink against Reiner's cheeks as he began walking again.
"Ah, nah...Don't mention it! I just want to make sure you're safe, is all...I mean, everyone..." He coughed, averting his eyes as I caught up. "Hey...I think they'll be setting up for lunch soon...Wanna go see if we can get in early and avoid the rush..?"
"What about your usual meal date with Bertha? I mean...Bertholdt...He'll be devastated." I chuckled, correcting the awful nickname I had given the poor beanstalk.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind too much if we had a meal date instead." Reiner laughed, before slapping a hand over his mouth and openly cringing. "Th..that came out completely wrong...You know what I meant..."
Why did my chest just flutter..? No...that's...Step the fuck back, (Y/N)...You're just all messed up and still working through the stages of grief...
"Y..yeah..." I made some strange, pitched noise to hide the crack in my voice, letting my eyes stray ahead. "Sounds like a plan...but...uh...would you mind coming with me to sort something out, first? I promise it'll only take a minute." Reiner nodded, motioning out with his hand.
"No problem. Lead the way. What's this something, if you don't mind me asking?"
Something I've been avoiding...
"Well, I can't hide from the pint-sized prick can I..?"
"If you're trying to intimidate me by bringing along some muscle, I can assure you that it will get you nowhere...I've fought women with broader shoulders than this..." Levi clicked his tongue loudly, leaning back with his tea as he motioned to Reiner, who was standing tall my by side.
"I...will definitely ask for those details later...but he's just with me because we're going to lunch after this..." I mumbled, severely curious about these women he spoke of. "Anyway...I just wanted to let you know that I accept your offer." Feeling small wasn't something I was unaccustomed to, especially being surrounded by so many vertically-blessed individuals, but lately; whenever I had been in the presence of Levi, I had felt like a speck of dust on the ground. It didn't take a genius to know that Levi despised dust.
"Well," Levi paused to take an unnecessarily long sip of his tea, even taking the time to dab at the corners of his mouth and set it on the table, before continuing. "I suppose it's kind of winsome that you thought you actually had some sort of say in the matter..."
You prissy little bitch..!
Grating my teeth together, I took several deep breaths to keep myself from losing my actual shit. It was honestly exhausting trying to act somewhat mature around the titan slaying imp.
"I'll just pretend you're not being a petty little shit-stain, and let you know that I'll be back in the saddle tomorrow. If there's anything that needs to be done, please don't let me know yourself, because I would rather come face to face with a boar's prolapsed asshole than find you knocking at my door. Enjoy your glorified leaf water, Ackerjack-off."
Yeah...that was totally somewhat mature...
Reiner followed me close at the heels as I walked towards the door, but I didn't get to leave in time before the captain went and opened his awful little mouth to throw a mature response to the back of my head.
"Just look in the mirror if you'd rather see that, you crippled bitch. We're meeting at five am sharp for a meeting with the Commander, so don't rock up fifteen minutes late, reeking of horse shit and aged sweat, like you usually do."
Keep walking...Don't play the game...He'll win...
"I hope you choke."
"So do I. Then I wouldn't have to deal with you anymore."
"Then I'll resuscitate you so you'll have to!"
"Please don't. I don't want your halitosis anywhere near me."
"Go bleach your rectum, bowl cut!"
"Not a bad idea. It will make it all the more pleasant for you when you kiss my ass."
"Please don't drag me into this..."
I'm visiting with relatives so I'm a little slow with updates my bad fam xx***
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