Giving My All
'It's time... It's finally the day of the Sports Festival. The day I'll show them just how strong I can be!'
"It's time everybody! The First-years are coming out!" The loud voice of Present Mic echoed through the long halls, the footsteps of me and my classmates padding dull against the roars of the crowds.
"It's U.A.'s Sports Festival! The one time each year our fledgling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle!" He continued to explain about other things, myself not really paying attention due to the loud thumping of my own heart trying to burst my ears.
After hearing what seems like the introduction of our class -if you can call 'The Miraculous Rising Stars Who Brushed Of A Villain Attack With Their Steely Willpower' and intro- from Present Mic, we finally make it out of the dark tunnel, the light blinding for a mere second as the sight of excited people and expectant Pro Heroes come into my vision.
"It's Class 1-A!!!" Roars rumbled the ground we walked on as we made our way to where we were supposed to stand, Present Mic continuing to call forth the participants from the other classes.
The sad part about calling the classes one by one was how obvious it was that crowd slowly got quieter and quieter after our class came.
"It's kinda discouraging for the other classes, huh?" I muttered, looking towards where class 1-C was to see Shinso there, his expression remaining as per usual.
A loud crack snapped my attention back to the front, seeing the Pro Hero Midnight there with a whip in hand, her usual Hero Costume on as she stood on a small stage of sorts.
"It's time for the Athlete's Oath." She said, a confident look on her face as she scanned through the crowd, briefly glancing to me with a encouraging look before looking back to the main crowd.
"R-Rated? Should she really be in a High School?" Tokoyami questioned next to me, a snort escaping my lips as Midnight told him to shut up upon hearing his comment.
"Your student representative is Katsuki Bakugo from Class 1-A." Exclamations of shock came from the whole class as Bakugo calmly walked up the stage, standing with a nonchalant expression, hands in his pockets.
"The Athlete's Oath, make no mistake about it but I'm gonna place first." An uproar came following from his statement, our class filled with shouts of shock.
"Don't get cocky Class 1-A!!"
"Why must you show contempt on the dignity of this event?!"
"You dirty bastard!"
"You'd all make great stepping stones, I'd say." Pointing his thumbs over his shoulder, he then turns and walks down the steps, coming back to where the class was.
"Overconfident jerk...! I'll be the one to crush him!" The silver haired guy from Class 1-B claimed, myself merely staring at Bakugo with a knowing look.
'That's not overconfidence. He's taking this seriously. He's riling himself up, telling himself not to lose this time...'
"Now, let's get on with the first event!" Midnight said, a screen appearing behind her as everyone quieted down.
"These are the qualifiers! It's this stage that so many are sent home crying every year! And the fateful first event this year is..." She started, looking to the screen behind her as bigh bold letter popped up on it.
"This! An Obstacle Course Race!" Midnight announced, further explaining how this was going to work as a large gate opened, leading to the outside where barricades were seen.
"Our school preaches freedom in all things! So as long as you don't go off course, anything is fair game! Racers, to your positions...!" All of the students then went towards the gate, pushing along to try to get to the front of the group.
Standing along with a few of my friends at the back, I started to get into the readied stance, knowing exactly what was to happen and when I have to move.
"START!!!" Everyone started to dash forward, trying to make it past the gate as I sprinted, feeling the quick shift in wind temperature drop, giving me the signal to jump as I did so.
Ice and frost cover the ground where I once stood, landing on the icy floor as I skated forward, jumping and going over the heads of students who were stuck by the starting gate by the ice or just by other students.
"The first filter of the race. Is the gate!" I grinned, stepping on someone's head before stepping off, hearing them yell at me making me chuckle.
"Kurayami?!" I heard someone call, making me turn my head to see Kirishima next to me as we exited the gate, a few others also joining in as we burst through.
"Too easy, Shoto!" I yelled, said bi-coloured male turning to look back to see us escaping his intended trap.
"I ain't letting you get ahead that easily, Half 'n' Half!" Bakugo claimed, the palms of his hands emitting explosions to keep him in the air, myself stepping off one more head before landing on the ground, sprinting away along with a few others.
Even Mineta got out of the trap, but he didn't last long before something had punched him in the face.
"Multiple targets acquired." A robotic voice spoke, dozens of robots appearing as they surrounded us.
"These are the faux villains from the entrance exams!" Someone yelled, loud whirring coming our way as a giant robot appeared, more coming behind it and blocking Todoroki's path.
"Every obstacle course needs obstacles! The first barrier... Robo Inferno!" Present Mic declared, the giant robots looming over us as their scanners glowed a menacing red.
"So these are the faux villains they used for everyone else's test?" Todoroki muttered, looking up at the robots who stood in front of him, Yaoyorozu questioning about how U.A. got that much money to build this many.
"So they're using them for the Sports Festival too, huh?" I said, clenching and unclenching my fists as I smirked at the robots.
"Kinda wished they'd give something more threatening." Both me and Todoroki mentioned, my legs sprinting towards the nearest robot that blocked my path as a sudden cold came from my side.
With one swipe of his hand, ice spiked towards the robots, freezing those in front of Todoroki as he swiftly skated through, myself jumping up to the arm of the frozen robot in front of me -thanks, Shoto- hearing a eerie 'creak' come from below me as I stepped off, landing on the other side where Todoroki was a few metres away from me.
"He stopped 'em! We can get through!" Some of the students on the other side exclaimed, not knowing about the upcoming dangers that could happen from me pushing off from the robot.
"I wouldn't recommend doing that." I said, running off in hopes to catch up to Todoroki who had turned over his shoulder to see me on his tail.
"Bad idea. I froze them in a pretty unstable position. Not to mention what Kurayami did added more to the chances of it collapsing." Hearing him calling me by my last name made me flinch, grimacing slightly as I continued to run.
"They'd fall." I muttered, a loud crash coming from behind as chipped off ice flew everywhere.
"Class 1-A's Todoroki and Kurayami! Busting through and sabotaging the others in one move! Now that's cold!" Present Mic commented, myself ignoring the commentary coming from the arena as I dashed faster, still not being able to pass Todoroki who was still ahead of me.
"Down low didn't work for 1-A's Bakugo! So he took the high root! Clever!" Turning my head back, I see Bakugo along with Sero and Tokoyami using their quirks to get over the robots without fighting.
"Took them long enough..." I chuckled, seeing the next obstacle in front of me, making me sprint faster.
"The current leaders of the pack are overwhelmingly from 1-A!!!" Present Mic once again yelled, the cheers echoing from the arena as I carefully ran across the thin ropes across the canyon.
"The next barrier! This is The Fall!" Jumping off from the last rope, I made it to the other side of the canyon and turned my head to see the others there with shocked expressions.
I smirked, giving them a mocking wave as they called out my name, myself turning back to the race to run off.
"Good luck!" Was all I said before running off to catch up to Todoroki who was still in the lead.
Eventually, Bakugo had also made it pass the canyon with his quirk, already passing me as he glared at me, myself glaring back while continuing to run, despite knowing that he could easily fly past with his quirk.
"The kid in the lead just can't be stopped."
"His quirk's awesome but it's not just that."
"He's also incredibly athletic and perceptive."
"You know the Flame Hero Endeavour? That's his son."
"Ah, makes sense. He's got the blood of the Number Two Hero out there after All Might."
"Hey, but that other girl though. She's got crazy stamina to be able to go that long without using her quirk."
"Didn't you hear? She's Quirkless!"
"No way! And she's made it this far without one?!"
"Well, that's U.A.'s best for you."
Comments from the crowd were thrown all over the place, myself continuing to run across the race, seeing the two males in front of me stopping at the next barrier.
"It looks like our leader has made it to the final obstacle! This Minefield! It's a deadly Afghan Carpet!" Present Mic announced, preparing myself to dodge any necessary landmines ahead.
"Saying it's an Afghan Carpet. Kinda rude don't you think?" I mumbled, myself reaching the last barrier as Todoroki ran across carefully.
Stopping at the foot of the field, I look around the place to see spots of grass around the field.
"The grass spots are where no mines were set up... since having grass means they weren't dug up before." I noted, stepping from one grassy spot to another, avoiding any mines near me as I made my way across the minefield.
"Haha. This crap, can't slow me down...!" A yell came from behind me, an explosion booming as Bakugo suddenly came flying past over my head.
"What the actual heck?!" I exclaimed, shocked to see him appear and almost finish the whole field already with one explosion.
"Your declaration of war, was sent to the wrong person!" He said, glaring at Todoroki who was -still- in front of me as the two fought for the place of leader and first.
'Idiots.' Snickering, I jump off, unnoticed by the two as I past them and finishing the minefield.
Well, that is until a loud explosion boomed from behind, a screaming Midoriya falling down to Earth on top of a metal plate.
"Izuku?!" I grinned, proud at his quick-thinking as he continued to fall, only to hit the metal plate to the ground and cause another explosion that sent him -along with Bakugo and Todoroki who tried to pass him- flying.
"And Midoriya blows off the competition with no time to lose! Your class is something else Eraserhead! What're you teaching these kids?!" And the commentary goes on, Present Mic asking questions towards Aizawa-sensei who answered with a calm tone, his answer soon being ignored by his partner who continued on.
Hearing a thump from next to me, I look to see Midoriya there running neck and neck with me, his eyes shining with determination making me smile slightly.
'This is your moment, Izuku.' I thought, my pace slowing to a jog as Midoriya passed with a glance towards me, confusion written on his face as he sees the smile on my lips.
"The one who made it back to the stadium first is none other than Izuku Midoriya!" Cheers erupted through the whole place, me running through the gate next as Present Mic announced my arrival.
"Izuku! Congratulations!" I jogged up towards Midoriya, who was looking at the crowd until he noticed me next to him.
"A-ah, thanks...! But... I saw you slow down. You could have won, but you let me...Why?" He mumbled, eyes holding guilt and confusion as I merely smiled on.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm clearly giving my all here."
======To Be Continued======
Hey, so I've put these 'CLOCK' ^^ things in every chapter and I got to ask.
What are your theories about them? Have a clue why there's a clock? Comment your thoughts out!
And if you love to watch JURASSIC WORLD, then go read my newest fanfiction! I promise it's good!
-Kuno HikaYashi
27th June 2018 (Unedited)
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