Chapter 17
"Virgil? Oh God, what happened?" Rose asked, dropping down beside Virgil who was hunched against a tree, trying to keep himself from panicking.
"I messed up." He whispered, his voice hoarse as if he'd been yelling.... or had had a panic attack.
"Woah, hey. Did you have a panic attack?"
Virgil swallowed and nodded jerkily, not looking at Rose. "What happened?"
"Roman asked me if I was alright with him telling the queen that I was the person he wanted to marry."
"Virgil, that's brilliant." The grin slipped off of Rose's face. "Why did that trigger a panic attack?"
Virgil shook his head slightly, hugging his knees closer to his chest. "I'm not good enough." He whispered.
"Virgil, that is absolute bullshit." Rose said firmly. "You are brilliant. If anything, Roman isn't good enough for you."
"But he's a prince. He's good enough for anyone. He could have anyone."
"Yes, but he wants you." Rose laughed slightly. "The first time I met him, he barely looked at me, he was so busy staring at you. He cares about you, Virgil. I can hear it in his voice when he talks to you."
Virgil looked down, hugging his knees closer but allowing a small smile to pass across his face. His smile fell away as another wave of doubt crashed over him.
"He's confused." Virgil whispered. "He doesn't want me."
"Virgil, listen to me." Rose was resisting grabbing her friends shoulders and shaking him. "Stop listening to the doubt in your head. You are worth Roman's time. I know that you don't think you're good enough but you are. You are an amazing person. You are kind and smart and you care about everyone around you. You are not a bad person, Virgil." Rose seemed to look into Virgil's mind. "I know that you couldn't save your brother but you tried your best. And what he wanted wasn't to be cured but to see his older brother again. You helped him, Virgil."
Virgil looked down, tears springing to his eyes at the mention of Issac. "I made a mistake." He whispered finally.
"Yeah, so what?" Rose stood up, offering her hand to Virgil who took it, standing up himself. "We all make mistakes. Are you going to amend yours or are you just going to sit here and mope?"
Virgil looked at his friend and let out a small laugh, smiling slightly. "Thanks Rose."
Virgil raised his hand to knock on the door before losing all confidence and turning on his heel.
"Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope." He whispered to himself, striding away from the door.
"Hello!" A loud voice said, making Virgil jump. "Why are you walking away from my brother's room?"
"No reason." Virgil said quickly, wheeling around to face the other prince. Remus grinned and giggled.
"Did you fu-"
"No. Dear God, no." Virgil said, cutting Remus off. He sighed. "I'm sorry for being so rude, your Highness. I'm just very stressed."
"Really? 'Bout what?"
"Your Highness, think about what's coming up in two days."
Remus thought and then started laughing. "Oh-ho. I forgot that you were the one Roman likes. So, you haven't yet but you are going to-"
"Remus." A warning voice said, making both Virgil and Remus jump.
"Hello brother. I was just talking to your boy to-"
"I can see what you were doing, Remus." Roman sighed. "Since I don't want to start another feud, I won't get annoyed. But can you leave me and Virgil to talk in private."
Remus giggled and nodded. "Yeah. Talk." He said before turning on his heel and running down the corridor, giggling madly. Roman sighed and turned to Virgil.
"I'm sorry about him. And I'm also sorry for earlier. I probably should've know that you get stressed when it comes to important situations."
"No, it was my fault." Virgil said, rubbing the back of his neck and refusing to look at the prince. "I probably shouldn't have run away. That wasn't my answer, though." He said hurriedly. "Running away, I mean. I just needed some air."
Roman made a 'hm' noise. "Yeah, you just needed some air when we were outside."
Virgil laughed slightly. "Not my best excuse, huh?" Roman shook his head and laughed slightly too. "Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, yeah. I'll happily be the person you tell the queen you want to marry."
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