Episode 9: History Repeating
Mystic Falls: Midnight
One of the secrets of the forest in this dark town is not just it's mansions, burials, and other things you'd think belong in a gothic novel, but the nature as well. And, well, you know nature, some of it is beautiful, while other parts of it attract the more..... devious types, even the ones that think they're ideas are just innocent collecting.
"Dude, are you sure we're going the right way?" One of the two guys, both teenagers and in hiking gear, asks his buddy anxiously as they both go through the woods. "I feel like I've seen that same exact tree five times so far."
"You think all trees look the same, relax." The other teen, the guy with the map, responds with a teasing look, to which his friend rolls his eyes. They then keep going on their merry way, but the more they walk, the more lost they appear to be.
"Hey, are you sure-"
"Buddy, stop asking that every five minutes." The leader of the hiking abruptly holds up a hand, before then turning to face him. "Listen, do you know how much money we're gonna get from finding this weed?" He reminds him, to which the other boy sighs before answering.
"A lot..."
"Exactly, and we're not actually looking for a x on the map, we're looking around a specific area, so please stop treating me like I'm supposed to find the holy grail for us or something." The guide requests with a determined face, clearly very serious on getting this cheep cash.
"Alright, alright...." The other boy shrugs, glancing around as he realizes how dark it is. "I'm just..... my parents have probably realized how long I've been gone and the only thing I can think about is.... you know."
"Well, don't think about that, alright? Think about tomorrow, when I give you the hundred-dollar share." The guide advises as he then keeps going. Once he sees that they're on the area circled, he pulls out his flashlight and begins taking a look around. "You see anything?" He asks his partner in crime, only to get no answer. "Hey, bro, do you-"
When he turns around, he sees nobody there, as if his friend has just vanished. "Wha-" The teen utters, taken aback but how sudden that was. Then, he lets out a tired exhale. "Oh my gosh, are you really choosing now to do one of your disappearing acts?" He asks out-loud into the wind where he knows his friend can hear him, convinced that this is yet another practical joke since if a animal or something actually grabbed him, he would've heard it.
"Dude, this isn't funny, where are you?" The teen shouts out-loud as he starts ambling around, now starting to get a little worried. "J! Stop screwing around! I freaking mean it-" He repeats until his foot trips on something before he can finish his last sentence. He groans at he sudden impact, a few leaves sticking to his skin.
He grumbles something as he stands up, and when he picks up his flashlight, he catches the gaze falling over the plant he's been looking for this entire time. "Ah, it is here, I knew it...." He comments out-loud with a smirk, before looking up as he remembers his buddy which still hasn't shown up.
Then.... a sudden figure appears from behind a tree. And seeing his face for a few seconds causes the kid to freak out.
"Yo! What the fuck!?" The kid exclaims as he immediately steps back, only for his back to eventually hit a tree. He is terrified, forced to watch as the man stomps towards him. "Oh, no! No! No! NO! NO!"
His screams echo across the forest, but only the animals can hear him.....
As well as the blood feasting that follows.
Mystic High:
Two weeks, two weeks since Lexi died, since Y/N failed to stop and actually help partake in, since he almost managed to kill three Vampires with one stake.
Ah well, to him, it was still worth a shot.
Passing the time pre-first period, he and most of the guys are playing basketball in the open makeshift court in the wide open area of the parking lot. It's pretty much the school's way of making up for the fact that they don't have their own basketball team unlike other schools next to them.
He and Tyler go back and fourth, one occasionally getting the hand of the other, but mostly on even ground scine this isn't the sport one particular man would slam his competition in. That doesn't stop the trash talk, however. "Ha! Three points!" Y/N boasts with a big clap as he points dominantly at Tyler who's currently holding his knees with his hands, breathing heavily. "And that, my folks, is two more away from game."
"Priiiiick." Tyler weakly mutters with a small glare, grabbing the ball and tossing it to him in a passive aggressive manner. "And here I was, thinking you'd finally get more relaxed when you got back to getting laid."
"You trying to understand me?" Y/N questions with a judging brow as he points to himself. "That's like R.R Tolkien trying to understand R.R Martain and Frank Herbert, or.... Batman understanding the Joker."
"You're comparing me to Batman?" Tyler queries with a somewhat pleased face. "Honored."
"What he's saying is that you're the maniac to his even crazier maniac." A voice chimes in as they grab the ball right as Tyler passes it to Y/N, and they get the deja vu feeling, the third party throws into the hoop with ease. "Which, honestly, makes me wonder how any of you two get laid in the first place."
"Priiiick." Tyler and Y/N respond simultaneously as they turn to see Matt approaching them. "Hey man, how you doing?" Y/N does eventually greet though as he shares a fist bump with Matt, knowing the days after Vicki's..... moving, has been rough on him.
"Gotten better." Matt simply says with a small nod, which the other two follow with in kind. "It's gotten easier, waking up alone in the house."
"Yeah, I bet..."
"Still feels weird though, not seeing her and Jeremy dealing to each other." Tyler comments, causing the other two guys to slowly turn to him. "What? I'm being genuine, guys."
"Oh, right, right..." Y/N distracted says as he snaps out of his skepticism, though Tyler can obviously see it as he gives him a look. "Okay, listen man, I'm sorry, you're an asshole, but I still would believe you... if it was just anyone else." He straight tells the guy how it is, to which the Lockwood kid can do nothing drop his arms in defeat.
"Hey guys." Another voice slides his way into the conversation, and the three are surprised to see that it's Jeremy this time, getting their attention. "Did I miss anything?" He asks as he notices their faces have the reaction of someone who's seen an alien.
"Jeremy, you're...." Matt looks him up and down with a surprised look. "Ready for school?"
"Yeah, man, I really need to get my grades up if I don't wanna get held back." Jeremy calmy answers with a small nod, which only bewildered the trio even further. "Anyway, I'll see you guys in class?" He queries, holding up a fist for them to bump. They do, except for Tyler, who is still giving the kid a weird look. "Okay....?" Jeremy says with a brow pointed at him before walking away.
"Please tell me, you're seeing that too?" Tyler instantly begs the other two as he points his thumb back towards Jeremy.
"What? Him getting dressed up properly?" Matt nods at. "Yeah, that is pretty weird-"
"No, I mean him being nice to me." Tyler points out with a emphasize on that hard n-word. "I don't know whatever five star therapist his sister and aunt got for him, but I still would, as weird as it sounds, appreciate it if he's still pissed at me all the time."
"Honestly, that's just a life thing affecting with human people." Matt states to him with a easy-going shrug, obviously sharing it from someone who's also been hit relentlessly with people's strange behavior, specifically, his family. "You just got to accept it, right Y/N?" He turns to the other jock, only to get no response as he's too busy staring at where Jeremy's marching off to. "Y/N?"
"W-What?" Y/N eventually snaps out of it, before guessing whatever it is and nodding. "I-I mean, yeah, yeah, really weird...." He just blurts out while putting his attention back on the kid.
Still can't believe what they've done to him....
Once the bell rings, it's back to the original part of Y/N's life, class.
Y/N is somewhat excited this time around, yes, for class, shut up. And that's because he's heard that they're finally getting rid of subs and packets. The school's got a new teacher, though whether he will also pitch in as the football guy remains to be seen.
While waiting, he sees Elena enter the classroom, and the two are unable to help but share a tense stare as she's forced to pass to him to be at his seat. Trying to kill one's boyfriend has a possibility to... make even the smallest enemies in a person.
Then, out comes Bonnie, who's much more shaken, looking like she saw a ghost with the way she holds her books and sits down. (Yes, I know, I'm very funny.... plz laugh) This gets Y/N's attention who shares eye contact with the poor girl the second she sits down, mouthing 'you good?' which only earns him a shrug for his reply.
"Good morning everyone." The mentioned upcoming teacher walks in and announces his presence before Y/N can try pushing it any further, causing him to leave her be and mentally decide he'll try again later, when they have more ambiance covered privacy. "Alrighty...." He then begins writing his name in in chalk on the board, which ends up taking a full minute because of low long it is. "Alaric Saltzman. It's a mouthful, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue." He acknowledges with a bit of basic humor.
While the man's talking, Y/N catches Elena's eyes directed at him, and assumes she's glaring at him some more. Until he eventually looks back and realizes that they're pointed more past him, prompting him to glance and see Stefan's chair is empty. Has that guy already decided to move towns?
"Saltzman is of German origins. My family emigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now, the name, Alaric belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I'll never be able to thank enough." He says that last part with some very hinted at sarcasm. "You'll probably wanna pronounce it Al-ar-ic, but its Alar-ic, okay? So you... can call me Rick, I'll be your new history teacher."
New history teacher.....
Who would've known that sound somewhat comforting.
Mystic Falls: Sheriff's Office
Down with the law enforcement, things have felt slightly calmer since the Vampire presence had been delt with. They were now back to being who they originally were, simple men of the law. Though, of course, when you leave even a small speck of blood in the water, there can be other sharks that have caught the scent.
Today was the realization that it was one of those days.
"Sheriff?" Mrs. Forbes hears her office door being knocked on, and one of her deputies, a young man named Clayton, walks in. "Something very important you gotta see." He sees as he gestures towards a a folder in his hands.
"What is it?" Forbes queries, prompting the man to set the folder on the woman's desk. She opens and sees the wide-open photos inside, showing two dead teenagers killed from what looks like vital bites to the neck, bleeding them out. In other words.....
"Thankfully for us, it was one of our own that found them." Clayton informs Forbes the only good piece about this news. "We were able to clean up and take care of anything before word could get out."
Forbes would say 'good' if not for one big detail. "What about their parents? Did you check in with them?"
"Yes ma'am. They..... don't recall ever having a son.... both of them." Clayton reports to the Sheriff, who slowly nods as she fully understands that, that means compulsion played in a role in that. "Seems like our vampire, although very bloodthirsty, has learned how to cover his.... or her, tracks."
Forbes rubs her face as she quickly tries to construct a next course of action. "Keep an eye out, don't close the woods, but keep small patrols around to spot for hikers or campers that could be hunted."
"Yes sir." Clayton nods as he makes his exit, leaving the Sheriff to process the new vampire problem they have weeks after dealing with their last one. They knew how to cover evidence....
But is this a newly converted, or experienced Vampire?
Mystic High:
A few periods later, Y/N was heading down the halls when he passed by Alaric's classroom again. He then stopped for a second as an idea went through his mind. Alaric was..... kind of a nice, he was definitely no Mr. Tanner, though that wasn't such a high bar to reach. But in the end, he did feel kind of interested in what he was teaching.
Deciding to go for it, he politely knocks on the open door, getting the man's attention. "Mr. Saltzman?" He asks, his eye slightly drawn to his half-eaten sandwich before he quickly snaps back to the main focus. "Uh, I'm not sure you remember me, but I'm..."
"Y/N L/N, yeah, of course I remember." Alaric easily identifies, giving a wave that invites him in. "I, uh.... heard about what happened to your father. I'm.... I wanted to say that I'm really sorry for you loss..... I lost my wife a very long time ago, I know that losing loved ones at an early time can be.... hard to process."
"Thank you.... sir." Y/N awkwardly replies as he glances down, part of him not wanting to be needing anyone's sympathy, but can at least appreciate that it's from someone who understands what it's like. "Um.....in that case, I was wondering if you could do me, and.... more importantly, a family a very big favor."
"Of course." Alaric accepts with a nonchalant shrug, though it'll probably depend on the ask. "What do you need?"
"My friend, Jeremy?" Y/N brings up. "I'm sure as a teacher, you've heard that he hasn't really been doing well in his grades since...... You know."
"Yeah, I heard...." Alaric confirms with a nod, his eyes completely focused on him as he listens intently.
"Well.... he's quit the drugs, and.... he's been trying to catch back up, but.... I'm worried that he might end up working himself too hard right after getting himself back together, and...." Y/N takes a nervous breath as he tries not to go on for too long. "What I want is ask if you can help him....somehow. Give him some type of tiny extra-credit work, give him easier assignments.... something."
Alaric hums, slowly nodding to himself as he sets his sandwich down. "And..... if you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you asking this for him?" He queries him like a cop interrogating a prisoner. "Was he too scared to come to me himself?"
"No, it's just...." Y/N swallows, trying to find a way he can express this without sounding like a crazy person. "I guess you could say, I'm..... just preparing for the future." He gives his answer, sounding like a company CEO with that line. "I hate to be pessimistic, but..... I don't think that happy smile he has is gonna last for long.."
Alaric processes this for a few minutes, seemingly finding his choice of words very thought-provoking. "Well.... I don't know about 'easier' assignments, but......" He gives him a earnest smile. "I'm sure I can think of something."
This puts a smile on Y/N's face as well. "Thank you, Mr, Saltzman..."
"Rick." Alaric corrects him in a friendly manner, standing up to offer the kid a handshake.
"Rick, that's right." Y/N acknowledges with a sheepish chuckle, accepting it with a grateful look. However, it almost wipes itself off when he sees the fancy looking ring on Alaric's hand. "Oh, uh.... nice ring." He quickly complements so he can keep a straight face.
"Oh, thanks, it was my fathers." Alaric accepts it as he glances down, playing with the silver a bit. "Little garish, but.... family, you know?" He comments with a small chuckle.
"Yeah, yeah.... totally get it." Y/N says with a fixed expression, skipping out of the classroom as the paranoia begins to settle in for a bit.
Despite that though, that happy feeling never leaves his system.
What nice guy.
Mystic High: After School
"And then I end up at the remains of old Fell's Church before I woke up back in the woods." Bonnies shares her recent dreams with Y/N L/N who sits across from her while eating chips as they hang outside the school building at a concrete table.
"And no matter what happens, you always see your ancestor Emily at least one in them?" Y/N double-checks for confirmation, blowing up some air when Bonnie nods. "Wow...."
"Do you still believe in ghosts?" Bonnie then anxiously asks him, remembering something he once told her after the false alarm that Damon left Mystic Falls. Y/N just shrugs in response.
"I think I'm being haunted." She straight up tells him, prompting Y/N to slowly n od.
"You think it has something to do with the comet?" He asks her, trying to find some kind of event that happened in the current year to justify this happening now and not to Emily's biological daughter or something. "Or.... you know, Damon?"
"All I know is that Grams said she was powerful witch back in the Civil War days and that this medallion was hers, a witch talisman." Bonnie simply brings back what they already know, though that slight reminder does help make it more clear.
"So it's the talisman that's doing it..."
"I think she's using it to communicate with me."
"Okay..." Y/N crosses his fingers and puts them up to his mouth as he does his best to find all the details. "What about grams? She's the expert, isn't she? Have you gone to her about it?"
"I can't call her, she's gonna tell me to embrace it." Bonnie denies with a shake of her head. "I don't want to embrace it, I want it to stop." She expresses to Y/N, who then takes a moment to consider this before mentally admitting that he has no immediate answer.
"Okay, well.... I'm not exactly sure yet, but we can maybe figure it out by exchanging dream similarities and a little bit of studying." Y/N offers as he stands up, knowing that class is over for them, now, so what can be a better time? "You wanna get something to eat?" He asks, causing Bonnie to blink at him.
"You were just eating...." She points out with an amused brow, to which Y/N shrugs.
"A man can't study without some food on the table as well." He remarks with a shameless look on his face, causing Bonnie to just laughingly scoff as she stands up as well.
"Got nothing else to do anyway..."
"Super." Y/N says with a big smile. However, that small moment of happiness fades away mere feet into walking towards the parking lot, as a familiar but not a friendly face, appears out of thin air, almost making them bump into him.
"Okay, it's your last chance." Damon quips as he smiles at specifically Bonnie before noticing Y/N also being there. "Q-tip your ears, this a part two to a conversation you weren't a part of."
"Actually, Bonnie told me all about it, so.... I think my ticket to stand by." Y/N retorts, taking a menacing step towards the vampire as he shoots him a glare well-constructed from many events over the past few months. "Back off."
"Oooh, okay, I'll play along." Damon leans his head closer to his with a teasing smile. "Or else, what?"
"Or else I shove a wooden stake up your ass and it comes out through your big fat head."
"Okay, that was five out of ten." Damon mockingly compliments him with a finger count of it. "But now, let's stay on point. I want my neckless...."
"You can't have it." Bonnie growls at him mid-sentence before she and Y/N try bumping past him, only for him to speed-walk right in front of the former's car door, cutting her off.
"Ah, ah! Ah! Ah! Not so fast." He loudly denies them the privilege as he walks in front of them, pressing both of their buttons again. "Listen, the two of you may not know it, but you need my help to stumble out of this new rabbit hole you've found yourselves in."
"We don't want your help!"
"Ah, but you do..." Damon insists, holding up a finger as he looks at the guy dead in the eye. "Believe or not, Y/N, I wanna protect Bonnie. If you want your Emily problem solved, I can guarantee that it'll involve me concluding my business, where I won't hurt any of your guys' friends or families again."
"That's bull-"
"Y/N." Bonnies holds him back with a hand on his chest and reassuring look. "It's fine, let me handle this." She requests from him, and although he's clearly reluctant with that default expression Damon has, he complies. Then, she turns back to Damon. "How do you know about Emily?"
"I know a lot of things." Damon answers, emphasizing that quite a bit. "And I know more about that crystal than you do and I know that she's using it to creep inside of you. So, unless you want Emily to do it herself, save us the trouble and give it to me." He offers with a expecting hand. However, Bonnie's still clearly hesitant, and the shared look from Y/N only fuels her anxiety about giving it to a killer like him. "Oh fine....." Damon rolls his eyes as he opens her driver door for her. "Then when Emily takes over your body, tell her that, 'a deal's a deal'." He instead installs a message into her memory. Bonnie glances at Y/N hesitantly until he nods encouragingly, preferring that she just get out of here instead of being in the bastard's presence any further.
He can just meet her at the place, anyway.
Once she's gone, Damon then slowly turns to the other kid. "Cute girl, isn't she?" He quips with a nod that pretends to have respect. "I can see why you go for miss chocolate."
"You're really asking for it, are you?" Y/N says in a quiet, but venomous tone, causing Damon to hum at him, amused.
"Relax, Frank Castle, I haven't fed on anyone in the past two weeks, part my debt for Stefan for not falling for your little power play." Damon informs the kid, much to his slight surprise. He honestly doesn't believe him until he adds the part he says next. "Though, today marks my last week."
"Which means in a week, you're gonna go back to being on the ground, with my pistol pointed right at your forehead and stake in your heart." Y/N aggressively threatens him. "Feed or don't feed, it doesn't change what you are."
"Oh, please, you and I both know that you're the reason I broke into your house."
"What are you even on? Damon?" Y/N questions him as if he's lost sense of reality. "In case you forgot, you started everything the second you killed Darren and Brooke, you dragged me into this when you...." He abruptly pauses, seething in a way the Vampire can hear it. "You killed my father."
"Oh, just me?" Damon points to himself as if offended he's the soul culprit before giving him a dangerous stare. "Hate me all you like, but it doesn't change the fact that you got your family hurt when you stepped into matters that aren't your concern."
Y/N clenches a fist.
"Say that again..."
"What? Don't lie." Damon keeps going, despite the obvious warning. "A lot of people here may not mention it....but you're clearly not some normal human, you got something inside you.... waiting for you unclog the mess in your brain and figure him out. Only problem is, you're too busy being a danger to yourself and other people around you, just begging to get put in the morgue-"
Y/N throws a fist before Damon can finish, only for the Vampire to catch it and jab him in the lungs, causing him to fall to his knees due to lack of air. "See? Without that supernatural strength, I would've embarrassed you at that founder's party." Damon mocks with a shake of his head, kneeling down in front of the kid as he coughs and struggles for air. "Take my advice.... either figure out what it is, or get out of my way..... else you end up like old daddy-o."
With that, he then stands up and judging by the loud gust of air, disappears with super-speed before anyone else can see him. "Hey, you okay?" One random student stops and asks upon seeing him on the ground.
"I'm fine." Y/N mangers to get out.
That bastard.....
Mystic Falls, Virgina: 1864
Standing out in the back yard of the Salvatore mansion, Lander is staring out into open air with a blank expression on his face, mixed with eyes so cold, they belong to a snake. Katherine and the brothers all left for... something, who can say? For all he knows, she compelled them into a private spot behind a tree for.... more of her fantasies.
Tapping on the wooden fence repeatedly, part of him doesn't notice the bald man with grey hair approaching him. "You look more bothered than ever..." The man comments, getting Lander's attention as he gives him a brief glance. "What's troubling you now?"
"Same as always....." Lander mutters as he keeps staring into the trees with a shake of his head. "Katherine's still messing with those Salvatores' minds." He shares with the man, the pace of his tapping slightly increasing. "I suspect she might actually be serious in her, 'dream' or whatever..."
"She's merely exaggerating, once she's found, she'll running out of the country without giving them a second thought." The man assures Lander he walks up to stand next to him, sharing his gaze out towards the wilderness. "But I don't think that's why you asked me to meet with you, isn't it?"
"No..." Lander confirms with another shake of his head. He and the man have had it stated very clear that no one can know that they have this professional relationship, not even Katherine. After all..... he's only a servant to Miss Pierce. "She's been keeping other secret vampires from me..." He then informs the man, who glances down with a mental sign. "A woman named, Pearl, and her daughter, Annabelle."
"Pearl?" The man squints, his tone indicating that he recognizes the name. "But I though she and her family were dead?"
"Oh no.... they survived, it seems." Lander sarcastically points out. "I believe that Katherine 'saved' them somehow, and has made a 'pact' with them."
"What do you mean by that, exactly?" The man asks him, sensing that his definition of pact means something more complex.
"They are creating new Vampires." Lander finally states, getting the man's undivided attention. "It may not look like it now, but I can tell, a flock is brewing somewhere in the horizon, and they are foolishly believing that no one will notice." He turns to him with a serious look. "But I know better."
"And, if you don't mind me asking, how is that, exactly?" The man queries him, trying to understand why he's no more worried about subtlety regarding a species that isn't his own.
"Wendigos may not have compulsion, but we always choose the weak, the invisible." Lander points out for chuckling a bit when he glances at the Salvatore house. "Vampires..... as we can see with our very eyes, they go for the more..... tastier targets. It gives the men in charge more eyes to see their presence. "
"And you believe Katherine intertwining with Salvatore and Damon will give her and herself away?" The man finally puts it together, crossing his arms as he thinks. "What will you do if that proves to be correct?"
"I don't know, I'm still thinking about that...." Lander admits, before fully turning around to face him. "But do me a favor, keep an eye on them, I wouldn't be surprised if they mistook recklessness for harmless amusement."
"Understood." The man nods as he then walks away, leaving Lander alone to continue speaking with his thoughts.
"Thank you Candor....." Lander says before chuckling to himself. His, out of all people, being named Candor.
"Ah, that's still funny..."
Mystic Grill: Present Time
After everything was technically over for the day, Y/N headed on back to the grill to sate his unending appetite that has returned over the past weeks. Though, that's like saying it ever left, which it most certainly didn't. Bonnie called/texted earlier, saying that she and the girls were gonna stay at Elena's place for the night, and Y/N saw no problem in it. His own dreams had stopped, so he didn't know how if he could still be any help. That, and Bonnie needed a stress-reducing time that didn't involve Damon and other psycho stuff anyway.
He's tapping tiredly on the table as he waits for his food, only to be taken out of his nap by a tap on his shoulder. "Hey Y/N." A familiar voice then rings through his eyes, causing the man to instantly pull his eyes open to see Stefan Salvatore standing in front of him.
"Stefan." Y/N greets, matching Stefan's blank expression that tells each other exactly what's needed. "Been a few weeks..... didn't see you in English."
"I stopped going to school, didn't want to see Elena getting hurt anymore." Stefan explains, to which Y/N takes the moment to processes before eventually nodding, completely understanding what that means and why he did it.
"Ah.... that does sound like you." Y/N casually comments, though there's some hidden malice behind it, something he suspects the Vampire catches up on. After all, why put down the rapid dog when you can just run away from it and its victims instead?
"I heard about what happened with Bonnie." Stefan then mentions to her, causing Y/N to give him a look. "I'm gonna handle it."
"Oh, like how you handle everything else?" Y/N bitterly remarks, causing Stefan to let out a exhale.
"Listen, Y/N, despite what happened, what you tried to manipulate me into doing, it's clear to me that you're still a good guy, deep down." Stefan begins as he takes another step very close to Y/N's table. "And I completely understand why you hate Damon with every fiber of your being, which is why, I hope you can also understand where I am coming from when I say that he's my brother, and that, despite everything, I'm still close to him."
"That's why you came here?" Y/N questions with a judging eye. "To give me another Superman hero speech?"
"No, I came here to give you a message." Stefan replies before leaning close so he can read his eyeballs. "Not all Vampires want to be evil..... you just need to give me a chance to show it."
With that, he thanks walks away, out of the diner, leaving Y/N to watch him leave with a click of his tongue. Of course, Vampire's struggle, they are just misunderstood. Fuck all of the humans who get caught in the crossfire from their temper tantrums.
It seems like one person noticed that confrontation though, as a few seconds later, Y/N sees Jeremy slowly stepping towards him. "What was that all about?" He asks the guy, haven't really heard much, but could read the aura they were radiating from a mile away.
"Oh, you know, Batman and Joker stuff." Y/N answers somewhat cryptically with a shrug. Or, he guesses, Batman and Wrath would be more accurate. "Bonding with your Aunt?" He nods towards Jenna in an attempt to change the subject, prompting Jeremy to glance at her eyeing Alaric from another table.
"She's certainty trying, by while also failing to deflect from her Logan depression thing." Jeremy replies with a shrug, before holding up a hand puppet playing her memorable mother figure " 'I like a man who can dine alone, a quiet strength. However, I've sworn off men forever, but it doesn't mean I can't observe from a safe distance' "
"Wow...." Y/N comments with strong mouth movement, to which Jeremy agreeingly scoffs with a smirk.
"Yeah, no words..."
"Well.... at least it sounds like your studying sessions aren't going to be boring." Y/N jokingly comments, having noticed the big book and pencil. "So you're really taking your studies to the public?"
"Yeah, I guess so." Jeremy accepts with a casual shrug, clearly not thinking that it's any big of a deal. "By the way, Mr. Saltzman called me after school...." He then mentions, giving the guy an earnest smile. "Thanks for that, really."
"Oh, don't mention it." Y/N easily waves it off. "It's the least I can do after....." He pauses mid-sentence, almost forgetting that once again, his mind has been wiped by the bastards who want him to go through that pain, all by himself. "Have you tried talking to Vicki?"
"Oh, no." Jeremy instantly answers, shaking his head. "In fact, I don't think I'm ever gonna see her again." He adds with certainty, before showing another shrug. "But.... it's for the best."
"Right....." Y/N slowly nods, forcing a fixed smile as his fingers rub his knuckles. "Of course."
So, it's true, he really is forced to keep his biggest regret to himself.
"Hey, is that Matt and Tyler?" Jeremy then points out as he squints while looking through the window, causing Y/N to follow his gaze and see the scene for himself. The two of them are standing around a crowd of other guys who look like people he's briefly talked to on the football team. However, while it may seem like a group of guys talking at first glance, Y/N's personal experience recognizes it as them preparing for something, or maybe they are just being that obvious since Jeremy seems to see it too.
"What are they doing?" Y/N wonders out-loud, before stepping out of his seat, no longer concerned about his meal. He's sure the waiters will just leave it on the table, anyway. Jeremy follows him out as they get a closer look, which definitely makes it more obvious that they are behaving like thieves suiting up to break into Tony Stark's mansion.
"Hey!" Y/N calls out at them, making them stop as he opens his arms wide in confusion. "What the heck's going on here? I didn't miss another birthday party, did I?"
"You don't know?" Matt raises a brow as he and the others share a anxious look. "Dude, I sent you messages about what was going on, like, five times."
"You did?" Y/N utters before pulling out his phone to see a handful of unread messages. "Oh wow, I really was passed out...." He mumbles in slight awe. He didn't think or notice that he fell asleep.
"It's our self appointed search party." Tyler then begins explaining to the two of them as he stands up from the car, the name of it catching their interest.
"For what?" Jeremy asks.
"Jason's gone missing, hasn't shown up to school or been receiving anyone's calls for two days straight." One of the other students from the back answers, still moving still into his bag as he seems to be taking this more seriously out of everyone else. "Apparently, his own parents turned out to be deadbeat as they don't seem to remember that they have a son, which, to me, is pretty fucking bullshit considering that I've known that man like a brother for four years!"
"They don't.... remember him?" Y/N repeats the guys word with a brow, that similar bad feeling he got when he saw Alaric's ring comes back, but in a much more poking manner. If it means what they think it means, sounds like the Vampires slipped up.
"Yeah, and the police won't do anything about it, either." Tyler then adds while shrugging the blue off like they're a bunch of idiots. "So, we're gonna handle it ourselves." He then states to the two of them, causing them to look at everyone else as if making sure they are serious.
"Yeah, what he said...." Matt confirms with a small nod. "Look, It's not like we're gonna trespassing anywhere, it's just the woods. It's worth a-"
"I'm in." Y/N instantly says, giving them a determined nod. "If you don't mind accepting help, then.... I wouldn't mind lending a hand."
"Yeah, me too." Jeremy then chimes in, to which Y/N gives him a look. "What? Studying can wait, looking to see if a human being is okay is more important."
"Very good point." Y/N points out with a nod before turning back to the others. "You got a place you're starting at?"
"Yeah, we're going right now." Matt tells him as he nods towards what looks to be the vehicle they are all sharing. "Come on, there's plenty of room in the truck you guys can hide in."
"Oh, cool." Y/N nods as he accepts the offer, climbing onto the back along with everybody else. Jeremy's the last to hop in, prompting Tyler to look back at him with a teasing smirk.
"Hey, make sure you brought enough spare undies, Gilbert."
"Bite me." Jeremy dryly responds as he slithers in to stay out of side from outside drivers. Y/N chuckles as he taps on the window, signaling that they're ready to go. It's a good thing he always brings his weapons for self-defense wherever he goes, whenever he can....
Ready to kill
Mystic Falls, Virgina: 1864
Only a few days after Lander gave him the wait and see task of Katherine Pierce, making sure she still doesn't do anything stupid due to her new-found arrogance. The man never made it clear why he seems Katherine had just gotten this carelessness attitude just now when it seemed like she had it forever, but he takes that as history that he'll just never know or figure out when things truly end up dire for both of them.
He's currently painting art in his home, a hobby he's found for himself during his off-time. In the middle of doing one of these, his door opens, and a man walks in without needing an invitation.
"Hello there, Candor." Lander greets as he sounds like he's pulling something while saying it, getting the man's attention. "Man, I'm not gonna get over someone like you being named that." The Wendigo can't help but comment with a chuckle. The painter is taken aback when he sees the man hauling a fresh corpse into his room.
"What are you doing?!" Candor asks the second he turns around, looking at the man as if he was insane.
"Oh, this rouge? One of those fools who think they can fool the world into thinking they are blind for a few undeserved coins." Lander nonchalantly answers as he drops the body in front of Candor's feet. "If you want to be able to watch her better, you should use his form, she doesn't about shapeshifters."
"And you couldn't use the glass bottles I gave to you for this exact reason?" Candor asks in a clearly frustrating tone as he points to the body now bleeding on his clean floor. "You know, part of me wonders if it's going to be you that gets us Wendigos killed instead of the Vampires..."
"Oh relax, I kept this meat in a bag." Lander assures him as he lightly kicks the dead young gentlemen when referring to him. "Also, begin anywhere near blood tickled my spirit, it had more power over me. I couldn't keep them lying around."
"Oh, why do I even bother...?" Candor mutters as he rolls his eyes, reluctantly nodding at the man. "Very well, but please at least clean up the mess you made while I get one of my own?"
"With pleasure....." Lander responds with a fixed smile while Candor watches him with a blank expression as he goes into his kitchen. Once he walks away, the Wendigo breaks character and rolls his eyes. "No one ever gives me thanks...."
Except for those slaves, of course...
But they don't count.
Mystic Falls Wilderness: Present Time
Part of Deputy Clayton wished they didn't find the bodies, with how long this forest patrol is. Or, I guess, the better phrase would be he wishes Vampires didn't turn out to exist at all.
He's currently having dinner in the form of a sandwich due to how late it is now, but the late-sky still keeps him weary as it means the blood-sucking monsters are now out and about, prowling for another person to take even one step in the woods. Why did those kids even go in the first place? Why didn't they wait until the day time to wander off?
His anxious thoughts are broken when he sees a truck driving down the dirt road, near his position. He's considering stepping out and telling them to move out. But with an unconfirmed number of these freaks, and the fact that even one would be faster and stronger than him, he decides to grab his radio and call for backup instead.
"Dispatch? D-Dispatch? Do you copy?"
"Copy, Charlie Four."
"I, uh...." Clayton keeps watching as the truck doors open and male teenagers begin to step out. "I got a couple of...." He then slightly hesitates again, observing the entire group of them. When he then sees the kid with Y/H hair and Y/E/C eyes, he squints and leans closer to make sure he's seeing what his eyes are telling him correctly.
"Charlie Four? Repeat your last?"
Clayton snaps out of it and puts the walkie talkie back to his mouth. "Uh, negative, Dispatch, just my imagination." He simply reports.
"Uh, copy Charlie Four." Dispatch replies right before Clayton sets the walkie talkie back in it's place. He then continues to watch them talk amongst each other. He didn't understand what they were saying, but he didn't have to. From the way one of the other teens pointed around the woods, their goal was pretty clear to him from where he was sitting.
They're going to search around the woods.
Clayton waits for them to go a couple feet before getting out of his car to follow the L/N kid.
After Y/N and the gang pulled up, it was clear that despite the fact that they were going into the darks alone where it's trouble even with flashlights, they were gonna have to split up if they wanted to cover as much ground possible. And so, it was decided that Matt, Tyler, Y/N, and Jeremy were gonna go one way, and the rest of the group was going to go another, it pretty much just made the sense to keep the half of the group that knew each other on their side.
Only problem now, is that they need to patrol the woods with no sense of direction. Jason and the Tom could be anywhere, laying on the dirt, on a tree, hanging on the trees, heck, they could be buried underground and they wouldn't know it because they brought a shovel. It'd make sense for Y/N, because he's sure the council would bury or boil all Vampire related deaths in some way or another.
"Man, it really is dark in here." Jeremy can't help but comment as he keeps messing with his flashlight as if it's broken even though the thing is working fine. "Is it because of the trees, or....?"
"That's my best guess..." Y/N says with a shrug, knowing that some Vampires know how to change the weather for their benefit, but unless the sky has kind of dark setting, he's not sure this counts as part of that power.
"Hey, what are we even looking for?" Jeremy asks, prompting an amused scoff from Tyler.
"The bodies of our friends, obviously. What do you-"
"Tyler." Matt interjects, turning his head around to give the guy a look.
"Oh, sorry, force of habit. I meant we're looking for our still alive friends." Tyler quickly corrects his still heavily blunt answer, causing Matt and Y/N to roll their eyes. "Seriously, don't wanna be that guy, but after everything that's happened, how do we know they're even alive?"
"Because, just because the town's suffering a lot of disappearances doesn't mean they're all animal murders." Matt answers with a more positive outlook on the situation. Y/N was thinking of saying that, but his pessimistic side has gotten more ground when the Vampire thing became known to him.
"Okay, fine..." Tyler shrugs in response. "But why are we always looking in the woods for missing people? Haven't you heard about, like..... people who go 'missing' ending up being close by to their home?"
"Are we really having these second thought conversations, now?" Y/N chimes in while Jeremy chuckles at the three of them. "Or are you just afraid of the woods, Tyler?"
"Afraid?" Tyler repeats with a scoff. "Please..... the only thing I would be afraid in here was a radioactive snake."
"Since when have you seen a radioactive snake?"
"Exactly." Tyler points at him with a grin, to which Y/N gives him a raised brow, unimpressed with his attempt at boasting.
"Hey, if you think about it this way, this is pretty much the guy's version of a night out while the girls are getting manicures." Matt sarcastically comments with a humorous face. "Probably better than witnessing another lame girl move."
"Whoa, was that a snarky comment referring to the ladies?" Y/N points out as he shares a slightly surprised look with the other two. They'd expected someone like that from him or Tyler, but not Matt. "Something happen man?"
"It's nothing." Matt simply responds with a shake of his head, to which Y/N then quick-steps his feet closer to him, not wanting to take no for an answer.
"Ah, ah, ah. You brough it up, and now you gotta give us the explanation." Y/N tells him with an insisting face. He knows that if Matt gets an attitude about something, then it's really bothering him for some reason or another. "Come on, what's your girl trouble?"
"Geez, I thought we agreed not to tease about girl stuff after what happened with me and Elena." Matt recalls as he glances at Y/N with a brow.
"I'm not teasing, I'm asking."
"Sounds like you are."
"Or like you're really wishing you didn't hint at something in the first place and is now trying to defect." Y/N calls Matt out, giving him a knowing expression that pretty much says that it's time for him to vent or nothing. "Come on... what is it?"
"Oh boy, fine...." Matt gives in. "After Caroline got drunk at her own party at the Grill, I ended up taking her home. Then, she asked me to stay.... I did, and before I could realize that she thought we started our own romance plot, she started going off on me." He finally tells Y/N, making a exaggerated crazy face at the end there. "Like I said, lame girl move."
"Think that's just because she's trying to find a way to escape from Damon." Y/N guesses while keeping his eye out for anything that isn't a critter, shadow, or bush. "She knows just as much as the rest of us that Damon is pretty much red flag HQ....." He says before making a face at what he said. "Not the communist red flag HQ."
"I get it." Matt assures him with a smirk. "I mean.... I guess that makes sense, I just didn't like that she automatically assumed that because she liked me, I had to like her back. It's like medieval marriages all over again."
"Not..... really the same, but I get your point." Y/N comments with a weird lip movement. "Maybe, just.... talk to her about it again? I'm sure she's more willing now that you both have given it more time."
"You sure? That girl can be stubborn."
"Oh, sometimes, sure ...." Y/N chuckles. "But not that stubborn, she knows when to accept defeat."
"True..." Matt slightly agrees as he cocks his head a bit. "Guess I should probably check on her later."
"You should." Y/N insists with a nod, giving him a look that promises him that it's for the best. "Even if she still feels the same as before, I'm sure she'd be willing to listen to what you have to say on your side."
"Oh! You know what?" Y/N suddenly holds up a hand as a lightbulb appears above his head. "Speaking of a guy's night, how about after this, we-"
Before he can finish his suggestion, a strong gust blowing against him followed by flames ejecting out of nowhere close by catching all four of them off-guard, the wind causing a few of them to trip, like Tyler, who drops his flashlight before it lands on a rock.
"What the heck was that?!" Jeremy loudly asks the question everyone's thinking as they all turn to it.
"Great, now I can't see jack...." Tyler mutters as he sees the glass shards from his flashlight on the dirty leaves.
"Maybe that's because you're legally blind, dipshit." Y/N sarcastically remarks as he forces him to look at the fire that's incredibly bright due to the contracts of dark lighting outside. "Look!"
"That's.... that's a potential forest fire, right?" Jeremy anxiously points out, as everyone else also begins to realize that it's slowly going to spread. Except for Y/N, as while everyone else is frozen still, he steps a bit closer to see that there's other people near the fire too. Jeremy seems to notice them too. "Wait, is that....?"
"You guys need to, get the fire department." Y/N quickly advises the guys, while secretly acknowledging that this isn't just some normal wild fire. "And text the other guys, too, tell them to meet you at the truck."
"W-Wait, where are you going?!" Tyler quickly asks before he begins jogging towards what seems like nothing but obvious danger to them.
"I'm gonna make sure I can still save them."
"Y/N, hold on!" He keeps yelling for him, but the guy takes off anyway. "Y/N! You crazy son of a bitch!"
"I'm going with him." Jeremy then suddenly states, wanting to help his sister's friends, only for Tyler to look at him crazy too. All the meanwhile, Matt keeps trying to get his phone to work, but due to the isolation, service is a bit of a struggle.
"Dude, do you not see what's out there?! You can't just-"
However, before the next man can blink, all three of them collapse onto the ground, now dead asleep. Nobody's moving even a finger, it's like they've ran out of batteries and shut down the second the juice kept flowing.
Out from the shadows, Clayton steps out and towards the three bodies, a blank expression on his face that's highly different from his usual nervous default look. He eventually notices that one of them is missing.
Back towards the fire, Y/N has made his appearance through the use of his voice. "Bonnie!" He loudly calls out to her, getting the attention of the Salvatore brothers standing nearby which he eventually notices two.
"What the hell is your sorry face doing here?" Damon asks him on sight, to which Y/N angrily scoffs.
"I could ask you the same thing...." He growls back at him, his voice loud enough for Damon to hear despite the cackling of the flames. The Vampire glares back at him, but decides to ignore him as he shoves Stefan away so he can try to march past the fire to get to Bonnie. However, even if he did find a way to not burn himself, Y/N stops him in his tracks by pulling out his gun. "Don't you touch her, you bastard!"
"Y/N! Don't!" Stefan quickly interjects, holding up a hand as he pleads to the kid not to give in to his anger once again. "It's okay, Damon can't get past the-"
"I don't give a crap! This freak deserves death!" Y/N bellows passionately as he keeps the gun trained on Damon, who stares back at him as if waiting for a moment to tear the hand holding right out the socket. "He said he wasn't feeding on people, and yet two people have gone missing! BECAUSE HE'S A LIAR!"
"What?" Stefan utters, before turning to Damon.
"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not that addicted!" Damon, on the other hand, retorts these claims with a point to his own heart. "The kid's out of his mind, I don't know what the heck he's talking about."
"You lie!" Y/N yells with absolute anger as he readies his trigger finger. "You're a filthy liar!"
"Bonnie!" Elena's voice calls out as she suddenly runs into the scene, temporarily stopping Y/N from following through. Stefan runs towards the girl to stop her from running into the fire, and those two things give Damon the perfect moment to super-speed towards the L/N kid's gun arm and twist it with one hand. He yelps at the sudden pain while having his gun now taken from him.
As Damon takes out the clip, Y/N uses his other hand to slip a hidden stake into it and swing it towards the Vampire. However, the man notices and grabs it before he can even touch his skin with it.
"You're not the only one preparing for the next fight, buddy." Damon quips in a cocky voice, before backhanding Y/N away from him. He flies and slides through the dirt and leaves, groaning as he tries to stand himself back up.
"Thank you.... L/N's blood." Bonnie then speaks to him, in a very weird manner Y/N never expected from her. The attention being brought back to her wipes the smirk off of Damon's face as he sees the amulet in her hands and realizes what she's about to do.
"NOOOO!" Damon cries out, but it's pointless as Bonnie throws it into the air before it abruptly explodes in a small ball of fire. Sparks then rain around all five of them, Elena and Stefan watch with a worried expression while Damon glares with pure hate and Y/N watches in bewilderment.
Did she already figure it out, without him?
But he thought she was.... with the girls?
Bonnie's head drops, and seconds later, the flames are put out like they weren't even there. She looks around, clearly confused, but that doesn't stop Damon, who's blind hatred at her actions makes him charge at her with the intent to bite.
"NO!" Y/N yells out as Bonnie screams while Damon bites her. He grabs his gun and tries to shoot, but all he gets is clicks due to the Vampire emptying it seconds earlier. Thankfully, Stefan steps in, and due to Damon's diet, is able to speed over and pull him off of her.
However, as Bonnie drops to the ground, she remains still. "Bonnie?" Y/N calls out, only for the girl's eyes to remain closed. "Bonnie!" He gets louder as he rushes over to begin desperately shaking her awake. Elena has a hand over her mouth and Stefan shows clear worriment. However, she is unresponsive, and with that, Y/N's vision turns red. "You...." He growls like a feral animal the second he turns back to Damon.
"She got it coming...." Damon unapologetically sticks to his actions, wiping the blood off his chin. "We had a deal, and that witch stabbed me in the back!"
The result is as expected, Y/N's eyes begin to glow again as his teeth grit against each other in a way that makes them seem like they grew in size. He roars as he charges and swings a punch at Damon, who easily side-steps past it as he saw it coming.
He tries jabbing him in the lungs like he did earlier today, but this time, they don't seem to do as much damage as Y/N responds with a grunt and backhand that sends Damon getting impaled on some tree's branches. He stomps over and the undead man tries pulling himself out, but his attacker stomps over and stops any attempts by assaulting his face with a barrage of punches, letting him let out all of his anger.
"Y/N! Stop!" Stefan yells at him as he runs over to gram his arm before he can hit his brother again. Y/N instantly throws him off before abruptly letting out a shriek that is anything but human, loud enough that it almost deafens everyone near him.
(Wendigo Scream sound effects will sound like something from these samples)
He grabs another branch and points it towards Damon's heart....
"Y/N! She's still alive!" Stefan then yells at him again, trying to specify why he's trying to stop him, and thankfully for him, this works as Y/N abruptly pauses before he can kill the Vampire. "I can save her." He then tells him as he turns back to Bonnie, biting his wrist before feeding the new open holes into the girl's mouth.
Y/N, hope finding his way back to him, steps away from Damon as he slowly walks back to the three of them. His eyes slowly go back to normal when he sees her jolt away, understandably confused as she whimpers at the forced feeding. However, it's clearly healing her, and Stefan eventually takes his wrist away as Bonnie gasps for air.
"Her neck...." Elena points out, as Y/N eyes turn to see it too. "It's healing."
"Holy shit..." Y/N lets out in a whisper, taking deep breaths to calm himself down from the combination of relief. He and Stefan share a look as the former steps back to avoid the temptation of the blood that's still left over. "You okay?" He then asks Bonnie.
"Y-Yeah...." Bonnie shakingly answers, glancing up and between everyone with complete confusion in her eyes. "What happened....h-how did I get here?"
"I'll explain everything...." Elena steps in to answer, looking at the both her and Y/N. "To both of you, but right now, we should get out of here." She then strongly advises, knowing that they created a scene as well as Bonnie's potential killer still standing here. Bonnie's eyes turn to Y/N, who nods, knowing that's the best course of action, even though he doesn't have much context either.
Though, he can guess that it's all because of Bonnie's dream ancestor, Emily.
After which, Damon finally manages to un-impale himself out of the branches, and stares down the rest of them which Y/N returns. Not having anything he can do, Damon just walks away, utterly broken and defeated. Stefan glances at Y/N and the two girls, before going to follow him.
"Wait." Y/N calls out to him before he goes, prompting Stefan to turn around. "Damon..... is still a monster, he won't stop, no matter what you do." He tells the other man with a serious expression. "And I'll never forgive him for what he did to me."
"I know." Stefan replies, completely understanding.
"But....." Y/N then drops that word, causing Stefan to raise a brow. "You saved Bonnie's life, so I say.... a deal's a deal." He then declares, his face conflicted to say this, but his words ring true. "I'll leave Damon alone.... for now."
Stefan nods at this, gratefulness in his eyes. "Thank you."
"But you know that if Damon harms any of the people I care about, even if they are remotely just a person that I talk to by circumstance...." Y/N hold up a hand and clenchs it to make his point. "I will not hesitate." He swears to Stefan, who agreeingly nods before he walks away, going to check on his Damon.
He does promise Y/N one thing though.
"Don't worry, we won't be in this town for any longer."
Y/N lets out a small exhale through his nose before being the last one to make his exit too. He already told Elena and Bonnie that he has his own ride, but promised to check on them when he gets back home.
However, as he attempts to trail back towards where he ran from earlier, Y/N can't help but notice how something is clearly wrong. First off, the obvious, he can't find any of the guys. So, unless they all turned out to be a bunch of cowardly selfish assholes, there's no way all of them agreed to drive off without him.
Second, he's only found one missing flashlight so far, Tyler's. Everyone else's is gone, so if the Vampire was trying to take them to clear his tracks, why did he still leave one behind? That's like, movie stereotype level of incriminating evidence. He calls out them separately by name numerous times as he walks back to the truck, but gets no kind of response.
And third for last, the truck is still here. "Matt?! Tyler?! Jeremy?!" He tries again as he now knows that they still have to be out here. There's literally only one vehicle they used to get here. "Guys, I swear to gosh, this better not be a practical joke and I'm just screaming into the air so some monster can track me and pin me like every other horror movie victim!" His voice echos across the woods as he stands in front of the truck's passenger door. "If that's the case, then why am I still yelling?"
Shaking his head at himself, he opens the door with a mental sigh....
Seeing the dead bodies of Jason's friends' group.
Before he can process or let out a swear, he's abruptly shot multiple times in the back and leg, causing him to let out a pained scream as he falls to the ground. His unknown regeneration does keep him from being dead on the spot, but that's not exactly a blessing as he's now laying there, feeling everything from each new hole.
Hearing his moans, the unknown stranger comes out of the shadows, and eventually, into Y/N's field of view as he looks into his eyes and is clearly surprised to see that he's still alive. "You're not dead? What exactly are you made of, kid?" The man comments with a small smirk, kneeling down as he goes a good look at his face. "I know you...... you're Raymond's kid."
Hearing this, Y/N gets his head looking up despite how weak his blood streaming is, and after a few seconds, recognizes the killer as well.
"Logan..... Fell?"
That's all he manages to get out before the blood loss takes away his consciousness and his vison goes black.
Mystic Falls: ?????
One by one, Deputy Clayton puts all of the passed out boys in their separate homes.
He set up a spell that pretty much acted as a sleeping pill that kicked in, in seconds. However, it sadly didn't produce the exactly result he expected, as it only got three out of the four teens. Not only that, but before he could find Y/N L/N, that Vampire came and showed clear signs of unchecked violence.
He doesn't have the strength nor abilities to fight him, as he only had one stake in his holster supplied by the Sherrif, so all he could do was retreat and hope for the best.
Once he has the Lockwood kid in his room, which took way longer than the other two due to the size of the mansion and the places unorthodox interior design, he made his way back to his own home. He didn't use the police vehicle, as that would draw attention. Instead, he went back home and took them around in his other one.
Taking a quick visit to the bathroom before heading to bed, he shaves his facial hair, drains the sink, wipes everything with a towel, and then stares into the mirror....
Turning back into his original body.... Candor.
Then he's ready for bed.
(A/N) I know, I know, I'm very sorry. I had expected to take breaks every now and then due to how long each chapter was and each of the show's seasons, but I accidently got myself side-tracked, and eventually, had to take a break because of it.
Also, as a result of that, I sort of changed up a bit of my plans for this season. Well.... not changed, just added some new possible story elements (Including Candor) which might possibly force me to change some things from the original plan later in the future.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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