Episode 18: Under Control
*I've now decided to have a little Antagonist list that I've kept in the 'Season 1' page. Don't know why, I guess I just did it for fun.
Vicki Donavon's body has been found by Caroline Forbes. Not much of a crime scene since the body was clearly buried far away from wherever it happened. Though it's worth noting that her Vampire costume is still on, so cops will definitely have some theories with this one. The Medical examiners are now taking in their van and are preparing move it to New Orleans where it can be hidden forever.
"Can't believe I didn't get the day off today..." One guy in the passenger seat complains as he impatiently taps his fingers on the dashboard. "I thought finally, there wouldn't be a dead body that we'd have to clean up."
"People die every day, man, that's literally how life works." The other examiner reminds his partner as he continues driving through the still wet by slightly dryer forest. The storm is gone, so getting stuck won't thankfully be a problem. "What'd you expect when you got this job?"
"You mean in a small town like this? I wasn't expecting that much, honestly." The passenger responds with a tired voice, blowing out some air as he hates seeing those trees a hundred times. "Well, okay, I expected dead people, but I was also wanting, like..... a day of quiet. You know? At least once every week, that kind thing."
"Come on, it's not that bad..." The driver the tells him before glancing at him with a small smirk. "Hey, listen.... did you notice that thing with the girl's costume before we moved the body?" He then brings up, causing the passenger to blink at him.
"No, what?"
"The chest area is like.... ripped... like, really ripped on one side." The driver tells him as his smirk grows wider. "It's on her left tit, her nipple, the really juicy one, is blatantly showing if you have the right angle."
"Seriously?" The passenger says as his eyes light up, to which the driver confirms with a big nod. "Aw, man, I gotta see this-"
Before he can, something abruptly falls onto the van, causing the driver to put on the breaks as a body slam through the front window and shatters all of the glass in front of them. The two men now freeze in place as they are now face-to-face with a dead corpse staring at them with his horribly slashed face, and empty stomach.
Now the moment has changed drastically, with neither of them knowing what they heck they should say next. "U-U-Um...." The driver swallows, just as terrified as his friend is. "S-Should we....... call for some help or..... should we just move it?"
"I don't..... I don't know." The passenger responds. The body is then suddenly dragged away at super-sonic speed. Like it was just there one second and gone the next. This confuses and scares them even more.
They try to move.... but can't...
"Keep...." The passenger swallows shakingly. "Just keep driv-"
With one clank, the van is abruptly turned over and flipped over where it then begins rolling down the hill, sending the dead Vicki and the two medical staff with it.
Bang, bang, bang.... they hit the ground hard every time, slamming against the van itself with each hard impact they receive.
And then.... it's over.
It's hard to tell how time has passed by the time the driver has finally opened his eyes with a small groan. He looks around and sees that he's seemingly upside down on the seat he's still buckled into. He turns over to his buddy, who's head has been impaled directly in the eye ball by a loose tree branch.
But then.... despite being clearly dead..... he starts laughing....
And then he turns to the driver.
"We.... belong.... to the Wendigo now."
Hearing a rough footstep, the driver's brain is yellow with fear again as he slowly and shakingly turns his head around to the window of the driver's seat, where animalistic paws come into view. Then out, pops in a head, looking directly at the last human left.
With one roar, he grabs him with his claws....
A few hours later, the run rises and the monster's still in the forest, surrounded by at least half a dozen corpses. He eats them like delicious meat, his voice grunts as he feasts, thought it's not because of the taste, he isn't even paying any attention to it at all. He just wants the food.
But then his extremely heightened senses catch something.... Footsteps, they are rapidly fast, but he picks them up. He shoots his head up, seeing a.... a female? It's hard to tell, his vision without pupils only allows him to see a bright silhouette. He tilts his head a little bit while human guts are still in his mouth as if they were noodles.
However, before anything bad could happen, he feels himself changing, part of him back to his normal self. His bones were already cracked back to a human's, but now, his pupils are back and he can actually see the human.
Except... it's not a human, it's a Vampire....
"Y-Y/N?" Anna calls his name out softly, recognizing his change in behavior. She clearly froze the second she saw him. It's lucky that she wasn't gutted like a pig at this very moment, but her reaction can't be helped.
Y/N looks down, feels the guts inside his mouth with his tongue, then he spits them out allowing him to see that...... he's been eating a female hitchhiker's dead corpse this entire time, after having eaten the Paramedics who's body parts are strewn across the branches, logs, and leaves. From skin, to bones, to guts.
Now shaking, Y/N turns back to Anna with blood and 'food' covering his mouth like a toddler with spaghetti sauce.
"Help..... me...."
Mystic Falls: Gilbert Residence
James Bennet had a great dream last night, in spire of the past few days. It was a much better reality than what he, Elena, and what everyone else is seemingly going through in the present timeline. Part of him wishes that he truly knew what one person feels when they witness a creature they haven't seen before tear into three dozen supernatural creatures, including someone they love. But even he hasn't seen anything like that, even with knowing how his grams died.
He quietly walks into the bedroom that belongs to Elena, noticing how peaceful she looks while in her bed, having completely forgotten about the true outside world. He smiles at the irony before remember why he came here and taps on the door to stop himself from acting like Edward Cullens.
"Come on, sleepy head." James quips as he softly shakes Elena as well for double measure, watching as the girl slowly begins to wake up with a tired moan. "Early bird catches the worm."
"Come on.... five more minutes..." Elena mumbles as what every teenager instantly does, the act of being forcibly woken up feeling like you just pulled out of quicksand except wanting to jump back in. "Relax Jeremy..."
"Not Jeremy, Red." James corrects her with amused smirk, and the mention of her nickname is the actual bullet that shoots Elena awake. She blinks rapidly as she processes who's in her room.
"James?" Elena utters as she rubs her eyes, her vision clearly showing her who's currently sitting on the open side of her bed. "What are you doing here?"
"Checking on you." James asks with a small shrug, wondering if he wasn't supposed to or something. Though, he guesses that he can't make himself sound that selfless. "Oh! And, uh, to remind you that school starts in ten minutes."
"Oh, shit!" Elena exclaims as she practically rolls and falls off the bed, causing James to laugh out loud. It's kind of embarrassing to lose you role as the responsible sibling when you can't even do something as simple as getting up early. "I forgot to set my alarm!"
"You and me both, Red." James remarks much calmly than her as he hands her, her toothbrush and toothpaste, the girl silently agreeing that she'll just have to grab something packaged out of the fridge. "I've tried looking for Y/N last night, but the guy's a complete ghost right now. All that's on the news is that people called about loud screams coming from the woods.... all the way from their homes." He reports with a haunting expression, knowing that something like that can't indicate anything good.
"Did you try his house? He has one cleaning crew for the mansion three times a week, right?"
"Yeah, but they didn't see him either." James responds with a shrug, a not good kind of shrug. He knows that all of them are still trying to deny that he was the monster they saw scratch an entire trench into Stefan's torso. But with what Elena's told him, the facts look like facts. "I think the better question is, what are you gonna tell the others when they ask about him? I don't think starting a search party is a good idea right now."
"Oh, I wish you didn't bring that up..." Elena moans as she glances down at the sink, having not thought about that until James brought it up. "I guess we could just say he's sick and staying home. It's not like he'll be reported missing in the next twenty-four hours or so." She suggests off-handedly, but only because she doesn't have any other ideas to go on.
"Sure...." James quietly responds with a slow nod, having nothing to argue with that.
"Hey, can you check on Stefan for me?" Elena then requests, causing James to quickly snap out of his three-second long daydream. "He hasn't called or sent a text since what happen in the woods, I'm worried that he hasn't taken having to drink human blood very well." She explains her reasoning, to which the guy nods his head as he stands up straight.
"Sure, no problem, I was gonna head back there anyway."
"Thank you." Elena says with a grateful. "Now, I gotta get my things before I end up getting myself a tardy." She then remembers and continues with the urgency she had earlier. She runs past a still amused James, hits Jeremy with a pillow to force him awake, grabs a snack-breakfast at best and then rushes to the door....
Only to find a man standing on the other side of it.
"Elena!" The man greets with a big grin on his face, and after seeing his face, Elena easily recognizes him.
"Uncle John, hi." Elena politely greets after her surprise wears off, as James comes down the stairs and Jenna from the kitchen, also seeing the man's arrival.
"John, you made it." Jenna comments with a slightly blank tone, as if not actually expected him to do.
"Said I'd be in by noon."
"Oh, what you say and what you do are typically two very different things." Jenna sarcastically remarks while Jeremy comes down and blindly walks through everyone as if he's just been told to go to the meat factory to sacrifice himself.
"Uncle John, what's up?" He emotionlessly greets as he walks past him and James, stepping through the door without a single glance towards anyone.
"I'll... take that as my cue to leave as well." James awkwardly says as he too leaves, sharing a wave with Elena before he heads out to Stefan's place.
John watches them both leave with a perplexed look in his eyes, before turning back to the two girls. "I had some business in town. I thought a visit was in order." He tells them, explaining his sudden arrival to Elena.
"How long are you staying?" Elena asks him curiously, to which John hums with a mental shrug.
"I don't know yet."
"Mmm, okay, well, I'm gonna go to school. I'll see you later." Elena tells them with a fixed smile, not having any time to catch up with him. Jenna closes the door behind her, during which, the two females share a look that both have a similar distain towards the man, for their own separate reasons.
"So, what's up with Jeremy?" John asks after Jenna fully closes the door, giving them their privacy. He takes off his jacket and sets it on the console table folded like the monoclegentlesir that he is.
"He just lost a friend." Jenna explains, referring to Vicki Donovan who was just found dead a couple nights ago. The funeral was respectful, but it served as a bleak reminder to how bodies are currently dropping fast this year, just weeks after the Bennet woman passed away. "So, try to be sensitive."
"I'm always sensitive." John humorously replies with a chuckle, however, Jenna is the same joking mood as he is.
"Right..." Jenna sarcastically replies as he steps in front of him, giving him a hard, skeptical stare. "So, really, how long are you staying?" She asks him again, causing John to sigh as he turns to fully face her.
"Can't you at least pretend to be happy to see me?"
"Oh my God, John. It is so good to see you!" Jenna suddenly flicks on her fake switch, maliciously complying with his request for one or two seconds. "H-How have you been.... Nope, can't."
John bitterly smiles, getting the hint. "Did you really think I was just gonna sign the escrow papers and send them back?" He asks her with a raised brow, wondering just how apathetic she thinks he is.
"Actually, I did."
"I'm not gonna let you sell my brother's office." John tells her with a more serious face.
"It's not up to you or me." Jenna corrects him. "It belongs to Jeremy and Elena."
"Yeah, but they're minors, so I get the final say.... being that I'm the estate's trustee." James points out, reminding that despite whatever she thinks is morally right, legally, he's in the right to choose what happens to his property. "By the way..." He then clears his throat, remembering something.
"Who's the current L/N in town?"
Wilderness: Gibbons Home
Y/N's mind has been..... glitched, since he woke up covered in guts and blood. Time moves too fast for him, he blacks out every two seconds, he depended on the thing that was holding his arm to guide him out of the woods, every time he hears someone speak to him, he responds with the most basic monotone answer he can remember. It's like he's on autopilot, which is understandable, when you realize that this time, it wasn't a Vampire who was out of control that you killed.
It was a human being.... two of them.... that you ate.
By the time he's fully awake, he's in some new clothes that Anna gave him. He's sitting on a bed, staring into the electronic parts of he television in front of him. If he had to, he would guess that he's in the homeowners' main bedroom that they don't use, assuming that this quiet home in the woods had two, maybe three.
Eventually, the door opens and Anna steps in, holding a glass of water. "Here, you look like need something clean." She comments as she hands it over to him, which he accepts with a nod.
"Thanks..." Y/N he quietly says, and Anna opens her mouth but closes it right after. She goes to leave, likely thinking that he's still in a trance, which makes him uncomfortable to be honest. "Hey, wait." He calls out to her before she can put her hand on the knob. "How did you find me?"
Anna turns around, realizing that he's actually staring straight at her instead of the wall like he has been for the past five hours. She bites her lip as she slowly walks over and sits next to him. "My mom and I..... we came back and found everyone torn apart, like they were the ones that were human and had just met a werewolf." She starts with, looking a little uneasy when she thinks about it. "Then, sometime later.... I heard your grunting." She taps on her ears, hinting that it was her heightened hearing. "And I thought you were dying so I came as quick as I could..... that's how I found you like that."
"I see..." Y/N responds blankly, taking a deep breath. "Well, that was one hell of a black out." He remarks, trying to laugh, but it only comes out as a weak chuckle at best. Anna shows a hint of a smile, as if trying to find her sense of humor as well. "Are your friends mad at me?"
"Yes, but they left." Anna tells him, assuring his safety while also looking somewhat relieved himself. "One of the guys took most of the Vamps that said they were moving out of town, probably going to find some other town to take over. So, it's not just me, my mom, and a compelled owner in here." She states, though Y/N could swear that she sounds somewhat unconvinced at the idea of the rest of the Tomb Vampires simply skipping town. Does she think they're still around, just finding a new safehouse to hide in?
"Well.... thanks." Y/N quietly expresses his gratitude to her, knowing that he owes her that much. "I owe you one, which is something I never thought I would be saying to a Vampire."
"Thank your friends, they were the ones who broke in to try and pull you out of Fredrick's clutches." Anna corrects him, trying to appear modest since she knows that if she wasn't so selfish, she would've just killed him and saved the rest of the town from having a monster that calls dozens of humans at a time. That aside, however, she wants to have him be here, alive. She puts his hand on his knee and rubs it gently, before resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay, though." She admits with a feint whisper.
"Me too." Y/N ironically replies, wrapping an arm around her as he leans against her as well. They stay there for a good long while, just enjoying each other's company and not thinking about anything else. However, a thought eventually crosses the boy's mind. "What time is it?"
"Oh, um...." Anna checks her watch. "Eight-a-clock?"
"Really?" Y/N blinks, before suddenly shooting out of the bed. "Shit, there's that kick off party for the founders. I have to show up or else everyone will realize something's wrong."
"Wait, wait, wait, you want to go to a public event filled with hundreds of people?" Anna questions his logic as he follows him through the house, wondering if the guy had accidentally eaten some sawdust or something that poisons his mind while under his spell. "Now? Don't you think it's more preferable and stay until you realize what makes your monster tick, or if you're at least capable acting like nothing happened?"
"I'll be fine, at least for a day." Y/N assures her as he grabs a random leather jacket of many hanging on the coat rack. (I know you should be allowed to wear whatever you want as yourself, but it's TVD, you have to wear a leather jacket at least once) "I can't just let my normal life change."
"It changed months ago!" Anna remarks with look. "So, what's gonna happen when you run into Stefan or Elena, or anyone else who knows what you did and/or was affected by it?"
"I'll kiss their boo-boos and say it was one big whoopsie." Y/N sarcastically answers as he opens the door to head out. "Look, just please let me do this so I can at least know if I'm still able to pretend to be normal?" He requests with a pleading look, causing Anna to sigh as she realizes she's currently talking with stubborn Y/N again.
"Alright, fine..." Anna gives in, but not before grabbing a jacket of her own. "But I'm coming with, or else you're not going." She tells him as she grabs the rest of her stuff, eventually noticing an odd look on Y/N's face. "What? I have a daylight ring."
"Yeah, but why?" Y/N asks with a raised brow, causing Anna to give him a look as if asking if he's really asking her that. "I mean, do I really look like I'm that-" He then cuts himself off, now wonder what he's even arguing about. "Actually, you know what? Why am I even fucking complaining? Let's go."
Anna smiles brightly, and the two walk out together.
Mystic Falls: Lockwood Manor
It's time for the council to have another meeting. A lot has happened in the past few weeks, but as of today, it is currently less tense that how it used to be with the Vampire menace. At least, according to their radar. One of these men has pulled up to the mansion, slightly late. He walks up to the door where a guard recognizes him and invites him inside, leading him to the living room where it's taking place.
"The corner's office has officially ruled Vicki Donavon's death a drug overdose." The new member catches Sheriff Forbes reporting to the others as he walk in. He glances back to see the guard giving him a dismissive nod before heading back to his post. "Her family has been notified. The truth will stay in this room and we can put this behind us."
"Thank you, Sheriff." Mayor Lockwood accepts this statement with a nod, before noticing the newcomer. "Speaking of truth, can I please welcome our new addition, Henry Fell?" He introduces with a hand gesture that brings all eyes on him. "He's offered to step in to replace our previous reporter, Logan Fell."
"What can I say? Journalism runs in the family." Henry quips with a nervous chuckle, hoping that he would get a moment before having the spotlight shined on him like this. "And, please, everyone, call me Hank. I prefer only one syllable to my name."
"We'll try to keep that in mind, Hank." Lockwood attempts to joke with a smile that fades away in a manner of seconds so he can continue looking professional. "And, onto a more pressing issue. John Gilbert has asked to say a few words." He then announces as he welcomes the man onto the metaphorical stage with a handshake. "Welcome back, John. It's good to see you."
"Thank you, mayor." John responds as he accepts the hand shake.
Hank quietly steps towards the sheriff, an odd look on his face as he eyes the veteran. "John Gilbert?" He whispers to Liz, feeling a mixture of interest and worry. "I didn't know one of them of the two had a sibling..."
"Yeah, Elena's Uncle." Liz confirms, whispering back as to not interrupt whatever the hunter has to tell them. "His name's John, but I just call him Jackass."
"Hello everyone, it's wonderful to see you. I wish it were under better circumstances." John begins as he stands in front of everyone, his hands in his pockets as if nervous yet carrying a deadpan look of calm all over himself. "As a founding family member, I find it's my duty to report some very distressing news. A hospital blood bank in the neighboring county of Amherst has reported several break-ins over the past two weeks. Seven hunters, four campers, and two state employees have been reported missing as well. All of this within a 75-mile radius of Mystic Falls."
"O-okay-okay. No need to get alarmed right at this moment." Lockwood quickly chimes in, taking John's spot as the last thing he wants is for the declaration of peace to get debunked in two seconds between each other.
"Meaning he doesn't want to cancel the Founder's Day kick-off party." Liz whispers to Hank sarcastically. Makes sense, if they were mayor, they would want to save face to start the whatever numbered event for the town this year. They have way too many of those that it's extremely easy to lose count.
"You think all of your problems are over but I'm here to tell you.... nothing's been solved." John insists with a very serious face, not shying away from these claims that he is making. Henry swallows.
He couldn't have chosen a worst time to come into town.
Mystic Falls: Salvatore Boarding House
When James knocked on the door of Stefan's place, he didn't get any answer. And yet, he can tell that he's still in here. So, he makes his own way inside, since he isn't a Vampire that requires permission to enter. He looks around before hearing rock music mixed with a small row of grunts and thuds coming from somewhere. He follows them all the way to a bedroom where he sees the man himself doing workouts from push-ups to pull-ups.
"You ever heard of ringing the bell?" Stefan questions as soon as James turns off the radio, having heard him coming in in spite of it.
"You didn't answer." James points out the obvious.
"Didn't want to." Stefan shoots back, which he felt like should've been a clear indicator to James that he didn't need to come inside. "I need time alone for myself, isolation can sometimes be helpful for a Vampire, you know?"
"Yeah, but you don't exactly strike me as type of person who needs time away after one wrist slit of blood." James remarks with a small shrug, finding the idea to mess with him a little bit. "This is what it's about, right? You drinking a tiny bit of Elena to survive? It was just one drop, what's the big deal?"
"I don't drink human blood." Stefan answers as he hops down from the ceiling to begin his push-ups. "It's not good for me."
"Not even a little bit from the blood bank?" James queries as he crosses his arms, giving Stefan a pointed look. "I mean, isn't that not technically killing anyone? I thought you'd just be resorting to that."
Stefan abruptly stops his set and stands up, looking at the man directly. "I have my reasons."
"Oh really? Mind sharing those with me? You know, since we're going to be seeing each other pretty often." James requests with a small hum, his eyes blatantly accusing him of something despite the fake smile he has on.
"If you don't mind, I'd rather keep my past to myself." Stefan answers with a look that asks him to stop trying to interrogate him. "Shouldn't our concern be more focused on the tomb vampires that escaped the shed?"
"Please, if they escaped the shed, I'm Tom Bradey and still have a working leg." James remarks with a amused cackle, to which he sees Stefan just raising a brow at him. "This was your first time seeing a Wendigo, was it?"
"Almost did once, but then he disappeared." Stefan answers cryptically with a shrug, causing James to shake his head at him.
"Obviously, because if you did, you'd be dead." James tells him with a scoff, walking around the room idly as if just strolling around before he asks his next question. "Tell me, how did you exactly break away from tasting human blood? Last I heard, the stuff was practically addicting as well being a need for your kind to survive."
"I learned self-control." Stefan cryptically says, causing James to turn around with a blank stare.
"Uh-huh....." James skeptically hums. He then quietly steps in front of him, making sure Stefan is directing all attention to him. "Look, Stefan, I don't know you, I don't know how old or what you've had to do to make it this far. Which, I'm sure we should keep that way. But.... Elena's my friend. A really good friend, so.... if I find out you lost control around her...."
He uses his powers to lift a knife up from the table, and swiftly send into the well, almost cutting Stefan's nose. "I'll be putting her first, morals second."
He then finally walks out of the room, leaving Stefan to take that as we will.
Mystic Falls: Store
Y/N and Anna are shopping for the perfect suit and dress for the Kick Off Founder's Party. They have to perfectly play the part or else they are doomed to fail the predictable game of hiding in plain sight. Anna does a surprisingly good job of acting like there is completely nothing wrong with her life as she stands among strangers, but Y/N can't be surprised given how much of a ruse she put on him. It's not something he's mad about though, don't twist his words. In reality, he's very envious of it.
He wants to act 'normal' as morally grey as it sounds.
"So, I'm thinking that it has to be either Red or Black has to be my perfect fit." Anna notes as she's currently holding two hangers carrying a dress of the two colors on different ones. "What do you think?" She asks as she shakes them and her shoulders up and down like maracas.
"How clean cliche would it be if I said that I think you look beautiful in either one?" Y/N quer with a very cheeky smirk, causing Anna to give him a look before playfully rolling her eyes in response. Guess that answers the question.
"You can do it."
"Well, okay, um...." Y/N hesitates a bit as he bites on his finger, glancing between both options. Even though this isn't an 'is she uglier than me' question, he feels slightly conflicted as if wanting to give her the answer that will make her happy. "The (your choice) one."
"See? That wasn't so hard was it." Anna asks with a very teasing voice, causing Y/N to sheepishly roll his eyes. She probably saw right through his hesitance and thought it was sweet enough to make fun of him for it. "You still sure this Founder's Party is a good idea?"
"I have to do it. The day that I go tribal is the day that I start ripping people's head offs for even looking at me the wrong way." Y/N answers with a very determined face that wants to stay contact with other humans and Vampires like her. "And yes, I just used a joke format to say something mostly serious."
"Well done." Anna quips with a wide smirk as she puts the one that Y/N chose into a cart that they are kind of using, and the one he didn't back where she found it. "I don't know if forcing yourself back to normal is really going to work, though, have you thought of anything that might-"
"That guy looks really delicious."
Anna blinks rapidly as she processes what the guy next to him abruptly say. "What was that?" She double checks as she turns towards him, seeing him eyeing something farther away. She follows it and sees a lonely looking man with his arms crossed as he scans the selection.
"His hatred is so strong. His anger is corrupting his thoughts as he is imagining someone dying multiple times by his hands and in various ways..." Y/N randomly notes out loud while his eyes laid glued to him, like he's been hit with a hypnotization spell. "He's perfect..." He whispers as he begins walking towards the sour looking man, causing Anna to quickly realize what is happening.
"No!" Anna hisses as she quickly steps into Y/N's way. However, the man is too out of it that he almost just bulldozes past her with the way his body and feet move. "Y/N, don't! Look at me!" She slaps his face and grabs it, forcing him to stare at her, this thankfully seems to take him out of his trace as he realizes where and who he is again. "Look at me, focus on me, don't focus on that."
"W-What......?" Y/N stutters in utter confusion as he looks around, recognizing this feeling which scares him deeply. "I... Why did I just say that? What was I going to do?" He asks himself out loud, but the answer to that second question being too terrifying for him to accept.
"It's your soul, now that it's a full on Wendigo, you'll be seeing and hearing things that even Vampires or Werewolves can't." Anna explains to the poor, mentally confused guy with a serious look. She's been with a certain Wendigo before, allowing her to pick up some things. "Negative thoughts, they become your scent, the worst the person, the stronger the temptation. Karma's favorite creature."
"I killed those those people..." Y/N shudders in realization. The reality of it never seemed to really dawn onto him by now. "I killed those paramedics, and then I..... I grabbed that girl's body and...."
"Hey, hey...." Anna quickly shushes him, frantically looking around to make sure no one can hear this. "Look, let's just finish this right now, okay? You need to be someplace quiet for now, no other people." She advises him, encouraging him to take a few deep breaths. After a few minutes, Y/N gratefully nods, signaling that he's okay for the most part, and the two of them are under way. They check out and go.
His life is slowly changing right in front of him.
The station has just been notified of one of the mentioned people that have been missing in the woods. Only it's not just a random hiker, it's one of their own. They got a call from New Orleans saying that they never had the bodies delivered to them. So, a deputy went through the path they took and that's where they found the knocked over van with blood stains everywhere.
They followed that to another part of the woods which is where they found.... Them.
One of the paramedics only has his upper body left as it lays against a tree log, the other's left it's head on a bed of rocks, and a female has only her torso left behind as it lays in-between both of them, not leaving many ways in terms of IDing her. And that's just ignoring all the bones and skin left behind. "Where's the rest of them?" Hank asks the Sheriff as he stares at all of it with a face of disgust.
"We have no fucking idea." Liz answers with a shake of her head, bluntly honest. "Blood's dry, so this probably happened last night, but we'll have to wait for what the corner has to say." She notes as they watch a deputy cover their nose in an attempt to block out the smell.
"Looks like we can easily chalk this up as an animal attack." Hank notes as they patrol the crime scene, catching as many details as they can find. "But, what kind of animal could've done this anyway, because it certainly was no Vampire."
"Your guess is as good as mine." Liz responds with a shrug, knowing that they might actually have to deal with this. Hank sighs as they look around, still confused.
She's right though, no Vampire could have done this.
Lockwood Mansion: Evening
James notes that things have not changed the second he sees the Lockwoods' place under the moonlight, allowing the decorative lights to shine brightly and make it stand out to everyone else, which he bets the family thinks it's in an alluring way. That could be up for debate though. Once again, everyone pretty much has to be in a line as they walk inside, but since it's nighttime at this point, the mentioned line is pretty much non-existent, and all that has to be done is them walking in.
"You actually still come to these things?" James comments as he walks with Elena into the manor, mentally cringing at all of the suits and aesthetic the Lockwoods have added to this humble party they've hosted. "Formal events are all a bunch of social strategies threatening to fail."
"It's better than staying home alone in your room every single night." Elena comments defensively with snarky look. "Like a certain someone...." She remarks, causing James to slightly chuckle.
"It looks like someone is trying to go back to the 1950s."
"This is coming from the guy who drives an Impala."
"That's 1960, major difference."
Elena giggles as they find themselves at a random food stand, the only reason one would really argue that they're here. However, being here just reminds her of her boyfriend who she glances around for, but finds him nowhere to be found. "How was Stefan?" She asks him with a genuinely worried look.
"You tell me." John replies with a shrug, feeling like she must've noticed something better than he did earlier. "I tried talking to him today, but he was majorly defensive. He tried changint the topic and gave very short answers." He shares with Elena, causing her to let out a small sigh. That doesn't sound like a very good sign.
"I'm worried about him." Elena tells James quietly, much to absolutely no surprise from him. She plays with a kebab anxiously, twirling it rather than eating it. "He's told me that everything's fine, but I can tell he's struggling. When we were in my bedroom, he.... he threw himself back so hard that he broke a lamp on my desk."
"As if he noticed him losing control...." James notes with a hum as he rubs his chin, easily able to connect the dots. Whatever happened in the woods made something worse. "Did you try asking him, um...."
"Oh my gosh..." Elena suddenly utters before James can finish his sentence, causing him to blink and notice her staring at the door like she's seen and ghost and is slowly turning into one. It makes him completely forget about whatever he was going to talk about.
"What?" James as he follows her gaze....
And that's when he sees Y/N L/N in a formal attire walking into the mansion with Anna right by his side, holding him at arm's length. "That.... doesn't compute at all."
"No, it does not." Elena comments agreeingly. James quickly puts down whatever's in his hands to go confront the son of a bitch, but before he really can, his careless walk causes him to bump into someone....
And it shows him the darkest imagery possible. Fire, gunshots, and death.
"Sorry." The guy quickly apologizes before walking away in a casual manner. James recognizes that feeling, and that no normal human would be carrying such an aura with them and act like it's the norm.
He changes direction and shadows him instead.
Meanwhile, Y/N gets nostalgia as he steps inside the building filled with a hundred people. "Hey, smile." Anna encourages as she softly elbows his side, causing him to blink and squint at her as if offended.
"I am smiling."
"Well, you're doing a pretty bad job of acting like a Mystic Falls high student who's pretending like he's happy to be here." Anna points out with a cheeky smirk, causing Y/N to roll his eyes as they continue walking past the crowd. "Seriously, I think we should've just stayed at the cabin, you were barely able to control yourself with one guy."
"It's fine, I'll get more used to it." Y/N promises Anna as he tries to work on his 'cool face' while the Vampire reacts with some obvious skepticism. "Isn't that how exposure therapy works?"
"Please tell me you didn't compare a supernatural entity you have inside of you with fears of spiders and/or snakes?" Anna questions as they stop, allowing her to turn towards him with a raised brow. "Do you now remember-?"
"Hey, Y/N!" A familiar voice loudly chimes in, causing the both of them to turn and see Tyler excitedly marching over towards them with Matt calmly walking behind him. "You look fine as a fiddle for someone who was down with the flue a few days ago." He comments as he reaches into his formal suit. "Check this...." He pauses the second he sees the girl next to him. "Check this out~"
"Ty." Matt quickly elbows him with a warning look. "Would probably be best to not talk about her like she's not in front of us."
"It's fine, I see wannabe frat guys drooling at me as a compliment." Anna notes with a prideful-like expression, causing Y/N to chuckle while Tyler awkwardly coughs in response as if he's just gotten called out and exposed. "Anna."
"Anna, the girl from the library, right?" Matt points out with a smile, which gets Tyler's attention.
"Oh, no way, you actually did it!" Tyler exclaims with a teasing grin, patting his bro on the shoulder. "So, you finally become 'we' people now?"
" 'We people'?" Anna questions with a raised brow, causing Y/N to cover his face with a hand in embarrassment as she turns towards him. "This was the guy you got that ridiculous term from?" She assumes correctly with a teasing smirk, not helping much.
"I'm not talking about that again..."
"Aw, chin up." Anna playfully quips as she taps on Y/N's shoulder, making him drop his head with a sigh. The rest of the teens laugh with each other at the guy's expense. "Anyway, we're not officially 'we' people......" She answers Tyler's question, before glancing at Y/N with a certain allure in her eyes. "....yet."
"Yet?" Matt raises a brow, crossing his arms as he glances between the two of them. "What's stopping you?"
"The detox process of having to constantly hang out with a bunch of moronic jocks who still act like they have a football team to play in." Y/N answers with a humorously snarky face, able to completely avoid the question even if Matt was just trying to add more coal to the fire. "Still trying to get out of the 'player' persona."
"Oh, really?" Tyler raises a brow at him in response, not knowing just how true Y/N's sentence was, considering who he hooked up with earlier this year. "I guess that means you don't want a little swig of...." He then slowly reaches back into his suit and pulls out a bottle of whisky. "This?"
"You're kidding...." Y/N comments quietly as they quickly scoot into darker and quieter room where no one else is around. He then takes the bottle and observes it, something about it being more alluring than usual. "How did you get this? You know your dad's gonna beat you down if he catches you waving this thing."
"Yeah, let him try. He'll probably get his neck snapped once the others see what he's hiding." Tyler replies with an uncaring expression, nodding towards it as if encouraging him to drink it. "We all know this anti-Guns and Roses shtick ain't our scene, so I say we go find a place we get put my dad's date night collection to good use."
Y/N makes a face. "I don't know...."
"I'm down." Anna abruptly chimes in as she swipes the bottle and chugs down a good chunk of it, surprising literally all of the boys. Once her lips disconnect with the tip with a small smack, she wipes her mouth with a prideful smirk.
"Fuck it..." Matt mutters with a submissive shake of his head as he takes it and takes a swig as well, soon followed by Tyler. Then, all eyes fall onto Y/N who still looks somewhat hesitant despite himself.
"Come on, you're not gonna make me drink with his weirdos only, will you?" Anna playfully asks Y/N as she re-takes the bottle and extends it towards him, subtly assuring him that whatever he's thinking, the alcohol won't make his spirit situation any worse than it currently is. Y/N opens his mouth before closing it, sighing with a smirk.
"Eh, why the hell not?" He says before finally grabbing and taking a much-needed gulp of the liquid, much to the smiles of everyone else around him. They all start heading to a much more unused area of the mansion where they can spend the night however they want.
As they separate themselves farther from the public eye, Alaric Saltzman catches them though and is very surprised when he sees what he sees.
Back with James, he's still following the suspicious man who eventually finds himself at the bar. During which, he passes Stefan Salvatore, who probably used compulsion to get away with drinking, and Elena, who shares a quick smile with him before he continues with his business. The man quickly orders himself a glass of something special as the Bennet casually walks next to him, doing the same thing while getting away with it thanks to him looking much older than 19.
"Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" James casually asks the guy with a fake friendly face, (massive tongue twister, I know) causing the guy to look up and squints at him as if wondering why he's bothering him with such a stupid question. "Were you at the Mystic Grill?"
"No, I think you got the wrong guy." The guy responds with an admittedly decent attempt at a casual voice. However, the way he shakes his head and speaks strikes him as odd.
"Ah, okay, my bad, man. It's just, you and the booze seemed to have rung a bell." James lies with a small chuckle, still keeping the conversation going whether this guy likes it or not, he's just trying to test his temper. "James Bennet." He introduces himself with an extended hand.
"Charlie." The guy calmly introduces himself with a blatantly fake smile as he shakes it. If this guy is who he thinks he is, he's done a really good job at adapting to the modern world with the time he's been given. "Hey, no offense, but I really should go find my... friends."
"Oh, of course, sorry." James quickly says, but still grips his shoulder before he fully leaves. "But you should go over to the Grill on Saturdays, me and the guys could really use an extra man in our booth."
"I'll think about it." Charlie replies before passive aggressively ripping James's hand off of his shirt.
Meanwhile, Matt, Tyler, Anna, and Y/N are all now enjoying themselves in an empty guest room where only the bed and the windows are around to witness their illegal drinking. Despite everything that's happening, the four of them focus heavily on keeping their spirits up instead of thinking about all of the other breaking news that has occurred recently.
"And I kid you not, this guy, right here." Tyler is busy telling a story, his buzz influencing his inability to keep a filter on him. "This actually tried table dancing across the entire restaurant to embarrass the waitress." He tells him with absolute amusement at the memory, causing Y/N to groan with a face palm and Anna to gasp as she glances at him.
"You are kidding....
"No, I'm dead serious!"
"You're overexaggerating it." Y/N grumbles in an attempt to save himself, but the embarrassment from it betrays his cool.
"Oh, come on, don't shy from it." Matt calls him out with a humorous grin.
"Yeah, a real dancer right here." Tyler adds as he pats on Y/N's shoulder, much to Anna's amusement as she giggles. As the humiliating moment dies down.... the subject of the liquor rejoins their heads. "You know, Vicki would be trashing me right now if she saw me like this." He brings up, causing all of them to turn to him with a slight frown. "She would once again call me out for being a hypocrite."
"You of all people probably shouldn't be talking about her." Matt comments with a venomously bitter tone, only to quickly catch himself when he sees the broken look on Tyler's face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."
"No, no, don't be." Tyler quickly shakes his head, only hurt by what he said because of the underlying truth to it. He too feels like he doesn't deserve to even miss her. "I deserved that."
"She wasn't as bad as people thought she was." Y/N brings up with a similar grieving tone, to which the boys nod in agreement. Anna touches his arm comfortingly as she notices the sorrow in his eyes. "I mean, yeah, drugs and a middle-schooler was questionable, but..... part of me knows that she wasn't always in control of her actions. You know? Like a.... a third force was compelling her."
"You sound like Jeremy." Tyler comments with a small chuckle, to which Y/N and Anna turn towards him with raised brows.
"Like what?
"Vicki's all he's talking about. The second her body was found the woods, he's been the most vocal about his doubts." Tyler shares with Y/N, getting their full attention. "He told me once at the stoner pit about how Vicki being buried didn't make any sense if she was OD'd, and the fact that he recalls her being stabbed."
Y/N blinks, feeling goosebumps rolling down his skin. Anna easily notices and notes his knowing eyes. "He's just going through the process, I'm still in denial myself." Matt adds to this, the two boys still not noticing the haunted expression on Y/N's face.
"Hey, I could get us some spiked Sprite if you guys want some?" Tyler then overs as he stands up, pointing towards the door. "I can easily pass that as Vodka, something tells me we need more."
"Sounds great." Anna responds with a fixed smirk, to which Tyler nods before stepping out to score them some more booze.
"I'mma go find Elena, heard the music got a much-needed change." Matt informs them before walking out as well.
Now that they are left to their privacy, Anna drops the innocent mask and turns to Y/N who is slightly shaking again. "Hey, you okay? Do you need to sit down?" She checks as she holds tightly on to his shoulders, her fingers slightly caressing his chin. "You look like you're having it again, a Wendigo spirit feeds on bad memories."
"I-I-I'm go-" Y/N tries to give the same boring response, only to quickly find himself in need to sit down on the guest room's bed. "Okay, no I'm not. I feel..." He says as he puts a hand on his lungs, that feeling of throwing up boiling inside of him, but it feels like something different. " Really weird...."
"That's.... another thing I'm afraid you'll have to get used to." Anna regretfully informs him as she rubs his pained spot with one of her hands. Y/N quickly takes deep breaths, and considers trying to burp it out if there wasn't a girl sitting right next to him. "Hey...." She whispers as she softly grabs his chin and makes him look at her, hating the way he looks stressed, like he's majorly close to sweating. "Come here...."
She slowly leans in and kisses him affectionately on the lips. Y/N hesitates for a moment before eventually responding in kid. "I missed that..." Anna whispers while her hand still rubs comforting against his chest as their lips move at a leisure pace. Her obvious plan works, and the only thoughts the male is thinking about is of her and how good her lipstick tastes.
"Me too..." Y/N replies before they kiss again. He softly pushes his body forward, and Anna responds by acceptingly laying her back down on the bed. Y/N slowly crawls on top and continues making out with her, but with their bodies slowly rubbing against each other. Eventually, it gets to the point where his hand is grazing her thigh, which only causes her to snap out of her love command code.
"No way, we are not going to have sex in a rich family's guest room with so many people downstairs." Anna playfully shoots him down, also reminding him that Tyler and Matt could easily walk in on them if they actually plan on coming back, which she doubts, but there's also the possibly staff member that has to go in here.
"Aw, but this dress is so tempting...." Y/N comments with the same tone as he squeezes tightly, causing her to giggle with a slight blush.
"Alright, stud, get up before you get us in trouble." Anna orders with a playful look, causing Y/N to roll his eyes with a grin before reluctantly pushing himself off of her body and putting his feet back on the floor. Anna does the same, re-equipping her heals. "Here, I'm sure the dance floor will provide a much more exciting experience."
As they step out of the room with Anna hurriedly pulling Y/N through the hallway and back into the public crowd where Katy Perry's cover of "Your Love" is playing. "Please, come and dance with the lying and manipulative Vampire date." Anna then begs from the guy with a smirk, who scoffs at the nickname, seeing her as something a little bit different from those words.
Nevertheless, he accepts it with a smirk of his own, glad to see her taking the initiative in spite of gender expectations. He offers his hand and Anna takes it, where she's pulled into an impressive spin which makes her gasp in slight surprise as her back lands against Y/N's chest. Despite the impressive show of strength that equals her Vamparistic traits, she looks up at him with an excited expression. Y/N raises his brow in a cheeky manner before spinning her back to her original position.
As they are dancing though, James watches them with a pointed squint. During which, Alaric calmly walks up and stands next to him, doing the exact same thing. "You think he remembers what happened?" He asks the unique species expert. "Has she compelled him to forget the massacre?"
"Impossible, the Wendigo's spirit blocks out any attempts to get into a host's mind, only a ritual can break through it." James answers with a shake of his head, shooting that idea out of the equation. "And I doubt Anna or Pearl has a Witch on standby, else we would be fighting for the town's life by now."
"So, you think that Vampire's actually been helping him?" Alaric questions with a slightly skeptic venom to his voice. Seeing the two so happy together should make him proud, but with his past and knowing that Y/N's the one who killed Damon Salvatore, there's a spike of unease in his gut. "But why?"
"Same reason Damon never killed Elena when he had the chance." James states knowingly in a somewhat cryptic way, but upon sharing a glance with the History teacher, the idea he's suggesting is clear, and arguably makes the most sense.
But Alaric refuses to believe it.
But Y/N and Anna doesn't even notice them standing at the bar, having way too much fun with each other. The two do another spin.....
When Anna's back bumps into a random guy, her vampiristic body making him stumble forward a little.
"Whoa!" The guy exclaims as he turns around. "Watch it!" He barks while grabbing at his heart as it beats fast from almost being knocked down by a girl, which he's evidently embarrassed by.
"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, first time dancing." Anna quickly apologizes in her homeschool persona in an effort not to cause trouble, while Y/N's smile drops at the man's poor attitude. "I-I-I'm a little clumsy." She purposefully stutters with a seemingly innocent smile.
"Yeah?" The guy responds with a massive chuckle that is obviously faked by his irritation. "Then get off the dance floor." He spits with a point away, causing Anna to blink, hurt.
"Excuse me?"
"Hey, that's no way to talk to a lady." Y/N instantly butts in, triggered by that remark. The guy's attention turns to him as the teen now stands between him and Anna. "Matter of fact, I got a much better idea. How about you get off the dance floor?"
The guy scoffs at the guy's serious face and attempt at intimidation. "Whatever..."
"Hey!" Y/N growls as he abruptly grabs his wrist and pulls him close with his eyes slightly glowing. "Get the fuck off the stage before your insides decorate it."
The guy's skin goes pale as his threat now carries much more weight. He swallows and nods, shaking, before he turns around and walks as far away from him as possible. At this moment, Y/N's eyes blink as he processes what he just did. "Shit..." Anna swears as quickly marches past her date and towards the douche. She grabs his wrist and says something that no one else can hear at him, but judging by the guy's eyes, he's most likely been compelled to forget the threat he was just received.
Was he does and walks away again, Anna lets out a sigh of relief. "Look, I appreciate the thought, but you can't just-"
When she turns around, however, Y/N is gone, soon noticed by James and Alaric as well. All three of them glance around, confused.
"Where did he go?"
Lockwood Mansion: Roof
Y/N sweats as he stands on the rooftop, looking down at the tile path below. He takes a few deep breaths as the bad feeling from earlier comes back, but in much stronger force. He can't believe a sentence like that just came out of his mouth, even if it was a major douche trying to bully his date. He's never said something so graphic before, except for maybe Damon, but even then, he didn't go to that level.
"Hello there, you okay?" A voice Y/N doesn't recognize chimes in, causing him to snap his head towards an older and very important looking man who walks up to him out of what seems to be concern, seeing him sweat under the moonlight. "You seem a little shook, Y/N L/N, correct?"
"Do I know you?" Y/N asks in a way to try and dismiss him, looking back at the ground, but the man just steps closer.
"No, I don't think so, we never got to formally meet each other, but I know you." The man claims, causing Y/N turn towards him again, squinting his eyes at him suspiciously. "I'm John Gilbert, Elena and Jeremy's uncle." He finally introduces himself, to which the mentally distracted teen just hums in response to. "I heard about what happened to Raymond, breaks my heart, he was a good man."
"Don't do that. I am not in the mood for the sympathy game." Y/N tells him in a harsh tone, wishing that the man would just take the hint that he doesn't want to be bothered. John, however, simply hums in response, expecting that response.
"I'm not one for games, I'm one for business and family." John retorts with a slightly more serious expression, causing Y/N to rub his face with a sigh as he realizes that the man really isn't letting up. "I know about your mother, how she purposefully stay away from the town simply because you live in it, and how your left with your mansion all to yourself." He says before stepping closer. "I also know about Damon."
Y/N jerks his head to meet John's stare, now finally understanding just who he's talking to. Not just a member of the council, but a man he needs to take very seriously. "Please.... leave me alone." He pleads, not in the mental state to have a formal conversation with an adult.
"I know that despite getting your revenge, there's still some vampire hatred in you." John continues anyway, possibly wanting to use his chance to talk with the young man without anyone knowing that he has. "I want you to join the council." He then tells Y/N, who blinks at him bewildered. "You're young, but a technical adult, and we need a new supply of vervain before we lose what we have left." He then touches the young man's back and gestures towards the sky. "There's still Tomb Vampires left out there, vampires that you helped free, do you want them to kill Jeremy, Alaric, or even Bonnie when she comes back to town?"
Y/N lets out a small exhale, before slowly shaking his head. "I'm not the guy you're looking for....
"No, you are not."
The two turn towards the source of that voice and finds a stranger walking up onto the floor of the rooftop with an oddly placed smirk on his face. "I bet you, John here, has no idea what kind of monster you really are inside." He points out as he stares at John with a knowing look.
"Oh, I'm completely aware." John reveals with a small nod. "And I know ways to put it to better use."
"Let me guess, by killing every single one of us, right?" The stranger questions in a snarky tone, confirming that he's one of the mentioned Tomb Vampires. "What about when you succeed, is your pupil aware that he'll just be damaged goods by the time it's all over?"
"That won't happen." John denies with a calm shake of his head, but Y/N and Charlie give him separate kinds of skeptical looks. "Who are you?"
"Name's Charlie, last name doesn't matter because my family starved out a couple years ago." The man introduces himself as he stands closer, glancing between the two with a sanguine expression. "I haven't feasted in a good long hour, but I suspect you got vervain floating through those pulsing veins."
"Why don't you take a bite and find out?" John challenges with a face that shows no fear whatsoever, but it's possible that he's been aware for so long that he's done a pretty good job at hiding it. Charlie lets out a strong laugh as he points to him as if he's told the funniest joke in the world.
"This guy....."
Before he then super-speeds and snaps his neck. Then he picks him up and throws him over the balcony where he lands on his head, a perfectly staged accident.
"No!" Y/N yells before Charlie suddenly sticks amaranth deep into his mouth, force-feeding it to him. The teen chokes and gags as he falls to the ground, grabbing at his mouth and neck when the Vampire lets him go.
"You know, I knew Frederick was going to eventually go rouge, but I didn't take it very kindly when you killed Bethane, one of our own." Charlie mentions to Y/N as he then begins casually circling around the teen while he lays on all fours, incredibly week. "She was a friend of mine, and so was Frederick. And after we tried to kill you for killing my friend, you came back and killed more of my friends." He reminds him, kneeling down and grabbing his hair to force the L/N kid to face him. "I didn't think that was very nice, so I'm gonna do something similar. Before I burn you, and slaughter the town, I'm gonna kill your friends. Starting with those walking blood bags, then the witches, then your little 'kiss my breasts 'cause I'm desperate' Vampire suck up."
"That's not gonna happen."
Charlie looks up and sees James has now entered this section of the rooftop as well, his tuxedo off, leaving only the black tie and white shirt underneath. "You again?" He questions with a slightly irritated voice as he stands up. "Guess I should've known my mere presence would've clued you in."
"You should've tried to kill me first." James states to Charlie, who chuckles as if slightly agreeing with him on that. "I made myself a promise that I would stop scum like you whenever they showed their face, and I plan to keep it."
He then focuses on Charlie's mind....
Only to feel a knife to the lower back.
James growls in loud pain as a Vampire behind him sends the blade in and out his stomach, grinning sadistically. "Quick reminder, Batman, I have friends.... a lot of them." Charlie reminds the two with a smirk as he now stands between the two victims. Y/N thinks he feels his strength coming back, but the guy stomps him back down when he tries getting up. "Kill the Warlock first."
His friend's grin grows wider as he pulls the knife out and raises it up again...
Only for a hand to go through his chest mid-swing, causing him to freeze.
Charlie snaps his head towards the blood pop as the Vampire looks down to see his heart being held in front of him by a hand from behind. The guy spits out blood as Anna's face slowly leans out from behind the man's shoulder, before she pulls the organ out and effortlessly throws the corpse far away.
She then super-speeds to Charlie before he can react in time and grabs his head, pressing her thumbs into his eyes. Charlie screams out in agony as squishy sounds indicate that she's already crushing the sockets, before blood eventually pops out of them like water fountains. "I got at least a hundred years on you, dickhead. I can rip your apart limb from limb without blinking, and you know it." She reminds the rouge Vampire before finally letting him go and allowing him to fall to his knees. "You come near Y/N or any of the people he cares about, and your heart will be joining your friend's!"
She ruthlessly kicks him in the stomach, sending him flying over and landing right where John's dead body is still laying down. And just like him, Charlie has a hard time moving. With that already finished, Anna then turns to a still wounded Y/N with a concerned expression, glancing at James as well.
"Go, go!" James encourages as he waves the two of them away. "Get him out of here, I need to cover myself up before others see me."
Anna doesn't hesitate before grabbing Y/N and lifting him back up to his feet, helping him off of the rooftop and back into the party. James, on the other hand, stands up and looks don at where the body and a half are laying...
Only to find that John is no longer on the tiles like he was three seconds ago.
Lockwood Mansion: Interior
Anna carries Y/N around the mansion, trying his best to make it seem less like induced poison and more like a little too much boozing and loosing. Every time someone asks, she just tells them that he's drunk or hit his head and needs to get home and/or the hospital. She doesn't care how much attention it draws to them, they need to get out of here as quickly as possible if there's more Vampires in the party.
Thankfully, the two hear shouting, and Anna looks over to see Tyler and Matt getting into a major fight out on the front porch, directing all of the real public attention towards him. Matt's mother is knocked over a table, Tyler has Matt pinned to the ground until Alaric and Mr. Lockwood separate the two boys. Meanwhile, the real cause for distress slips past while past, unnoticed.
At least, they think they do. They don't notice as Stefan briefly watches them leave before joining the scene being made.
As they start trying to pick up the pace, Y/N trips and stumbles onto the ground, causing Anna to have to pick him back up. "Come on, we got to go!"
"You need some help?" A man offers as he stands in front of their path, and the two look up to se none other than John Gilbert, staring at them calmly with no emotions in his expression. "I got a car if he needs to go to the hospital."
"N-No..." Anna quickly denies with a shake of her head, giving the man a pointed look as they lumber past him. "No, we can make it on our own."
John watches them with leave with a blank expression, as if nothing ever happened. He mentally shrugs, knowing that the boy will take the time to make up his mind.
He needs a killer like him.
Elsewhere outside, James brings Elena over towards the doors where they start walking out of the building due to the dangerous crowd that is now possibly infected with almost-literal leeches. "Y/N's with Anna." He quickly informs him as their feet touch concrete floor, causing the girl to blink rapidly.
"It gets worse." James adds as they stop and they turn to face each other directly, hearts rapidly beating. "The Tomb Vampires, I was right, there's more of them out there. The rest that are left, excluding Anna and her mother, are being led by a guy named Charlie, and I don't think they intend to simply take back the town."
Elena glances down as she processes this, eventually realizing what James is saying. "They're going to kill all of us...."
"Because Frederick is dead." James confirms with a nod, he steps closer and grabs Elena's hands protectively. "You warn Stefan, and anyone else you trust, tell them to sleep with one eye open, and please....." He takes a deep swallow. "Stay safe out there."
Elena stares back at him, wishing he knew of a softer way to say it. "Okay....." She responds with a nod, fully understanding the situation. "You too.... you stay safe."
"I'll try my best." James responds with a smile as they then continue onward.
However, only a few minutes into walking, they spot a guy laying stomach-first on the concrete, looking like he just got knocked down on his ass. "Oh, crap..." James utters as Elena quickly moves to check on the stranger.
"Hey, hey, are you okay?" Elena asks as she kneels down and shakes the guy away, causing him to squeeze his eyelids together with a weak groan. Seeing his face, James recognizes him, this is the guy that was confronting Anna and Y/N.
"My arm... I lost my balance and fell..." The man tells her as they all look down at his broken arm. "I'm clumsy." He says as an excuse, referencing a line he said earlier. However, James and the daughter of a medical doctor easily notes how the guy's limb is twisted, meaning someone grabbed and forced it that way. Someone like a Wendigo or a Vampire.
James looks up, and is the only one to notice Stefan staring at the scene across the distance, before speeding away.
Yeah, that sure is Bullshit.
Wilderness: Gibbons Home
Anna has been carrying Y/N throughout the entire woods, now caring about her muscles or energy as her only focus is making sure this guy gets back to a bed safe and sound. Thankfully, they don't come across anymore interruptions as they eventually make it to the safe settled property in the woods, the moon shining over them as a dark reminder of the threats they've been introduced to today.
But there's still one more they're just about to discover.
As Anna opens one side of the door wide enough for her to shoulder the other one open, the two stumble into the room where the two residents that are left find them. "Anna?" Pearl utters in confusion as she glances between her and Y/N, who Harper stares at with fear in his eyes. "What are you doing? Why is he here?"
"I'll explain later, mom, just give us a second." Anna begs as she guides Y/N's muddled self upstairs where she eventually takes them back to the bedroom he originally slept in. However, as they step inside, they abruptly freeze when they things a little different than how they last left them.
"You gotta be kidding me..." Y/N mumbles weakly before letting out a rough cough, the two of them staring with goosebumps at what's written on the wall over the bed frame. It's also in human blood, as Anna is able to smell it from where she's standing.
-Stefan Salvatore
(A/N) Y/N and Anna finally got that date! Yay!
I'm sorry for people who were genuinely waiting for this for a very long time, my motivation sort off flew away and I started working on other books. And most people know, I just completed another Scream fanfic, and then I got occupied with finding new jobs for the summer and winter break.
Also, sometimes, the fact that I include plotlines or relationships that I probably shouldn't have because there is just too much I have to keep up with at once, doesn't really help matters. You probably know what I'm talking about.
I'll try to write more chapters, hoping that I can at least make it up to the Season 1 finale, as I've never really been able to finish a season for a TV Show fanfic without burning out. Although they will still take a long time, as each one takes about ten thousand words each.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any kind counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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