ALL FOLLOWERS READ THIS RANT:The cancer of YouTube-keemstar
This guy....this youtuber who runs a channel called drama sure you guys have heard about him... the guy who's known for leaking out other youtuber's private information on his twitter, then talks shit about them on his cancerous livestreams, along with false pedo accusations, and then will play the victim card like a lil bitch.
This guy, he needs to be put down er somethin cause this guy doesn't know when enough is enough...two youtubers I used to watch, they literally quit youtube because of keemstar's false pedo accusations and leaking their info, im sure you guys have heard of Tobyturner aka Tubuscis yeah... hes gone cause of gnomestar (keemstar) he has done it to many others and is currently doing it to another great youtuber Pyrocinical, and well...if pyro quits, or kills himself over what gnomestar's doing to him..I dont know if ill be responsible for my actions....and all you that read this and ARE fans of this piece of shit then fuck outa here...I dont want your cancer on my book or my account, you can also go tell keemstar I said AnnthonyMarkov says get the fuck off youtube you fucking piece of shit, hipicritical,dick sucking cunt bag, and to go kill your fucking self.but for you people that are against him go support his rival channel AND HELP MAKE! YOUTUBE GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!! For pyro's sake and for the sake of any other youtuber...just could be...anyone, even fucking pewdiepie, markiplier, vanossgaming,....or worse, just think realllly long for a could laterally wake up one day, go to your favored yotube video a app then to that youtubers channel... and what do you find? A new video? No... yo oi could go on there and find absolutely trace of the account, no videos, nothing....all because of the cancer that plagues youtube...keemstar. thank you for listening to this important message, hope you have a great day, stay awesome ppl, and plz....much love if you do read this and actually help support this, it really means alot, and who knows we might actually accomplish takeing down gnomestar and saving pyro from keemstar AND MAKE, YOUTUBE GREAT AGAIN!!!!
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