Chapter Four: Hybrid Eyes
Naomi forces the last piece of pizza into her mouth and she chews with cheeks full. Raurlin hands Naomi an opened bottle of Coke and Naomi gulps down on it. Beside her Sarah pushes her plate forward.
There are still slices of pizza on the paper plate. Naomi looks at Sarah with a raised eyebrow. Sarah's face twists and she stands up quickly knocking her chair out from underneath her in the process.
She makes for the door and Naomi stands to follow after her but Raurlin reaches out and clasps onto Naomi's hand. Naomi tugs away from Raurlin.
"Naomi," Raurlin snaps and she turns to him with a glare. "Naomi sit, please."
Jackson nods his agreement as he wipes at his mouth with a napkin. He drops the crumpled serviette and makes after Sarah. Naomi flops down into her chair.
"It's your eyes," Raurlin explains softly.
At Raurlin's words Naomi can feel a pulsating behind her eyes. It's a soft pounding that happens suddenly too quickly for Naomi to register the change in the way she sees things. It's a primal shift allowing her to zone in on just about anything regardless of the distance. Naomi squeezes her eyes shut and then opens them slowly. Once they're open they've returned to their normal colour.
Stellan glances at Raurlin as he drops a hand over Naomi's. In the bedroom upstairs Sarah is sitting on her bed stiff as a board. Jackson crouches down in front of her and gently takes her hands into his. Sarah looks up at him with teary-eyes.
"When will she get better?" Sarah asks in a low whisper.
Jackson can't hide the truth on his face. She won't get better. She never will.
"This is who she is now, Sarah. This is who she was always meant to be."
"What's wrong with her?"
"She won't feed the way she needs to. Maybe you could speak to her about it? You're her best friend. She may listen if it comes from you."
Sarah exhales a loud breath. "I can try. I'm sorry Jax I didn't mean to make a scene like that. Especially not in front of Stellan."
"It's okay. He understands that this is very transitional for all of us. Including you. You're a part of this little family too sweetheart. Why don't you take a little down time? Start unpacking a few things, maybe make your bed and have a rest?"
Sarah wipes at her eyes with a small smile. She nods her agreement "please excuse me downstairs. I think I just need to settle in here. And rest. You're right I need to rest."
Jackson nods. He stands up and kisses Sarah lightly on the cheek. He makes for the door, closing it gently behind him. He trots downstairs and settles down at the dining room table beside Naomi. Naomi dares a glance at Jackson and Jackson nudges her playfully with a wink.
"Sarah apologies for her sudden absence. She needs to rest."
Stellan nods slowly as he takes a swig of his sparkling water. "How is she really Jax? This time can be difficult for a witch. Plants don't exactly grow in winter. When was the last time she practised?"
Naomi looks to Jackson for a response with wide eyes. Jackson shrugs as he picks up another slice of pizza. "It has been a while. I'll speak to her when she's awake."
"Or I can do it?" Naomi suggests looking to Raurlin for a response. All eyes fall on Raurlin and suddenly he feels like the king. He sees a glimpse into his future on the throne. Eyes on him, questioning eyes, eyes belonging to people, his people, needing answers to those questions. He stifles an exhale then nods his head slightly.
"Yes, you speak to her. Let's see how we can support her. Jax I'm thinking maybe we set up a vertical herb garden. Where will be the best place to set it up? Investigate and let me know. Naomi, can you and Jax clean up here? My king, a word in private please."
Raurlin stands up and walks out the dining room. To the right of the foyer there is an office. It's elaborate with pieces of furniture scattered in the room. Raurlin stops at the door and he looks around. He tells his legs to step into the office but they refuse. Stellan comes to a halt behind him and he drops a hand on his shoulder with a chuckle.
"The second you step into this office everything changes," Stellan states "is that what you mind is telling you?"
Raurlin nods.
"It's not true. It's just an action that makes your reign feel official. But you're a king whether you're sitting in this office or lying on the couch. You have been a king even when you didn't take the throne."
"I don't want it," Raurlin admits in a small voice, feeling boyish all at once. Missing his father.
"That's why you'll be good at this. And you're not in this alone. Come on, son, let's set up here. It's been a while since I've decorated an office."
Stellan looks down at Raurlin with a warm smile and he strides into the office. He begins moving cupboards and bookshelves with ease. Raurlin watches on for a moment then with a laugh he steps into the office. He takes hold of the large mahogany desk and pulls it into position in front of a side window that overlooks the driveway. Raurlin rolls an office chair behind the desk as Stellan sets down two chairs in front of the desk.
The chairs are made of the same mahogany as the desk but are lined with maroon cushioning and matching pillows. The desk is bare and the cupboard and shelves are bare too but the skeletons of the office show promise. Stellan settles into a chair in front of the desk and Raurlin drops into an office chair. He runs his hands over the table then settles back in his chair. No turning back now.
"You wanted to speak to me alone, my king," Stellan directs at Raurlin.
Raurlin shakes his head briefly "please don't call me that, Stellan you are still the king. This is what I wanted to speak to you about. I don't have any intention to overthrow your leadership. You know the vampires better than I do and to try and change such an old system would cause a riot. I want you to continue running things as they have been but I want us to figure out a way to digitise the records of our people. I know there aren't many but I want us to figure out bloodlines, lineages and in particular Naomi's."
"Raurlin, may I speak plainly?"
Raurlin nods his head.
"Naomi. She has hybrid eyes. Like yours efore the awakening. Does she know?"
Raurlin shakes his head. "Not yet Stellan and I intend to keep it that way for as long as possible."
Stellan raises an eyebrow and urges "don't lie to her Raurlin. You're building a life together. The base of a relationship should never be built on lies lest it's doomed to fail."
"Thank you for the frank words my king. I will take it under advisement. Tell me have you found a new right hand? Since Lyjil?"
Stellan looks at Raurlin with a sad smile. "He was the most loyal right hand I could have ever asked for. Be he at peace with the Gods now."
"Be he at peace," Raurlin agrees. "I may have a suggestion. It's a bit...out there but in time it could work."
Stellan rumbles a laugh as he runs a hand over his beard. "You want me to have a wolf as a right hand? Of course yes. A good political move. The vampires see their king accept a wolf into our clan and so they will accept the wolves too. I am not opposed to it Raur but it must be someone of my choosing. Someone I trust."
Raurlin chuckles "there's a few young wolves that I underwent the awakening with that I would be happy to recommend. I trained with them day in and out..." Raurlin falls silent at the look on Stellan's face.
"A wolf pup Raur? I don't need a child, I need a man. Someone who can protect themselves and their king. And what of the alpha? Have you spoken to Mikain about this?"
"The alpha will be here soon. His baby is still a little young for the travel here. I want to be respectful of this time for him and his wife. Hey uh...Stellan, I wanted to run something by you. I mentioned to Naomi the aeturnum ceremony that we used to do in days of old. I would like for us to start embracing these ceremonies again. Vampire and wolf alike. I would like to work on a merge of these ceremonies to embrace my hybrid nature. And I want to make things with Naomi official. I want her to be my queen. To rule beside me."
Stellan is amused. "You proposed? To put it in terms she would understand."
Raurlin is pensive as he tilts his head to one side "well yes I suppose so. I mean I just suggested it. It was just a conversation really..."
Stellan erupts into loud laughter that echoes through the halls of the mansion.
"Do you not have a single romantic bone in your body boy? By the gods you had a conversation about a wedding really but didn't actually propose? You have my blessings son but before this ceremony you need to be honest. Honesty will build a solid home and a solid throne."
Raurlin nods his head slowly. "I will be honest with her. Soon. Would you like to spend the evening here? I can imagine it's quite late for you to get home now and the nights are bitterly cold. I'll see about arranging firewood for the evening."
"I would love to, thank you Raurlin. I think it's important to host a feast just like in times of old. Invite the wolves and vampires into your home. Offer them a level of transparency. Be reachable to your people. Speak to Jax and let me know."
Raurlin nods his head in agreement. "Thank you your majesty for your words and wisdom. Let's find you a room for the evening and see off the workers."
Authors Note:
This book is a Wattpad exclusive if you're reading this anywhere else then my work was published without my authorisation.
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