Naomi crosses her legs on Raurlin's bed and he sits on the chair in front of her. A file in his left hand. The air is serious and tense and it causes goosebumps on Naomi's skin. There's a moment of silence and Raurlin clears his throat.
"Do you trust me, Naomi?"
The answer is immediate and certain.
"Lay down. Close your eyes. Try to stay calm."
Naomi does as she's told. Raurlin holds a hand out over her forehead and his palm is warm.
"I'm going to tell you but it will also be easier if you can see it for yourself. This is another vampire trick. The capacity to share and influence memories."
Naomi tries to calm her breathing, her chest rising and falling rhythmically.
"The day I knew something had changed I had woken up with an ache in my stomach so intense I was sure I was dying."
Naomi's eyes flutter open and she's in a bed in a wooden house. The sun is streaming through the window. She holds a hand up and sees that it's not her hand. She can hear Raurlin talking but it's faint. There's an ache in her stomach and she keels over in pain wrapping her hands across her belly. Her tongue salivates.
A woman walks into the room and she kneels beside the bed. She has thick curly blonde hair that cascades over her shoulders. She has soft blue eyes that crease in the corners as she smiles as she ruffles a hand through Naomi's hair.
"Good morning my strong boy" she leans forward and kisses Naomi's cheek except she knows it's not her cheek and she knows that it's not but it feels so real.
"Morning Mamma...by the Gods my belly aches."
The woman laughs and it's delicate and lyrical.
"Don't take the Gods in vain, my boy."
"I'm not Mamma, I'm calling out to them to remove the ache from my belly!"
She laughs again and there's a loud booming voice that exclaims "Kalle!" There's a loud bang but Naomi isn't startled. The woman, Kalle, turns and looks over her shoulder then turns back to Naomi.
"Come on Raurlin. I'm sure that's your father at the table. Let's go eat and cure that belly ache."
She seems to glide across the room and right out the door. Naomi watches as legs swing off the edge of the bed and bare feet wad around the structure to a chest at the foot of the bed.
Inside the chest are clothes...old clothes neatly stacked. Some are worn and torn and others are neat and clean covered in beautiful embroidery. Naomi gets dressed quickly and makes for the door. Her...his body is stiff and the intense hunger almost forces him to double over. In the living room or equivalent thereof there's a large wooden table with a fireplace in front of it. The fire has just been put out and the room is warm and toasty.
There's a large man seated at the end of the table. His large hands are clasped together and are knotted on the table. His head is tilted back and his large chest is rising and falling with every breath. He has tattoos covering both his arms and the left side of his head. Naomi gently pulls a chair out from the opposite end of the table and slowly eases into the chair.
"Do you mean to not greet your father, boy?"
"No Pappa, I meant only not to disturb your thoughts."
The man scoffs and opens his eyes and leans forward. His eyes pierce right into Naomi's and she tries to look away but she can't.
"My thoughts? My thoughts are that you have yet again slept in and failed in your duties to this home and this land."
The man's voice is loud and booming and Naomi can feel her heart race and she tries to swallow down her fear. Kalle walks in from the kitchen with two bowls in her hands. She places one in front of the old man and another in front of Naomi. She winks at Raurlin then walks to the man and settles slightly on his lap.
"How many times, Tormund, must I tell you not to shout at my breakfast table!"
She kisses his temple and he wraps an arm around her waist. Tormund physically eases up and picks up a spoon and begins spooning mouthfuls into his mouth. Naomi can't make out what it is exactly but it dribbles down his chin and into his beard. He glances at Kalle.
"My sweet Queen, thank you for this meal. I woke with a hunger unlike anything I've ever experienced."
"We all did and don't thank me, thank the Gods. Perhaps it's time to make another offering."
With that she stands up and walks to the kitchen. Naomi begins spooning food into her mouth. It's warm and welcoming to the vast hunger she feels. She scoffs it down quickly. Tormund speaks again, through mouthfuls.
"If this training with that boy Jax is what's preventing you from fulfilling your duties to our home and land I will simply put a stop to it."
"I'm sorry, Pappa. I overworked and exhausted my body. It won't happen again."
Kalle walks back in and sits beside Tormund.
"Take it easy on the boy, Tor. His father a warrior, the next king-"
"-his mother a shield-maiden"
"All he means is to emulate you."
Tormund eyes Kalle and then turns his attention to Naomi.
"Do you know why I'm next in line for the throne and not any of the other equipt warriors in our village?"
Naomi shakes her head.
"Every person here and out there plays a role in how our village functions. Those who can fight train to fight. Those who can fish, fish. Those who can hunt, hunt. Some are protectors, others are home-makers. I understand the role I play in this home and this village. As does your mother. It is time to find your role, son."
"I can fight, so I train to fight."
"What good is fighting with no food? When you were but a boy I taught you the workings of the land what each and every plant needs to grow. What is safe to eat and what is poison. You are a farmer before you're a fighter, Raurlin. Otherwise what are you fighting for? You are to get drinking water for the cows and goats after breakfast."
Naomi is walking over a slight hill with a heavy bucket of water in her right hand. There's a cold wind and although the sun is shining the air is cold and the cold stings against her face as she walks. There's an enclosure housing several cows and calves. She walks to the end and on the inside on the ground is a long wooden container that she pours half of the water into. She lingers a moment smiling at the cows before making for the goat enclosure.
The walk is a distance but it's still quick. She ducks into the enclosure and drops the bucket instantly. Kalle and Tormund are kneeling on the floor, hunched over the remnants of a goat. The goat is unskinned and the eyes are open and seem to be looking directly at Raurlin. They dig into the remnants barehanded, tearing at muscle, blood dripping from their lips and chins, staining their clothes. Kalle is the first to look up at Raurlin.
"Come and eat Raurlin. The Gods have given us a hunger that can only be cured by feasting on the uncooked and uncleaned beast."
Naomi can feel her head shaking and her legs take two steps backwards.
"Come boy!" Tormund exclaims a bone in his hand.
There's a heaving in Naomi's stomach and she's certain she can taste breakfast.
"My hunger has subsided. I must...feed the cows."
Naomi turns and she's running as fast as her feet will carry her through the village through houses where others are hunched over animal carcasses with blood staining their hands and faces. There's a deep panic settling into her chest and her breathing increases until she can't breathe.
Her legs carry her to a little river under hanging trees. She stumbles to it as she tries to slow her running down. She lands on her hands and knees and she's certain she's torn her knees open. Her palms are on fire. She watches her reflection in the running water and it's Raurlin who is looking back at her. She can hear someone approaching behind her, quickly.
She turns and there is Jackson panting, sweating and terrified. She pulls herself to her feet and the two embrace in a rushed scared hug.
"The entire village has gone mad! Mother and Father they..."
"It's okay, Jax, I know."
"This is unnatural, Raurlin, the Gods have turned away from us...we have been bewitched..."
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