Chapter 14
{Start Music}
The battle consisted of All Might, Shoto, Katsuki, and Izuku fighting against the Nomu. Shoto's ice froze the Nomu in place allowing All Might enough time to get free. Katsuki's explosions were used to keep Kurogiri down, his hand on the warp gate's weakness, but that didn't work for long.
Where am I?
It's cold...
Sachi's eyes were dull and unfocused, dizziness consumed his thoughts.
Am I dead?
The boy caught sight of Katsuki and Shoto fighting the Nomu, assisting All Might when needed. Shoto turned to Sachi, noticing his bloodied face.
No...I know---
Sachi's lips twitched, his fingers gaining feeling.
I know those burdened eyes of his.
Sachi's body rejected any forms of movement, almost as if it shut down on itself. He fought against it, grunting in pain, his throat too dry to form cries of pain. Finally, his arm trembled at the pain in his body, that damn monster must've broken three of his ribs and his arm. His left arm hovered in the air.
I want to fight...
Sachi gritted his teeth, crawling closer to his discarded sword.
Blood pooled out his side, his shoulder burned from the paper thin long cut from the Nomu's claws.
Even if my body breaks.
Sachi's hand flexed to grab his sword that was centimeters away from him.
I will...
Sachi's hand grabbed ahold of the sword handle.
Everything was in slow motion, All Might was a foot away from the Nomu, the lightening fast punches tracked every move of both of the men. A vibrating pulse echoed throughout the dome.
Sachi's blade connected with the Nomu's stomach, Shoto, Katsuki, and Izuku watched with wide eyes.
"When the hell did he get there?!" Katsuki screamed out, Izuku's eyes were full of admiration and determination.
"I SAID I WASN'T DONE!!!!" Sachi's sore throat didn't seem to matter to him anymore as he and All Might used their strength together to launch the Nomu out of the dome, breaking the glass ceiling. Blood splotched on the ground from both of the heroes wounds.
Sachi turned around, his arms going limp at his sides.
"You made it---" he didn't get to say more when a loud gun shot echoed in the still thick air.
Sachi's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell forward. His sword once again clanged against the ground. Shoto turned his attention to the source of the gun shot. One of the gun villains from the mountain, his eyes flickered back to Sachi's limp body that didn't move an inch. His eyes widened drastically, rage filling his entire body.
"Todoroki--" Izuku flinched as sparks of flames melted away the ice that covered the left side of his half n' half classmate let his left side free. But before he could even do anything, the heroes arrived just in time.
All Might was still confronting the villains, smoke leaving his body, he had over done it. No doubt hadn't Sachi been there to take most of the strain he would've poofed into his real form. The pro-hero gulped, Tomura made his move, utterly infuriated by the defeat of his most powerful weapon.
"Say, All Might," Tomura made a disturbing long amount of eye-contact with the blonde hero.
"You can't even move an inch, can you?" the smirk on the villain's face sent a painful chill down All Might's spine.
Shoto slowly stalked his way to his injured classmate, ignoring everyone around him. Even when Tomura was shot several times.
"Oi," the half n' half boy shook the boy's shoulder gently, his face stoic.
He rolled his classmate over onto his back, the bleeding hasn't stopped. Shoto's shaky right hand stuttered in it's tracks when he was ripped away from the male who was being ushered away by the paramedics.
"Don't take him from me!" He shouted, but it fell on deaf ears.
"Dammit!" Shoto grunted and yanked his arms out of the hold of Cementos who guided him away from the commotion involving All Might and Izuku.
A couple of days passed and Sachi hasn't regained his consciousness, since the students were given a small break after the incident, he wasn't missing anything important.
Haruhi didn't take the news well, never did the Sachi's family and the Sisters. They had visited him every day making sure if he was alright. Kazuto was a bit reluctant at first but after seeing Sachi in person for the first time after he was in such a horrid condition broke his heart and he bawled his eyes out while Sister Lilly and Sister Kayano talked about the odds of the boy not returning back home.
Shouting, "He is going to come back! He's the strongest guy I know! He's better than that ALL MIGHT!" and hasn't left his side since. Recovery Girl had given the boy permission to sleep in Sachi's bed after his condition was better and the skin has healed completely around the tissue and muscle.
The moon was bright as soft tired violet eyes peeked open, squinting from the sudden bright light that shone through the window. His body felt heavy but comfortable as if it were floating on clouds. Sachi groaned at the soreness in his arms and stomach. Glancing to his side, a smile grew on his face at the sight of his younger brother cuddling up to him.
The boy who refused to eat his vegetables and called him weak and useless had cared all this time about him. Despite his soreness he turned to face the boy without waking him and began to play with his hair.
Minutes passed and there were now four prominent braids in Kazuto's dark hair. Sachi laughed softly as he continued to play with the boy's hair but was interrupted by the boy shifting.
His eyes blinked open, squinting like Sachi had done minutes prior.
"Hey there Kazoo," Sachi smiled brightly when Kazuto's eyes welted with tears as he tackled the teen.
"I didn't know you missed me so much!" Sachi excitedly hugged back.
"Sister Lilly and Kayano thought that you would never wake up again!" Kazuto sobbed, his green eyes were red and puffy from waking up and the tears that poured down his now sticky cheeks. Sachi felt his own eyes water, his laugh choking up into a bitter chuckle.
"I was so lonely..." he cried. His muscular sore arms tightening around Kazuto's smaller frame. Kazuto nodded and patted the teen's back.
"I know," was all he said with a soft sniffle.
"Kazuto...who are you talking to?" the door opened to reveal Ben and Saehi.
Their eyes immediately widened as they ran up to the bed tackling the two into a tight hug.
Sachi gritted his teeth and patted their backs as a warning.
They let go as Sachi let out a sigh of relief.
"Geez...when did you guys get so strong?" Sachi teased. The two only giggled and cuddled up to Sachi's side.
"We were so scared that you would never wake up again like mommy did..." Ben muttered sadly with a sniffle. Sachi's eyes saddened greatly but he bounced back and scooped up all three of the smaller children. Kazuto sitting on his shoulders as Ben and Saehi sat in his arms comfortably.
"How about we surprise everyone in the morning?" Sachi proposed with a sly smirk, the two younger siblings smiled deviously as they nodded. Kazuto leaned his arms on Sachi's head.
"I guess so," but Sachi could feel the cockiness radiating off of him.
"All right!" he cheered quietly.
Sachi did his best to stay quiet as he heard his classmates talking among themselves inside the classroom. Thankfully, he had woken up the night before he had to go back to school. His eyes were bright with happiness as he slowly opened the door.
"Yo," he waved lazily to his classmates. Mina was the first to jump up and tackle him to the ground.
"I missed you guys too!" Sachi was helped up by Hanta to patted his back affectionately.
"I think the one who visited you the most out of everyone was Todoroki, "Mina whispered in Sachi's ear. His cheeks felt oddly warm but he brushed it off and smiled.
"Of course he did," Sachi smugly smirked before pretending to flip his hair, "I'm the best, obviously," he stated in a very, veerrry bad English accent.
"Welp, I'm going to go visit Haru-chan before class starts, I bet she's pretty worried about me too!" Sachi grinned, not noticing the regretful and guilty expressions of his friends. He skipped off before anyone could say anything to stop him. They saw the letter in his hands.
Because the truth was...
"Haru-chan...?" Sachi's broken whisper made the red-haired girl whip around with wide eyes, the boy beside her tightened his grip on their interlocked hands.
She had moved on during the time he was asleep.
Sachi's eyes were wide and dull, his hands falling at his sides. The letter that was clasped so happily in his hands as now on the ground, a dusty foot print stomped on the once crispy white envelope. She didn't bother to call out to the running boy. The boy who had finally recovered.
The boy who risked his life just to see that the girl who he thought about when he thought he was going to die, was dating a guy he didn't even know.
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