- Tuesday, September 12th -
I curiously follow Finnley through the long hallways of school as soon as he left his classroom, alone and halfway during class, probably to go to the bathroom.
I know he saw me sitting outside the classroom, pretending to get some homework done, every so often sneaking a peek, wondering why the hell Finnley isn't at a university instead of a regular college.
I've seen him hanging around before, but since both Jason and Oliver go to this school I assumed he was waiting for one of them.
He disappears into a bathroom and I wait a few seconds before I go in behind him, pretending to just go to the bathroom myself in case he notices me. I swiftly get in the stall before the door closes with a soft thud, warning him he isn't alone anymore. I wait for a flushing sounds, contemplating on talking to him or just stalking him secretly.
I don't even know what I'm doing here. I had no reason to follow him. I wasn't planning on talking to him. I don't even want contact with him. But something inside me took over when he left the classroom, following him with a little obsession over how fucking hot he looks in that damned green sweater Nathan gave him over a year ago.
As soon as I hear the door closing again, I unlock the stall and move to walk out, forcefully being shoved back in by Finnley, who locks the stall behind him with a swift move, before pushing me against the wall; his arm against my chest and his face close to mine.
'You know the funny thing here?" He whispers in anger and a bit of sarcastic amusement. 'You're the one that told me to stay away, that you didn't want to see me again. Yet you're the one following me around."
'I... I just we-went to the eh... bathroom..." I stutter, staring in his eyes with a little fear. Because damn it, he seems pissed. He's angrily staring towards my lips again, licking his own in the process. He's pressing his body against mine. I swallow back a lump of nerves forming in my throat, subconsciously licking my own lips in response.
"What's wrong, Cris?" He smirks devilish. "Why are you following me?"
"I needed to go to the bathroom..."
"Yeah... right." He whispers in a deep voice, letting go of me, stepping back a bit. There isn't that much space for him to really step away and for a second I think he's going to speak up again, but then he moves to unlock the door. I stop him from doing so, pushing him against the tiled wall, kissing him because well, that's all I wanted to do ever since he licked his lips. I want to taste his lips.
He groans, before pulls me closer, kissing me back, bucking his hips forward. I grasp for air in shock. He switches roles, using my temporary state of surprise to push me back against the other wall, one hand again tugging my hair rather painfully. He kisses me heatedly, longingly, making me hard within a matter of seconds, mostly because one of his other hand, that trailed down and cupped me, squeezing it gently.
He pulls back out of nowhere, smirking towards me. "Now tell me again you never want to see me again." He places a kick chaste peck on my lips, opening the door after unlocking it. I'm too shocked about what just happened to instantly move forward and stop him from leaving.
But I shouldn't go out into the hallway like this anyway." I stare down at the bulge in my pants in annoyance. God damn it. He did it again.
I fix myself back up by splashing some water in my face and cooling myself down by holding my wrists under the cold running tap.
The door opens again and for a second I hope Finnley came back, for once to not leave me behind with blue balls without at least apologizing for it.
But it's Sam; and the smirk on his face when he takes me in makes me cringe. He's highly amused, staring at my messy hair. "Do I want to know?"
* * * * *
Sam kept joking about it the rest of the day, mostly because I told him Finnley just turned me on and left again. By now, Sam knows a little about me and Finnley. I haven't told him what happened, just gave him some intel about the fact we were best friends, had feelings for each other, but fell out eventually. He guessed the part about Finnley constantly walking away after turning me on all by himself, since that's pretty much the state he found me in.
Sam isn't stupid. He's too smart, really.
The rest of the day, whenever he sees Finnley around somewhere, he keeps sending him knowing looks, visually pissing Finnley off in the process.
Sam isn't subtle; that's for sure.
I thought this day couldn't get any worse. That is until shortly after I parked Nathan's car on the parking lot of the local soccer club.
I follow Sam around the rest of the cars and towards the gate that separates the sports park from the parking lot. Sam told me he was joining the team and I told him I was looking for a team myself. He took me with him, telling me this would be his first practice too. A friend of him was going to wait for us so he could lead us around and introduce us to the team.
The guy is called Eli and he's pretty nice. He's instantly joking around with Sam and asking me questions to get to know me a little. I never had trouble to make friends, until I lost most of my previous friends and I got a bit insecure about all of it. Because I simply stopped trusting everybody, befriending them without knowing at least a little about them. I became a bit more introvert in the past year and a half.
Eli takes us to the locker rooms, introducing us to two guys – of who I forget their names – who are outside smoking. Then he takes us inside and my day got worse.
The first person I notice in the room, is that son of a bitch Oliver.
"From left to right, Tom, Oliver, Tyler and Sven. The rest will be here any minute." Eli gestures towards the guys, while I remain staring at Oliver, who has a smug grin plastered on his face ever since he noticed me.
"Guys, this is Sam and that's Cris. They're thinking about joining the team."
Yeah, I'm not gonna join the team if he's in it. I'll just play along for tonight and never return.
I dress up for practice, keeping an eye on Oliver from out of the corners of my eyes. He's joking around with Tyler, while the other three are talking about the upcoming match on Saturday.
Soon, more guys join, I fail to remember their names and I silently follow Sam and Eli outside towards the field.
I follow Eli's lead for the warming up, copying whatever he's doing because I don't know what they always do for a warming up. It's a lot more serious than I was used to in my old team.
I find out they're a pretty decent team with a chance to become champion ever since their biggest competitor left the league last year.
I still think about leaving early, since Oliver keeps sending me looks with a smug smile on his face. He even dared to wiggle his eyebrows once.
That is until three more guys join halfway throughout the warming-up, one of them being Felix.
"You're in this team?" I look at him with wide eyes, while stretching my muscles.
"Yeah, joined last year. I told you I started playing again, didn't I?"
"Yeah, but I didn't know you'd be playing here."
"It's the best team in the area." He grins. "They're really serious about it, which I like. I had practice over at another club, but they were just messing around a little and you know me..."
"You always want to win." I nod and smile. Well, this changes things a bit. I would love to play soccer with Felix again.
"Jaimie is thinking about switching to this club too." Felix grins. "The old gang back together, would be nice."
"Hey ladies, we're starting." Oliver puts an arm around Felix, pulling him away from me. "No time for a tea party.
"Oh, did you meet Oliver already?" Felix pulls me along with them. "He's friends with..." Felix silences, I guess since he probably remembers I broke contact with Finnley a while back.
'...Finnyboy." Oliver happily finishes his sentence. "I've had the honour of meeting "kiddo" before."
Why's he calling me kiddo? I hate it when people call me that. Why would he even call me kiddo in the first place? Did Finnley tell him about what happened? Does he know what happened to Finnley andme?
"Great." Felix smiles widely. "Oliver is really good; He's the best in defence. But seriously, it would be awesome to have you by my side on the field again. You gave me the best assists ever."
"Well, kiddo. Let's see if you're good enough for that." Oliver winks. "You have to prove yourself to get yourself a position."
I grumble in annoyance because I feel a bit angry that Finnley told him about the stupid nickname. So, he's talking to Oliverabout what happened? But he never was willing to talk to me?
I really start to dislike this guy more each second.
* * * * *
"Cris! Left!" Felix' voice shouts over the field, while I'm running with the ball at my feet, passing a defensive player on the opposite team. Practice so far was good. I was wondering if I would have to get used to this again, but it took five minutes with the ball at my feet to get the hang of it again.
I pass the ball towards Felix, sending him forward, running along with him, looking to find out where Sam is to not get in his way while choosing my own position.
Practice is nearly over, it's a practicing match with eight against eight. Felix, Sam and I are on the same team. Oliver, Tyler and Eli on the other team. Oliver is giving me a hard time and he already got scowled at by the coach because he got a little rough during a previous drill. He tackled me a handful of times already, always quick to help me up and send me a sly smile, before running off again.
I cross with Sam, him running towards the middle of the field, I'm running towards the right. It's like Sam and I played soccer together all of our lives. He always seems to know what I'm thinking and I seem to know exactly what he's planning to do, both without using much words.
We're burning down the other team, with a score of 10-1 and Oliver is getting frustrated because he can't seem to keep me, or Felix, from scoring goal after goal.
I stop running as soon as I see Felix changing his direction, already knowing he's gonna take a shot himself; which he does a second later. The ball flies through the sky, Oliver tries to keep it from going towards the goal, but misses. The goalkeeper saving the shot eventually.
I walk back, watching the other team attacking, but being stopped halfway down the field by Tom, who used a sliding and passes the ball towards Felix again, who takes off on another one of his outstanding attacks. He manages to pass two defenders, before he shoots the ball in my direction.
"Behind you!" Sam's voice shouts out over the field, warning me there's a defender in my back. I pass the ball towards Ben as soon as it reached me, noticing Oliver sliding in my direction. I'm a fraction of a second too late to jump and prevent him from tackling me. I fall backwards, my head hitting the ground hard.
"Oliver! God damn it!" Coach Gibson shouts over the field, while I roll over to my side, grabbing hold of my head. It hurts like hell. There's a reason I wasn't allowed to play soccer for a couple of months. I easily get headaches ever since the last concussion and this is clearly another one of those things that is going to give me a killing headache.
"Shit, I was too late." Oliver leans over me, staring down. At least he seems worried right now.
Felix is the first to push him away, kneeling beside me, pulling my hands away. "Are you okay?"
"No," I whine.
"A bit."
"Nauseous?" He looks really worried, staring straight at me after rolling me back onto my back.
"Not really."
"Think you can get up?"
"Not yet." I mutter, closing my eyes. My head hurts like hell and I bet Oliver did it on purpose. Maybe not to hurt me like this, but to hurt me nonetheless.
"Oliver, you caused this, you bring him to the locker room." Coach Gibson tells him with anger in his voice. "For crying out loud, he's your new teammate and by the looks of it, we should be pretty damn happy he wants to join the team."
"I didn't mean to hit him. I figured he would jump out of the way." Oliver holds his hands up as if in surrender. "And sure, I'll help him."
Together with Felix, he helps me up and he actually catches me as soon as I started swaying, nearly falling back down because damn; I'm really dizzy.
Fucking Oliver. Fucking son of a bitch just wants to hurt me. He doesn't even fucking know me, but here we are, hostile as fuck because Finnley and I aren't the best of friends right now.
He supports me all the way back to the locker room, letting me lay down on one of the benches.
"I'll get you some water."
"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" I mutter, closing my eyes to keep the bright lights out. "You wanted to tackle me."
"I certainly didn't want to hurt you like this. I didn't mean for you to hurt your head again. You just fell wrong."
"I wouldn't have fell if you wouldn't have tackled me like the crazy guy you are."
"I'm not crazy." He calmly tells me, handing me a bottle of water. "I just take care of people I care and you hurt Finn. I just tried to get back at you for doing that."
"He hurt me too, you know." I protest, before taking a sip, spilling a lot since I'm still laying down. "You probably don't know shit about it."
"I know enough to know you don't deserve his love. Yet for some reason he keeps thinking you're the only one for him."
"Jealous much?" I smirk, because it actually puts me in a better mood to hear him tell me Finnley still thinks I'm the only one.
"Oh, no." Oliver laughs out. "If you haven't thought about this before; I'm the one who gets to sleep with him, not you." He leans over me, this time his eyes are dark and filled with anger. "I know you never had sex with him, even though you so desperately want to. And let me tell you... the way he moans, o lord." He hums appreciatively. "Oh, and you know, his blowjobs are the best. Send you straight to heaven. God, now I can't wait to get home and get it on with him again..."
I know he's just trying to make me jealous and as much as I don't want to admit, he is doing one hell of a job to succeed. "Fuck you." I call out. "He doesn't love you. He's just using you!"
"Well, that would make two of us, really." Oliver chuckles. "It's really the best deal I ever made with anyone. I'm so thankful I ran into him all those months ago."
"You're no better than any of those who hurt him." I groan. "You don't deserve for him to give you any freaking attention."
"Oh, and you do? Because you've been there for him when he needed you? Because maybe the way Finn and I met wasn't the best way, but at least I never shoved him aside for the things he did. I was there for him, listened to him, helped him get over it."
"Oh, fuck you."
"Just know this, Cris; if I want to be with Finn, I'll be with Finn. If you want to be with Finn, you'll have to go through me first."
I hear footsteps, feeling a bit confused about this whole conversation, right before the door slams shut and I'm left behind on my own. Great, but at least now I can call Nathan to come over and drive me and his car back home.
Please consider supporting me via KOFI or PATREON. All upbringing in the months March and April will be donated to research for COVID-19. The links to my pages are in my 'about me'! Thank you in advance!
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