Chapter 5: The Lost Goddess
Artemis' POV
I saw the humans greet the angels. These warriors are of great power.
"Lady Artemis?" Ursa interrupted my thoughts.
"Should we tell them of your coming?"
"No. You and Huntress stay here for now. You will have your chance to fight."
"And what of the Goddess of Light and Goddess of Nature?" Ursa shifted to her human form. She kept her eye and hair color, but now she was a tall girl with a strong build like a she-bear's.
"I'd not be concerned about her. The girls need my assistance, which they will get when I'm at full power."
Pit's POV
"So basically, the Chaos Kin and this Space Pirate crew fought, and that's why the Sun God called you?" Magnus asked.
"Yeah, basically."
"Well, check this out. While you were doing that, Gaol and I transformed the Exo Tanks into these!" He showed us the Exo Tanks, but this time, Magnus' was gray with stone shards covering it and a single blade in front. Gaol's was the same color as her cursed armor with blue flames similar to Pandora's aura coming out of the gaps, a large version of her Blade in front, and a holster for her handheld Blade. "The Terra Sacred Treasure and Soul Sacred Treasure. Cragalanche and Pandora helped us finish them."
"That. Is. Awesome," Pittoo admitted, his face clearly showing interest.
"Dude, hate to ruin it right now, but the Chaos Kin is heading this way," Phosphora interrupted.
"Coming for round two so soon?" I grinned. "Are you guys ready?"
"You know we are," Nene piped up.
"But are you ready for this?" it growled. We were pulled from the area and fell into the coliseum of Lady Palutena's temple.
"How did you just... What allowed you to do that?!" I asked. Then, I remembered. "Oh. Right." We boarded the Sacred Treasures and activated them. "Guys, I have an idea. Phosphora, let's combine into Lightning Mech Mode. Pittoo, attach the Dark Sacred Treasure to that. Ready? Go!" Lightning Mech Mode was formed. Then, the Dark Sacred Treasure split into the body and dragon's head, which attached to the chest, the wings on both shoulders, and the tail in the back.
"Trilight Mode engaged!" I saw the girls jump into Aether Rings, golden spherical mobile weapons that have a red gun turret in front and hover just above the ground. Their controls are like a controlling a pinball- it bounces all over the place, which makes it hard to control. However, these looked like the Lunar Sanctum, a moonlike fortress that was the prison of the Chaos Kin five years ago. Its moonlike structure hides its golden grounds and corridors as well as the extremely powerful cannon inside. They fired at the Chaos Kin.
"You are now officially marked as thorns in my side," their target hissed.
"Lady Artemis, we might need your help now please!" Molly tried to call the goddess.
"Foolish girl! She is a part of me! She allowed me to regain my form!"
"Not anymore," a young woman said. "Two years ago, two angels and my old friend freed me from my 500 year imprisonment." A silver light flashed, and a girl with braided silver hair and dark eyes appeared in front of us. She carried a bow of moonstone. Next to her were a brunette with a bear like cannon and arm hybrid weapon and a white-haired girl with swords like a deer's horns. They must have also acted as light clubs.
"Milady!" Arlon was just as shocked as us.
"Lady Artemis," Nene whispered.
"So you're Artemis, the Lost Goddess?" I asked the new girl.
"Yes. I heard your calls for assistance, and I came. My friend with the Roaring Mauler (the Cannon/Arm hybrid weapon) is Ursa, and the one with the Stag Sabers is Huntress. And indeed, I am the Goddess of the Night. And you are Pit and Dark Pit, right?" She looked at us.
"Yeah. Good to meet you."
"Well! If it isn't my friend Artemis. It's been way too long!" Viridi ran in to give Artemis a huge hug.
"Five hundred years too long!" she laughed. Ursa gave Viridi a literal bear hug, and Huntress just waved. "And I take it my brother is as annoying as ever?"
"Yep. Total craziness."
"Wait. Who's your brother?" I asked.
"What?! So he is your BROTHER?! I don't see any family resemblance."
"Can we just get on with the fight?" Pittoo demanded.
"Oh. Right." We charged at the Chaos Kin, shooting at it as we flew. It retaliated with a volley of shots. We grazed it a couple times, but it still hit all of them. It launched a razor-sharp shockwave at us, which we destroyed with our own.
"Engage Dragon Breath!" Pittoo yelled. A stream of flames flew at the Chaos Kin, but it was pierced by its own blast. We felt the attack come straight at us.
"Now it's my turn," the Chaos Kin growled. It blasted us, weakening the link between the weapons. "Now to finish you."
"No you don't. Mega Laser!" A reddish-pink blast hit our enemy.
"Thanks, Lady Palutena!"
"You can thank me later, Pit. Now, it's time for the real fight to begin!"
"Got it," Artemis replied. "Ursa, Huntress, let's take down our prey!" Ursa fired a blast in the form of a bear head from the Roaring Mauler, and Huntress sent a Slash Storm at the same target. We sent a Double Lightning Slash to the Chaos Kin, and all attacks merged. It crashed to the ground.
"Twelve against one? No fair! How about we even the odds a little?" It split into many copies of its insect form. I counted about 120.
"That's ten times too many!" I shot back.
"Too bad! You'll have to take ten each!"
"That's it! Magnus, Gaol, take the girls and destroy the ones to the left. Artemis, take your team to the right. Lady Palutena, call the Centurions to help with the ones behind us. Viridi, do the same with the Forces of Nature. We're going straight up the middle!" The plan worked at eliminating the copies, but we couldn't find the original.
"I'm over here." As if it was reading my mind, it appeared behind the Trilight Mode Sacred Treasure.
"It's behind us! Tail Blaster activate!" The tail's four guns pushed it back with a quadruple blast.
"You have done well, Pit. But soon we shall see what happens when you don't have a light guiding you from above." The Chaos Kin used a Black Chain Lightning technique to hit and petrify all the Centurions and Forces of Nature troops, the airborne of the latter shattering as soon as they hit the ground.
"But how?!" Palutena was shocked at this power.
"No! Children, break free! The Forces of Nature will not fall!" Viridi was starting to lose her cool something rare with her.
"No one can save you now," the Chaos Kin hissed.
"We need to get them out of here."
"Medusa?!" All of us were even more astonished that she was still alive.
"Leave that to me, Goddess of Light! Just defeat it!" The petrified troops were teleported into the Underworld Castle by a purple light.
"Thank you, Medusa."
"Don't thank me yet. We still need to destroy that thing. It's vanished for now, but we need to regroup."
"What's the plan for when it comes back?" I asked.
"We wait, then strike it in its eye."
"What? But that's too risky, Artemis. I call for a head-on assault when it comes."
"THAT is too risky! We need to use the shadows to our advantage!"
"Wait," Lady Palutena interrupted. "Artemis and her team can use the shadows, Magnus and Gaol can speed in from the ramp, Pandora, Cragalanche, and Arlon can surround and ground it, and Pit, Pittoo, and Phosphora can go in head-on. Sound good?"
"Sounds like a plan!" I replied.
"See? A compromise isn't hard to reach."
"But what about us?" Hades asked.
"Don't worry, Hades. If we need you, then we'll let you know." He grinned at the response.
All parts of the plan were in place. Everyone was in position. All that was missing was the Chaos Kin, who came a few minutes later.
"Where are you?" An arrow hit it. "Cowards! You dare not show your faces and fight me close-range?!"
A boulder hit it, pinning it to the ground, and when it got up, Pandora shot the wings off with her heart blasts. Arlon then dimmed the battlefield to set the stage for our attack.
A few more arrows struck.
"Why do you show such cowardice?! SHOW YOURSELVES!" The area brightened then dimmed again as Magnus and Gaol entered the disappearing shadow dome, shooting the Chaos Kin. Artemis, Nene, and Molly blasted it, and Ursa and Huntress slammed it with melee attacks. Pittoo sniped it with his Staff, and I flew above it and slashed with Lady Palutena's Blade, then turning around to shoot a couple energy bullets into it. "That's it. IF YOU WILL NOT REVEAL YOURSELVES, THEN I WILL JUST FORCE YOU TO!"
A surrounding blast broke the shadow dome, showing where we were.
"Okay," I responded. We landed and charged at him. We equipped our Sacred Armor. Phosphora's was armor the same color as the Chariot Master's and with the same blue flames coming out of the gaps, but she had on boots with a unicorn pattern on them similar to the appearances of Phos and Lux. The sword and shield were in her hands as we charged at the Chaos Kin once again. It met her attack and slashed, only to be blocked again and slashed at by the lightning bolt blades. Magnus and Gaol flew in on the Terra and Soul Sacred Treasures, sending a few more blasts its way. But after all of that, it was near unscathed.
"But how?!" Pittoo asked.
"Super Armor. I learned when I used Palutena's power," the Chaos Kin responded. "Speaking of which, it's time to finish this once and for all." It used Warp to get out of the way of my attack, then appeared behind the goddesses.
"Lady Palutena, watch out!" I cried.
"Mistress Viridi, behind you!" Phosphora yelled at the same time as me. But it was too late.
It played out in slow motion. The Chaos Kin's tail split in two, and a tail impaled each of the goddesses.
The Chaos Kin ripped its tail, and their souls, out. Its tails transferred power to its whole body as the glowing spheres disappeared.
"Pit. I'm sorry..."
"Please... Take care of the team... for us."
"No. No, you can't go! Not now! Please!" I pleaded as I ran over to them I tried to grab their hands, but I just went through them.
Both goddesses' bodies faded.
"L-Lady Palutena?" I went pale and fell to my knees, feeling tears well up. Phosphora felt the same way. Pittoo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to fight back the tears. "No. No! No, no, no, no, NO!" I tried to see if I could wake up from this nightmare, but it was real. They were gone.
"Mistress Viridi, say this isn't so! Please give me a sign you are still here!" No sign came to any of us.
"You," I snarled at the Chaos Kin. "You destroyed Lady Palutena. You did this! I will never forgive you! I will destroy you RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!"
Phosphora's POV
With tears streaming down his face, Pit yelled in rage as he rose up in a black vortex of power.
"Pit, what are you doing?!" But he didn't listen. He charged at the Chaos Kin, only to be repelled by another shockwave. He shook it off and tried again. This time, it used a cutter blast, making him start to bleed.
"Pit, stop it now!" I yelled tearfully. I don't want you to injure yourself like this!"
"Don't get in my way, Lightning Flash!" Pit turned to show me his face now with dark marks on his face and energy seeping through.
"Pit, you don't understand. You're killing yourself, and I..." I blushed as I said the next few words. "I like you too much to let you do that!"
"I... don't wanna... hurt you, Phosphora!" Pit said in his normal voice.
"But I will make you suffer unlike anything before!"
"Pit, please! We need you!" I ran in to hug him. "I need you." I felt his muscles relax as the energy faded. His eyes met mine, then firmed as we faced the Chaos Kin.
"Are you ready, guys?" We all nodded.
"For the goddesses!" we all yelled, everyone assuming a fighting stance.
Pit's POV
We all gave everything we had into it. Magnus and Gaol double-teamed it, Artemis and her team shot and rushed it, and we went straight in, summoning a Triple Arrow Storm.
"I have what I came for anyway," it said. "I must leave for now." With that, it opened a portal into the Chaos Vortex and left us.
"And he calls us cowards?" I retorted.
"It is obvious that you need training," Artemis told us. "So I'll give it to you."
"Why?" Pittoo asked.
"Because, Dark Pit, you seem to have grown overconfident, but out of that can come self-destruction, or more power for good use. I will give you the training you need to guide it the right way. At this moment, everyone, with the Chaos Kin nearing full strength, we are now at war."
I thought of everything that had happened recently, then nodded.
"Let's get started."
Hey guys! Guillermo456 here. This is the last chapter of The Return of Chaos Book One. There's not much to say but happy Halloween, vote, comment, and follow, and expect the next book to be awesome. Guillermo456 out until next time. See you at the Watties!
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