I wrote a lot of short stories and stuff for school before this, but this is the first time I ever wanted to write a book. I started this in...fourth grade, I think, maybe fifth. I never finished it. *shrug*
So I know I don't need to do this but this story is very near to me as it was what made me realize I want to be an author, so I'm just going to put a quick disclaimer that I own the copyright. I know I don't need to but I feel past me panicking at the thought of making this public and it being stolen. I was a paranoid little girl.
I'll be adding my own commentary as well it'll be in parentheses and bold Other than that, no edits. Prepare for cringy attempts at being funny at the expense of my past self!
Oh my, apparently I didn't know what paragraphs were back then. I'll break it up into paragraphs for this so it's easier to read but in the notebook it's just a long block of text stretching over many pages with no breaks.
Okay, let's get started.
The Adventures of Mind Girl and Sensta
Chapter One, Meet Ama (Great name)
Ama Lilica was bored. She was in her 6th grade biology class. (I wanted her to be older than me at the time.) "This is too...easy." she complained to Omila Milger, her best friend. (A great name and some fabulous exposition, clearly I was a master at writing.)
"Maybe for you." Omila said. For you see, Ama is the smartest person who ever lived. (Wow, okay. Just gonna drop that bombshell all casually.) Omila is smart to, but not THAT smart. (Youch. Sorry Omila. Also, sudden change in tense.) Ama keeps her IQ a secret. (Fun fact, I wanted to write intelligence instead of IQ but couldn't figure out how to spell it. Still can't, but now I have spellcheck.) Otherwise she would be treated different. She would be sent ahead of her friends, expected to act like an adult, and maybe even become an experiment! (Zero to one hundred real fast.) Only Omila knew this secret. Nope, Ama's parents didn't know her secret. (I was bad at erasing, so you can see that the sentence was originally 'didn't know about her IQ. Aww, my first time revising!) THEY would be the ones who would expect her to act like an adult.
"School's over!" someone shouted, pulling Ama back to the present. (Originally it was "School is over!" but I guess I realized that contractions sound more natural.)
"Let's go." she said to Omila. As they left school they talked about Amas latest project.(Oh mercy, my own grammar and punctuation are making me flinch.)
"So you're really going to try to build a spaceship?!" Omila exclaimed/asked. (You can't fool me past...me. I see you originally had your there.)
"Of course! Except I WILL build one, not try to." Ama replied. (Love the confidence Ama. However, it seems I had forgotten the c in except originally, because it's kind of scribbled in there super small between the x and e. Did I forget I had an eraser?)
"Will I get to (next page) go with you?" Omila asked, imagining what the might see. "Of course! I'd never go in to space without the company of my best friend!" Ama said, smiling. (Aww!) "Anyhoo," she said, changing the subject, "Let's go to my house. We can study for our test on cell regroth." (Oh past me, you had parents. And a dictionary. You should have been able to spell regrowth.)
"You mean, I study while you help me and quiz me?" Omila replied, arching her eyebrow at Ama.
"You always ace them!" she responded with a sheepish grin.
"I know, I was just teasing you." Omila told Ama.
"Hey, we're here." Ama said, bringing the conversation to a halt. (Smooth end there. Totally not rude. I was actually enjoying that bit of dialogue to be honest.)
Ama's house was a 2 story, wooden, modern building. The outside was a perfect turquoise, but the inside was Jade Green. (Odd capitalization but okay.) Most of the rooms were the same, with little touches of decoration here and there, but Ama's room was VERY unique. (Holy moly, I spelled that right? I still couldn't spell surprise right back then!) The walls were Jade Green like the rest of the house, exept there were Amber hearts on them. (Oh yeah, my mom had this necklace made of amber and jade so I put that in as an easter egg. I won't mention the spelling error, it's glaringly obvious and I want to move past it.) She built a few things into the walls too. (The s in walls was clearly added much later. Heck, I don't even revise like that now. Props, past me.) She had a (next page) hidden panel in her closet that opened when she wanted to choose an outfit. (The an was just a originally! This is way more thorough than I revise nowadays! Or maybe I just get more right on the first try now.) The panel opened to revel a computer screen. Then the screen would glow to life and pick the perfect outfit for the day. The 2 robotic arms come out of the ceiling and find the clothes. (I see you sudden change in tense. You can't hide.)
Oh my, this is taking forever. Mostly because of my commentary, admittedly. And this is just page three. Looks like Chapter One is four pages long and the whole this got to...twenty pages before I just never wrote in it again. Because I started to hate the way I was taking the story, honestly.
I think I re-wrote some of chapter one a while back. But that's enough of this for now. Maybe I could do another one of these chapters some other time. Maybe I could make it a whole book. Just reacting to my early attempts at writing. I think I have another early attempt at a novel back at the old house. Need to grab that.
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