Chapter 45 - Tara
"Okay. Let's just put on the movie," Dex said quickly, trying to diffuse the tension.
I really hated how Tam and Dal couldn't get over their grudges. They could be real close, if they'd stop fighting for one minute. But they can't.
"Fine." Dal shrugged. "Let's get this torture over with."
"Movies ain't torture," Tess said.
I actually like movies, and from the glint in Tam's eye, he at least like Star Wars. Whatever it is. I'm not really sure. Well, this'll take up an hour or two.
"Whatever." Dally rolled his eyes. "I need a pack of Kools."
"No way." Sophie glared at him.
That girl can glare. Her whole gang can. But her's just has this extra intensity that makes it that much scarier.
"No. If you do, I'm calling Elwin again," Sophie threatened. "I'll call him as many times as I need to."
See? This girl is scary. But in a good way. She's one girl I don't want to be on the bad side of. I wanna become better friends with her. With most of these people. I need to figure out how to let people in again, after only letting my sisters in.
"Fine," Dal muttered. "I'll try to stop smoking."
"Good. You always taste like smoke," Linh said, wrinkling her nose.
I watched Tam's face go from perplexed, to almost understanding, to grossed-out.
"Gross," he muttered.
"It ain't like you don't do the exact same thing with Tara," Dally muttered.
I blushed. Tam and I haven't done that yet, but we're still so new together. We have forever. At least that's what he said.
"Hey, Dal's just jealous," Tam said. "You're acting more like Sophie every day."
"Really?" I asked. "How?"
"The blushing," Keefe said. "Foster blushes furiously. A lot."
"Keefe!" she shouted. "I do not!"
"You do," Biana said. "Haven't you realized that whenever I give you a makeover, I barely put any blush on?"
"No. I'm busy focusing on how heavy my face feels," Sophie said lightheartedly. "I haven't been paying attention to how much blush you use."
"Well, you should," Biana said, a good natured grin on her face.
I laughed at their banter. My sisters and I would always tease each other like this, before our parents died. Now, we're too busy trying to stay together. We didn't have time to laugh and joke. But finding the gang has been a real blessing.
"Tara, do ya smoke?" Dal asked.
"Yeah, sometimes." I shrugged. "I guess I'm kinda like Soda in that way."
"Ya only smoke when ya wanna look tuff, or when you're stressed," Tess said.
"Yep," I said.
"Well, ya look stressed." Dally handed me a Kools. "Here. Way better than those damn Camels."
"Dallas! The triplets are around here somewhere!" Linh exclaimed.
"Tara, if ya have that, you're gonna have to get an Elwin visit," Tess warned me. "And ya know what Dal's the most afraid of? D-"
"Shut the hell up!" Dal screeched, slapping his hand over Tess' mouth. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!"
"Dallas!" Linh shouted.
"Get your hands off her!" Pony screeched. "I thought ya actually cared about her."
"Doesn't mean I want her blabbing my secrets," Dally said.
I saw Tess' eyes glint with the promise of a new idea. A dangerous glint. That could get her killed, if it wasn't for Dal's love for her.
"Ew!" he screeched. "Why the hell would ya lick my hand?"
"Because I didn't want your sweaty hand over my mouth," Tess snapped.
"Ew!" he shouted again.
"There's a bathroom over there," Sophie said, rolling her eyes. "And I thought greasers were supposed to be tuff."
"We are. But it doesn't mean we necessarily like gross things," Tess said. "Dal's fine with blood and gore, but for some strange reason, he can't stand saliva."
"Yet he enjoys swapping spit with ya, Linh." Pony's eyes sparkled.
"Oh, god," Tam muttered. "No more of that."
"Me and Dallas swapping spit?" Linh asked.
"Yes, that!" Tam shouted.
"Can we just watch the movie?" I asked.
"Of course." Dex slid a disc into the player.
"Well, it wasn't as boring as I thought it would be," Dally said. "But way too long."
"That's because we watched the original three," Dex said. "There's still the three prequels-"
"Four if you count Rogue One!" Keefe shouted.
How many are there? Most of the time, ya pick the movie based off of the actors, not the story.
"Yeah. And then there's the two for their kid's generation." Dex pointed to Leia and Han Solo. "And Solo just came out."
"About his beginning?" Dal asked.
"Yep," Dex said. "I haven't seen it yet."
"I'm tired," Jenny said.
"Alright, kid. Let's get ya to bed. Somewhere," Two said, gently picking her up.
"'Kay, Two. Make it snappy," she whispered.
"There's our Jenny," Tess whispered. "Always got some spunk in her."
"Yep," Jenny said. "That's me."
"Where should I put her?" Two asked.
"I was thinking the Solarium," Dex said. "It's a good place for sleepovers."
"The Solar-what?" Dal muttered. "Y'all have gotta start coming up with easier names."
"Dallas, just stop," Linh said firmly. "You get like this when you're tired."
"I ain't tired!"
"And you deny it."
On the inside, I was laughing at their banter. They're already like an old, married couple. Bickering about the littlest things, but together on the big things. The only thing missing is the crotchety, old guy look for Dal. Linh can be the sweet, younger wife.
"You're laughing at them, aren't you," Cara whispered. "Don't worry. I am too."
"Yeah, I am laughing at them," I said.
"It's nice to see something normal," she said.
"Yeah. Now imagine Dal as a crotchety, old guy," I said loudly.
Dallas whipped his head towards me as Cara burst out laughing. Everyone was laughing at my statement.
"Good luck. You're gonna need it," Cara whispered between giggles.
"What did you just say?" Dal hissed.
"You know what I said." I stood my ground, my steely eyes meeting his brown ones. "I can say it again if ya want."
"Nope. I'm good. Now give me that Kools back," Dally said.
"Okay." I shrugged, giving him the cancer stick. "You can get another visit from Elwin."
I saw him pale when I mentioned the kindly doctor.
"Are ya scared of him?" I asked.
"No. And frankly, it ain't any of your business," Dal drawled.
I was tagged by DatMusicalBookworm. Yeah, it's the same tag. *pulling up other tag to make sure I don't repeat anything*
1) I forgot most of my choreography while I was doing it, so I improvised. And I think it turned out better than it was.
2) I'm learning French in school.
3) One of my favorite foods is xiao long bao. Soup dumplings.
4) I'm not a huge fan of cheese.
5) I'm very introverted.
6) I'd rather do abs than try one of the dances that most people know. And I hate abs.
7) My favorite fruit is peaches.
8) Tess and Jenny are my favorite point of views to write.
9) My favorite greaser is Johnny. (From the original book.)
10) I can't fall asleep without reading for an hour or so first.
I tag:
"Lina?" Quan asked. "Do you think I'm a bad father?"
"My name is Linh," she said, soaking him as she stalked away.
There will be more near deaths in future chapters.
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