A second chance
Y/N felt cold......numb......scared....afraid.
His body shaking from the fear and the cold his fingers on his right hand began to go numb.
The small child walked through the frozen wasteland aimlessly with no proper goal in sight. He was only 4 years old just weeks out of cryosleep how could something as small and fragile as a child adapt to Copper-9's harsh conditions? He wished the poisonous air would kill him but it did not for reasons unknown to him.
Y/N sobbed he didn't understand what did his parents do to deserve this?
He thought that drones didn't harm humans especially those working for Jcjenson the SAME company his family also worked for.
But alas they came in a group of three. Three female drones. Thier visors yellow thier teeth sharp and wings spread open swooping down like angels of death.
Y/N vividly remembers one of them butchering his father who screamed at him to run. The drone looked at the small child who ran for dear life. Her visor glitched showing a small fraction of remorse and regret before her murderous protocols took over once more.
Please be a dream the child thought.
He wished he never got sent here he missed earth even though he hardly remembered it. His mind was scrambled.....unforseen consequences and symptoms of cryosleep withdrawal.
The only thing he remembers is a large mansion and two figures. One being a girl hidden by shadows roughly the same age of him hugging Y/N tears falling down her face. The other a maid worker drone with matching hair to the girl petting Y/N on the head hugging him enjoying his company.
He couldn't remember thier name but missed thier loving touch he missed his parents love the most. But they were gone now dead not coming back.
He was alone..
Alone on a dark scary planet where he was certain he was going to die.
He felt the numbness spread from his fingers to his entire left arm finding it impossible to move it. He cried as the freezing pain became agonising crying for his mommy and daddy even though they would never come. He prayed that he would find some warmth before hyperthermia would set in. He prayed and prayed crying in desperation and agony.
And as it seemed like this was it....that Copper-9 would be his icy grave he spots something no someone in the distance holding a candle to thier heart crouched down over a small monument.
It was a worker drone.
Y/N didn't care if it would get violent towards him and attack he would've died to the cold anyway what did he have to lose? It was worth a shot.
Plucking up the little ounce of bravery he had left Y/N stumbled towards the drone as his body grew colder........
A drone with purple hair layed on the ground her knees trembling a candle in her hand. Holding back her tears she placed the candle on the floor in front of a handmade tombstone. Her heart ached as she looked at the name on the grave a name she had carved herself. It belonged to a drone that had ment the world to her and her child a drone who had left this world far too soon by the hands of the three disassembly drones that prowl the lands at night.
Here lies Khan doorman.
Brave leader and loving father and husband.
It all happened too quickly one minute she was with him and other drones searching for a new home then the next....all hell breaks loose. They came from nowhere quickly dispatching the others in the party before they focused on her and her husband. She could only watch as her husband rushes in front of her taking a strike from the drones acidic tails. What came next only broke the female drones heart even more her own husband gave her his wrench and asked his own wife to put him out of his misery.
She didn't want to but she saw the acid slowly eating away at him making his end slow and painful. She couldn't bare to see him like this.
So with a heavy heart she raised up the wrench and swung down......
And Khan doorman husband to Nori doorman and father to uzi doorman was no more.
Nori cried a purple symbol appearing on her eye she still couldn't come to terms with her husbands death it had left a hole in her heart.
Nori: It's not fair.......it shouldn't have been you Khan it should have been me! They wanted me but you still got in the way and.....and....
She couldn't finish her sentence the grief was just too much. What would her daughter do without her father? How will little uzi cope? What would nori do if they got her next? She doesn't think she could handle it her heart would collapse.
Nori: Khan If you can hear me I promise.....I promise that I'll protect our little girl and if any of those things go near her I will tear them apart with my solver!........(sigh) Rest easy you stupid chicken.....I hope robo-heaven treats you well.
She slowly stood up and turns round she didn't want to stay out in the open for too long in case one of the murder drones spots her. She has a daughter to return to it was a good thing she left her in the hands of an trusted friend.
But suddenly she stops as she hears something in the distance.
She enters a combat stance dreading if it was the murder drone. But she slowly relaxes as she realises that the sound she heard was.......
Confused she turns towards the direction where the crying was originating from and spots a small child in the distance weeping slowly walking towards her.
But was shook nori the most was the fact the child was not a drone but human.
Nori: What the?......how is a human alive and what is he even doing here?
Nori didn't know how to react she like many other drones harboured a hatred for human kind mainly for thier cruel slave like treatment they subjected them to.
But getting a closer look at the boy she saw his entire left arm was frozen solid and blood and oil stains were painted on his face and shirt. She could see the scared look in his eyes he was practically begging for someone to help him she had seen that look before.
Nori: (That poor thing he's so afraid.)
The boy stops behind a small rock and peeks at nori from behind not during to step one foot closer in case he'd set her off.
Y/N: (Whimpers).......
Nori slowly walks towards Y/N trying not to scare him off.
Nori: Heeeeeeey little guy are you okay? Do you need help?
The boy nods yes while wiping away his tears.
Y/N: Yes.......my arm hurts.
Noro looks at his arm and frowns saddned to see the child hurt.
Nori: Oh you poor thing. Where are your parents?
She needed to know if other humans were still alive.
Y/N: (Sobs) No.........they're gone!
Y/N breaks down nori unable to stand seeing a child so afraid gently picks him up letting him nuzzle into her chest crying casuing her heart to break. She looks at the boy and then the oil and blood stains she quickly knew what Y/N ment by they're gone. There was only one type of drone that would perform such horrible acts.
Nori: (Murder drones.)
She couldn't believe that those things were more then happy killing humans too. But why? Weren't they serving them? That can wait however she a child to worry about.
Nori: Shhhhhhh.
Y/N: Why? What did they do wrong?
Nori: I know they took someone away from me too.
She looks at his arm.
Nori: We need to get your arm checked out I know somewhere we can take you. I'll make sure your nice and warm.
Y/N: (Sniff) Thank you.
Nori smiles and walks back to her home from where she came.
Nori's home was a once abandoned nuclear bunker with doors that could withstand a nuclear blast curtesy of her deceased husbands handy work. Nori uses the keycard she carries with her to unlock the massive steel door. Greeting nori on the other side were a group of worker drone one drone guarded the door while the others sat round a table playing a game of blackjack.
Worker drone: Oh hey nori great to have you back glad you got home safe and.........IS THAT HUMAN WITH YOU!?
This gathers the attention of all the drones present looking at nori in disbelief while she held a now scared Y/N who jumped when he shouted.
Nori: Yes and keep your voice down your scaring him.
Worker drone: Nori that's a HUMAN child. Are you crazy?!
Nori: We're all crazy moron. Listen I need to take him to the doctor he needs to rest and he needs to warm up. I want one of you to tell Yeva I'm back and what's going on got it?
They were hesitant but dared not argue back with nori they knew better.
Worker drone: Alright boss we will.
Nori: Good.....come on sweetie let's gets you warmed up.
Nori carries Y/N to the doctors barging in she finds the doctor reading a book next to a hospital bed his white coat swayed gently with the A&E badge on display.
Nori: Doc!
Medic drone: Oh miss doorman a pleasure!
Nori: Not the time doc this kid needs to be checked up on!
The medic drone notices Y/N.
Medic drone: Oh good lord look at the state of you! Get him on the bed and fetch me a warm blanket that arm looks bad.
Nori puts Y/N on the bed and the doctor grabs a thick blanket putting it on Y/N wrapping it around him.
Medic drone: Don't worry son your gonna be okay your in our bunker.....your safe.
Y/N: Those mean robots are not gonna hurt me?
Nori places her hand on Y/N's trying to comfort him.
Nori: No they can't get you don't worry.
This calms Y/N down who finally feels the fatigue kicking in. The adrenaline wears off and Y/N passes out on the bed. Nori sheds a tear stroking the boys hair.
Medic drone: That poor thing I can't imagine what he saw when he ran into those monsters.
Nori: So you know it was them?
Medic drone: Who else would it be? What other drones can you think off that kill us for oil and sport?
Nori could think of one or two other drones but didn't tell the doctor.
Nori; Is he gonna be okay?
Medic drone: I cannot be certain yet.
The medic hooks the child onto a machine that shows his heart rate and body temperature.
Medic drone: His internal body temperature is dangerously low and his left arm is showing severe signs of frostbite. He's lucky hyperthermia hasn't settled in. He must also be incredibly hungry so I suggest scrounging around the bunker. I'm sure there's leftovers rations from the humans who once called this bunker home.
Nori: Right......
Medic drone: Out of curiosity did the child tell you his name?
Nori: No he just ran up to me in tears begging me to help him.
Medic drone: I see.......
A knock is heard and two drones enter. Nori recognises one as her old friend Yeva who was joined by her husband Yuri who were shocked when they were told nori had bought a human to the bunker.
(I searched the wiki for his name but nothing came up so I'm just going with yuri.)
The two spoke in Russian but thankfully nori understood them.
Yeva: Nori why have you on copper-9 bought a human to the bunker?!
Nori: Okay one keep your voice down and two let me explain.
Yuri: Please elaborate and your excuse better be good.
Nori: Well to start this "human" is only a little kid who watched his parents die.
Yeva: (Gasp) The humans only a-
They look at the sleeping Y/N Yeva gasps the other drones made it sound like he was a full grown adult not a small child. She facepalms feeling stupid jumping the gun like that.
Yeva: Damnit nori we didn't know he was a mere child.
Nori: Well now you do and he needs to rest. He's almost frozen solid and needs something to eat.
Yuri: When you said his parents were dead do you mean-
Medic drone: We all know what the child meant.
Yuri: Murder drones?
Nori nods.
Nori: God forbid what the kid saw.
Yeva could hear Y/N sobbing in his sleep and gently pats his head calming him.
Yeva: But why would they kill humans? I thought they were only after us.
Nori: My thoughts exactly. Maybe his family knew something that Jcjenson didn't want others to know?
Medic drone: Wouldn't suprise me if that was the truth. Jcjenson has a habit of stooping pretty damn low just to make a gain. But to kill an innocent family.....
Yuri: We don't know if they were innocent.
Medic drone: But the child sure is.
Yeva: What do we do with him?
Nori closes her eyes for a moment and then opens them her mind made up.
Nori: One thing is for sure we're not throwing him back out there. He wouldn't last a day out in the cold.
Yeva: Nori are you suggesting we-
Nori: Yes he's staying in the bunker with me. I'm gonna take care of him.
Yuri: Do you realise how crazy that sounds?! Word is already starting to spread around the bunker and not too many drones are happy that a humans here.
Medic drone: Even though I want to help the boy he does have a point. I fear that some disgruntled worker drones could harm Y/N for his kinds past actions.
Nori get mad and her solver flashes up.
Nori: They touch one hair on him and they'll answer to me! He's just a small child he's harmless! I bet he doesn't even know who Jcjenson are! He's staying and that's final!
Medic drone: I'm not even gonna bother arguing with you nori you are our leader after all you do have the final say.
Yuri feels something tap his leg and he looks down to see a little girl with his and her mothers features.
????: Mama? Papa? Why is a human here?
Yeva: Don't worry about it sweetheart us and aunt nori are taking care of it.
????: Is he going to hurt us?
Nori: No he's harmless he would never hurt you.
????: Then can he be my friend?
Yuri: One step at a time pumpkin.
He ruffles his daughters hair who slowly walks away.
Yuri: I'll make sure she gets home safe.
Yuri walks with his daughter leaving yeva with nori.
Nori: See? Doll wants to be his friend already.
Yeva: And so will your child perhaps?
Nori: Uzi will love him she always wanted a brother. I'm just worried about her attitude though.
Yeva: (Smirks) I wonder where she got that from.
Nori: Bite me.....
The two friends laugh.
Yeva: Do you want me to find some food for our little man?
Nori: That'd be great yeva thanks.
Yeva: Anything for a friend.
Yeva leaves Nori with the doctor.
Nori: And thanks for helping heal the child up Ratchet. I'm actually suprised you'd want to help.
Ratchet: I'm a medic drone Nori human or drone I'm programed to help my patient and unlike most drones I don't hold a grudge to a child he has done nothing to warrant such hate.
Nori: A shame most drones here won't feel the same way.
Ratchet: I know Nori but it's not your fault nor is it the child's. It only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole bunch.
Ratchet walks over to his cabinet looking through his files on human anatomy. Yeva hovers over the sleeping Y/N and gently kisses his head causing him to smile in his sleep.
Nori: Stay strong little guy when you wake up feeling all better I'll be here for you.
Nori smiles and exits the clinic allowing Y/N to rest peaceful and allow his wounds to heal.
Although the mental damage done to him and the trauma will remain with Y/N for years to come.
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