Chapter One
I hope you don't mind it's just this book will tie in with Caught Scarlet Handed and my next one XD Hope you enjoy! At the top is Levys dorm room.
Levy walks into a destroyed Fairy tail, she jumps over the cold body's of Natsu, Gray, Juvia, and Elfman. She sits at her normal table with team shadow gear only alone. She slowly takes a growth book out covering it up with a novel, Levy slowly scams the pages. Body Growth, Brain Growth, Hair Growth, Nail Growth, Feet Growth, Leg Growth, Torso Growth, Female Chest Growth-- she slowly scans the area around her and looks at that article.
'You'll need to know the three poses; Ourchi, Kanichi, and Casti. Cast it in that order while saying the lost language of Frotidi and the language of Grunichi.
~Estia, Ounha, Garuna, Chuki, Lapoo, Raricha.
The effect will take place after a nights rest. And without a spell lock it will last up to a day. T--'
"Hey Shrimp, what are ya doin all alone?" I hear Gajeels voice from behind me, I slam the book and turn around to see Gajeels grin peering at me, "W-waiting for Jet and Droy to get here. And you?" I ask trying not start talking about the book I was reading, "Seeing what your reading. It was pretty amusing. Gihi. And Jet and Droy left on a job ealier." My eyes widen, "But, how am I going to make jewl? I need that jewl so I wont get kicked out!" I whisper banging my head on a book. "We could help with that," I hear Pantherlily. I look up to see the black exceed. "Could I?!" I look up at Gajeel. He grunts and nods, I squeal and hug him. When I part with him I see a pink taint on his cheeks. "I'll go look at the request board to see if I like anything!" I say running towards it, I notice Erza is looking as well so I step beside her and look.
"Gihi. See anything you like Shrimp?" I hear Gajeels voice from beside me, I look at him and back to the board, I see one that catches my eye and take it down. "It's a job about finding some books and translating for a guild having trouble with monsters. It's called 'Iron Blaze'. And it costs Forty Million JEWL! And the client is from a small down called Demorsedale." I smile. Gajeel flashes me a smile, "Alright. Go to Mira and tell her we are taking this job. I'll start packing and get Lily." He says running out. I nod as I walk towards Mira and put this down. "Me, Gajeel and Lily will be taking this job." "Alright Levy! Get a train at 7 tonight and you can be there by tomorrow. It may be a month long job though, are you sure you wanna go with Gajeel?" I nod and walk away. I start running towards fairy hills. I run inside and open my room door closing it. I run between my book shelves as fall on my bed, "Oww!" I realize I didn't land on my bed...but Gajeel! "Gajeel! What are you doing here?! How'd you get in?!" I scream getting off him. "I came here to get info and I told I was dropping Pantherlily off." He smirks. He sits up on my bed as I roll my eyes.
"Why though?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him. He ruffles my hair, "Bec--" he was cut off by a knock on the door, "One second." I say as I run towards my door, I swing it open to see Erza. "Oh. Hey Erza! What's up?" "I was wondering if you could drop off those books to my dorm later on?" I nods, "Hey. Shrimp. Where'd ya go?" I hear Gajeels voice from the back. "Sorry...I gotta go. Don't tell anyone....okay?" "Alright Levy. As long as you two have fun." Erza smirks giving her a perverted wink. I feel my face burning as I close the door. I walk back to Gajeel, I raise my hand. "What'cha doin' Shr--" With that I smack my hand across his face, "Oww! What was that for?!" "You know how much trouble I could of got for having a boy in my dorm?! I could've ended up homeless if that wasn't Erza!" I yell slapping his other cheek, he holds his hands to his cheeks. "For a Shrimp you slap hard..." I sit on the other side of my bed, puffing out my cheeks and crossing in fustration. "Crap, I'm sorry Shrimp. I didn't realize it was a big deal." Gajeel pats my head. Without thinking I punch his stomach. "Oww! That hurts Shrimp!" "Good! And it's Levy. Not Shrimp!" I yell, he looks up at me still clutching his stomach. "I'm sorry Levy. I know I can be an ass and I don't mean to hurt your feelings--" he sighs, "--so I'm sorry if I over did it this time and you hate me." I sigh looking down. Way to go Levy, you broke Gajeel. "No. I'm sorry. I'm just a little fustrated. That's it. And I can't hate you Gajeel, your letting me tag along with you and Lily." I help him up and hug him, it takes acouple of seconds. But he hugs me back. My eyes widen. "Oh crap! The mission! I totally forgot to back!" I shriek.
Gajeel smirks, "Well I'm here to help you Sh--...Levy." I smile, I walk run towards my desk and trip over a book. I use my desk to get up as I hear Gajeel snickering in the back round, I roll my eyes and grab my bag, I slowly grab the one paper I drew-- two kids. One had raven hair, like Gajeels. Only her spikes where soft and tiny, kinda like the back of my hair. She had in a black and white ribbon to hold back some bangs and at the bottom of her hair she used an elastic hair tie, a black one. To make a little poof end, she has red eyes....She wears a black shirt and a white vest, with white gloves and a white skirt. Her boots go only a little bit above her ankles. Then beside her is a girl a little smaller than her. This one has a really poofy blue back hair, she wears an orange ribbon as she has two little curled pieces. Her eyes are chocolate brown, and she wears a beige sweater with black skinny jeans and brown uggs. I don't know who they are-- but they appear in my dreams....I can't see it clearly all the time, but I always see them both getting ready to use Dragon slayer magic.
I stuff it in my bag, along with my first aid pack, some clothes, pillows blankets and some snack, looking around making sure not to forget anything Gajeel startles me. "Jeez Shrimp we're going on a Job. Not Man vs Wild." He rolls his eyes, "Zip it Gajeel." I threaten him. I pick out a couple of books that Erza wanted. I set up a vision lacrima and program it to deliver books and say anything a Levy would once. I put the books in her hands as she walks away. "What was that?!" Gajeel asks as he starts eating a iron bar, I roll my eyes. "Book worm stuff. Now come on! Mira said it might take a month so we need to go around and look around incase!" I say grabbing Gajeel and pulling him out of fairy hills and into town.
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