Chapter Nine
Thanks @Crystalmy188 For the help. And putting up with my unicorn Bob xD
"Are you sure your alright walking, Shrimp?!" Gajeel asks me for the 50th time, "Yes Gajeel. I can walk. I am fine." I say rolling my eyes. "I just wanna make sure your okay Shrimp." Gajeel crosses his arms and puffs out his cheeks, I try to hold back my laughter so I don't fall over on a path to the Iron Blaze. "Tsk tsk tsk. Dragon boy gone soft."
"When did the book worm become such a bi--....Meanie." Gajeel huffs quickly correcting him self, I end up puffing out my cheeks, "Dayum you Gajeel...Do you know how close we are?" I say as I watch Gajeel cut down plants blocking the path. Gajeel takes a quick moment to sniff the air, "Pretty close. You sure you're o--" "--Yes!" I yell intrupting Gajeel.
Soon a pyramid comes into reach as Gajeel looks inside. "This is it." "What?! A stinky old pyramid holds the greatest book of all time?!" I say alittle dumb founded. Gajeel nods as we walk in, "What do you mean 'greatest'?" "Blair told me that the book kept the guild who's mark was on the book safe. Sometimes it's ass pulls other times it's a healing magic." "Thats why we need to destory it."
We walk into a room with a pedastool and a book floating over it with our guild mark carved into, "Now to destroying it." I say pulling a magic pen out from my boots. I bend my back straight to see Gajeel chowing down on the book. "G...G...GAJEEL!" I yell fustrated, "Whaaht? Tu saud wuh hab tuh destruhy et..." He says with a mouth full. "But what if it has a curse on it?! Or to much magic enegry?! Urg Gajeel-- You know what?! I'll be waiting outside! Yell if you explode."
I yell irrated while walking out of the room. I'm not mad. Just scared of loosing you. Curse my Shirmpy emotions!
"But what if it has a curse on it?! Or to much magic enegry?! Urg Gajeel-- You know what?! I'll be waiting outside! Yell if you explode." Levy rages while storming out of the room, I quickly spit out the big chunk of nasty iron. Watching as the Iron turns a beautiful gold, Well. It's cheeper than buying rings. I sigh, now I need to get a gem to place in the center of them both. Then all of a sudden I feel something in the back of my throat and start hitting my stomach spitting up the Iron turned into gold.
"S-Shrimp was right. I should be more careful." I sigh putting the Iron in my pocket and getting out of the pyramid. Me and Levy walk back entirely quiet, untill we get back to town. "So where you going?" I say awkwardly, "Too the Inn. You?" "I'm going to search around the shops." I huff sticking my hands in my pocket, "Do you have you're key?" I sigh. "No. Could you unlock the door for me when I get there?" "I-I guess." Levy says taking a sweat drop.
We go our separate ways as I walk around the streets. I walk around looking with her in mind, What does Levy deserve?! She deserves the best..But what gem suits Levy? Something that matches her ocean blue hear. I sigh, if only Juvia was here. She's better at this girl stuff.. I mentally sweat drop, I have too think of a good one for Levy. I notice one that catches my eye, "How much for the gem?" I point through the glass at the gem.
I sink in my bubble bath and sigh, The water is cold already. Feels like it could of been longer. "Solid Script Magic: Fire!" I say putting the fire over the water as it heats up alike more, I sink back in the tub alittle more. When did I get a stick shoved up my ass? I feel like I'm being to much of a bit-- my thoughts where intrupted by banging. "Shrimp?! Ya in there?!" "J-Just a second!" I yell jumping out, quickly wrapping a towel around me and running towards the door quickly unlocking it for Gajeel.
"Hey Shrimp, I hadd'--....Levy? Why are you wearing....--" "--Oh hush up! I was taking are bath!" I huff puffing out my cheeks. "SOOO what where you gonna say?" I try to distract him while blushing. "I was gonna ask you if....N-never mind..." Gajeel says blushing alittle. "Gajeel. Y-You can tell me..." I say holding up my towel... "Well....Well....Levy"
(BOOM! CLIFFHANGERS! Mwahahahaha *¤*)
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