Chapter Eight
Thinking Out Loud. <3 Only a few chapters left. Gahh ;~;
My eyes widen at the words that came out of Gajeel's mouth. 'I Love You Too'?! Should I cry or scream joyfully?! I look up and the clouds upon clouds upon clouds. I don't think I'm ever gonna die...I'm gonna keep falling, aren't I? "GAJEEL! YOU SUCK!" I scream as it echos down wards, as I'm stuck eternally listening to my scream. I agressivley scream, I hate this!
I feel like I'm missing something, what could that be? "Do you feel like we're something?" I turn to Levy, "Panterlilly!" "Oh yeah..Well...wanna start heading out?" I say knowing that's not what's missing. "Sure! Do you still have the scent?" I sniff the air, "Yeah." Maybe I can sniff for the missing thing? But I can't afford to loose this scent. I quickly pack up taking down the tent and sticking it in the bad lifting it up, "Got your books?" I turn to Levy and smile.
"...Books? I didn't bring books. I brought food.." "Oh yeah, I forgot." Well...that's odd... I start sniffing the air and follow the scent. "Do you know how far it is?" I get a quick whiff of the scent before replying. "It's getting stronger. So I'd say we're pretty close, but a old cheese smell is blocking it." I say as I countinue following the scent, Levy responds with an 'Oh' and shuts up.
We keep heading towards the scent till the old cheese smell fills my nose completely. I gag, "This must be the place." I say looking at the oldish pyramid. "A pyramid?! That has working traps? This is dangerous but fun!" Levy cheers, "Yeah. Stick to my side Shrimp, I don't wanna loose you. And we can't aford for me to forget the books smell." I say turning to Levy. "Yeah yeah whatever!" She yells running in, I sigh. She's an odd girl.
I go in after her and I see her running down a hall, "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?" I yell, Levy stops and turns around. "Hurry up Dragon boy! I can see the book!" She sticks out her tounge, I drop my bag and run after her. While I am some weird book text flashes in my mind. Act Of True Love, Act of True Love...Act of true love... Maybe in order to get the book I have to show Levy how much I love her? I snap out of my thoughts and run in the room.
"Now. Carve this guild sign on the thing and it'll be in Bla-- Lingon Rochu's complete control!" Levy says showing me a spider on a Web guild mark, But that's...All of a sudden my memory hits me like a ton of bricks, I smirk. "Okay!" I look at the book and bite down the top, starting to carve a guild mark in. It tastes like rust nails, My mind growls, I push back the thought and keep carving. For Levy. The REAL Levy McGarden.
Once I'm finished I back away, "Great! Wait-- That isn't this guild mark! That's--" "--Fairy Tails Guild Mark you imposter! Gihi." I grin, 'Levy' screams. "HOW COULD YOU RUIN MY PLANS SO EASILY?! YOU LOAF!" She whines, I don't think that counted as an act of true love, "If Levy's in there, give this to her." I say, I bend down to Levy and kiss her, but I'm not drunk this time. I mentally cheer.
I feel something warm and soft on my lips, then the cloud spiral I was looking at turned into Gajeels face on mine, I cry tears of joy. "Gajeel..." I smile, he hugs me. "I'm not drunk his time, I promise Shrimp--" "--Gajeel...I...I..." Before I could spit it out my body turns into a pure light as it floats, transporting me back into the sky. I look below me and see a city, it's Demorsedale. I look in the air smiling. I didn't tell Gajeel my feelings, but he kissed me..I can die happily," I close my eyes and prepare for near death.
I'll never forget you, Gajeel.
Levy dissapears in a flash, leaving behind a girl with orange hair, brown eyes, and freckles. I prepare my arm and growl, "It was you possesing Levy wasn't it?!" "It was! Gotta problem with it?!" She hisses. Pure hatred fills my head, "I'm going to make you pay! Iron Dragon Iron Club!" I yell transforming my hand into a club sending it into her stomach, she smashes into aa wall as I retrieve my fist. I walk up to her as she slides on the floor and press on her stomach. "You're a fool. I hope you know that, you're gonna regret hurting m--"
I cut her off by punching her face, "I don't care! If I'll regret it! I want you to regret hurting Levy!" I say pulling her arm off, she just smirks like it was a simple pinch. "Shut it you immune hum--" I shove her arm down her throat and begin punching her face in. She's gonna pay. For every tear, every hour, every second, every lie. She will pay. I get off of he and walk away. "If you excuse me you bitch, I have to go find a girl and comfort her."
I spit while cracking my knuckles. I walk out, then start running faster and faster till don't realize I'm still running, what was Levy gonna say? Where did she go? Will she be okay?
*In The City Of Demorsedale*
I run to the nearest hospital and find Lily in the waiting room, "Lily?! What happened?!" I stare at him. "She fell out of the sky, I caught her before she hit the ground and took her here. They're still doing some tests. They say she might be in a coma..." I look down, a coma?! Dammit! It's my fault! I took to long! "I-I'll be back," I say wandering outside, I hide behind the building and slide down it. Dammit Gajeel! You're not gonna cry, you're gonna stay strong for Levy! I mentally prep talk my self.
But it didn't work, I curl in a ball and close my eyes as tears leak out, "I'm sorry Levy..I'm sorry. I took to long. And now you may be dead...It's my fault. And I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. Such an idiot. I'm a metal head. A metal head without his Shrimp." I sniffle. I can't be stronger, no matter how many times I tell my self to cheer up. I teased her too much and hugged her to little. I loved her way to much, heck, she's the only thing that can bring me to tears.
If I could. I'd die if it meant saving that dayum girl. "That dayum cat was right. I'm a love struck puppy. And Levy holds the leash..."
I wake up in my bed back at Fairy hills. What happened? I open my door and look at a giant hall, filled with moving pictures. I walk in them and see most of these are times with Gajeel. But then I see one I don't know, it's Gajeel sitting behind a building...crying?! "I'm sorry Shrimp...jualst come back...don't leave me here....I'm just a fool without you...." I look at another one to see my body on a hospital bed with a nurse and Pantherlily. "Do you think she'll be alright nurse? I don't think Gajeel can survive without her..." "I'm sorry sir. She's in a coma. She'll have to wake her self up."
I step back. "C-Coma?! Why am I seeing this?! How do I get out?!" I scream. I keep running as I see more horrible memories and real stuff, I can't handle this! I don't want to go through this. I collapse and start crying. Am I gonna die? Will they end up pulling the plug on me?! I'm gonna die aren't I! I sob uncontrollably into my hands.
"Levy. It'll be okay... stay strong..." I hear a voice, I look up and see Blair."W-What do you want?!" "Well..I've been defeated. And as an apology I wanna get you out of here. I made a door that's only good for one more person, and it's only gonna last awhile in here.." Blair says gesturing to a door. "Where am I?" "It's hard to say. You're in your memories. But it changes each time for a person." "It's the doors only good for one use, what will happen to you?"
I say looking at Blair, "I'll stay here. If anything my guild would pull the plug on me in a week, besides. You saw Gajeel. You need to go to him. Now c'mon. He won't survive without you," Blair says helping me up. I hug Blair as tears stain the back of her shirt. "I'll never forget you Blair...I promise. I'll visit you're grave and talk to you if you're ghost is around." I smile sadly, Blair starts crying. "Y-Yeah. Now hurry before the limited magic wears out. I promise, I'll keep you two safe." She sniffles. I open the door and turn to her and wave. "Goodbye Blair. Stay safe...." I walk through the door.
Blair didn't have to do that. She didn't. She didn't. Blair is to nice...I open my eyes to feel some one holding my hand, I look over to my left and see Gajeel. " long have I been out?!" Gajeel looks up and smiles, about a week...but you're okay. That's all that matters." Gajeel smiles, I sit up and hug Gajeel. "G-Gajeel..." "Yes Shrimp?"
"I love you..." I sniffle. "I love you too Levy."
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