Jet, Wave, Tails and Knuckles's powers
It took Sonia a month to lower Jet's fever and kept her promise to Wave making Jet to hate this, but she cuddles with him each night making him to blush, but didn't complain about it as he keeps holding her tightly at night which is a plus in her books.
Sonia had Jet meet her teammates like he did her though Storm the albatross really didn't like her until she whooped his ass in fighting and in an extreme gear racing. Jet saw her board and Wave's amazed since her's is meant for speed and reflexes really.
"Did you..."
"Nope. Tails made it and he's very smart for a twelve-year-old fox kid." Wave the Sparrow wanted to met him and she's happy to see he can keep up with her until he hit something he doesn't understand and she taught him making him happy. Knuckles and Storm though...
They were two-peas in a pod really when it comes to fighting really. Jet and Sonia sighs as Silver and Silvia begged Wave to make them a kid sized one making her to like them as they did say please and then thanked her with 'Aunty Wave'.
Jet did explain about Sonia's dark form and markings to his teammates making them to be very scared a bit as Sonia's scary in that form really making Sonia to sigh since Jet did want them to understand her really which she wasn't made about.
Sonia took some of Tails' DNA and DNA has proven that Tails' a directly descended from a ancient clan of foxes with members all known to have had astounding IQ's. Tails' shocked as he does wonder more and got books on them really.
Wave has psychic abilities, though the strength of them is unknown with aura reading. Wave's very pleased with that as she wonders how she has them really making Storm to be piss he has no real powers, but Sonia shows strength is power.
"Fine." Silver showed up with a female feline kitten who's name was Blaze the Cat and she has powers making Sonia to help her out making the girl to hug her since she's a orphan as she lost her parents two months ago really.
Blaze has an ancient power that allowed her to control flames that had light pure enough to entirely cancel out powers of darkness. Could, at times, use her powers to heal and was immune to flames as a result of her powers really which Knuckles like.
She's also capable of jumping to extraordinary heights and running at great speeds, very strong and could read auras, very close friends with Silver over time and when working with him, could open portals which Sonia made sure was a very last resort move.
Blaze possessed a great deal of knowledge and could use her flames to boost her powers exponentially resulting in her becoming shrouded in flames. Silver was happy to have a friend since his mom was overprotective really.
Knuckles is fire with aura reading which Tails wants to learn as he also has electricity as well, too. Sonia has files to fully remember everything as Jet saw her file was the hugest one making him to be shocked as he wonders how he got her has a girlfriend.
'I know my children are going to be really powerful in the future really.'
Descended from an ancient clan of blue hedgehogs that lived in the ancient city of Chun-nan.
Has the ancient and rare ability to control flames; legends say that she was born with the ability of Dragonfire.
Can use her flames to increase her powers exponentially and to fly.
Is incredibly fast and has extraordinary strength.
Very close friends with Locke since childhood before his death in an explosion.
Can teleport at times and can read auras.
Can use spin-based attacks and has powerful strength in her kicks.
Enhanced senses, including an incredible sense of hearing.
Known to be descended from nothing, but warriors, assassins, soldiers, knights and so on.
Known to be a master sword fighter and a master of hand-to-hand combat.
Blue hedgehog from an tribe of magic-users hidden away in the mountains.
She is descended from nothing, but powerful magic users and healers, thus making her a powerful magic user and healer as well.
Also boasts incredible powers of pure light that next to nothing is known about.
Becomes covered in ancient markings when she is using a great deal of power.
Highly perceptive.
Has incredible knowledge of and skill for healing and can read auras.
Can use her powers to fly, lift things, talk to people from afar and so on.
Has extensive knowledge and understanding of many things including ancient languages, technology and people.
Enhanced senses, particularly vision and touch (using the latter, she can read vibrations in the ground to "see").
The last blue hedgehog and Mother of both Silver and Silvia.
Locke's god-daughter.
Can build and pilot any aircraft with incredible mastery and can build and drive any land or water-based vehicle with great skill.
A master sword fighter who is highly evasive and stealthy.
Can run at speeds significantly higher than the speed of sound and can vanish from radar.
Can, at times, teleport and is extremely agile and flexible.
A master of spin-based attacks, hand-to-hand-combat, aerial combat and weapon-based combat.
Capable of using nearly any weapon she gets her hands on.
Can withstand an astounding amount of pain and injury and can go long periods of time without sleeping or eating.
Is capable of delivering punishing blows that can shatter even the toughest materials.
Can deliver kicks powerful enough to go right through most enemies.
Known to fear water, needles, hospitals and the deaths of her friends and family.
Can control the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emeralds, sense them and even call the Chaos Emeralds to her at times.
Can control who can use the emeralds or not and even make them dormant (including the Master Emerald in both instances).
Cunning and a master strategist (though she doesn't always take the time to plan).
A skilled liar, though she never cheats.
Can conceal and even prevent herself from feeling any emotions.
Can be very insightful at times and is highly observational.
Prefers silence and therefore has always been quiet rather than talkative.
Possesses very high intelligence that is sometimes marred by her youth, inexperience and so on; knows more than she tells.
Has gone Super more than once.
Has gone beyond Super at least once.
Has gone Dark at least once.
Has gone Super Dark at least one.
Has gone beyond Super Dark at least once.
Highly enhanced senses, particularly sight and hearing.
Has a great deal of ancient knowledge and can speak in and read the ancient language.
Can build and repair just about any machine and has great knowledge of machine-based weaponry such as missiles and bombs.
Very closely guarded and closed off; not very trusting.
Inherited many more powers from both her father and mother.
Is close friends with Tails and Knuckles.
Has been fighting since childhood and is highly rebellious when faced with authority.
Has extensive knowledge about swords and a large knowledge of weapons in general.
Is a master hacker.
Has many powers.
Is known to have survived being struck by a large bolt of pure lightning.
Has little patience at times and extraordinary patience at others.
Is known to take care of Cream at times.
May have knowledge of various types of Chao and the locations of numerous Chao Gardens across the world.
Is known to have both briefly slowed down and entirely frozen time more than once in the past.
Seems to be able to control the wind to a point.
Has been shown to be highly skilled at training others in stealth, various forms of combat and so on.
Has proven to be capable of adjusting her teaching style depending on who she is working with.
Capable of surviving free-falls from space back to the planet, even when she lands on the ground and not in the ocean.
Jet's shocked as Sonia is one person he doesn't want to anger really as this is major and he knowns his kids will be some powerhouses once he figures out how to control his powers really as he saw his own file.
Can read auras.
Has multiple powers, though little is known about them.
His greatest known power is his ability to control the wind.
Can control Babylon Garden.
Can control storms.
Can control lightning.
Can control water currents.
Can control winds.
Only grandson of Laralei.
Prince of the Babylon Garden.
Jet's shocked as he didn't think he can do that at all really. Both Silver and Silvia were the only other two hedgehogs other than Sonia to have powers really.
Only twin children of Sonia the Hedgehog.
Grandson and Grand-daughter of Jaden and Amalia.
Close friends with Blaze and, when working with her, could open portals.
The last two silver hedgehogs.
Had astounding powers of psychokinesis and could read auras.
Boasted incredible speed, agility, and strength.
Could fly using nothing but their powers, thus potentially allowing them to never tire.
Possibly had the ability to use the Chaos Emeralds
Jet's shocked as that's really incredibly as Sonia should be proud of them really which he can tell that she's proud, but worried about them like any mother would be really. He even noticed Cream has one, too.
Descended from a close childhood friend of Sonia's, Merry.
Daughter of Vanilla.
Known to have inherited Merry's one-of-a-kind ability to, at times, see the future, though she can't seem to purposefully use this ability.
Has extensive knowledge of many kinds of Chao and various Chao Gardens across the world.
Incredibly insightful at times.
Can use her large ears to fly, though it isn't known how long she can do so.
Is known to stay with Amy at times, whom she has a sisterly relationship with.
Is close friends with a Chao named Cheese as well as Big the Cat and his frog, Froggy.
Known to be stronger than she should be at her age, especially when fighting with her Chao.
Is intelligent for her age.
Can read auras.
Sonia has inherited clairvoyance from her mother, then unconsciously gave the power to her friend, Merry who passed it down to her great-grand-daughter before the power was ever even awakened within her (she never knew she had it)
Jet was shocked as he can now tell why Sonia's so worried about Vanilla really. Sonia saw Jet just looking at the files as she doesn't mind since his team is Babylon Rouges and her's is the Hero. Combining the two teams is the best chose.
Sonia sat the two teams down and explains she wants to combined the two teams together and can still be separated if needed to be. Jet can see why Sonia's doing this as he saw Wave make Blaze her own extreme gear board herself with her as teammates to the twins.
'Team Inferno for those three kids really.' Jet thinks as he can tell they would love that name really.
"More power, more stealth and more eyes plus we can use those communicators to talk to each other. I see a good idea though Storm might reject it." Jet said as he looks to Storm.
"Not if I let him know that stupid Ivo Robotnik has lots of robots that he can use to healthily get rid of his anger if he wants really." Sonia said to Jet making Storm to agree fast after that really. Wave was pleased with that more than Jet was really.
"I do the same. Sonia can take them apart and we can use their parts for stuff. Still won't use that ship to travel?" Wave and Storm was shocked as they saw the ship really making Jet to laugh at them really as this is awesome really and Wave sticks her tongue out at him for that really.
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