Don't anger Sonia
Jet was babysitting Silver and Silvia for Sonia in a open field when a human man captured the three making Jet to hide them under his body as he knows Sonia's not going to be very happy about this until he saw a bunny that was still a child really.
'Sonia is going to be pissed about this really.' Jet saw Sonia behind the trees and her eyes were white making Jet to shiver and keep the three from looking as he got them under him and fully blocks their view. The human male saw where Jet was looking and Sonia came out from behind the trees.
On her wrists were a single gold ring each and her outfit was a simple, yet utterly beautiful thing that looked like something out of a history book as did her shoes. Around her chest was a band of thin white plain cloth with short ruffled sleeves attached to it.
Her skirt went to about her knees and was of the same color and it too was ruffled in design. Her elegant sandals were white as well. Covering her from head to toe were ancient markings that glowed a bright, hellish red as her eyes were white.
Jet noticed Sonia was walking to them calmly and her fur was black making Jet to shiver as he made sure than of the three youngings were looking as Sonia looks towards the human male as she's angry, but Jet was with them really and he's keeping them safe.
"You stupid human. Let my mate, my children and my dear friend's great-grand-daughter go." Jet's shocked to see that she sees him as her mate when they have been dating for only two months now.
"Then I would have to fight you like I have been fighting your idiotic incompetent great-grandfather, Dr. Ivo Robotnik." The man's shocked before Sonia went into her spin dash and knocked the cage down where she caught it and gently has it landing on the ground.
Sonia than used Chaos Control to remove the arms and legs of the robot before she looks Ivo in the eyes making him scared as she's more powerful and there's no records of her whatsoever at all really. Sonia used Chaos Arrow making him to be blasted away.
Sonia calms and she's back to her normal blue fur color with the markings being silver before she short circuit the robots before she then went to check on the four since she was worried about them all really before she asked Jet to look after Cream, the bunny as she needs to go check on her mama.
"Go." Sonia went and checked out the house before she saw Vanilla was badly injured and was fully just unconscious in the backyard making Sonia to be very angry and gently packed the house as it's coming with her. Cream saw her mother and Sonia placed her into a bed.
She even bandage her up as both Cream and Cheese, the Chao were near Vanilla making Jet to let the twins to go to Sonia who was fully relieved they weren't hurt as Jet kept them safe for her. Once the two were tucked in for their nap, Jet asked about it.
"May I ask... What was that?" Sonia looks towards Jet after he had asked that question.
"It's my dark form. You keeping the three safe was what allowed me to remain so calm in that form really." Sonia even explained about Ivo and Gerald Robotnik making Jet to be shocked as his father, Ross told him about her and he didn't noticed making her to flinch at that name.
"He's a asshole... And a idiot.... He reminds me of Robotnik. His great-grandson doesn't help really." Jet nods as he holds her for an hour or two before she had to make supper making Jet to help her out really. Sonia helps him learn how to cook making him to enjoy it.
Jet was happy as he had fun and the twins called him 'papa' really be accident making him to blush as Sonia chuckles since her twins love Jet really. Jet stayed the night since it was late and Vanilla was back in her home with Cream and Cheese.
Sonia moved them very close and they can use the tunnel to come in as Jet can also use it as well. Sonia sorts out the new robots after she had taking it apart really as she has new parts to use now as Tails could use some of it really as she knows her little fox far to well really.
Sonia noticed how Jet has the black flame-like markings going halfway up to his elbows from his wrists. His friends had had the same markings, though in different colors and those markings were all the proof that was needed.
'So, the three birds are purebred Babylon Rogues and I'm dating Ross's son. He might not like that, but fuck him. I won't lose Jet to him really.' Sonia thinks as she went to bed really.
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