"The game hasn't even started yet. Calm down," Nicky said, putting a hand on Keeley's knee. "You keep twitching like that and people are going to think you're on something."
"I can't help it." She jiggled her other leg, expelling some of the energy building up inside of her. Every minute that passed increased her anxiety. It didn't help that the football stands were jammed pack. She couldn't move without getting trampled. Her toes could attest to that fact. They were already starting to turn black and blue.
She watched as people passed by, proudly wearing their school colors. And it wasn't just the students either—parents, teachers...hell, even the mayor was outfitted in Edgewood's blue and white. There was everything from t-shirts to bandanas to face paint. It looked like the whole town showed up for this game, ready to cheer their hearts out.
Her eyes travelled to the opposite side. Sitting in the visitor bleachers was the Crosswell fans. They were just as patriotic, their side a sea of green and gold. It went to show how widespread this rivalry went. To Zach and Talon it might be personal, but to everyone else it was a chance to rally around their community and support their high schools.
At the far end of the field near the gold post, she could make out the Crosswell players. They were warming up—stretching and passing the ball. She tried to look for Talon's number, but they were too far away. Pulling out her phone, she sent him quick text, wishing him good luck. Although she sat at her brother's side, she still supported Talon. She refused to pick one over the other.
"I don't see why you're so nervous. It's just a game," Nicky commented.
Normally, she'd agree with her, but not this time. "You saw Zach. He's itching for a fight."
Nicky waved her hand at the field. "The refs would interfere before blood started flying," she paused, "or clothes."
"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" She didn't want anyone to end up in the emergency room.
"I know," she said with a sigh. She patted her jacket. "It's a shame, but I brought my camera just in case."
She looked up, her eyes wide. "Those pictures could go for a lot of money on the black market."
"Maybe we should have that talk about where you've been spending your time..."
"Speaking of talks..." She angled her body away from the field and towards Keeley. "Don't you think it's a tiny bit suspicious how Talon acted today?"
"A little," Keeley admitted with a nod. "But he knows I don't like going to parties and would feel uncomfortable if I went."
Nicky rolled her eyes. "I'm not even going to touch on that landmine. I'm talking about the stunt he pulled with Monty and then sticking around to see you."
"So?" she asked, humoring her. She didn't see anything wrong with him waiting for her. In fact, she found it romantic. No guy had ever made such an effort to be with her.
"He could have gotten in serious trouble if he'd been caught." When Keeley didn't respond, Nicky huffed and went on, "So, why the hell did he take the chance to stick around and wait fifteen minutes for you, instead of getting the heck out of there?"
Keeley stared at her best friend. She was serious. A part of her wondered if she was creating problems for the sole reason of not liking Talon. Nicky did have a tendency to go on tangents when she didn't get her way. "Are you saying I'm not worth it?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Because if I remember correctly that was one your gripes about Dillion—how he didn't appreciate me enough."
Nicky's chin jutted out. "That's not my point."
Keeley let out a long sigh. "I think you're over thinking this. He probably texted me as soon as he got on campus. When I didn't answer, he went about his business and then stopped by my locker."
"I have a theory—"
"Here we go again," she groaned. Nicky loved her theories.
"—that Talon wanted to be caught."
"That doesn't make sense. Why the hell would he want to be caught?"
"Because he wanted Zach to find you two together right before the big game. It would rouse Zach's temper and ensure he lost the game." When Keeley shook her head in denial, Nicky grabbed her arm. "Think about it. It's the perfect revenge—use Zach's twin to get back at him for what Zach did with Claire."
"You're way off." Keeley raised an eyebrow. "Zach already knows about us, remember? It would make no difference if he saw us today or not."
Nicky's fingers squeezed hard, her voice low and urgent. "But how did Talon sneak onto campus? And how did he know where to find Monty? And for that matter, how did he know where your locker was?"
Keeley blinked. She'd never thought about that before. Her mind had been too preoccupied with the game. It took a few moments, but she eventually understood what Nicky was trying to tell her. "You think he has someone on the inside."
"Even if he doesn't, he's sure making it look like he does."
Nicky's insistent stare had her eyebrows furrowing. "Me," she said slowly, her heart pounding in her chest. "You mean he's making it look like me."
"One betrayal for another."
No. She refused to believe that. "He's not that...that..."
"Devious? Diabolical? The devil reincarnate?" At Keeley's glare, Nicky threw up her hands. "Just trying to be helpful."
"I'm not going to accuse him of something based on speculation." Nicky wanted to be his judge, jury, and executioner without hearing the facts. There could be a plausible explanation.
"At least think about it," she said. "The idea holds some merit—even you have to admit that."
Keeley looked away. She didn't want to admit anything. Even the slightest whisper of betrayal made her stomach turn. Suddenly feeling nauseous, she stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom."
"You want me to come?"
She couldn't stand the concern and pity written on Nicky's face. "I'm fine. I just need a second alone."
"You sure?"
She pasted on a smile. "I'll be right back. Save my seat."
Doubt plagued her as she made her way through the crowd of people and into the bathroom. Just when she thought she had it all figured out, a wrench was thrown into the mix. Did Talon have a master plan all along? Was he pulling the strings on her puppet, using her to hurt her brother?
She didn't feel played. His words and actions seemed genuine. And their chemistry—good God their chemistry—no one could fake that. Confused and frustrated, she let out a loud groan.
"Is everything okay in there?" a voice said from outside her stall.
Instantly, Keeley's face flamed. How embarrassing! She'd forgotten she was in the public restrooms. Should she say something? Her mind quelled the idea. Nothing said awkward like talking to someone who thought you were going through a bad bowel movement. Unfortunately, the lady hadn't gotten the memo.
"I have some Tums if you need 'em, darlin'."
"U-um...I'm g-good," she managed to stammer out. Cue the awkward silence. The faucet turned on and Keeley prayed the lady would be quick. With her ear pressed against the door, she waited....and waited...and waited.
What the heck was taking her so long? Keeley thought to herself. The game was minutes away from starting and if she stayed any longer she would miss the kickoff. As if to prove her point, her phone buzzed. An onslaught of messages popped up on the screen.
Where are you?! I went to do our ritual and you were gone! –Zach
Did you fall in the toilet again? –Nicky
Are you on Harrington's side?! I can't believe you would do that to me. –Zach
You vanished into thin air. Did seeing me in my uniform prove too much for you? ;) –T
If you come back, I'll try to tone down my animal magnetism. –T
Should I call 911? –Nicky
"Oh for God's sake," she muttered. A perverse part of her wanted to leave the game and ignore them all. She could only imagine the texts she would receive if that happened. She needed to get back to the stands before they did something extreme—like calling in the Navy Seals or something.
Bracing herself for the humiliation that would surely come, she lifted the latch and walked out. The lady, who was no more than five feet tall, stood in front of the mirror. From the backside she looked like a high school student. She wore tight jeans, fringed cowboy boots and a Crosswell jersey. Masses of blonde curls were piled precariously on top of her head, looking like they could fall at any minute.
However, when she turned around Keeley could tell she was older. Not that she was old in any sense. There was a maturity to her face, a knowing, that only came with time. She'd seen the same look in her mother. The woman smiled, nearly blinding her with its radiance. Wow. She was absolutely stunning.
"Hi there, suga'," the lady said.
Something in her voice niggled at the back of Keeley's mind. It sounded so familiar. She wracked her brain, trying to remember where she heard it.
"You doing okay?"
The lady's eyes danced as she spoke, life leaping out of those vivid blues. That's when it hit her. She knew those eyes. Her boyfriend sported the exact same color. This was Talon's mom, Darlene. Shocked, she stood there like a statue, gaping at the poor woman.
The corner of her lips tilted up. "You were in there a long time, darlin'. I was starting to get worried."
She snapped out of her daze as pink rushed to her cheeks. Of all people to run into! "I...I..."
Darlene gave her a meaningful look as she raised a hand. Keeley couldn't help but notice her fingernails were painted a shocking red. "Say no more. I have the same problem when it comes to that time of the month."
Was this really happening right now? She almost wanted to look around and see if there were any hidden cameras. A sharp knock on the bathroom door saved her from having to respond.
"Darlene!" a deep voice called. "You look fine! Stop primping and come out. We're going to miss the kickoff!"
"Men," Talon's mom said, rolling her eyes at Keeley, as if letting her in on a secret. "I told him I could walk here by myself, but he insisted on accompanying me. You'd think he would know by now that I like to take my time." Another impatient knock. "I better go before his blood pressure starts to rise. He hates missing one second of our son's game." She winked. "Take care, suga'."
Keeley watched as she strolled out like a model with those high heel boots. She caught a quick glimpse of Talon's dad. He was an imposing man, tall in stature with a fierce scowl. It was clear the difference between husband and wife was night and day. Briefly, she wondered how those two got together. They were polar opposites, yet clearly in love. His dad's scowl softened as soon as he saw Darlene. His hand slipped around her back, tenderly holding her as he ushered them back.
She waited a few minutes before scurrying to her seat. She sat down just as the players took the field. The energy around her was electric. Everyone was amped. She could only imagine how Talon and Zach were feeling. "All right," she whispered as the whistle blew, "here we go."
The crowd hushed as the players crouched down, getting into position. She could hear Talon's voice as he yelled, "One. Two. Three. Hut!" The ball flew into his hands. He moved left and then feigned right as he searched for an open player.
She'd be the first to admit that football held no interest for her. There was a lot of grunting, tackling and huddling. More often than not, she'd pull a book out during the game and read, only stopping to clap when the team scored. But something about watching Talon play had her mesmorized.
For such a tall guy, he was surprisingly graceful. He moved like a panther, zigzagging through the defense, his powerful legs giving him spurts of energy. He was fearless and nimble and commanding...and all hers. She finally understood why girls pursued football players. Claiming these powerful boys as their own was a heady feeling.
Talon's arm went back and then his wrist snapped forward as he threw. While everyone's eye followed the ball, hers remained glued to Talon. His body was tense as he watched, his focus 100% on the hurdling pigskin. When his teammate captured it, marking the first down, Talon's fist punched the air by his thigh.
She couldn't help but smile. He might complain about his father and the intensity of the game, but underneath all that protest was a passion he couldn't deny. He loved football. It was in his blood.
By halftime, Crosswell was down by seven points. They'd gotten an early lead, but Zach and his teammates made a couple of great plays putting them ahead on the scoreboard. So far, both teams were behaving. There'd been a couple of hard shoves, but nothing serious. For the first time, Keeley started to relax. Maybe they would make it out of this game unscathed. She pulled out her phone when it vibrated in her pocket.
I could really use a good luck charm, baby doll. –T
Good luck charm? She twirled his class ring around her thumb.
Do you want your ring back? –Keeley
No. Something much better. –T
A kiss. –T
She felt her cheeks crease as she grinned like a lovesick schoolgirl. "Give me your lip-gloss," Keeley said to Nicky. Wordlessly, she handed it over and Keeley applied a light coat. She puckered her lips and took a picture.
Her cell dinged as two messages came in. The first was a picture of a pink peep cradled in the palm of his hand. Next to it was a set of lips drawn onto his skin. She smiled at the picture. He'd have her kiss wherever he went.
Now I'm ready to kick some ass. ;) –T
As she read his text, the happiness she felt faded as guilt started to descend. Zach was playing phenomenally well. His throws were right on point and he was leading the team to victory. Would she be partially at fault if they lost? Feeling the need to even the field, she sent a text.
Doing great bro! And of course I'm sitting on your side...look for me during the second half! :) -Keeley
As the teams came out of the locker room and took the field, she saw Zach pass by. His eyes searched the bleachers till they found hers. The relief reflected in them, almost as if he doubted she would be there, surprised her. He should know by now that she would always be there for him.
When he ran onto the field, without completing their ritual, she was confused. It wasn't until he took his place and then turned to the stands that she understood. Right there, in front of a huge audience, he pounded his chest and pointed directly at her. Everyone stopped and stared. It took all her willpower to return the gesture and not hide behind Nicky.
"Lover boy doesn't look too happy," Nicky commented when she sat back down.
No, he didn't. In fact, he looked upset about the whole thing. He whispered something to one of the defenseman before sitting on the bench.
The second half began with the ball in Edgewood's possession. Zach was on the field with the rest of the offensive line. Everything was going fine until the ball flew out of bounds on Crosswell's side—right where Talon was sitting. Keeley's hands clenched together as she watched an Edgewood player jog over.
"Uh-oh," Nicky muttered, quickly pulling out her camera. "This is going to be bad."
Keeley's eye widened when she saw who that Edgewood player was—her brother. "Someone stop him," she said to no one in particular, her hands running over her forehead into her hair. "Okay, maybe this won't be so horrible," she said, watching as Zach leaned down, reaching for the ball. "So far, so good."
Suddenly, her brother's head jerked back and his body froze. Damn. She spoke too soon. Her heart stopped as he slowly straightened; his shoulder's squaring off. He pulled off his helmet just as Talon stood up. Her fingers sank deeper into her hair. They knotted with her brown tresses, pulling so hard her scalp burned, but she didn't care. Her singular focus was on the two boys advancing toward each other. Zach moved slightly to the right, blocking her view.
"Can you see what's happening?" she asked Nicky whose camera was zoomed in on the action.
Nicky swore just as Keeley saw Zach's fist move. Horrified, she watched as it swung forward, connecting with Talon's jaw. For a split second, the crowd was deathly quiet. No one moved. No one made a sound. Then pandemonium struck. Talon tackled Zach to the ground. He got in one good punch to the stomach before Zach retaliated. Football players from both teams rushed the field, intent on helping their captains. Everywhere she looked players were fighting.
Finally, after a few chaotic minutes, the coaches and referees were able to separate the teams. Both Talon and Zach were bleeding, though she couldn't see from where. Zach was hunched over, clutching his side while Talon was panting for air, rotating his shoulder.
"This is better than a soap opera," Nicky commented. She still had her camera out, filming the coaches yelling at the players.
"I-I...." Her head ached as her fingers uncurled and dropped to her side.
A referee walked out onto the field with a microphone. Over the loudspeaker he announced, "Number two, Zachary Brewer has been suspended from the rest of the game due to disorderly conduct." The Edgewood fans stood up and booed. A couple of people yelled out expletives, demanding Talon also be suspended.
Keeley sought out her brother who was standing by the sidelines. He threw down his helmet and turned to the stands. Immediately, he found her. The fury in his eyes pinned her to her seat. She couldn't move, couldn't breath. His nostrils flared as he gave her one last look before stalking off. Cory put a hand on his shoulder, but he brushed it away and kept on walking. She watched as he retreated off the field. His fist swung out and hit the chain link fence that lined the walkway. The harsh sound of rattling metal reverberated in her ear.
Nicky panned over to her. "What's it like being stuck between a rock and a hard place?"
She thought about the picture Talon had sent her. The little pink marshmallow sitting in the palm of his hand. She never realized how tiny it was, how easy it was to destroy. "Feels vulnerable."
"What are you going to do?"
She glanced at Talon who was talking to his teammates. His face stern, his eyes glittering as he moved his hands about. "Pray they come to understanding before they crush me to death."
The rest of the game was tense. With Zach gone, Edgewood started to fall apart. They made sloppy passes and poorly timed tackles. Croswell fed off their mistakes, taking full advantage. With five minutes left the score was tied.
Talon and his team were trying their best to move down the field, but Edgewood was holding the line. As the end of the game drew closer, Talon became desperate. In a one great action-play, he faked the handoff to the running back and instead tucked the ball into his arm. Confused, Edgewood's defense followed the running back who pretended to have the ball. Quickly, Talon looked down the field and saw one his receiver's open.
A second later, the ball flew right into the player's open hands. Crosswell fans cheered as the boy sprinted down the field. He was as quick as lightning, dodging the defense while moving closer to the end zone. The crowd rose to their feet, their eyes transfixed on the field. He was at twenty yards, then ten, then five...then...
Crosswell erupted into cheers. Fans started pouring onto the field, running towards the winning team. She was happy for Talon—she truly was—but a part of her hated that Zach lost. He worked hard for this game. He put in those extra hours to train and become the best.
"Are you going to congratulate your boy?" Nicky asked, motioning toward the field.
"Do you think I should?" She couldn't even see him in the swarm of people.
Nicky shrugged. "Depends."
"On what?"
Her eyes shifted from the crowd of Croswell fans to the Edgewood locker room. She pursed her lips and then looked back at her. "If you think you'd be able to survive," she said quietly.
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