Is What We Become.
I had lost track of time as I sprinted right into the hands of my life-sworn enemies. The problems that came with the Sky Kids had completely been removed from my mind. My only focus now was not letting myself slow down for a second. My lungs burned as I breathed in the cold air, my muscles past the point of aching. I could no longer feel my legs; I felt like I was gliding across the ground. I jumped over a tree stump, landing on both feet and forcing myself to keep moving.
The image of a young, freckled Keegan was at the front of my mind. I saw him with my eyes open, and behind my eyelids when I blinked. I remembered the warm touch of his soft hand in mine as we danced on the night of the wedding. He had been so bright and lively -- he always had. I couldn't remember a time where Keegan wasn't smiling -- even at those who opposed him and beat him in practise battles. He would always get right back up on his feet and respectfully congratulate his opponent on their win. He was a warm, kind-hearted soul that was much too pure for this blood-filled, painful world.
As the familiar sight of the bridge that had once been a barrier between the land of the Trigedakru and the Stalkers came into view, I slowed to a stop. My breath came out in deep, ragged breaths, my legs feeling like jelly. I bent over, my hands resting on my knees as I fought to get my breath back. I wiped my nose with my sleeve, now realising how much I was sweating when I didn't have the soothing wind aiding the heat that radiated off of me. I felt my heartbeat in my ears, and took just enough time to calm down.
Once my breath was somewhat back to it's normal state, I swallowed. Licking my lips, I glanced around me for any signs of watchful eyes. There was always at least two Grounders stationed on the bridge, but as I glimpsed around, there appeared to be no one on watch--
Shivers slowly tickled their way up my spine as I felt a pair of eyes on me. I quickly ducked down behind the bush that had covered just my legs seconds ago. I watched through the gaps of the bush, laying on my stomach as I heard the sound of light footsteps patter against the dirt-covered ground. In the blink of an eye, I was hauled to my feet.
The person had a tight hold on my neck, practically crushing my throat and restricting any air to enter my lungs. My eyes squeezed shut in pain, my hands forming into fists as I threw punches at my attacker. I tried blurting out words as I opened my eyes, sucking in small breaths of air. I felt my head slowly lighten, black dots covering my vision. And that's when my eyes fell onto the person. A young, handsome male. His hair was cut short, the ends sticking up and curling slightly. His hazel eyes stared into mine with complete loathing, his lip lifting up in a small snarl.
With the small amount of energy and breath I had, I managed to say a single word, "K..." I was losing conscious. "Keegan." I blurted out suddenly, staring him in the eye as I urged him to recognise me -- the girl he had taken care of since the day she was born.
His lips parted as his hand snatched away from my throat.
I fell to my knees, coughing and heaving. I exhaled and then inhaled deeply, my eyes slowly tracing up his tall, lean body. When my eyes finally came to rest on his face, I felt tears start to prick my eyes. "Quinn...?" He breathed out, his eyes meeting mine with a nostalgic expression. I nodded, laughing slightly and scurrying to my feet. My heart was racing in complete disbelief and happiness. He was still alive even after all this time. I reached forward, wrapping my arms around him. I let out a small sob as Keegan placed his arms around me, hesitantly, as if he wasn't sure if I was real. When he did, I let out a small laugh. A tear slipped down my cheek. For the first time in ten years, I felt at home again.
"You're alive," I breathed out, leaning my nose into the crook of his neck and taking in his scent of firewood. He let out a small laugh and leant into the hug more. He was hugging me tightly, but I didn't care if I couldn't breathe or not. Keegan was here, in my arms. My best friend was alive and grown into a young, handsome man.
Keegan slowly pulled away. Still keeping the distance between us tight, and his grip on me, he placed his hands on the sides of my cheeks. I looked into those beautiful hazel eyes of his that looked much like the wood we had grown up in. They even had little green specks around his irises to counter for the luscious green that surrounded us. I had said since I was a young child that Keegan was made from the roots of the earth. With his sun-kissed, freckled skin, hazel-green eyes and the mess of brown curls on his head, he represented our home.
"Quinn..." He said my name again, his tone clearly stating that he couldn't believe his eyes. "I thought I'd never see you again. Look how much you've changed!" He exclaimed, smiling. "You're so goddamn beautiful." I smiled a pure smile -- I smile I meant. It wasn't a forced one. Because for the first time in a long, long, long time, I was happy.
"Look at you!" His hands dropped from my cheeks as I pointed to him. "Keegan you've got..." I trailed off, chuckling. "You've got muscles!" He nodded, proudly. Keegan had been a small, thin child. There was no doubt that the Keegan from years ago was before me, but he had changed. He still had the same physical traits, minus the strong jawline and muscular build. And fortunately, he still hadn't lost that precious smile that made all girls fall head-over-heels.
His smile faltered for a second. His gaze hadn't left mine ever since. "Quinn, I'm so sorry for before. I didn't hurt you, did I?" He questioned, his fingertips skimming over my neck from where his hands had been wrapped around minutes ago. "Fuck, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it--"
He stopped as I grabbed his hands, holding them in mine. "Keegan, it's alright." I said, truthfully. "You don't have to apologise for anything." My smile fell, and Keegan noticed the distant look in my eyes. "I should be the one apologising. I ran away that night. I missed an important detail: you being carried away by... them. I should've paid closer attention, I should've protected you, Keegan." He threw me a questioning look, his brows furrowing just as Bellamy's did--
I blinked. Why the hell was Bellamy coming to my mind now? Keegan, my best friend, the first boy I had loved, was standing right in front of me, and I was thinking of Bellamy? I let Keegan's hands drop from mine. Bellamy was long gone now. There was no way in hell I would go back to that curly-head asshole and his kids. I had Keegan now, anyways. I didn't need them -- or anyone in that matter -- but him.
Keegan parted his lips before speaking, "Quinn, you were just a kid. You never could have known. And besides, I'm here now -- we are here now, together." He pulled me back into a hug, resting his chin on the top of my head. "Everything is alright. Everything is how it should be."
I let out a sigh. It was a sigh filled with relief; a sigh that extracted all the anguish and guilt that had resided in me whenever I thought of Keegan. I shut my eyes, taking in another whiff of his scent and tightening my hold on him. I never wanted to leave his arms. This feeling I felt, I hadn't felt since I was a child. It was warm here, cozy and blissful. There was no pain or fear, no nightmares or darkness. Just peace.
I slowly opened my eyelids, my gaze falling on the bridge that sat atop the lake. I felt myself go rigid, "Keegan." I said, pulling away from him hurriedly. He gazed down at me, his eyebrow lifting up in confusion. "Keegan, we have to go, now." He looked at me, then over his shoulder. A group of a least five Grounders were headed over the bridge, in our direction, weapons at the ready.
I tugged on his sleeve, urging him to move. I went to turn on my heels, but was stopped as he grabbed my hand. I looked back at him, then down to his hand that gripped mine. He didn't seem a single bit worried that I, the Grounders enemy, was metres away from their camp, and that a group of deadly, merciless Grounders were coming my way.
"Quinn, relax." Keegan said, his voice calm. "They're here to bring you back."
I blinked, "What?!"
He nodded, my hand falling from his. "She promised you safe passage. She said you could start over, just as I did."
I could do nothing but stare at Keegan, gobsmacked. The Grounders were nearing, but that wasn't what bothered me. What bothered me was that Keegan was actually serious. There was no sign of sarcasm in his voice. His eyes even said so. And that's what made goosebumps arise on my skin. He actually believed that She would let me start over, when all She and her people wanted, was for me to die.
"No, Keegan." I said. "As soon as I'm in the hands of those Grounders, I will not only be handing myself over, but my life too."
His head tilted to the side slightly, his gaze questioning. "Grounders?" He repeated. His eyes fell onto the floor, completely lost up in his own thoughts. "That's what the Skaikru call us." His tone of voice leaked with suspicion as his eyes met mine once again. "You've been inside their camp, haven't you?"
I swallowed. I wanted to tell him everything that had happened -- needed to. But there was something in his tone of voice that held me back. His expression had darkened, too. He seemed unrecognisable. There was never a moment when I saw Keegan with the look in his eyes that he had then. Some small part of me was afraid, not only for myself, but for the Sky Kids.
I was snapped from my thoughts as the sound of Trigedaslang was heard from the Grounders on the bridge. They had stopped in the middle of the bridge, their eyes scanning the clearing for any sign of Keegan and myself. "Don't lie to me, Quinn. I know what you've been up to the past few weeks." Keegan spoke.
I felt my heart drop inside my chest when I realised what had happened today. "You've been following me this entire time, haven't you? You've been keeping Her updated." I paused, letting everything sink in. "You're the reason that girl was captured. You're the reason one of your own is now tied up inside their camp and being tortured for answers."
Keegan smirked, "You know, they had their doubts about me at first. But I cannot wait to tell them of how brilliantly my big scheme worked out. I, nothing but a worthless boy, led the very Stalker Princess, Quinn, into the hands of the men that have failed to hunt her for ten years now."
I shook my head, not believing what was happening. This was not the Keegan I had grown to love. This was a whole other side of Keegan that I had never even met. "What did they do to you?" I whispered, my voice shaky.
He shrugged, and began to circle me. "They didn't do anything to me, Quinn. Besides torture me for the first five years of my life in their camp." He stopped circling, pulling his shirt over his head and revealing to me, a sight that made my heart clench in my chest. Scars lined every inch of his back, chest and stomach. On the left-side of his chest, marked a burn. Carved into his chest, over that burn, was the word QUINN. "All this, is because of you."
Tears brimmed my eyes, blurring my vision. I shook my head, hard. My body felt heavy, my knees shaking as another sob escaped my lips. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the wounds that forever marked his body. I could practically hear the screams that had left his mouth as they tortured him. I could feel the pain he had endured, but I was sure, that what I felt was nowhere near the actual level of complete anguish he had gone through.
"I... I didn't know if you were alive!" I cried. "Keegan, please, I didn't know. I'm so... sorry."
"Right." He said, throwing his t-shirt back on. "But they knew you were alive. And because I was the one person who had loved you more than anyone ever had; because I was the person who didn't spill a single word about you; because I thought that maybe -- just maybe -- someday you would storm through those gates with an army behind you; because I believed in hope and love and life and a whole lot of other, worthless shit, I was used by them to release their frustrations because another day had passed and they still hadn't found the only girl who had survived the wrath of Anya and her men."
"But here you are," He said, staring at me with disgust. "A lonely, broken, little pup who thought she was the big, bad wolf."
Bellamy came to my mind again as Keegan spoke the last sentence. A few hours ago I had said something similar to Bellamy. That he was just a lost pup surrounded by a pack of wolves. Oh, the irony. It seemed that Bellamy and I had something in common. We were both lost. We both thought we knew what we were doing, and that we had everything under control, when really, we didn't know the first thing about... anything. In that moment, I wish I had never left that camp.
"I'm sorry," I whimpered, and bit down on my lip. I hated crying, especially in front of Keegan. Crying was weak, and I was not weak. I exhaled steadily, trying to get my emotions back under control. "You have to know that I didn't mean any of this to happen to you, Keegs. And look, you can curse at me and punch me and throw me into the river... but please, do not hand me over to them." His expression didn't change. "Keegan, I love you! You are the only person I have left. If you come with me now, we can kill them all. They'll pay for what they did to you, what they did to our village."
He was quiet for several seconds, unblinking, unmoving. When he finally did speak up, his voice had returned to it's normal tone. "I loved you, Quinn..." He said, his eyes meeting mine. I thought I had convinced him. But I was so goddamn wrong. Continuing, he spoke, his voice returning back to the threatening tone, "But I have to do what is right."
My shoulders sagged. I stepped forward, placing a hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes, "I came to help you." I whispered.
His eyes flicked open. "No, Quinn." Slowly, "You came to help yourself." Every so slowly, "Because you can't stand the thought of being alone any longer." My heart shattered in my chest. Keegan reached down to his belt, my hand still on his cheek, and pulled out a small knife. He thrust forward, stabbing the knife just below my left collar bone.
My hand dropped, my jaw and heart, too -- or at least, what was left of my heart. His face contorted into an expression of complete blood-thirst and anger. I let out a moan of pain as he twisted the blade, gripping my shoulder tightly. My eyes traced over his shoulders, his neck, his lips, his nose, then finally, to his eyes. Blood seeped onto my shirt, the warmth of it spreading against my chest.
He slid the knife out, and as I went to grab forward for him, he dodged my hand and pushed me to the ground. I fell onto my face, beginning to roll onto my back to face Keegan. I was stopped as he sat on top of me, holding me down. "That's your problem, Quinn." He spoke, before pausing to slide the knife across my back. I let out a cry of pain. "You care too much." Another slice.
"Stop!" I yelled, my voice breaking. "Keegan, stop--"
He got off of me, reached down, and turned me over before hauling me to my knees. He gripped the collar of my shirt, glaring down at me. "You don't get to tell me when to stop. I'm going to make you endure everything I had to go through so you can come to understand that I am past helping."
That distraction gave me just enough time to reach behind me and pull out my blade from my side holster. I ignored the pinching on my back as my wounded skin cried. I could feel the blood dripping down my skin, staining my shirt. From what I could tell, the cuts were not deep enough to kill me right then and there, but they were deep enough, that if I didn't get it stitched up soon, I would bleed out and die. So I did something I thought I would never have to do.
I thrust my knife upwards, aiming for Keegan's jugular. The boy saw the hit coming, and quickly dodged it. But even still, he let out a scream. He let go of me, and I fell backwards with a thud. Keegan's back was to me as he let out a mix of cries filled with unholy curse words. I glanced down at my knife and saw his blood dripping from the tip. Two of the Grounders on the bridge sprinted across the large slab of ancient concrete. Keegan's screams had definitely gotten their attention, and I sure as hell was not going to stay any longer to be carried away by them and a broken, crazy Keegan. It was clear to me now that Keegan was in fact past saving, and it broke my heart. They had tortured him because of me, and made him into a monster. He was no longer my best friend. That Keegan was gone, had been for possibly years now.
He turned to face me with a growl, his hands falling from his face to reveal a cut that traveled from his cheek, over his eye and past his eyebrow on the right side of his face. I felt my blood run cold. He took a step forward, his bloodied hands reaching out for me. I let out a hiss of pain as I scurried to my feet and threw the blade I held in my hands to the side. The Grounders were approaching, fast, Keegan looked like he was ready to rip open my lungs, and I was losing blood.
I had to get out of here.
With one last glance at a deadly-looking Keegan, I picked up my feet and ran as fast as I could, ignoring my body as it begged for me to rest. "We're coming for you, Quinn! You and your Skaikru are going to burn!" Keegan yelled at the top of his lungs till his voice broke. He sounded wild and untamed, deadly and lethal. The Keegan I had once known was gone. The Keegan I know knew was after me, and boy was he pissed.
chapter six -- edited!
a little different from the original, but better in my opinion.
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