"Ready (y/n) ?"
"Yeah I'm ready Tanner!" You say happily.
"Lets go then." Tanner whines as he grabs his keys off the TV.
"WAIT FOR MEEEEE!!!!" Screams Gunner.
"RUN (Y/N)! RUN!!!" Screams Tanner as he grabs you and runs out the door.
"TANNER!!! (Y/N)!!! STOP!!! WAIT!!! PLEASE!!!" Screams Gunner.
You both jump in the car and start to drive off but you stop when Gunner jumps on the car.
"Gosh Gunner! Don't you have your own car!?" Tanner shouts at Gunner, who's face is pressed against the windshield.
"Ywes. Iw dwo." You hear Gunner try to say.
You roll down the window.
"We'll get in dork!" You say and then giggle because he looks stupid.
He hops off and say " At least (y/n) is way nicer than you Tanner!"
"Whatever Gunner." Tanner says and rolls his eyes.
Tanner starts to drive off.
*Five minutes of silence*
"So, (n/n), who's gonna be your lucky Valentine next week?" Asks Gunner.
You look down at you (s/b) and tap them together lightly.
"U-umm..." You stutter.
"She doesn't have anyone, but she has a crush!" Tanner teases.
"S-shut Tanner!!!" You yell at him.
You hear Gunner start laughing in the back seat.
"Shut up Gunner!!!"
"Make me (n/n)!!!" He laughs.
"We live together Gunner...just you wait." You say dead serious.
You look at Gunner in the mirror and his eyes widen in fear.
"Tanner... please don't let her..." He whispers.
"I can't control her while I'm asleep Gunner." He laughs.
"Oh god..." Whispers Gunner.
"Lighten up Gunner! I would never do that to you, your like my second brother!" You laugh.
"So, (y/n), are you excited?" Gunner asks you.
"Yeah I am! Thank you both for getting me this job!!! God you guys are the best!" You gush.
"Oh stop it!" Gunner replies.
"Keep going we love it." Whispers Tanner.
You all start to laugh until you start crying.
"Okay, okay calm down we're almost there." Tanner sighs happily.
Tanner pulls his truck into a parking spot and you all unbuckle. As you all get out you see a tallish blondish guy get out of a Tesla.
"Is that-" you whisper.
"Matt!" Tanner shouts and jogs to him.
"Yup that's Matthias." Gunner whispers to you.
Matt looks and Tanner and yells:
"Tan-man! What's good bud?"
"Gunner why do I feel so shy and nervous all of the sudden?"
" Well, you most likely think he is very attractive."
"GUNNER!!!" You shout and punch him in his arm.
"OWW!!!" He yells.
"Hey, who's that Tanner?" Matthias asks.
"Oh, yeah sorry that's my sister." Tanner says.
"Oh yeah! She's gonna be my assistant right?" Matthias asks Tanner.
"Yeah, (n/n)! Come here! Gunner come on!" Tanner shout at you both.
Oh god please no! Not yet! Okay walk slowly and calmly...oh good the closer I get the hotter he looks....WHY!?
You finally walk up to Matthias.
"Hi... I'm (y/n)." Awkward...
"Hey! I'm Matt, or Matthias! It's so nice to meet you (y/n)!" Matthias says and holds out his hand for you to shake.
You take his hand and shakes It firmly.
His hands omg!
"Nice grip, I like that. Better than Tanners and Gunners!" He laughs.
"Oh shut up Matthias!" Gunner pushes him away.
"Yeah! What Gunner said!" Tanner laughs.
"Tanner and Gunner are weak!!!" You hear someone shout from a little ways away.
"Connor!!! What's up?" Tanner shouts back and Tanner and Gunner both jog to him.
You watch them go.
"Bye (n/n)! Have fun!!!" Tanner says and then Gunner winks at you.
"Bye..." You say and wave. God no!!! I don't want to be left alone with Matthias!!! I don't know what might happen!!!
"Hey Matt!" You hear someone say.
As you turn to the voice you see a taller version of Matthias.
Your mouth drops open wide.
"Catching flys?" Gunner laughs as he puts his arm around your shoulder.
"What!? No!!!" You say defensively.
"That's his brother Joey, or J-fred if you will. Matthias is the older one." He says and smiles.
Matthias and Joey walk up to you and Gunner.
"Hey Gunner, this your girlfriend?" Joey asks.
"What!? Ew! That's gross!!! That's Tanners sister!!!" He says and jumps away.
You look at Matthias and see him glare at Joey.
"So your Tanners famous sister he always talks about?" Joey asks and you start to turn red.
"W-well... u-umm.... I guess?" You say.
Matthias steps and grabs your shoulder.
"Let's go get todays video done and then I'll show you around."
You both started to walk inside.
"See you later Matt!" Joey says and walks away with Gunner.
"Thank you Matthias." You say.
"Your welcome," He says.
His arm is still wrapped around my shoulder... why!? God this is too close...
*Awkward silence*
Finally Matthias speaks up.
"You know (y/n), I think I know you from some where." He stops outside of a door and pulls out his phone.
He starts to scroll through his phone.
*One minute later*
He finally finds what he was looking for. He puts his phone to the side of your face.
He then shows you the picture.
Is that my High school photo!?
"U-um... where did you get that?" You ask.
"This is from my year book in High school." He says.
"You went to (hs/n) too!?"
"Yeah, I did." He says.
You quickly pull out your phone and scroll through your pictures.
There. There's me and Matt in a picture together. This was our picture for basketball, our moms we're best friends, I can't believe I turned him down a week after that...
You show Matthias the picture.
"Hey, I remember this. You turned me down a week after that picture was taken, basketball was so awkward after that." He laughs.
"Y-yeah... sorry by the way."
"For what (n/n)?" He smirks.
"For turning you down, ya know?" You scratch the back of your head.
"Why did you?"
"I-I... I did like you.... but... my ex threatened me... so...I just...didn't ask you, because of him."
"I'm so sorry for asking you, I just thought you didn't like me, or you liked Joey."
"Well, I didn't like Joey at all, he was kinda annoying." You laugh.
"He's not as bad now I suppose." Matthias laughs with you.
"Well he kinda was a little bit ago." You giggle.
"Yeah he was. Well, should we get started?" Matthias asks you.
"Yeah, what are we doing?" You ask.
"We're gonna film' 10 strange Valentines Products on Amazon'. Then your gonna find 10 more productive off of Amazon. " He says.
"Easy enough!" You say.
"Alright, lady's first." He bows and opens the door for you.
You walk in and spot the camera and start to set up.
"Hey hey wait for me!"
"But your slow and I know what Im doing!" You laugh.
"Still I help all the time." Matthias says and rolls his eyes and starts helping you.
You both finish setting up and start recording.
"What's up guys, it's ya boy Matthias! And today is a special day! It's Valentines Daayyyyyy!!!! Yup today we will be doing '10 strange Valentines Products off of Amazon'. And today instead of me being joined with Tanner, I am joined with his lovely sister, (y/n), come on show them yourself." Matthias days excitedly.
"Hi!" You wave at the camera.
*Times skip*
"Alright guys, I hope you enjoyed this video about '10 strange Valentines Products off of Amazon' and I will see you next time, goodbyeeeee!!!" Matthias screeches and you laugh. He then turns off the camera and turns to you.
"So, what did you think?" He asks you.
"It's was amazing Matt, I loved it!" You get up and kiss his cheek and sit back down.
"Good good. Well, Tanner will help you pick out more products until you get used to doing it okay (y/n)?" He blushes.
Was it because I kissed his cheek?
"Are you okay Matt?"
*Matthias POV*
"Are you okay Matt?" (Y/n) asks me.
No, I'm not okay... my feelings are coming back...
"Oh um yeah Im fine." Dumbass!!! She's gonna find out so why lie!?
"You sure?" Concern showing in her (e/c) eyes.
God! She's more gorgeous then I remember!!! God damn... Stop it Matthias!!! She'll never like you...she never did and she never will...
"Yeah, I'm good." I lie.
"Okay, if you say so." She says.
I look at her (h/c) and notice she has pink glitter in her hair. I decide to move her hair behind her ear and pick off the glitter.
"Matthias..." (y/n) breathes.
Take the risk Matthias!!!
" (Y/n), I still love you." I say slowly.
*Your POV*
"Matthias, I love you too, I'm sorry I rejected you before."
"Can I...?" He asks.
"Kiss me?" You smirk at Matthias.
"Um... yeah." He laughs awkwardly.
"Hmm... of course Matthias."
Matthias slowly leans in towards you and you smell the chocolate you both are during the video. His thumb grazes your bottom lip.
"Are you sure?" He asks you.
You giggle and say yes.
Matthias leans in closer, his lips touch yours. He pecks you lips then slowly deepens the kiss.
"Matt..." You moan into his mouth.
" (Y/n), I love you."
"I love you." You whisper.
You both continue to to make out. Matthias pulls you onto his couch and in his lap to where your on top. You feel him harden beneath you.
His big warm hands explore your entire body, making you moan louder and louder.
*Knock knock*
"Dammit! Busy!!! Come back later!!!" Matthias shouts at the door.
"Okay!!! I'll come back in an hour or so to take (n/n) to get lunch!" Tanner shouts.
"No! I'll take her!"
"O-oh... okay... well...bye!"
"Bye Tanner!"
You start to giggle.
"Where we're we?" Matthias asks as you comb his hair with you fingers.
"Will you be my boyfriend Matthias?" You ask out of the blue.
"No, I have to ask you." He giggles.
"Go ahead Matt."
"Will you be my girlfriend (y/n) (m/n) (l/n)?" He asks you.
"Good." He says and starts kissing you again.
"Your so gorgeous. Im such a lucky man." He says and starts to suck on your neck.
You take off your shirt and then take off Matthias shirt. Your hands explore his well built chest.
God, he's so grown up then what he used to be...but he has his imperfections, but he has his perfections too... and so do I. Mine and his imperfections, that's all I need.
"I love you." You tell him.
You start to unbutton his jeans but he stops you.
"Whoa whoa hold on there." He Laughs.
"What?" You ask innocently.
"We should go get lunch first missy."
He sits up and puts his shirt back on.
"No Im not hungry for food."
"What then?" Matthias asks you.
"You." You smirk.
"Lunch first." He winks and tosses your shirt at your face.
"Chick-fil-a?" You ask.
"You really were made for me." He smiles and kisses you.
You put your shirt on and Matthias holds his hand out for you to take.
"Time to go." He grabs you hand and walks out of the office into the hallway.
"Oh h-hey Matthias!" Tanner says awkwardly.
"What are you doing Tanner? Aren't you supposed to be filming a Rekt video?" Matthias asks.
"W-well... um... I got done so I wanted to check on (y/n)..."
"Sure. Tell the truth Tanner." Matthias sighs.
"You guys have been in there for awhile so I was curious.... I know you two went to high school together when (n/n) got taken away from our mom, so.... I wanted to see if you guys remembered... and it looks like you did...." he says and looks down at your entwined hands.
Tanner looks back down at your entwined hands and walks away.
"So I was right..." Matthias whispers.
"When you left, I guessed that you were taken from your mom because of your Dad. And I guess I was right...It's his fault that I couldn't be with you..." Matthias whispers as a tears slip from his eyes.
"Matt..." You whisper as you wipe his tears away.
He looks you in the eyes.
"I was so lonely without you there (y/n). I was lost..." He holds your cheek and kisses you.
"You have me now Matthias, and you always will, forever. " You reassure him.
He kisses you again, softly at first, then more urgency and passion in the kiss.
"Come on Matt, let's go get lunch." You say softly.
"Okay." He says.
*Time skip*
"Hey, it's time to go." Matthias says.
"Do you want to come home with me?" Matthias asks.
"Yeah." You smirk.
He grabs your hand and you walk to his car.
*Time skip to his house*
"Here we are. Home sweet home."
"It's really nice." You smile.
You both unbuckle and walk inside and sit on the couch.
"What do you want to do?" He asks you.
You grab his hand. "Where's your bedroom?" Your smirk.
"Sneaky girl." He smiles and leads you to his bedroom.
When you get to his door Matthias picks you up bridle style and puts you on the bed, straddling you. Matthias gets back up and goes to his dresser, searching for something.
When He come back to the bed, He holds out a condom.
Omg.... it's just like that book I read😱
"Hey, You okay... ? You look a little shook. " (Shook nasty 😉)
"U-um Yeah Im fine."
"That look says different. Spill."
To be continued...
Well hello! So, what did ya think? Want a part two? Also let me know who I should to next and what kind, smut or no smut? Fluffy or no fluff? Let me know in the comments of message me. And I am still waiting for you guys to make requests!!! Bye sorry it took so long🙃 love ya all peace✌🏼
Thought you all should see this😅
-2362 words
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