Taris Fever Dream and a Realisation
After returning home to the mushroom kingdom and getting the lowdown of what happened in their absence by Mario. Something about a killer crew mate, the strangest Nintendo direct ever, and Steve going berserk on the entire smash roster. It was nice to sleep on beds that feel familiar. Y/n was no exception. Though he did remember having to play a bit dumb around Tari after the sleep talking incident. But he finally managed to get to hang out with Tari a bit for the final part of the vacation.
The last three of the days were spent in the arcade. Tari smashing scores like the boss she is and Y/n cheering her on. When the arcade closed the last day before leaving they had some time alone in peace. Tari would try to sheepishly get closer to you. To which you held an arm up to let her in.
"Does this mean?" She asked looking up at you.
"Only if you feel ready for me to call you that." You responded.
She blushed and shook her head no. "Not yet. I don't think my heart could handle that yet." She said softly.
"Then we're only good friends until you're ready if that's ok with you?" You ask looking at her.
She nods blushing at being so close to your face. "I like that."
The guys shot you knowing looks the whole way home much to your annoyance but the girls knew better and smiled, even Saiko before giving a whispering threat of killing you if you break her heart, on purpose.
The night you guys got home was one of your hardest to sleep but you managed to get almost there before the text tone of a blue jay called you out of your slumber.
"What's Tari doing up this late?" You mutter confused and you take a look at the text.
Can we meet up somewhere? She asked
You looked at it worried.
Yeah, you ok? You responded.
Yeah I just need to talk to someone about the dream I just had. She replied giving you a sigh of relief.
You ok with heading to the local coffee shop? You asked.
Sure, I'll meet you there.
You get up and dressed and quietly leave the castle after toad stops you.
"Hey, is that offer still on the table?" He asked.
"The talk with just us?" You respond with your own question. To which he nods.
"Yep." You say.
"How's next week sound at the bar?" He asked.
"Sweet! Thanks." He said then motioned you to go do what you were planning on doing.
"No problem." You said heading out.
You arrived at the coffee shop and see Tari sitting at a window seat. She was waving at you and motioned you over when you got in. You sat down across from her with a tired smile.
"Sorry for waking you." She said.
"It's alright, I Hadn't fallen asleep yet." You admitted
"Oh, sorry." She says again.
"Tari, it's ok. Now what was this dream about?" You say changing the subject.
"Oh! Right well, I think saw into an alternate universe, kinda." She says
"Kinda?" You say looking shocked.
"Well I think my mind replaced the people of that world with people I knew here." She explained.
"Oh, ok that doesn't surpise me as much. But it would make sense. Any details you can share?" You mutter then ask.
"Well the world was very video game oriented. There was a name for me and Belle. Meta Runners if I remember correctly. And I can project my mind into any game I play." She started.
"You can do that already right?" You ask.
"Not as often as this version of me. And the corporation that runs the world was TAS Corp." she continued.
"TAS Corp? Could you spell that?" You ask.
"T-A-S C-o-r-p." She said confused.
"Holy carp... is TAS Corp evil?" You ask more on edge.
"Not to the public, maybe to its employees or new prospects." She responded worried about you.
You calmed a little bit but had a bad feeling, then you saw Tari worried about you and you took a deep breath.
"You saved me then. Because I believe the corporation that was getting big in my city was going to become like your dreams TAS Corp." you said gently taking her robotic hand making her blush.
"Thank you." You said making her blush harder.
And for a few moments you forgot about why you were there and just enjoyed the silence. Until Tari yawned. "Could you walk me home?" She asked.
"Of course." You respond and take her hand and walk her home the whole time Tari felt like she was walking on air.
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