The Riddle Task Force
Harry Potter, twenty-five; a recent transplant from the United States after being adopted by his godfather and transported there. Harry has graduated from Yale University and, after rejecting a promotion to detective in the New York Police Force, decides to return to England to be a part of Scotland Yard. Broken from his past, who will mend him?Severus Snape, forty; a seasoned veteran of Scotland Yard, who received dual degrees from Oxford University in chemistry and forensic science. Determined not to be labeled as a babysitter by his commanding officer, Albus Dumbledore, Severus reluctantly takes Harry under his wing in the kidnapping case of Narcissa Black-Malfoy. As they work at the case, both men grow closer, and yet, their demons try and pull them apart. Who will change, and allow love to be forthcoming between them both?…