The Definition of Ephialtes (A Collection of Short Trepidations)
What is your most terrifying nightmare? You might be able to find it here.We are most vulnerable when we sleep,But do we know where we go?Did you know that you could be trapped there?Did you know that you already are?This is far more in depth than Dysania.Similar trepidations, though.Did you know that Ephialtes was a corrupt person once?Now his name is associated with nightmares.A collection of nightmares that were free floating among the stars,Lost because their owners never woke up.We all have to face the night to meet the dawn.What if your doll used to be alive? She's a beautiful Dolly.Would you search an abandoned hospital?You're only Mortal, after all.If you knew the future, could you change it?It has already been Sighted.…