💫Judges Prizes 💫
Sorry for keeping all these amazing Judges waiting, but ah what can we do...
We had problems...
Without further ado,
Let's declare the prizes of judges!!
Ah, wait..
First of all, a huge round of applause fot all these hardworking and cooperating judges.
Seriously, these awards wouldn't have been so successful without you guys. We really thank and respect you people!
You all are A M A Z I N G
Now, let's get to the results...
We already gave you all the follow from this account and from the participants. But,
As mentioned, we have small prizes for some of you, depending on your work..
•Quickest Judge
These two were the early birds who submitted the results in the perfect way. These girls caused us no problem/trouble as their judging was fast and flawless!
🍒AnjiandNan 🍒
🍒 ArshieARMY🍒
Congratulations and thank you darlings, we are really glad to have you determined and lovely people with us.
You'll be receiving the following prize:
1) A sticker
(Let me know if you want it or not)
2) Shout out from this account.
• Best overall judge
This girl right here was literally THE BEST! she's such an expert and determined at what she does, she initially applied for a genre to judge and did it perfectly, not only that. Later when there was the judges crises, she came forward and helped us by judging the books so quickly.
🍒 KeiraKnox1🍒
Congratulations and thank you, we are really glad to have you lovely and determined girl with us.
You'll be receiving the following prizes:
1) A sticker
(let me know you want it or not)
2) shout-out from this account.
3) A book of your choice added to our reading list.
Comment the book you want to be highlighted here --->
This award was not decided at the start of the awards, but we are having them as due efforts of these remarkable people deserves something.
•Knight in shining armor judges
(hehe the name)
Tho, seriously. These people were the knight in shining armor and helped us, giving their time and efforts, doing the judging so quickly and honestly.
🍒 sakina_moiz🍒
🍒 DelilahKhadaroo🍒
Congratulations and thank you, we are really glad to have you lovely and determined people with us.
You'll be receiving the following prizes:
1)A shout-out
2) Book of your choice added to our public reading list.
Comment the book you want to be highlighted here --->
🍒 KeiraKnox1 (she was one of them too, but how many prizes do you want huh girl? We will only get the above mentioned one, go!)
We all are seriously thankful to all of you beautiful and determined people.
This awards wouldn't have been possible without you all 💛
Thank you.
-The hosts.
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