12.General Fiction entries
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(10/10) (Closed)
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Accepted entries!
Participants follow your assigned Judges or 10 points will be deducted from your final result!
Judge: _Kadoc_
1. In between the lines by caCrisostomo
2. To all the ones I've loved before by OlivanderPolo
3. The art of life by Death-Breath
4. The false facade by ahanstasia
5. The sing-off by teenage_inferno
6. So many smiles by ArshieARMY
7. True identity by Qveen_Neisha_Boo
8. Addiction by JessieTheMikaelson
9. Heart in a shell by Osasucyy111
10. The golden seal by FParungao
The judging has begun !
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