Golly Gee I Sure Have a Lotta Friends
I got tagged for the thirteen things thing again by -TotallyInsane- and Dipper__Gleeful. Golly gee I sure have a lotta friends who want me to do this. *derps out*
1. I'm super like, outgoing and loud and confident, but when I need to go somewhere I don't wanna go to meet people I don't wanna meet, I wear all black, part my hair so it falls over one eye, bring a book, and act super quiet and emo the whole time I'm there.
2. I own a Dipper hat. I don't do my hair anymore.
3. I am an anime jumper. I will get neck-deep into one fandom and then pop out of it and into the next. That won't happen with my current one though! [Echo said, confident in the promise she probably wouldn't keep.]
4. I look through stuff from canon to support my crack ships because you can't argue with canon. I even find things for Billdip, do you know how hard that was?
5. Barbies and Ever After High dolls should not be used for these purposes. *cough* InsaneIsGood *cough*
6. I'm bored.
7. My hands like to sweat profusely. I hate it.
8. I have an issue with shipping.
9. Ew I just smashed an earwig on my wall with a book ew its stuck there ew I don't know what to do ew.
10. Speaking of ew, I have a little sister.
11. Speaking of sister I have a big one too but she lives a lotta states away. I actually like her.
12. Oh looky one more fact.
13. Oh yeah Chester has a sister now. Her name is Raye and she's incharge of fun.
I tag Mippyfresh136 and no one else I'm about to press out g'night.
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