!The Journey Of Mippy!
Once upon a time in a land far far away, there live a man, a man named Mippy Fresh. Mippy fresh wasn't the smartest guy, to be honest he had an IQ of 4. It may be was like no other man. He was the first person to be shipped with Mikey (some dude), at all times they must be shipped because if they're not stuff goes down. One time they were unshipped I lost a finger now I only have 10, and yes I did 11. History going around spreading the story of "flip a dip dip", and "hey hey dude Bros". People loved them, to be honest people really hated them. One morning they woke up in a bubble, Mabel's bubble. They found a skateboard, they road that skateboard, and became even more douchie. One day someone told them off, and with their new found douchieness they said " Take a chill pill those grown on trees here". It was at that moment that they knew what the meaning of their life was..... to make everybodys life suck. They found a girlfriend Pacif-cif Fresh, but she cheated on him.…