Chapter 15 : Transparency
Anya kept walking towards the Mansion with Peter by her side. She registered that the male beside her was saying something but for the life of her, she could not concentrate enough to hear him.
The revelations were too heavy for her.
The implications of those revelations, seriously dangerous not only for her, but also the people surrounding her.
Right now, she wasn't even in the status of processing the information to understand the ramifications and work on the problem. No right now, the facts were only bombarding around her mind, echoing in the wake of the litany problems she had to comprehend, let alone face.
Anya reached inside the Mansion and went to the nearest Lounge. It turned out to be the one she had seen the evening she had first arrived here.
Sitting down at the far end of the room on the couch, with Peter standing behind of her, giving her sometime to collect herself, she took a deep breath.
Trying to settle her mind with the facts that was somersaulting around in her head, she tried to sort through the important points.
She had 7 hybrids.
All of those 7 hybrids were Predator species.
Out of them all she had 2 Snake hybrids with completely broken conditioning.
Out of 2 snakes, one was poisonous.
That particular snake was Code Unclassified.
Rest all were Code Black or Red, the codes which were supposed to be terminated.
One of them was Unclassified, but he was hidden.
Possibly, majority were Imprinting on her.
Nopes, she lost it again.
Letting out deep frustrated breath, she tightly shut her eyes and bent her head with her palms covering her face.
How the fuck did I come to this stage? All I came here for was to help and buy some hybrids.
Right now, she just knew she was worried. But she wasn't coherent enough to know where particularly that worry was aimed at.
She was worried for herself, her life in danger. She was worried for her housekeeper, the caretakers, the gardeners in her home where they lived with her, their safety. She was worried about her brother. She was worried for Jackson and Peter. They would all remain in contact with the hybrids.
And most importantly, she was worried about her Hybrids themselves. They had no idea about the danger and threat they posed. They were completely dependent on her emotionally. She could not withdraw from them in any emotional capacity, let alone a physical one.
That would not only cause them hurt, but might just trigger them too.
And I definitely don't want to trigger Predator Code Black Red and Unclassified Hybrids who were Imprinting on her with one of them being Venomous.
The sentence was unbelievable.
"Anya-shii!!" a shrill voice called out to her.
Anya jerked her head at that call, pulled away abruptly from her negative zone, to look at Jennifer coming towards her.
Disoriented for a bit, she straightened up and thought back to what had happened the night back.
Ah! The ceremony! Seems like a bit back not just yesterday, too much had happened in the short space of time between yesterday evening and this morning.
Jennifer was wearing a slinky barely there Maroon gown, the material fused to her body like a second skin. Lips painted a bright scarlet, with her hair lanky and loose, she looked too dolled up for the morning time.
Anya composed her expression, pushing her mental struggles to the back.
This girl was someone Anya looked out for. Even in a time when her feelings were tumultuous with strokes of fear, she had to deal with her with a clear head.
Jennifer reached her and smiled brightly, stretching her painted lips to the maximum. She held a big brown envelop in her hand.
"Goodmorning Anya-shii" she said and then sat down in front of her.
"Goodmorning." Anya replied Politely.
"Oh to start off, here, these have been delivered to you." Jennifer said as she thrust the brown envelop forward, towards her.
Anya took it without hesitation. She opened it to find several X rays inside it.
Ah. Park Ji-young.
Anya took out all the sheets from inside. There were 4 of them. Calmly she studied each one of them, taking her time with it.
In front of her, Jennifer's smile dimmed a bit. Had she really thought that Anya had only said what she had to Ji-young as a show of more Power?
No. She had meant it when she wanted to see the result of that man's self performance with the hammer.
2 X rays showed breaks on his fingers and Palm.
2 X rays showed his broken nose.
"Good Boy Ji-young." Anya murmured, making sure the girl opposite of her heard it clearly.
A small smile of pleasure gracing her lips, she put back the X rays inside and kept the envelop aside, to give Jennifer her whole attention.
"Thank You for delivering them to me. How are you doing this Morning?" Anya smoothly said.
The girl, a little taken aback with the subtle cruelty of her actions and praise, swallowed a bit before resuming her bright and friendly act.
"Oh I am doing absolutely fine. I bought a very handsome Vulture Hybrid. He is simply Delightful. This morning he put me in a very good mood." She smiled at Anya. "How about you? Did last night with Yoongi go well for you? Though Mrs. Han vouches that he is the very best, I have no idea because I never tried him."
The girl gushed at her. "But if you did not want anyone to touch him, I can just know how good he must be." She said with conspiratory smile, as if they were friends sharing some naughty information among them.
Sighing inside, Anya only smiled at the girl and leaned back on her chair.
Apparently that smile was enough for Jennifer to also settle down comfortably and resume the basically one sided conversation again.
"You like the dark ones, I could tell right from the start. Also let me tell you, what you did to Ji-young? That was so hot. Plus many agreed to it, you know? Especially Mrs. Han"
"Really?" Anya asked dryly.
"Oh yes!" Jennifer let out a painfully fake laugh. At least it sounded that way to her.
"Mrs. Han always like Yoongi as he is, you know, to use him as whole. But Ji-young always bruised or marked him up."
Something about this conversation was unsettling her. Anya already had a lot of things to process. This information was just not something she wanted to hear right now.
As if sensing her mood downshifting, Jennifer toned down her smiles. This time she looked at Anya with a different expression.
An expression that made Anya become alert.
Jennifer's eyes, had a banked strangeness to it.
Her eyes shone like a maniac.
Those eyes had something psychotic in them.
Anya noticed her hands. Jennifer had her hands clenched, her own nails clawing at her palms, like the idea of whatever she was thinking was exciting her to the extent that she needed physical pain to keep herself in check.
Anya gave Jennifer, her whole concentration, while making sure her mask of polite interest did not slip.
"I was actually wondering about something Anya-shii." Jennifer said.
Anya inclined her head to continue, keeping the conversation from her side to a minimum.
"Its blatantly obvious you like a bit darker and wild type. It was clear for all to see, the way Yoongi or even the snake hybrid obeyed you instantly. By some mysterious way you are able to control them thoroughly without using the collars." She leaned forward towards her, slinking towards her.
Anya stayed quiet.
"Since I know you so well, especially with my father being such an integral part of your business family, I wanted to offer my help to you." Jennifer licked her lips as she said it, her eyes a bit narrowed.
Anya understood the light threat in the statement.
Jennifer knew that her Father was one of the very treasured man in Anya's business. A man who was indeed, in Anya's inner circle.
She was hinting that her help should be accepted, if Anya wanted to keep the trust of her father.
It was no secret that the man adored her daughter to the extent that he was blind to her real personality.
So here comes the real reason for her visiting me.
Anya was honestly expecting this conversation. In a way it was beneficial for her. She would know what that girl actually wanted instead of second guessing or keeping an eye out for her.
Jennifer's eyes shone brighter with that maniac expression as she said, "But I know that you have got at least 2 hybrids who are not like the rest. I know them quite well. I could help you with them. Train them for you."
And BINGO. Knew that was her desire.
The young girl started speaking faster, almost in a rush to put forward her idea, trying to convince Anya, "They will respond well to me. Seeing a regular face will help me get them ready for however you want them to be trained. If you give them to me, I will make them exactly how you want them to be."
By now, Jennifer's smile was twisted too. Naked lust, longing dripping from her face. Her hands were clenching and unclenching in front of her. Her hunger for the kits............ Disturbing.
She stared at Anya, willing her to accept, wanting her to accept her poorly veiled demand.
Her energy, at that moment, radiated an obsessed aura.
Looking at her, her expression, her enthusiasm, her constant licking of her lips, she easily painted a picture of a Sicko.
A psychopath.
Right now in this atmosphere, Anya did not want to deal with this in an explosive manner. Jennifer's father a considering factor.
"I'll only focus on their sexual training. Any other you can focus on. Both have been with me many times. I can promise you they want me too, so it will be really easy for you, besides, you can always play with the others right? You have 7, you wont even notice them gone. Also."
Jennifer grabbed Anya's hand suddenly, the grip tight, desperate. She looked like a junkie begging for her daily dose.
"Also, both of those are not as interesting or thrilling as the rest you have, right? Nor are they what you want them to be. They will not obey you as your other hybrids."
Jennifer's voice was slowly rising in volume, the longer Anya kept quiet.
She was losing her control over her deviant cravings. She was looking like a freak.
Anya needed to calm her down.
She smiled at her and gently patted her hand, "So you think you can help me with that? How much time do you think it might require?"
Instantly, a wide smile graced Jennifer's face. She gleefully sat back. "Maybe a couple of months. I will obviously keep you posted on their progress."
"Hmmm... So you know which hybrids?"
"Oh yes." Jennifer moaned it slightly. Just thinking about both of them caused her to slightly clench her thighs with the remembered past she had shared. A move, that did not go unnoticed by Anya. "Taehyung and Jungkook. I'll do them so good for you."
Anya nodded at her. To pacify her. And then said, "I'll get back at you about it."
Abruptly, the smile vanished from her face, being replaced by an ugly frown. Openly disliking what she said.
She is too far gone. In her ugly obsession she is losing the grips of common sense and logic. That, is bad.
"I can start on them right now for you! You don't have to think about it!" she borderline shrieked.
She was losing control.
And Anya wanted to leave.
Not seeing another way to distract her, she used a viable option.
Sorry brother.
"My brother will be coming back soon. He might be interested in hosting a dinner party, inviting your family too. I don't think it would be good for him to be seeing you, umm, training my hybrids in the field I want, during that, right? He will no doubt ask why my hybrids are with you and if he is not satisfied by my answer he will start digging. You don't want him to find out about your umm hobby with hybrids, right?" Anya said lightly
Jennifer paused, a different light in her eyes. greedy.
Yep, her desire to bag Anya's brother was equally strong, it would seem.
Suhan will really kill me now.
"So, let me see what happens when he comes back. As I said, I will get back at you about it."
Composing herself at the mention of Anya's brother, she sat back. Then giving Anya a mildly malicious smile, Jennifer said, "Well your brother obviously does not know from where you are buying your hybrids from, seeing that he hates the pleasure-seeking hybrid business. I will keep your secret from him. Make sure Anya-shii that you don't mistakenly slip my name to him about this auction as well." She laughed in a strived friendly manner.
How many veiled threats did this girl want to make against her? She did not know the entirety of her Daddy's position in Anya's business it would seem.
Yes, Anya did treasure her father, but only because he was hard working and loyal. Not because he was irreplaceable. In fact, Anya had several legitimate and sincere contacts vying for that particular position. And her father knew it too.
Anya just did not want to hurt that man in his career just because his daughter was a lunatic freak.
But Jennifer, it would seem, did not know this information. She assumed her father's position was vital to Anya.
Before Anya could civilly dismiss the girl in front of her, Peter, who was behind her the whole time, coughed.
Thinking back, Anya realized that this was the 4th time maybe that he had coughed. She had registered it, just had not paid it any attention.
This time, Peter coughed louder.
Quizzically, Anya turned and looked up at him.
On having her attention, Immediately Peter motioned towards a direction with his head.
He motioned to the space, directly behind Jennifer, facing towards her.
There at some distance stood 4 of her hybrids, with 2 guards.
Jin, Jimin.......
Jungkook, Taehyung.
Jungkook and Taehyung stood ramrod still, their eyes on the ground. While Jin and Jimin were patiently waiting for her.
Returning her attention to Jennifer, she said, "Thank you. I shall contact you later. I need to go for now."
Jennifer smiled, "Yes, of course. Let me know." Then thankfully she stood, waved and flounced away from the side.
As soon as she was gone, Jimin bounced towards her, happy smile bright on his face as he said, "We missed you, so we thought we would come to see where you are."
Before he could reach her however, Anya jerked back. Instinctively.
A word again blaring in her mind.
Code Unclassified.
Jimin abruptly stopped. His body going still and his smile dying on the spot.
He understood the rejection.
Voice shaky, he hesitantly said, "Master?"
Code Unclassified.
Snake Hybrid.
Code Unclassified.
Snake Hybrid.
The constant loop of words did not stop in Anya's head.
Jimin lifted his foot to take a step further towards her when again she flinched back.
At that, Jimin's chest started rising and falling rapidly, too sensitive to the rejection he felt. Lower lips wobbling slightly, he bravely said, "Master," his voice barely Audible, "What's wrong?"
Being the way he was, the past he had, he was extremely sensitive to moods. Sensitive of her love as well. The small action was huge for him. For them.
Their past made them so starved for real positive connection, a relationship, that small bumps, small gestures had an unproportionally huge impact on their developing emotions.
He stood where he was, scanning her from head to toe, "Did I do something wrong? Should we have stayed in the room? I am sorry for that. Forgive me. we will go back right now."
His words came out garbled in panic.
"Its not you guys Jimin. Calm down. We received some news from the meeting that was a bit disturbing. We just need to process it. Calm down." Peter's clear voice reached out to all.
Jimin looked at him, his eyes narrowed. He remained quiet and turned back to her, openly rejecting anything that came to him which was not spoken by his master.
The fuck! Seriously? A simple information has you swooning in a damsel in distress manner? Pull yourself the fuck up!!!!
Anya cleared her throat to speak to the hybrid in front. "He is right Jimin. The information has gotten me a bit.... Sensitive. I need to talk about it with Peter and then I will come back to you guys. Lets go up first."
Saying so, Anya got up, making her way towards the group, with Peter tailing her.
Jimin's brows creased while he knocked his head to a side, studying her with that eerie gaze.
He again reached towards her, not touching but coming to stand right in front of her.
He peered down her eyes, trying to find his answers there. Anya let him.
After sometime he asked, "Promise?"
"Promise." Anya replied.
What she had said, was after all, the truth.
Jimin nodded, still a bit doubtful, and walked back towards his pack.
Anya reached towards them too and looked up at Jin. His gaze, was carefully blank.
"Let's go." She said simply.
Jin and Jimin ushered Jungkook and Taehyung into the room, their faces masked.
"If you need anything please ask us. I am sure Anya will be with you shortly." Jackson told them from the door.
"Why are you being kind to us?" Jimin suddenly spun around on his place to fix the man with his cold stare.
Taehyung gasped while Jungkook went rigid again.
Jimin had just questioned a human, that too in a tone that was downright insulting.
As for the rest of the hybrids, Jin simply turned around to hear the answer, Hobi coming from the inner room where he was sitting down and relaxing. Yoongi still lay down on the bed, not moving an inch, but his tensed muscles gave away the fact that he was alert of his surroundings.
Namjoon looked up from the sofa, mildly curious.
None of the hybrids protested for the way Jimin had worded the question. Or the tone. Or the fact that he was unruly to question someone.
Jackson did not flinch. He showed no amount of distaste. He answered simply.
"If I don't, Anya might just kill me." he looked at them and continued, "I don't have anything against you as hybrids, nor do I sympathize. But you need to know something. Your identity is no longer just hybrids."
"Your identity now will be Anya's Hybrids. As such, the behavior towards you will be different from everyone. Either people will not want to do anything that might be considered as an insult to her, or they trust her example and will follow where she leads in her personal life. Either way, only a fool will treat you in the manner you had been treated so far in life."
Jimin nodded.
Jackson nodded back at them, "Let me know if you need something." And then closed the door.
"You found Master? Where is she?" Hoseok asked
Jin led the kits toward the bed, asking them to sit down. "Something happened. Apparently, something the legal officer said to her disturbed her greatly."
Jin himself sat down on their bed.
"She rejected me twice. Whatever happened, I think its personal." Jimin said from where he stood.
"Personal?" Yoongi asked, opening one of his eyes. "Why do you say that?"
"Because," Jimin leaned back on the wall, "No matter what had happened in these events, Master never rejected my touch. She sometimes was not even aware of it. If she visibly flinched back on my approach, then she did that due to some reason. She flinched as soon as I walked. Not on the general term. Me."
"Are you not perhaps, over analyzing everything?" Namjoon asked evenly
Jimin shrugged, still doubtful.
"It was her scent. It did not blossom. It did not depict her happiness. It also failed to depict any fear, or sadness or worry. It was like she had a rigid control on her emotions."
Jin said darkly.
"That does not have anything to do with us." Hobi came in the room to look down at his eldest.
"I think that is not what they are hinting. All they are saying is that something might be wrong, am I right Hyung?" Namjoon asked from his perch.
Both Jin and Jimin remained quiet, lost in their thoughts. Something about the way Master had flinched, the way she was looking at them, seemed.... Odd.
"She was talking to her." Taehyung's soft voice sounded loud in the silence.
Jimin scoffed at him, "I told you it does not mean anything. Master has no plans to share us. She was simply going along with what that vile woman was saying to get to know what she wanted. You have nothing to worry about Tae"
"How do you know that?" Taehyung asked his friend, his entire self still shaking from what he had heard.
"Moves and Countermoves Tae. She was just trying to figure out that woman's motive."
"Where is she now?" Yoongi interrupted sitting up.
"She went to the adjacent room. The one given to Peter." Jin answered.
"The adjacent room you said?" Hobi asked in a slightly excited tone.
"Why?" Jimin asked, catching on to his Hyung's change of tone.
Namjoon answered for him, "We found a connecting door in a hidden panel at the end of the wall here. It can possibly open to the next room. We found it while you were away." He said as he got up from the sofa, moving towards the adjacent wall.
All the hybrids moved in that direction, following him. The kits, remained seated where they were.
The wall was beside the vanity, its panels molded in elaborate golden designs. In the corner of the t-wall, a sleek design of golden roses ran down vertically. Joon pressed on the rose on its center firmly which resulted in an audible click, the wall before them sliding aside a bit to reveal the room beyond.
The boys all clustered together, barely sliding the door any further to widen the gap. They didn't need to. The purpose had already been served. They could clearly hear the voices of their Master and Peter.
It appeared that no one else was in that adjacent room except them.
Jimin and Yoongi crouched down in front of the open panel of the hidden door, while Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok stood above them both, their hybrid senses clearly picking up the ongoing conversation.
"Then what Peter? What?" Anya's voice sounded desperate.
The hybrids collectively jerked back from it. They had never heard her in this manner. Never through she would sound like this.
Whatever was the case, it was serious.
"I am only asking what you are planning on doing." Peter asked.
"Right now I don't know. I really don't." Anya said defeatedly.
"You do understand that they are..."
"I know what they are! I know goddamit. I was right there!" Anya almost shouted.
The hybrids exchanged concerned looks. Whatever it was, their Master was really agitated. They had missed the starting of the conversation so they had no clue as to what was the topic.
But Jin had paused on one word. Yoongi looked at him from below and mouthed "They." It seemed he too had caught on to the word.
Somehow, Jin suspected the root of her problem, the reason why she was so disturbed, was them.
Anya was breathing through her mouth, "I-I just don't know what to do with that information." She said in a lowered voice.
"And that's not all is it?" she sighed loudly. "Everything is a mess right now."
"Focus on the main issue and then work towards the periphery." Came Peter's firm voice. "you always have operated in that manner. So come on. The burning question."
"That is the question to which I have no answer to." Anya mumbled.
"You need to find an answer. Tell me. What are you going to do about Jimin?"
Jimin jerked back, startled at his name. Namjoon instantly reached down to grasp his shoulder, keeping him in place.
Jimin's whole body tensed as he leaned forward.
"I don't know. Him being a venomous snake hybrid is okay. I can handle. But this? This I have no idea if I am CAPABLE of handling." Came her reply.
"Its not just that. I told you. I am pretty certain about the imprinting." Peter said.
"Stop. Please. Don't keep adding on an already full plate." Anya sounded anguished.
Jimin was in a tailspin. He loved her. He absolutely loved her. She gave him everything. What was she talking about? What had he done?
"Did you see when I answered his question. Jimin shrugs off anyone else's words. Anya he cannot be controlled by anyone now. His reality is only apparent when he interacts with anyone besides you and his pack."
"I saw." Came her small reply.
No conversation next. All they could hear was deep breathing. Agitated deep breaths from their Master.
"Will you give him back to Park?" Peter asked evenly.
No. No.
Horror engulfed Jimin.
His body started shaking like a leaf.
Namjoon's hand was not needed to keep him in place. Even if his life depended on it, he could not move.
Please no.
The only thing he knew was complete denial.
Venom slowly started flooding his mouth as it burned him. He kept gulping.
His Angel could not do this to him. Why was Peter even suggesting it?
His Master Loved him. He was her favourite hybrid.
What the hell had that Ye Jun said to her???
Right then and there, Jimin wanted to kill Ye Jun. and also Peter. He needed to kill them.
Master would not cast him away.
She could not. She could not send him back to hell after showing him this Paradise.
Thankfully, her reply quelled his frantic oscillating panic.
"Calm down. See? That's a start. So we now know no matter what he stays. So now, next what?" Peter said.
"I knew that from the start Peter. You could have just asked."
"Calm down Jimin." Jin whispered to him.
Jimin realized that he was breathing extremely fast, trying to get as much oxygen as he could in his lungs, while his body was coiled tight, ready to sprint towards her at the drop of the hat.
He voluntarily tried to relax his muscles.
"Its not just Jimin is it? There is another one. We don't even know who that is. Even if we do, all the rest of them are equal in those terms" Anya said, "The risks are, no doubt high."
The hybrids grip on each other had tightened, but they kept quiet.
"No matter what, they are mine Peter." Anya said quietly.
"I understand that. But what about their collars? In the light of what we know now, are you still planning on removing their collars once we reach home?" Peter asked.
W H A T ?
The hybrids were collectively shocked. Hoseok almost stumbled back before righting himself from falling down.
Their Master wanted to remove their Collars??
But then Hobi recalled, she had hinted on it.
He remembered that cute threat of haunting him if she found him eating her.
He had politely said it would not happen as he could not turn into his animal half, but all she had done was dismiss him.
She had hinted at it!!
"You know I hate those collars Peter. I cant tolerate that on them." Anya said, her voice having a bit of steel.
"Do you think you have the luxury of personal preferences now? Need I remind you that its not just for your safety but also for the safety of everyone who lives in the house? Your brother? Me?" Peter calmly asked.
Anya took a deep breath and released it equally slowly.
"You hinted at it yourself Peter. You said that it was more than Yoongi who was imprinting on me."
A pause. Maybe Peter nodded.
"Then its not a luxury, is it? To stop from letting the imprinting from turning dark, from being disbalanced, they need to be equally connected to their animal instincts, their baser emotions. That can only happen if they can easily switch forms."
Ah! That made sense. Jin thought to himself.
The reason why imprinting was intense was because the emotional need of their human side drove the bond. If their animal nature could balance out the human side, then the intensity could be lowered.
They physical and emotional need as an animal differed from the wants and desires of the human side after all.
His Master was a genius.
"I know." Peter replied. "But -"
"There is no question of a but Peter." Another deep breath. Then Anya's entire tone changed. It became more business like. More firm. The kind that they could recognize.
"Alright. I wont dwell on it in this manner. That is not like me. so, First things first. Jennifer's visit. Did you notice her?" A sharp question."
"She seemed, unhinged." An equally crisp answer by Peter.
"Her interests are mainly on Jungkook and Taehyung. Get me everything that you can get on her. Everything. I want to know her coffee preference, I need to know her daily habits, her friends, her connections. More importantly, all her spending that is layered up in what activities that her father does not know of. Contact my brother. He has a dossier on her. I'll talk to Suhan later." A pause. "She will never be touching either of Tae of Jungkook again."
"It will be done."
"I don't think I will be staying here any further. Knowing what we do, its dangerous here. Anything can trigger either them, or me. tensions are too high and I don't trust anyone here. Let me accelerate the preparations back home. We will be going from here by nightfall. Prepare accordingly."
"Still, what about your safety? What are you going to do about them?"
Silence blanketed both the rooms for a few seconds. When it broke, Anya's calm voice rang out clear. Whatever had her agitated mentally seems to have been internally resolved.
"I have to do the only thing that I can. The thing that I am teaching them." A beat, "I need to trust them."
"What do you mean?" peter asked.
"I am going to tell them everything. Especially Jimin. They have always been forthright with me. This problem will not get solved if I try taking decisions by myself. They need to know. They need to be aware to. In that way, them getting triggered will be low."
Anya continued. "Whatever they are classified as, they care about me. as such, if they know, they will help along with it too. Plus, I value their trust too much to keep them in dark."
"That seems like a good idea." Peter approved
"Additionally, if the one type is there, the one I want to know about, his intelligence will definitely be a good aid in the situation."
"What about Taehyung and Jungkook? Will you tell them too?" Peter asked.
"Huh." Anya appeared to consider it, "No, I'll leave them out. I don't think it will be beneficial for them to know. I'll ask the rest about it too. They need to be isolated while I share it."
The sound of a chair moving. They were getting up.
"You want to do it right now?"
"Yes. Told you, we need to go from this place as soon as possible. Not only that, I need to talk to Park too. But I will do that with all of them present."
"Why?" Peter asked.
"Park is the one that tried to wall up this info. He tried to hide it. Now I need him to forget too. I don't want this info to get out to anyone via him."
"Oh, the guard, have you?" Anya asked Peter.
"Don't worry about him."
Their voices were going a little farther away.
Jin pushed everyone back a little and slid the panel closed. Then he led everyone back to the center of the room.
"What is it all about?" Hobi asked
Yoongi's eyes were dark and troubled as he sat on the sofa, legs spread and head rolled back as he answered "We will get to know about it in a few minutes. The main thing was, whatever it might be, she decided to share."
Jin nodded at that. His importance in her life, of him not being in the capacity of a slave in her life, these thoughts were proved beyond a scope of doubt by her actions.
She made him feel that.
No empty words. Her need to share, her trust, these were the things which made Jin fall deeper for her.
Jimin was utterly still. Jin knew he could not go past the scare of Peter asking Master if they should return him. The cobra was still scared.
As possessive as he was, as clingy as he was, that statement had possibly triggered him. Jin knew that no one would be able to pacify him. None except the one he wanted the most.
Right on cue, the door opened.
Anya walked in, her features friendly, her lips tinged lush red with a beautiful smile on them, "Sorry," she said, "that was a bit long, was it not? You guys have probably not had breakfast. Lets order it here, then we will talk."
The door was closed by now, as she came towards them, her coat, still closed.
"I don't want to eat." An emotionless voice stated.
Anya stopped to look at Jimin. His features were blank, guarded as he looked at her, "I would rather talk Master." He said silkily.
Anya did not seem to be much too disturbed by his odd behavior, Jin noted. She shrugged at him and them looked at them, "Do you guys want breakfast?"
Everyone shook their head. Honestly what was going on was much more important than food. And they were habituated of getting one nutrient shake in 2 or 3 days. After the regular food Master had been feeding them with, all were completely fine.
"Okay then. Taehyung Jungkook?"
Both of them snapped at attention, immediately standing up in front of her hastily.
"I need to talk about somethings to the others, please wait for me in the adjacent room, okay? We will be going home by tonight, I just need to finalize some details. Sleep if you want there. I'll come get you soon." Anya gently told them.
She thought they would nod and leave but they did not.
Jungkook kept looking at the floor but she could see his Adam's apple bob up and down repeatedly. He was swallowing hard.
While Taehyung looked at her shoulder, not directly at her face. He was openly swallowing before opening his mouth. He closed it again.
Jungkook quietly reached out to Tae and grasped his arm.
That gave Tae enough courage, as in a soft hesitant voice he said, "We can help too. We can contribute too. We promise not to be quiet." His voice ran dry as he choked a bit. Jungkook came closer to Tae's side which prompted him to speak again, "We can be just like the rest too." He whispered.
Anya heart broke at the implications.
They wanted her approval. They were afraid that she did not like them.
Anya wanted to respond to it. She wanted to keep them here, hold them and assure them, but right now really wasn't the time. This was a serious discussion that she needed to have with the others, and them being here was not a good idea.
She gently reached out to cup Taehyung's face, "I appreciate it Tae, but right now I need you to go to the other room."
Gaze going on the floor, both of them stood up straighter at the rejection. They had used all their courage to speak over her command. Their conditioning still strong, they had still tried.
Nodding frantically, they got till the door, which opened to reveal Peter. As Peter took them to this room, both of them remined quiet.
As soon as they entered the empty room and the door closed behind them, they allowed their tears to roll down heavily from their sorrowful eyes.
Anya looked at the remaining people in the room.
Jin was relaxed back on the wall, Namjoon patiently sitting on the sofa, Hoseok was sitting cross legged on the bed.
They knew that she hated it if they took any posture of servitude of any kind. She never had to tell them that. They just knew.
But 2 hybrids were a different matter.
Yoongi stood in the middle of the room. He waited till Anya saw him. When she did, he smirked at her. Keeping the smile in place, he walked backward towards her bed. As soon as he reached it, with a smile daring her to say anything to him, he lay back on it.
Lying down sideways on her bed, he propped up his head on his hand. He inclined his head, acknowledging her, "Master."
How did i ever think that they could be anything other than Code Red or Black???
Anya smiled indulgently at him, letting him keep that blatant behaviour, and looked towards Jimin.
Looked towards Jimin, and paused.
Jimin stood unnaturally still. His eyes guarded and fixed on her. From where he stood, the light shone a little on the smattering of scales on his neck. His expression however, reminded her of the way he had looked at her the first time she saw him.
Anya truly looked at him. Her most dangerous hybrid till now.
Jimin stood in a manner that was intimidating. No expression of warmth or happiness on him. No angelic smile, no flirting. It made her miss it. Miss that behaviour she was habituated with. Miss the Jimin he was whenever she was with him.
But Anya saw something else too. Something she could NOW easily see.
Jimin was wary. He was afraid.
He was extremely afraid.
His body was still but his toes kept moving. He was portraying a relaxed pose but his shoulders were bunched and coiled. He gave off the aura of being cold but his hands were curled up in fists.
He was keeping himself in place.
He wanted to run to her, but he was afraid of her rejection.
Without any further thoughts, Anya opened her arms and said, "Will I not get a hug?" She said in a gentle voice to the vicious hybrid.
Without the lapse of a single microsecond, Jimin rushed forward to envelop her in a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around her, keeping her close.
She could feel the fine tremors shaking his frame. His desperate clutch on her coat, grasping it and hanging on to it, not wanting to let go.
He stooped lower to hide his face in the crook of her neck, breathing heavily there. He was trying to wrap himself around her while trying to hide himself in her.
Anya held him to her, soothing his back as she murmured, "Sorry Jimin. Really sorry for earlier."
Jimin only snuggled his face in her neck even further, tightening his arms. She felt cool drops of liquid dripping on the skin of her neck.
Her sweet hybrid was crying.
That was the moment when Anya completely relaxed her fears. The moment, she became the person she was before the morning meeting.
The information she had gotten about Codes had made her afraid, not for herself, but for the people she would be putting to risk, and.......
And her hybrids too.
But now, she realized how very useless that emotion was.
Jimin was supposed to be an untamable, ruthless, merciless, unconditioned venomous snake hybrid who was evaluated as Code Unclassified, to be terminated without any question due to his vicious nature.
He was such a savage hybrid.
And here was that hybrid, in her arms, grabbing her to him like a small child who was confused and afraid, crying quietly while hiding his face in her neck.
Unclassified or not, he was her Jimin first.
"Jimin, calm down" she soothed him.
He rubbed his face on her skin, "You wont give me away, right?" He asked in a heartbreaking voice.
Hearing his question, Anya pushed at him, trying to see his face but Jimin protested, clinging to her.
"Look at me." Anya said firmly.
Reluctantly, he let go of his hiding face.
His eyes were swollen and red, his face stained with tears. The tip of his nose had turned red and he was constantly sniffing back his tears loudly.
Her Baby.
"Jimin, even if i wake up in the night someday to find you with a knife above me, i would still not give you away. You are mine. No matter what. You are mine."
Sniffing back some more tears, Loudly, Her snake said in a wobbly voice, "If you give me away, i will run back to you. You wont be able to get rid of me. I will kill them and run back to you."
Said in an adorable way, the threat was capable of sending chills down anyones's spine.
Thankfully, Anya could handle his pouty Hybrid. Reaching up to carefully wipe his eyes and cheeks she said, "Lets not kill anyone yet okay? The point is moot because it will never happen. Let go of that fear Jimin. There may come times in the future where i might be angry at you. But you cant always get afraid of this."
"I wont let you be angry at me. I am your bestest hybrid Master."
Smiling at that, Anya placed a small kiss on his chest.
Turning to the others she said, "Can you all sit on my bed? It would be better for me that way."
"Your bed?" Hoseok asked, just to clarify what he was hearing.
But it seemed only he was the one having such reservations. Jimin ran and jumped on the bed, disrupting the comfortable position Yoongi had carved out for himself, surrounding himself with her pillows. Yoongi grumbled at the disturbance.
Jin simply walked towards the bed, going to the opposite end from Jimin and Yoongi and settling himself in.
Namjoon was on his way there when Hobi had asked the question.
Smiling at him, she looked at the rest.
Hobi laughed at the picture too, going forward to roll himself at the center, resting back on the headrest, while Joon found a good perch on it too.
She stood in front of them and for some reason, she found the whole situation a bit unreal
There were 5 supposed slaves comfortably settled down on her bed, tall and edgy, predators who were savage, looking at her like kids in a classroom while she, a small feminine figure stood addressing them.
Shaking her head at the picture, she got to the matter.
"Ye Jun is my friend and you know that she is a legal officer. When the documents for your purchase were archived, she found some discrepancies there. Discrepancies about your information. That was cleared up because she and some more of my friends flushed out the truth. The information, which was hidden, startled me." she solemnly started.
While everyone seemed to be paying extra attention to her words, Namjoon bit his lips as he wrinkled his brows in realization. He winced a bit and then asked her, "Our Codes? We are not Blue are we?"
Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin appeared jerked at what Joon said as they all looked at the dimpled Wolf hybrid.
"Wha-? Why are you saying that?" Hoseok asked, a bit alarmed.
Still looking at Anya Joon answered, "I suspected it from the start. We did not conform to the essentials of characteristics which comprised of Code Blue. At all. It became more apparent since you have allowed us more freedom, the way our personality changed." He narrowed his eyes at Anya, "Plus, added to that was you getting shocked at the news, shocked enough to act a bit different. Already you know about a Jaguar imprinting, piled on top of which if you get multiple Hybrids with Codes higher than Blue, then that is enough for anyone to crumble."
The others just gaped at Joon, understanding his each and every word. They finally understood the danger she was talking about.
Hobi closed his eyes at the enormity of it. He had long suspected what Joon voiced today, but thought it to be impossible. How and why would they survive being a Higher Code? They were supposed to be killed instantly.
He never really cared about it, but now?
Now when he was owned by a Goddess, who had accepted him being a python, one of the most lethal species of hybrid, allowed him to interact, laugh and be happy with her, had given him a pack, had promised him a home, Now it bothered him.
It agitated him to infinity for the code to be brought up now.
He did not want his Master to have more reasons to fear him or isolate him or worse, dislike him.
Why the fuck was the universe so fucking unfair to him?? What the fuck did he ever do?? Why was the only person who cared for him genuinely, who comforted him, respected him and protected him being burdened with his negative qualities now?? Why did everything go wrong when it finally, FINALLY was clicking in place??
A strange feeling flooded his body as Hobi staggered under the force of it. Only one thing crystallised.
She should not fear him.
She should never be afraid of him.
He could not lose her. At first, even though he had not known what Seokjin was talking about, after meeting her, Hoseok could not let go. He felt too deeply connected.
More than that, he felt panicked. Panicked because it felt like he had waited lifetimes to meet her. Someone as beautiful amd kind as her. He could not let himself be taken away from her.
Cannot let her FEAR me!! No!! NOOOO!!
While the hybrids were still trying to digest what Joon had said, Anya bit back a smile.
So my guess as to which one was the Code Silver was spot on!
"I did not crumble Joonie. This can shake me, but it takes a lot more to make me crumble." She both confirmed what Joon said while assuring him that she was steady still.
"What codes?" Yoongi asked. He was looking down on the bed but his voice was low, urgent.
"Codes Black, Red and one Silver."
"Fuck no!" Jin exclaimed loudly.
Since having seen him, this was the first time Anya saw him this openly disturbed and upset.
"No!" Jin repeated desperately again as he got out of the bed and started pacing the floor.
Jin's head was in chaos. He knew it to be true, but he vehemently did not want it to be. Code Red or Black, did not matter which, were equally hazardous to have. This was not something that should have happened now.
Usually knowing that he was classified this dangerous should have made him a bit relieved, should have made him smile a bit. But all it did was fill him with misery.
He reached out with both of his hands to grasp the back of his head in frustration, tearing a few feathers that were present.
"No." he whispered now as he went down on his knees.
He did not want to be separated from Master, this could not be the reason for her distance. Even if she did not return them, even if she kept them with the same freedom they enjoyed now, there was still a good chance that she would distance herself from them. Both emotionally and physically.
And Jin could not take that. In the span of these many days, he had become so so very greedy for her. He knew he was imprinting too. He could not bear the thought of distance in any form from her.
Anya quietly observed Jin's and Hoseok's obvious agitation. Then she said to them,
"Among the 7 of you, 2 of you are Black, 2 Red, 1 Silver while the remaining 2...."
Hobi and Jimin looked up at her alarmed. The horror of their faces were palpable.
While Joon and Yoongi looked scared. Scared at what they thought she would say.
"Are what Master??" Jin asked, not wanting to believe what she could say.
"Unclassified." Anya said it looking at Jimin.
Jin, Hobi, Joon, Yoongi and Jimin froze where they were. The power of that classification translating to complete Terror in their souls.
They knew the violence and cruel merciless danger that was associated with a Code Unclassified. The level of threat that they possessed to a human. They knew it. And they feared it.
For her.
Such was her effect of them all, that the thing that should make them feel secure as a slave in the human society having the fierce power that they all collectively had, was actually numbing them with dread.
They did not want her to be harmed. Not by them. Not their sweet savior.
"Why did you look at me when you said Unclassified?" Jimin asked in a small tone.
Anya, remained quiet. She knew Jimin had already grasped the meaning. He was just working through it. Processing it. So she let him.
"Master? Why did you look at me?" Jimin looked at her, his voice raised now.
All of them remembered the conversation they had eavesdropped on. The way Peter was concerned about Jimin. Was particularly asking about Jimin.
Joon drew a surprised breath. Jimin was a Unclassified.
"MASTER! I AM NOT AN UNCLASSIFIED!" Jimin shouted in fear at her. He quickly got down from the bed. His face tight with fear, he reached her and hugged her fiercely "I am your sweet hybrid. I am NOT Unclassified. I can NEVER IN MY LIFE harm you. You have gotten the information wrong!"
He screamed like a small child trying to convince someone else of his truth. He held on to her grasping her to him, breathing in her warm scent as he said again, "I will never harm you. I am incapable to do so. Please believe me!"
"Jimin, let go of her." Joon's voice came to them.
"NO! I WONT!! WHY SHOULD I?? I WONT HARM HER!" dam finally breaking, Jimin shouted at Namjoon, tears streaming down his eyes.
Their reactions are interesting. Their response is completely contrary to whatever I had imagined it to be.
The one thing that was becoming glaringly obvious to Anya was, the classifications were heavily biased. Biased and incorrect.
But first, "Jimin, JIMIN." Anya tried to separate herself
"NO! NO! NO!" he was progressing into hysteria.
"Jin." Anya said simply.
In an instant, Jin came forward, lifting Jimin easily.
But as soon as he felt himself being pulled away, he tightened his purchase on her coat and screamed again, "NO! LET GO OF ME!"
"Don't prove the Codes to be true Jimin. Why are you even crying this way?? We are just discussing thing." Anya tried reason with him.
He would not listen. He was fighting Jin now to let loose his grasp.
"Should I let go of you, snake hybrid?" Anya asked, her voice cold.
That pierced through his fog. Jimin went still as he turned his red rimmed eyes at her, his predator gaze suddenly focused on her "I wont let you Master." He replied in an equally cold voice.
Distraction successful, Anya smiled and cupped his face again, "Then why the hysterics? When you know you are not going anywhere? Its okay if you are Code Unclassified. It simply means you need to control yourself more. Be aware of your emotions." She placed a small kiss on the tip of his nose, "It simply mean you need to find a way to reign in your temper. Something we can all work on for years to come, together. Okay?"
Blinking rapidly, a tiny nod was her answer as Jin pulled him away.
"You cannot take off our collars." A dark voice cut in. "I wont let you."
"No." Yoongi's voice was low and quiet. But it had steel running through it. "You wanted to discuss it with us. Here is my take on it. If you are determined for everything to remain this way, the way we are now, when we go home, the collar stays on."
"I agree with it." Hoseok said. "I cant-I c." he swallowed, "I will not be the cause of you pain Master. Its either chains or the collar."
"This the one thing even I have to agree to Master. It is the wisest course for you." Namjoon said gravely.
"Well aren't you all a bunch of martyrs." Anya murmured, mocking them all. "Did not know you loved the chains, gags and collars this much."
"If it equated to your safety, then yes." Hobi snapped.
Raising a brow at him Anya said quietly, "Careful."
At once he mumbles, "Sorry Master. But you have to -"
"Listen. I don't plan on using the collar, so what good will it do? Beside, I truly think, transforming in your other form might actually calm you down." Anya said
"Or make us more wild." Joon countered.
"The point is, we wont know." Anya argued.
"Right, so what if we harm you? You might be able to take it, but we wont." Joon argued back.
Anya sat down on the sofa, looking at them she said something she knew would happen, "You will harm me. Physically. There are bound to be situations where I might get clawed, or bitten or scratched. Or even more. That is what happens if you take a companion who has a side of them as a wild animal. But those things are natural. That should not be the cause of imprisonment for life."
"Why do you think its inevitable?" Jin asked.
"Jin, when you love your dog and stay close to him, playfully he might scratch you. Its just the way it is. If I want to befriend a Black Feathered Eagle, or a Wolf, the price of friendship with such majestic beings does have a side effect of a few scratches."
"But this can be controlled. That is the use of this collar. You don't need to shock us with it. It will just keep us-"
Anya cut Yoongi off, "It will just make all the instincts and emotions clogged up inside, and when triggered, it will burst out, disorienting you, making you unaware of the actions that you do at the time, which may be on the side of dangerous to everyone. Including me and you."
No arguments to it.
"I just don't want you waking up one day with the realization that I am dangerous to be around and then you leave me for it." Hobi admitted in a broken voice.
"Nor do I want you to put us in a different place, still independent and free, to live, away from you." Yoongi whispered. "The way I am, you know my feeling for you Master. I wont be able to live that way, even if I am free."
"All that would do is make us keep attempting to come back. That will surely trigger our base Codes." Jin explained further.
Anya straight out laughed at that. Between peals of laughter she asked, "Are you guys blackmailing me to not send you to live in that imaginary separate house that you guys have deemed would happen?"
She laughed a bit more, amused at the pitiful attempts of their blackmail, their alarmed reactions. The reactions of the fabled Codes.
These were Codes Black and Red?
She looked at Jimin who was looking from his one Hyung to another, pout in his face, his angelic face troubled.
This was an Unclassified?
Forgetting about their base Codes, Anya only observed their personality. The men that they were, their morals, their nature. And right now, there were no chances of that predicted violence. Her hybrids were more focused on her safety than their freedom. They were willing to sacrifice their freedom to keep her from harm. If that did not speak for who they were and how they would behave with her in the future, then nothing else would.
Her laughter eased a bit of the hybrid's worries. As long as their Master had confidence, had a grip over any situation, they felt secured in it. they felt they could all handle it.
"Listen. I know we will all be alright. Judging by what I observed now, you just need to control your tempers. We will work on that. Otherwise, I don't foresee a problem. Depend upon each other, build a trust with each other so that when someone pulls you in from the edge, you will follow him. Look out for each other and have each other's back. If you feel like someone is becoming dangerous, reel them in. Be a pack."
Those words resonated in their heads.
Be a Pack.
Her solution was indeed simple. But effective. From what happened now, each and every hybrid was aware of their reactions. They were afraid to hurt anyone. Which meant that they could act out only in extreme situations.
With the level of trust, they had on each other, they could easily be stopped before the situation got to far. And they would only let each other stop them. And Their Master.
"I gotta make a call." Anya said.
She pulled up her cell to find the number of Adora, one of her core circle of people both in her personal life and her business. She was eccentric and brilliant. Naturally, they both clicked perfectly.
"Calling me in this hour while on vacation can mean only one thing. What do you need?" came Adora's voice from the other side.
Yoongi got up from the bed to stride towards her.
"And good morning to you too Adora." Anya said, her eyes on the Jaguar.
"I am not one for social niceties." Adora scoffed back.
Yoongi came and sat down right beside her. Then he proceeded to lie down with his head on her lap as he stretched out his body on the sofa. He picked up her hand and plopped it on his own forehead. Then closed his eyes and seemingly dozed off. Hee needed her touch to trail off the echos of the ugly panic he had been through.
Raising her brows at his behaviour, giving a rueful shake of her head, she took the clue and softly started to comb her fingers through his silky locks. Yoongi's black tail swayed contentedly.
"I need you to find everything that you can on Code Silver, Red, Black and Unclassified. Everything. From lab reports, incidents, names, places to the first time they were recorded, the original report and the characteristics submitted." Anya was precise with her demands.
On the other end, the sound of typing could be heard.
"You want me to dig deep or do you want me to go dark?" no hesitation or question about her wants. Simple crisp question for the direction.
Her hand still in Yoongi's hair, With his happy chuffs in her ears, she answered Adora. "Go dark. Make sure there is no trace of you. Off the books completely."
"Any boundaries I should leave untouched?"
"No. All you can get. From no matter where."
"Will do. I'll let you know how much time it will take." The line went dead.
Anya looked at Namjoon.
"The kits. Which Code are they?"
"That's the thing. Only Jimin's code is confirmed. Rest all I have no idea about. Speaking of which." Anya quickly pulled up the number of Ye Jun.
A growled protest from her lap.
She had forgotten her petting.
Resuming it again, she talked to Ye Jun, "I need you to do something."
"I have the digital trail recorded. You want the physical documents?" Ye Jun answered.
"Not just that. I need you to find out the original paperwork too. Find the documents without it being blacked out. I need to know which of my hybrids are what Codes."
"It will take some time." Ye Jun warned.
"Let me know if you can get it done. If you cant, then I'll take over."
"Meaning you will hack. Hack into the ministry department of hybrids." Ye Jun said dryly.
"Well. If you can get it done, then me as a civilian, will not be able to do it now, will i? and see? I am letting you know first, even letting you try."
Ye Jun groaned on the other end, "Why am I friends with you?"
"Because you love me." blowing her a kiss, Anya cut the call.
"Okay now, lets call Park in here." Anya told the others.
"He will be here in 5 minutes." Peter Informed Namjoon from the door. Thanking the other man, Joon closed the door again.
He understood his Master's point of view.
Park could easily leak the information about their Codes to others. According to Master, she did not want that information going out yet. Not from him. It would just make different people from this Mansion who were obsessed with them, try to come at her to get them using this as an excuse. She said it would be annoying to field of those flies.
Master wanted them to live and explore a bit before the news got out.
Namjoon looked at her. She was on her phone, still talking to her housekeeper while Yoongi still lounged on her lap, shamelessly hogging her attention.
He really could not blame his Hyung.
After finding out about the Codes, he was afraid that it would be the end of any sort of association his Master had with them. In fact, that fear was still mildly coursing through his body. He too wanted that reassurance, the affection, that Yoongi was enjoying.
"We are still going home with her. Even after this." Hoseok came beside him as he murmured while watching the rest. Jimin and Jin were engaged in a conversation on her bed too.
"I knew it in my bones that we would be returned back when I heard her confirming that our Codes were different." Joon admitted.
"That fear still hasn't left me." Hobi nodded back at him.
"When you experience something good in your life, when every moment makes you happy, its natural to obsess about what might take it all away from you." Joon whispered. "At the first sign of turbulence, I think its natural to react so strongly against it. To vehemently deny the possibility, because the happiness is just too sweet to let go."
"For me this indeed feels like a dream I would give my life to protect. Joon, right from the start, 10 years back, we all knew that me and Jimin would end up in that arena. That we would die there. Nothing meant a damn thing to me when I knew from the start how it would end." Hoseok's voice was low, "Being a python, unconditioned and now a Higher Code, being given a home, a pack, a promise for forever, freedom and a Goddess as my owner? It just gives me so many reasons to kill to protect what I have been gifted. I cant let this go."
"Likewise Hobi. I'd kill to protect all of this too. But the Master that we have? She is someone who would even protect us from ourselves. I don't think we will ever need to be tat violent to kill. Before a situation can reach that level, I bet she would already have it solved." Namjoon said.
"You are no doubt a Silver." Hobi poked Joon's rib with his elbow.
A dimpled smile graced Joon's handsome face, as he looked down at that. He felt the same about his Code.
"She is even going to talk to Park in front of us. The transparency that she commands chases away any doubts that can take root in my psyche." Hobi said while looking at her.
"How did we become so lucky?" Joon questioned, the words, coming from his soul.
Both remained quiet for sometime while they listened to their Master talking in the phone.
"No. no. that would be a bit away. The west wing is appropriate. No the room on the first floor is too small. But there are 8 rooms on the 2nd floor itself. Oh. Oh. Okay then, stretch it to the first floor then. Yes. Okay, so prepare the first three rooms there, while the rest 4 rooms can be the ones adjacent to mine. Okay."
Hobi saw her making plans for them and he still could not believe his luck, "We will be going home tonight Joon. A home. Our home. With different rooms for us all." Hobi felt his eyes getting blurry with tears.
Joon himself reached up to wipe his eyes. he still could not fully believe it. how could he? Living the way he had? "Our home. A proper home to belong Hobi."
A knock interrupted them.
Ending the call, Anya motioned for them to open the door.
"I don't want to see any small sign, any gesture of servitude in any of you in front of him. Understood?" Anya asked firmly.
4 nods were her answer. While the hybrid on her lap, his eyes still closed, smiled coldly.
Joon opened the door to a startled Park, who took a step back in alarm after seeing who had opened the door. Joon kept his eyes on the man while Hoseok said in a icy voice, "Master has been expecting you for quite sometime now."
"I-I am sorry. Some guests caught up to me and would not let go." Park apologized to Hoseok.
Hobi kept staring at him for a few more seconds, making him sweat. Then nodding to Joon, stepped to the side to allow him inside the room.
Park gulped as he entered the room filled with the vicious Hybrids, lounging in different places, while their Master sat regally on the sofa, The Jaguar hybrid, resting on her lap.
"Welcome Mr. Park. I think its high time we have a chat." Anya said, smiling beautifully at the Man already on edge.
Behind them, Peter and Jackson hid their laughter, as they closed the door from outside.
Yoongi, like the cat he was, playfully reached up to fidget with the button keeping her coat closed. He contended himself with that.
"So Mr. Park, from the start, I come here to be insulted, then attacked by one of your staff, about of whom you have not informed me yet as to what actions you took, then having to participate in that boring ceremony, having to deal with the mediocrity of this whole event on top of which now I get to know that you have been lying to me?" Anya drawled at him.
Namjoon came towards Anya to sit down on the floor by her leg, stretching one leg out while bending the other at his knee, casually propping his arm on his knees as he fixed his gaze on Park.
Hobi Jin and Jimin remained behind the man. Their presence scaring Park even more due to their absence from his sight.
"I have never lied to you Anya-shii" he was sweating a bit.
"Really?" Anya smiled at him.
Yoongi casually propped the button of her coat open.
"Then tell me, What are the codes of the hybrids in your sight?" Anya coolly asked him.
Park gulped. Reaching in his trousers for his handkerchief to wipe at his brows, he stalled for time. He opened the top button of his shirt open to ease his suffocation but it did not abate.
"How do you think my brother will respond to if I tell him I was lied too?" Anya asked in a seductive whisper, her voice a little husky.
Her brother was usually the cool one out of them both. But his cold anger was legendary when it came to any wrongdoings against her. Even the Mafia and gangs kept a safe distance.
Park knew he was done for. Not only could he kiss the contract with her brother goodbye, but it would actually be lucky for him if legal complaint was filed against him. He could survive that. He could not survive her brother.
"Please. Please have mercy. I swear to you, it was not intentional." He tried to beg while his legs were shaking.
"Look at his legs Master. That's fascinating." Hobi laughed from behind him.
His voice made Park close his eyes. To be knowing such lethal hybrids freely roaming around him, free to do whatever they wanted, shook him to his core. It felt like being in the forest, surrounded by Tigers and Lions in their territory while their Queen played with her prey.
Anya laughed a little at Hobi's observation. Then leaned forward a bit, not disturbing the relaxed Yoongi and asked, "tell me, why did you not let it be known. Their codes?"
"They were evaluated late. By then they were hugely popular among my clients. They brought in the big bucks and I got greedy. As long as they were kept subjugated, I figured that I did not need to lose my money by making their codes know. It seemed like a good idea then." A frank verbal diarrhea came out of Park's mouth, admitting to his faults, his greed.
"Does it still seem like a good idea?" Jimin whispered in Park's ears, coming close to him to speak directly in his ears, without making a single noise, his voice mockingly amused, dangerously low.
The proximity of him, along with his cold breath, badly startled the man. He shrieked as he fell to his side, crawling backwards, away from Jimin, who only stood in front of him, watching him, with a cruel smile on his lips, his reptilian gaze, fixed.
From the direction of the door, muted laughter reached Anya's ears. She, Joon and Yoongi looked at the door, to find it opened a bit. Shadows crowding outside to look in.
Aah! Sometimes Peter and Jackson could really behave like children!
Glaring at the door, thankfully the laughter stopped. But the door stubbornly, still remained open a bit.
Joon and Yoongi both suppressed their laughter.
On the floor, Park never noticed the slip. He was still terrified and sweating like a pig, "No no. no it was not a good idea. It was a bad idea." He mumbled.
"So you have the common sense of being afraid of an Unclassified after all." Anya murmured at him.
His eyes big as saucers, Park swung his head at her. Understanding that she knew which hybrid was what. Then getting his heartbeat even more accelerated at her complete disregard of the snake's Code.
She had the Unclassified obeying her without any subjugation or conditioning or shock.
She was at a whole different level of being threatening.
If she remained this unafraid, then what would these wild Predators progress to, under her tutelage? Her ownership?
The thought was petrifying.
Anya's phone rang at that instant. she accepted the call, "You will have all information within 8 hours." Adora said and cut the line.
Eyes till on Park, Anya lowered her phone.
"Help him up Jimin." Anya instructed. Jimin reached for the man, who almost cried out.
He stood up hastily on his own and faced her.
Yoongi drew her coat apart a bit, her top coming a little on sight.
Even being in the situation he was in, even being in the clutches of terror as he was in, Park's eyes dipped on her cleavage.
Immediately, a loud hiss and a low growl came from behind him, making him shiver uncontrollably.
The next instant, a large strong hand wrapped itself around his neck, choking him a little as a darkly savage voice growled, "Eyes up." A warning.
Seokjin's threat and his tall, hard frame close behind Park, his ruthless voice, merciless hold and the knowledge of his Code finally broke down the man, whose control over his bladder, slipped.
Anya clenched her jaws, disgusted at the sight. Hating that her space, her room was polluted.
"Control yourself or else I will give you a reason to truly give up your life!" she bit out in anger.
The laughter from the door resumed.
Understanding what had happened, Hoseok, who was still behind Park, broke out in silent laughter, trying hard to control himself. He snatched up a Pillow to mute himself. His whole body shaking with his laugh, he rolled his body on her bed, trying hard, so hard to not make a noise. Triggered by his laughter, Jimin slapped a hand on his mouth, eyes disappearing in a crescent, his frame visibly vibrating as he joined his Hyung in a silent battle against humour. Both of them falling on her bed, trying to remain quiet.
Jin kept his position, but his lips were twitching uncontrollably. He was on the verge of breaking down.
Sigh. These were her dangerous Hybrids. Capable of delivering bone chilling threats. Equally capable in dissolving in fits of laughter the next second.
Park started crying a bit, "Please, please spare me. I will do anything."
Wanting to get him and his disgusting smell out of her room, she said. "Don't let a single soul know about the codes of my hybrids. If I trace back the source of any gossip to you, I will simply hand you over to my hybrids to play with. I am good at making people disappear."
Her threat, which he knew to be the truth, worked effectively on Park. He frantically nodded at her condition, making her worry about his neck.
She continued, "We will leave this place by tonight. I am sick of the commonality and boredom here. Frankly its nauseating."
Another set of vigorous nods, "I will escort you all whenever you command."
"Also." She looked at Park, "Make sure that you hand over that guard, Wilson, to my brother. He was displeased about the attack. If you don't want him to blame you, give him Wilson."
"I will make arrangements to transfer him. Willing or unwilling." No hesitation at selling out his employee.
Anya lounged back and studied him, still playing with Yoongi's hair, she said, "Jennifer and Mrs. Han. All the things that you have on them. Every purchase, every bit of recorded video, all their conversation. I am giving you 2 hours. Hand them all over to me."
"But... if they come to know then....."
"Jin, would you like to play?" Anya asked
"I WILL HAND THEM OVER RIGHT AWAY!" Park shrieked at her.
Someone stop the clowns on my bed and outside my doors from laughing this hard for god's sake!
Her features still composed as if she did not hear the howls of guffawing coming from her doors, she said to Park,
"Don't worry Park. I'll keep the secret of you providing me with their information. Remember, I am sparing you. Keep yourself in my generosity in the future too, otherwise things will not be going good for you."
"Yes! Yes, I will." Park almost sounded relieved.
"Go." Was all that she said.
Park bowed down, then made a dash for the door, throwing it open and barreling straight into Jackson and Peter who were leaning in to see what was going on.
All the three men went sprawling on the ground.
Hefting himself up, Park turned again to bow down to her, then stepped on Jackson to escape the room.
"AWOHH" Jackson shouted.
Clowns. I am surrounded by clowns.
His painful shout made everyone dissolve in laughter. Her hybrids rolling on the ground and on her bed with it.
Peter was sniggering hard at his friend's misfortune. Even Yoongi's Gummy laughter made its appearance, as did Joon's adorable dimples.
Anya sat back, taking it all in.
The happiness, the silliness, the laughter, the atmosphere.
She wanted this to stay. This to be their future.
Pushing Yoongi's head from her lap, she stood up and stretched.
"Call housekeeping to clean this mess up please. Once you are done with your amusement." She smiled at Peter and Jackson.
"That overgrown troll! Do you know how bloody much he weighed?" Jackson moaned.
Shaking her head and laughing along with them, Anya, exited the room to collect her remaining two hybrids. Quiet of not, the picture was weirdly incomplete without their presence.
She wanted to talk to them alone. They had tried to integrate themselves, maybe feeling insecure of her affections. Anya had noticed their attempts at overriding their conditioning to speak with her.
It meant that they truly wanted to remain. They were truly disturbed at not having a bond their Hyung's had with her.
Added to that, Anya did not know how much of her conversation with Jennifer they had heard and misunderstood.
It was high time she talked with them. She wanted to get them ready for her home. In that atmosphere, away from here, she wanted to start afresh with them.
The others had found it easy to distance themselves from the history they had in this Mansion to favour the new reality with her, but Tae and Jungkook had not. Remaining here, they were entrenched in their training. The past and every single human here kept the conditioning in place by the power of their brutal memory.
They needed to get away from here to break free. Knowing that they might be Code Black or Red, it would be easy enough to break the conditioning. Anya looked forward to it.
Then they too would become like the others, laughing at Park for the unfortunate incident he had unwillingly committed.
Still shaking her head at the silly scene, she opened the door to Peter and Jackson's room.
Then stopped in horror at the scene ahead of her.
A muffled sob rising to her throat, Anya felt frozen.
In front of her, both Jungkook and Taehyung were kneeling down, completely nude.
They were on all fours like a dog, with their head pressed on the ground, ass up in the air.
The posture of presenting. The position of a sexual slave. The ultimate position of degradation.
The position of a hybrid being completely open and vulnerable to be exploited in a the most demeaning and ugly way by their Master.
Judging by the shakiness in their legs and hands, the sweat on their backs, they had kept that posture for a long time. Presumably since the time they came here.
They had kept this perfect posture for more than an hour, for her.
They were trying to please her in the only way they knew.
By inviting her to rape them.
A/N : 13.2k.
The update got delayed by a day due to my assignments. Will be updating the next two chapters pretty fast, before I am assigned another assignment.
The hybrids will finally be going home! A lot awaits them there.
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