Chapter 22//Ghost Child
A/N- The song at the top is Levin's music box theme.
~•Aphmau's POV•~
About an hour passed, it was really cold. But that didn't stop me. I wouldn't stop moving until Levin was safe again. The poor thing. I'm sure he's scared and confused at the moment. Maybe I should have brought the music box. No, I can't go back now. I hope he's okay. Sasha is a bad person and I don't want her to do anything to Levin.
Thirty minutes passed, I began to notice something in the distance. It was tall and red.
"Hey, guys, do you see that? Off in the distance?" I asked the guys.
"Wait...Aphmau, you're right! Aaron, is that where we're headed?" Asked Laurance.
"Y-Yes. I think. We'll be there soon. About ten minutes or so." Said Aaron.
As we got closer to the thing, it turned out to be a castle! I gasped and started running.
"Aphmau, wait!!" Yelled Laurance. They ran after me towards the castle. I ran gasp the gates and found my way inside the castle.
"Haha! Guys! I made i— AHH!" I screamed. There was a white flash and I suddenly appeared in a room. "W-WHAT THE—"
"Ehehehehe~! So YoU fInNalLy MaDe It hUh? HaHahA! YoU wErE DumB tO RuN In HeRe aLL By YoURsElF!" A creature said. It looked a lot like a shadow soul.
"W-Who are you? What are you? Where am I?" I asked.
"Ehehe! IvE HeArd AbOuT yOu AnD YoUr FrIenDs! EvErYtHinG I NeEd tO KnOw AboUt YoU. HmmMmmM, I WoNdEr, LeTs tAkE A LoOk IntO ThAt MiND Of YoUrS ANd SeE wHaT yOuR GreAteSt FeAr iS!" He yelled.
"W-WHAT!? H-Hang o—" I began.
But I found myself in Phoenix Drop. But...everything was on fire. No people were there but me. Wait, not just me, Laurance was there too.
"Laurance!" I yelled. He didn't hear me. But soon Zane appeared. Laurance ran up to him and attempted to kill him. But he failed and was stabbed my Zane. "LAURANCE NO!" Tears ran down my face. But in a second I was back in that dark room again. "W-What was that?"
"CaNt TeLl yOu ThAt. HmmMmmm, I SeE mOrE tOyS tO pLaY wItH, LeTs Go AhEaD AnD sEe tHeIR fEaRs!" It said.
There was another flash. Then I found myself in a glass cage above the entrance of the castle.
"Huh? Why am I here?" I asked myself. Then I noticed the guys in the castle. It looked like they were looking for me. "Hey! Guys! I'm up here! Help!" But they didn't hear me.
"Aphmau! Where are you? What happened!?" Laurance asked from below.
"Oh no, this could be bad. We aren't alone. Something is here." Said Garroth.
"Yes! I'm here! Please, see me!" I called out.
"Aphmau!" Yelled Laurance as if he saw me.
"Yeah, I'm here! Can you see me?" I asked. But that wasn't me that they saw. Someone else that looked exactly like me walked down the stairs of the castle.
"There you are! Wait...why are you just standing there?" Asked Garroth. The fake me just smiled at them. And even winked at Laurance. But then Zane appeared! I think he was fake too. At least, I hope. He had his huge black sword in his hand. The fake me looked up at me and...smiled at him? Zane smirked. The fake me was blushing at him. Then Zane held his sword out towards me.
"H-Huh? Zane!? WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" Yelled Laurance. He took a step forward.
"Hang on, something's off." Said Garroth.
" Zane...gonna...." I began. Then the Zane slashed his sword right through me and I died. "W-WHAT!?" There was even blood and everything. Everyone in the room gasped. Tears formed in Garroth and Laurance's eyes. They stood there, shocked.
"ZANE! YOU SON OF A—" Laurance began as he charged at Zane. But his blade went right through Zane and didn't do anything. Instead of Zane dying, the set disappeared in a flash. Then there was crying. The box that I was in broke and I fell to the floor.
"Whoa...what the— What just happened!?" Questioned Laurance.
"H-Huh? Guys! I'm not dead, I'm here!" I shouted. Everyone turned to me.
"Aphmau!" Yelled Laurance. He smiled and ran up to me. He hugged me tight. "I though you died! What happened?" He asked.
"I don't know!" I said.
"Guys, they,...turned into a...ghost kid?" Garroty asked.
"Huh!?" We all asked. Me, Laurance, and Aaron walked up to where Garroth was. He was right. There was a small ghost kid. And he was crying. I walked up to him close.
"Hey, calm down." I paused and knelt down to the kid. I wiped his years away. "What was all that?" Before the ghost kid could answer, someone intrupted.
"WHAT!? YOU! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KILL THEM! AND YOU JUST LET THEM CRUMBLE MY PLAN APART!?" It was Sahsa. She was at the top of the left stairs holding...Levin! And he was crying.
"SAHSA!? LEVIN!" I screamed. I ran up the stairs.
"Ugh, you caught me. But this isn't over, you'll be defeated one day. I'll even promise you that!" She yelled.
"I won't let you get away! Give me Levin at least!" I said.
"Hmph, fine. Well, he isn't yours anymore. I give him to that kid for our deal." She said.
"I. Don't . Care. He's mine!" I yelled. I swooped Levin out of Sasha's arms.
"SASHA!" Yelled Laurance. He ran up to her and tied her arms together from behind. "You're not going anywhere."
"Zane won't be happy with this. He'll get you." She said.
"I don't care. Aaron, make sure she doesn't go anywhere." Said Laurance. Aaron watched over Sasha as I held Levin. I walked back over to the ghost kid.
"I-I'm so sorry! I like to be bad to people to teach them a lesson because it gets lonely here!" He said.
"Shh, it's okay. But please tell me more about this." I said.
"Um, okay. First off, I-I'm Malachi. I am a ghost who lives here. I don't know how long I've been a ghost but it's been many years. And I've lived alone for all of them. I move this castle across the world looking for my parents, but I've had no luck so far. They sent me here to control my 'gift'." He said.
"What gift?" I asked him.
"I have the ability to see people's fears and show it to them. I don't exactly know what it is though. Even when I was alive I could do it. This way, I could see what was important to the person. But I promise I didn't want to hurt anyone! But... when Mr. Thomas saw he could help me....he....accidentally knocked me off the balcony from his frustration. And when I woke up I was like this and...I haven't been able to leave because no one ever came back to get me....WAAAH!" He cried. I tried to calm him down.
"I-I'm so sorry! Don't worry, I'll take care for you. You don't have to live in this castle any longer." I said. The boy smiled.
"W-Would you really do that for me? T-Thank much!" He said. He hugged me tight. "So...can I call you 'mom'?"
"Heh, yes, you may." I said. He smiled brighter. But Levin was still crying. I cradled him.
"Who is that?" Asked Malachi.
"This is Levin. He's my son." I said. He didn't seem to calm down as I cradled him. I sighed and hummed his music box theme.
-Play music box theme (it's at the top)-
He soon smiled and laughed. But then he yawned and fell asleep. He even talked in his sleep.
"B-Brother Malac-chi......momma....Aphmoo...." He said. I giggled. I continued to hum the song as he slept.
Aww! Baby Levin is so cute! Yay! Malachi is in the story now! Also, I found Levin's music box theme. If you go on Aphmau's Twitter account, she gives you the link to the song. But I'll give it to you in the chats. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! ~Kitty
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