WHEN THE CLOCK STRUCK A QUARTER TO 9 - Kai got out some money (to get the guy to talk incase he didn't want to) he had told Ilaria. She protested against it but eventually gave up, they were running out of time and they couldn't be late.
There was a orange glow from the streetlights cast over the station, Ilaria and Kai parked a little further down the street and waited.
"this feels so sketchy" Kai mumbled.
"that's because it is sketchy, you idiot" Ilaria rolled her eyes at him in the dark.
"I kinda like it"
Ilaria shook her head and let out a laugh "same"
"where are our morals" Kai tsked.
They sat in silence for another 20 minutes before Kai perked up and whispered "I think that's our guy"
When they got out of the car Kai tossed his hoodie at Ilaria "you're literally freezing, I told you bring a extra jersey but nooo you're too damn stubborn" he rolled his eyes.
Ilaria glared at him but pulled the hoodie over her head nonetheless. It smelt like him, she loved it. cinnamon and coffee.
The guy whom they later discovered name was Bill was a scrawny looking man, for some reason Ilaria pictured him as bulky.
He had long greasy hair and a permanent scowl, like he simply didn't have time for the world.
Same Ilaria thought to herself.
When they stopped infront of him, he never greeted. Simply pulled out a package to which Kai held out his hand and shook his head.
"we actually don't want that" Kai shrugged and Ilaria held up her phone, a picture of Kenna open "do you know this girl?"
The guy nodded slowly, putting the drugs back in his jersey, he seemed too stunned to complain about them lying to him.
"she's one of the victims of the towns killer" he shook with the cold "innocent looking girl, it's a shame"
"that's not what we're asking" Ilaria glared "has she ever bought from you?"
The guy scratched his chin and shifted from foot to foot, he nodded "as a matter of fact, yes she has. I remember thinking what's a pretty girl like that doing with this type of stuff" he shrugged "but then again you can't put anything past this new generation"
"what's drugs was it?" Kai questioned.
Ilaria shoved her hands in the pockets of his hoodie, suddenly colder than she was before.
"she took anything she could get, really. The guy she was with always bought roofies though, I don't think she knew about that" The guy replied.
Ilaria bit her lip "the guy she was with? What did he look like?"
"certainly older than her, I'd say college. Posch" he nodded to himself "always in some type of bad mood"
Kai nodded "can u describe how he looks? Maybe if he has a scar or something that could help us find him? Do you know his name?"
Bill, clutching his jersey close to his body shook his head "I don't know his name. He is blonde though, very square jaw and he has blue eyes. That's all I can give. Who are you people anyway? Detectives?"
Ilarias eyebrows shot up, certainly he could tell they were too young to be detectives.
Kai smirked "you could say so, thanks for your time" he replied and spun on his heel, Ilaria following close behind.
Ilaria slumped against Kai's bedroom wall, a sort of grieve overtaking her in the absence of hope "we got nothing out of that."
"someone's feeling optimistic tonight" Kai's eyebrows shot up "we have enough for me to narrow down the list of boys to look for in the nearest colleges and that it's a private college, considering he might be rich"
Ilaria chewed on her lips and sighed "I don't know, I can't help but feel like we're moving further away from finding him. Does that make sense?"
The boy shook his head "it's valid that you feel that way but we are getting closer Ilaria. We know things now that we didn't know a few weeks ago. Have some faith in us, okay?" he flashed her a smile and she smiled back not being able to help it.
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, both of their minds racing. When the silence got too unbearable for Ilaria and her thoughts equally so she pushed herself off the wall and grinned "Tangled?" she asked.
"honestly, you know me too well" Kai replied and they both made their way downstairs.
Once the movie ended, Ilaria was surprised that her eyes had not gotten stuck at the back of her head with how much she rolled it. She should've known sooner but Kai could not, for the life of him - shut up when watching a movie.
"You know, now that I think of it Flynn is hella fine for a cartoon" Kai said, tilting his head back against the couch to look at Ilaria.
She slapped her hand over her mouth and laughed "you did not just say that"
Kai shrugged "you're lying if you say you never had a crush on him when you were like 10"
"okay, true." Ilaria laughed "he's like the perfect guy though"
Kai shook his head "now, that would be a lie." he frowned "Lying is a sin by the way. The truth is, I'm the perfect guy"
Ilaria shook her head and shoved popcorn in her mouth "whatever makes you sleep better at night, pretty boy"
He nodded happily as if accomplishing something "see, you already think I'm pretty"
"shut up" she replied and stood up to stretch "I should be heading home"
"rightttt" Kai stood up after her "wouldn't want your mother coming home and you aren't there. What would that say about the type of boy I am?" he shook his head "I have a reputation to uphold you know."
"right, a reputation." Ilaria laughed "dude, no one even knows you I swear -"
"okay now it's your turn to shut up" he narrowed his eyes at her.
By the time they got outside Ilaria's house they had agreed that the next day Ilaria would go back to Kenna's room and Kai would work on finding Kenna's ex boyfriend. Then they'd meet up, discuss what they've found if they find anything and as Kai so happily mentioned buy Chinese because he was craving it.
Ilaria told him he craved things more than a pregnant woman.
"Goodnight, Agent" Kai greeted as she got out.
"Goodnight, pretty boy" she replied "try not driving into a tree on the way back home, you cant die on me now"
He saluted her with a chuckle and she spun around, letting herself relax.
We are getting closer. She repeated Kai's words to herself over and over like a mantra, perhaps if she got it stuck in her brain she would start believing it.
Hey guys! Firstly, I'm so so so sorry for the delay 😭
Exams are giving me major writers block, I know what I want to write but when I start I only get like a few paragraphs and then my mind goes blank.
This chapter is more of a filler chapter since I figured there's been ALOT of very intense things happening and Ilaria and Kai deserve to just have popcorn and watch a Disney movie lmao 😭they're traumatized enough (there's more coming *evil laugh*)
I hope you guys enjoyed this, also what do you guys think of Kai and Ilaria so far? I'm trying not to rush the romance too much.
Don't forget to vote :)) Love you guys!
Also feel free to go back and mention any errors I made since this is mostly skimmed editing on my side
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