I can feel my blood boil. Snarls escape my mouth and echo off the cave walls. I can see Raven's hand closing in tighter and tighter around Blake's neck. There was something satisfying about seeing him in so much pain.
"Do you have anything to say?" I hear Raven ask. Because those will be your last words. I'll make sure of it. I hear Crimson think. For once I agreed with her in this kind os a subject. Raven's hand suddenly squeezes around Blake's neck. He winces but still keeps his eyes locked on Raven's. I see him open his mouth. Was he going to ask for forgiveness or was he going to threaten us? Nope instead he spat on Raven's face. Well now he went and did it. I almost face palmed in my head but I was to angry to do that. I could see something inside Raven snap. She throws his body across the room while letting out a roar that I bet our mothers heard. I hear a grunt as he slides to the floor after hitting the opposite wall from us. I ran up to him punching him... in the face... with my knee.
I feel his nose break and turn to dust. Blake flipped onto his back trying to protect his face. Cradling his nose. I see Raven wipe the spit off of her face and stalk toward Blake. I stepped away. Hey was could I say I wanted to let her have some fun as well. Blake finally picks himself up off the floor He bared his teeth at us. Trying to look and sound threatening but instead I only held down a laugh because of how his face looked with a shattered nose. Raven then punches him in the jaw snapping and dislocating it. He howls in pain. Falling back from the impact his head hits the stone wall.
Blood sneaks its way past his lips making him look even more insane and deadly. Blake closed his eyes for a moment. I glance over at Raven who holds a steady gaze on Blake. When Blake opens his eyes again they are burning brighter than before filled with anger and hurt. I rolled my eyes. I could hear a growl erupt from his throat as he charged at Raven. Raven had plenty of time to react. She spins around bringing a round house kick to Blake's chest. I held my arm out waiting for Blake to fall backwards. I had a smirk on my face as he collided with my arm. He flips over my arm and hit his face on the ground. Raven picks up blake holding his neck in the crook of her arm. Then I did the logical thing. I punched him in the gut. Raven knees him in the side and drops him after hearing something get turned into dust. Blake tried to get off the ground. I rolled my eyes.
"You really need to learn when to give up." I say with a small laugh. I can see Raven give me a deadly grin. Raven spins around giving Blake another kick but to his face. How he was still alive. I don't know. But how is he still moving that is even more confusing.
Once his kick connected with Blake's face he fell to the ground Raven reached down and picks up his body. Wrapping her hand once more around his neck. I could see that most of his energy had left his body but he still had eyes filled with anger. Raven turned her claws inward causing Blake's neck to bleed. Blood covered her fingers and hand. I reach over and rip apart Blake's shoulder. Raven gives me a satisfied grin. I could hear our cheetahs chirp happily. Raven directs her eyes back to Blake. Tilting her head to the side.
"You had better hope you die quickly." I hear her almost whisper between growls. Suddenly I could hear paws against the stone floor. I whipped my head around but I knew who the voices belonged too. My mother was running up to me. Tears in her eyes. I stopped and it felt like all my anger just died inside me. But I could not quite make out what she was saying. Raven did not seem to care less she held her eyes to Blake's. I see May inject something into Ravens neck again and again. But while I'm looking away my mother sticks a needle into my neck. Sleep overwhelms my body and I start to see patches of black in my vision. I fall down to my knees and onto the floor. My mother stoops over me gently stroking my hair. I let my eyes close and see that Raven is no far away from sleep.
"No, Raven please don't tell me you forgot me! Please!" I yell as a dagger is raised to my neck. I am pinned up against a wall and Raven stands in front of me. I don't see any emotion register in her face.
"Please remember me! I'm your cousin!" I yell but all I can see are the dead bodies around me. My brother and the rest of the pack, all dead by one persons hand. I can feel the blade start to cut. Silver pouring into my blood. I let my head drop. What could I do to her? I could never hurt her. She had saved me countless times so now I guess this is how I pay her back. I tilt my head to the side showing my neck even more. This time I would welcome death happily. I take one more look at the world around me before everything goes black.
"Hey, hey you ok?" I hear a voice ask. "We have a survivor! Quick get the pack doctor!" I open my eyes and see that light in shining in through the blood covered windows of the pack house. I push myself up off the floor looking down at my hands I see black lines cover my skin. I wince as pain hits my neck. I remember what happened. I scream and curl up into a little ball rocking myself back and forth. The boy at is next to me looks at me, worried. He places a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, it's ok you are safe now." I feel safe under his gaze and under his touch. I nod but stay curled up. He picks me up and takes me out of the house and past all the dead bodies of my pack. Now I needed to get away. How had she done this? Just one person. Why had she turned into this monster? I relaxed as we drive away form my pack. I look back at the house and see as people start to set it on fire. Tears spring to my eyes. I looked ahead to see a plane waiting for us. I was going to leave this place behind.
I looked at the Alpha. He looked at me.
"I want to forget her. I want to forget my past." I fall to the ground crying. He walked over to me and placed a hand on my back.
"We can make that happen. We can make you forget everything." He says in a soothing voice. Pulling me into a hug I feel my tears stop and I feel happiness and not sadness.
I lay down on a metal table and close my eyes.
"This might hurt a bit but remember this is for the best." I hear Camryn say. I nod and relax. Only a little pain right? I let out a scream as it feels like lightning just struck my head. I continue to scream till finally I faint.
"You won't remember anything." I hear her say as I close my eyes resting my he'd on the table. I would not remember anything.
My eyes snap open. White light blinds my eyes. I hear breathing next to me. Raven is still fast asleep. I rub my hear for a minute before getting off the table. I see a door in the corner of the room. I start to walk towards it. But instead I hit a wall. I let out a yelp of surprise. I follow my hand along the wall looking for an opening. To my horror there is none. I want to yell for help but what good would thank do? As I slowly remember what I did before I blacked out. I fall to the ground holding my head. Why had I done that? I shake myself and slowly walk back over to the small cot that I woke up on. I lay back down and wait for Raven to wake up.
Finally after a few hours I hear her stir next to me though I am staring off into space. She most have seen the door too as I hear her smash into the glass that surrounds us.
"Fuck!" I hear her whisper and almost want to laugh. She traces out the ten by ten prison we where in.
"No, no!" She scream banging on the wall but it hardly does much. Next she ttys punching it that did not do to well either as I hear a crack and her whisper even more curse words. I sigh and push myself up off the cot.
"It's no use, Raven." I tell her reluctantly. She turns around and stares at me. I give her a worried look.
"What do you mean?"She asked walking up to me. I just sighed and stood up walking over to the glass tracing my finger up and down the smooth surface.
"We're trapped."
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