Her Name
Whisp Pov. A month later.
"I'm leaving for a bit. Expect me back in two days." I announce, opening the front door. Dandy bounds up to me.
"Can I come with you?! Please Alpha?!" She gives me the puppy eyes, but I manage to resist. She can't go where I plan to.
"No. I'm sorry Dandy, but I'm going somewhere I need to be alone at." She gives me a dejected look, but cheers up when she sees that Adam is trying the duct tape challenge with Shubbs. We all have YouTube channels now, but my name is temporary. Right now it's 'RolbyGaming'. I'll change it when I get back. I'll change it when I find out my name. I walk out the door, getting in my black Ferrari. It took awhile to save up for this! I check the maps, and look up 'Asgard, Justiceville'. Time to meet my father. After about six hours of driving, I come across the marble building, two guards at the rainbow bridge. I park my car, and try to step in.
"Stop. We can't let you pass." A burly man with dark skin, and brown hair raises his spear to stop me. I don't care, I just walk through the barrier. The spears are crossed, so when I walk in, they both snap. The guards are stunned, but I just continue walking. The blonde woman runs up, and tries to push me back.
"Stop miss! We-" I ignore her futile attempt, and continue to walk. They call security, but when they show up, they can't stop me. I just walk, not even slowed down by the eight people pulling me back. I come across a grand room, and immediately realize that it's the throne room. I step in, seeing the man I can call father. He has blonde hair, broad shoulders, and blue eyes that made me trust him. He's surprised when he sees the ten-ish frantic guards clinging to me. I see him raise his hammer, the mighty Mjolnir.
"Why are you here?!" He asks threateningly. I raise my hands in a peaceful gesture.
"I'm not here to harm anyone. I just want to ask a few questions." I shrug my shoulders, and all the guards topple to the floor. They get up, rubbing wounded heads, shoulders, you name it. When they try again, using their combined weight to try to knock me down, I just stand there.
"Get out of my throne room!" He throws his hammer, but I just sidestep it. It can only be held by the worthy, huh? I hear it whiz by my ear, and fly back to his hand.
"Sorry sir. I just need to ask you one thing. What did you want to name your daughter?" I try to get to the point. His face softens.
"Irene, and I fought over it. I wanted to name her a strong name, Jessica. Irene wanted to name her Aphmau, after the Norse word 'Daybringer'. We never got the chance to decide." His face hardens again. "Why do you want to know?! It's not like it matters anymore! Irene is dead! My poor wife." A tear slips on his cheek, and I feel a bond with him. The first time I've felt like I'm not alone.
"Well, I have come across recent news, that may prove that your daughter wasn't stillborn." He looks at me, in rage, hope, and something I can't describe.
"How dare you get my hopes up! What grounds do you have to do this?!" I feel my temper flare in response, but keep it under control.
"On the grounds that I'm telling the truth. Is it not worth the chance that its true? Would you not want to find your daughter?" He looks enraged.
"Of course it is! It's just that it's impossible! I saw her die! She didn't make a sound when she was born, and as soon as the doctor told us... She's dead!" He seems to be crying a little bit.
"She's not, I'll give evidence." I feel something stir within me when I look at the hammer. I pull on the feeling, letting it flood me. Soon enough, the hammer is in my hand. I feel a huge adrenaline rush, and a power surge. I feel like I can do any thing! After a moment of silence, I collect myself.
"Hello, father. I am Jessica, Aphmau, Odinson, the rightful heir of Asgard." He's in shock.
"H-How?! Jessica!" The guards scatter away, leaving the room. I'm bear hugged by him, and I tentatively hug back. "H-How?!" He asks again. I try to think of the best way to explain this.
"Well for starters, that doctor lied..." After a lot of explaining, questions, and trying to prove I'm not lying by using my powers, he finally believes me.
"S-So he kidnapped my b-baby girl," His voice gradually gets louder. "experimented on her, and is doing that to more children?! I'll kill him!" I rest a steadying hand on his shoulder.
"He's a powerful man. He's got some powers, such as wolverines healing factor...times three hundred. The only downside he has, is that they're artificial powers. They are created by serums, and he can run out of those." I clench my fist. "Or someone could, I don't know, blow up his facilities, slowly cutting off his supply? What do you think I've been doing all these years?" I ask deviously. There's a long night of feasting in Asgard, and drinking. I had my first alcoholic drink there, an 'Asgardian secret recipe, kid' in exact words, but I heard another man refer to it as 'Asgardian Moonshine.' I didn't feel much after, but it burnt down my throat, and made everything I did clumsier. After that I got a really stupid idea. 'How about I challenge the king of all these drunken men, to a drinking contest? Yeah, that'll be smart!'
"H-Hey dad? I challenge you to a drinking contest!" Thor looks surprised, but shakes my outstretched hand.
"You're on sweetie!" The Asgardians gather to see the show. On our thirtieth drink, we both fall face down on the floor, not getting up. My vision is hazy, and I can't walk right, so I just let myself pass out, seeing father do the same. We tied.
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